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July 29, 2022
A State Is a fixed territory including the lakes, sea
(4.4km from the coast) and airspace above the
state that follows all elements of state.
(Government, Territory, Population and
Sovereignty).The state is the most significant of
all social institutions.

ELEMENTS Territory
Territory isn’t just the land the state
Government is a concrete element of
OF occupies but the sea (4.4km from the coast),
rivers, lakes and airspace in the territory of
state we can see it, the government
governs the people who live in the
STATE the state, territory is essential for the state
to exist. Population isn’t enough the state state, it governs to systemalize, change
need territory to house them. Every state and develop the society.
has full control of the resources and natural
goods of their territory.

Population Sovereingty
A state cannot exist without a population, many Is the supreme and uncontrollable power in which a
philosophers but an estimate on an ideal amount state is governed, and in which all political power is
of people, But in today’s context we cannot fix derived. Sovereignty or Independence is the
an number to every country because there are element in which the country can govern itself such
many countries big and small and the estimate is as making and applying laws. There are 3 types of
either too much or too little, The population must sovereignty. internal, external and diplomatic.
be big enough to maintain the political Sovereignty is the most essential element of state,
independence, and small enough to exploit the without it no state can exist
countries natural resources.

States need all 4 elements
to become a independent
state, without one or more
a state cannot fully form

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