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Activity on the evaluation of the approaches

Biological Approach Cognitive distortions Social learning theory

Is the theory /
approach scientific?
How is this a strength?
Is the theory /
reductionist? How is
this a strength?
Is the theory /
reductionist? How is
this a weakness?
Are there any practical
applications based on
this theory?
Does this theory
suggest free will or
determinism? How is
this a strength?
Does this theory
suggest free will or
determinism? How is
this a weakness?

If a theory is scientific, then:

• It is objective and not subjective

• We can “see” behaviour
• We can measure behaviour
• We can manipulate behaviour
• We can establish cause and effect
• It has high internal validity ( it measures what they set out to measure)
• It has credibility ( people trust the theory)

If a theory is reductionist, it narrows complex human behaviour down to a single aspect. What is a
strength of this?

If a theory is reductionist, it is not holistic which means other factors of behaviours are ignored.
Why is this a weakness? What other explanations could be given for criminal behaviour that are
ignored by this theory?

If a theory is deterministic, it means that behaviour can be measured and predicted. Why is this a

If a theory is deterministic, it means that behaviour can not be explained by free will. Why is this a

Does the theory have any practical applications? Have any therapies or interventions, scans been
developed as a result of this theory?

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