Work Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions

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When your teammate at work is absent, do you take all their

responsibility for that day?
If so, how often?

2. When was the last time you were extremely tired at work?
Work Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Examples
Burn out

 Meaning:
 Example: If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he’ll burn himself out.
Call off

 Meaning:
 Example: They have called off the meeting.
Carry out

 Meaning:
 Example: We need to carry out more research.
Draw up

 Meaning:
 Example: The contract was drawn up last year.
Fill in for

 Meaning:
 Example: Could I fill in for him? he asked.
Hand in

 Meaning:
 Example: You must all hand in your projects by the end of next week.
Knock off


 Example: Let’s knock off for lunch.
Knuckle down

 Meaning:
 Example: I’m going to have to knuckle down to some serious study.
Lay off

 Meaning:
 Example: 200 workers at the factory have been laid off.
Run by

 Meaning:
 Example: You’d better run it by your manager first.
Slack off

 Meaning:
 Example: Workers usually don’t slack off when they are newly hired.
Take on

 Meaning:
 Example: She was taken on as a trainee.
Take over

 Meaning:
 Example: I intend that you shall take over the business.
Work out

 Meaning:
 Example: Things have worked out quite well for us.
 Prepare something in writing, especially an official document
 Be extremely tired
 Cancel
 Do a particular piece of work, research etc.
 Do something with less energy and effort than is usual or necessary
 To develop in a successful way
 Tell someone about an idea or plan so that they can give you their opinion
 Employ someone
 Stop employing someone because there is not enough work for
them to do
 Take control of something
 Give something to a person in authority
 Stop working
 To do somebody’s job for a short time while they are not there

 Start working harder

Talk to your partner and describe the following :

things or situations that you are fed up with.

food or things that you are allergic to.

things or situations that should be against the law in this country from your
personal opinion but they are legal.

when your flight/vacation was cancelled due to any reason.

things or situations you are currently hooked on.

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