Ishwaran The Story Teller: by - Brahmjeet TGT English JNV Shajapur

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By – Brahmjeet
TGT English
JNV Shajapur.
About the writer
• Rasipuram Krishnaswamy Iyer Laxman'' is an
Indian cartoonist, illustrator, and humorist. R.
K. Laxman was born in Mysore. His father was
a headmaster and Laxman was the youngest
of six sons; an older brother is the famous
novelist and Vice-chancellor of MG
University, Kerala, R. K. Narayan.
• Laxman was engrossed by the illustrations in
magazines such as The Strand
Magazine, Punch, Bystander, Wide
World and Tit-Bits, even before he could
read. Soon he was drawing on his own, on the
floors, walls and doors of his house
and doodling caricatures of his teachers at
school; praised by a teacher for his drawing of
a peepal leaf, he began to think of himself as
an artist in the making.
R.K.Laxman as A cartoonist
About the story.

• Mahendra was an supervisor in a firm used to

prepare different construction sites.
• He had an asset in the form of Ishwaran, his cook.
Ishwaran was a skilled coock and a good story teller.
He learnt this story telling art from the Tmil horror
thrilled writers he used to read. His own description
was greatly influenced from Tamil writers. As a fallen
tree for him was a bushy beast----
• He mingled one story into another. So
beautifully that his account became upended
• He explained the story of an tusked ,escaped
from the forest and destroyewd the town as
well as his own school. And how he faced it
bravely only with the help of a tiny scale. He
made the tusker collapsed .
• On one auspicious day he cooked a story of a lady ghost and
a foetus in her hand. Mahendra did not believe on the
account. That night Mahendra heard a noise near his window.
He observed a cloudy form clutches a bundle in her hand. He
sunk into deep depression and resolved
• to go on long leave.Ishwaran laughed
• a grin laugh and asked Mahendra
• about his last night ghostly experience.
•The End.

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