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As social media rapidly advanced over the years, scrolling through our

gadgets has become our daily practice, not just for us, the younger generations,

but also for Gen X, and that includes our parents. In today’s advanced world,

parents have also made their way to associate with the internet through their

own social media accounts. But as observed, there are parents who are among

the generation of those who did not grow up with social media and are now

struggling to understand how it works (Kelly, 2021). We all know that the online

environment is not going anywhere, instead, it will continue to grow and is

expected that it will enhance over the few decades as stated by Brenner (2021).

That is why the researchers believe that the only way to help our parents or the

older generations fully understand how social media works is by identifying

what are their struggles with social media in the first place. With that, they can

understand and access social media better.

Social media is present everywhere (Lin et al., 2019). The world is

continuing to develop, and so is social media, there are billions of parents

around the world who have access to it, and this will continue to grow. Parents

in Indonesia stated that they have struggled to understand what their children

are doing with social media (Setyastuti, 2019). The daily contacts of Americans

now mostly take place on social media platforms as well. Americans between

the ages of 35 and 49 were found to spend an hour more each week on social

media than Millennials (Nielsen, 2017). Everybody's life now revolves around

social media. We make use of it to keep in touch with loved ones, stay up to

date on the news, and perhaps most importantly entertain ourselves (Forgeard,


Filipino parents are online as well; they are active social media users as

stated by Nicolas (2015). In fact, Filipinos spend more than 10 hours each day

on social media platforms, they interact with social media multiple times a day,

specifically with Facebook (Licsi, 2022). Especially because of the recent

Covid-19 pandemic, quarantine occurred, Filipino parents were then intrigued

and introduced to different social media platforms. Since the beginning of social

distancing, parents and their children have increased their usage of technology

and social media, on average (Drouin et al., 2020)

Locally, there have been studies about social media usage among the

residents of Panabo City Davao del Norte. One study discussed the behaviors

of Panabo residents in social media marketing (Dagohoy et al., 2021) but we

haven’t found any related studies on the social media struggles of Generation

X parents in particular. As a result, we, the researchers of this study chose to

conduct this study, highlighting the Gen X parents of Panabo City, Davao del

Norte with their struggles on social media.

Although there are many studies conducted on social media usage

among parents, the researchers observed that there are only a few studies

focusing on the struggles of Generation X parents on social media. Thus, the

researchers believe that more studies focusing on the social media struggles

of Generation X parents should be conducted.


The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological research is to

determine the struggles and experiences of Panabo City's Gen X parents in

relation to social media. Knowing that, by identifying their struggles, we can

have an overview of how to help them how to navigate social media better.

Along with that, this study also aims to aware those companies who work

behind the software platforms that there are people who are having a hard time

navigating their created software.


1. What are the experiences of Gen X parents on social media platforms?

2. What coping mechanisms do Gen X parents do when they encounter

problems on social media?

3. What insights do Gen X parents have regarding social media?


Social media has become an important platform for communication,

information sharing, and social interaction. Theoretical frameworks have been

developed to explain how social media works, how it influences people, and

how it is used by individuals and groups (Wills, 2017).

The Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), authored by Albert Bandura,

explains how personal experiences, other people's conduct, and environmental

circumstances affect a person's health habits. Through instilling, expectations,

boosting self-confidence, and using observational learning and other reinforces

to effect behavior change, SCT creates possibilities for social support (Rural

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Toolkit, 2018). The SCT represents

a theoretical framework that may be used in a variety of contexts and groups.

It is widely applied to help treatments that modify behavior. In rural areas, it

could be especially helpful to look at how people interact with their surroundings

(Rural Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Toolkit, 2018).

Social network theory, by William N. Dunn, has made major contributions

to our understanding of human social organization but has found relatively little

application in the field of animal behavior (Krause et al., 2007). A theory that

focuses on people, groups, and organizations, as well as the web of

interpersonal connections that both limits and facilitate human behavior in

various social systems, is referred to as social network theory (Nimmon et al.,


The uses and gratifications theory (UGT), by Elihu Katz and Jay Bumler,

is a method for comprehending why and how individuals actively seek out

particular media to meet particular needs. UGT is a method for comprehending

mass communication that is audience-focused (Wikipedia, 2022). The uses and

gratifications hypothesis is a method for comprehending how and why people

actively seek out particular media to meet particular needs. According to this

hypothesis, individuals actively consume media and are driven to choose

particular media in order to satisfy particular requirements (Sridharan, 2022).

A theory posed by Karl Mannheim in 1928, The Generational Theory. It

claims that a 'generation' defines a group of people who share a history and a

set of experiences that have shaped their formative life, rather than a group of

people classified by a defined year of birth. Paul Redmond (2008) then further

explains the theory, that generations differ in many things including how they

do their daily activities. According to Mannheim (1928), people are greatly

influenced by their youth's socio-historical context, giving rise to social classes

based on shared experience, which in turn influences matters that shape the

following generations.

Davis and Francis (2023) lately discussed that Generational Theory

considers variations between generations. Along with their information, they

mentioned the Generation Gap. A generation gap is a gap that exists between

the views and actions of individuals of two different generations. In particular, it

can be used to explain the contrasts in beliefs, activities, and tastes displayed

by younger generations contrary to the older generations (Hayes et al., 2022).

It is also said that the word “Generation Gap” was first used in the 1960s

referring to those individuals who were born between 1946 and 1964 growing

apart from their differences in their beliefs and opinions from their parents.

The different generations are already living in completely different online

worlds, with potentially negative effects for social separation, and political

disengagement (Culley, 2021). In relation to this research, the author Moore

(2020) stated that Social Media is creating or opening a Generation Gap

between Gen Z (Born between 1997-2012) and the older generations

(Millennials, Gen Y, Gen X, etc.). Lately, the younger generations tend to

disapprove of the practices of the older generation on social media like;

Sharenting, use of emojis, etc. The author also stated that the younger

generations are aware of the privacy and safety guidelines that some parents

are not aware of. Along with that the author also stated a difference between

the younger and older generations’ preferences; teenagers nowadays, prefer

light filters in their photos while some parents or the older generations prefer

heavy filters. Particularly, the young generations disapprove of how the older

generations share personal information about them, and sometimes including

their family, on social media in exchange for likes or clout.


This Phenomenological Research aims to broaden the knowledge of parental

struggles towards the advanced and arduous terms of Social Media platforms,

mostly Facebook. This study will benefit to the following:

The Parents, this Research will help them have deep and immense

knowledge of issues, dilemmas, and misconceptions about social media. This

research will be beneficial to parents who experience the same experiences

they had or encountered when they are using Social Media.

This Research will so help Social Media Companies identify the

dilemmas on their platforms, this research will provide them with the information

they specify to know in order for their created software to be understandable to

those who are aged 43-58 years old.

Lastly, to the Future Researchers. This Research will help future

researchers on identifying their citations and ethical statements that have the

same topic as our research does. Future researchers will have a wide range of

topics and trends to explore, given the enormous impact that social media has

on our lives and society as a whole. And with this study, more future

researchers’ minds will be opened to curiosity as to why parents struggle to

operate social media.


Connecting the Unconnected - The researchers utilized this concept to

pursue social media literacy among parents who experience trouble in

navigating social media platforms.

Social media - According to Dollarhide (2021), social media is an internet-

based technology that allows people to share ideas, opinions, and information

by forming virtual networks and communities.

Generation X - The generation that was born between the middle of the 1960s

and the beginning of the 1980s is known as Generation X, or Gen X (Kagan,

2022). In this research, this term specifically refers to those parents who are

between the ages of 43 to 58 years old and who cannot operate social media

platforms very well.


With this purpose in mind, various delimitations are set to specify the

scope of this research work. The central goal of this study is to comprehend the

fact that there is a specific generation of parents who are struggling to relate or

connect with the social media environment. Specifically, it highlights the

struggles and experiences in social media of Generation X parents from

Panabo City, Davao del Norte. This study does not address any criticism

towards parents who cannot navigate social media properly, comparatively, it

focuses on the life of those parents who experience troubles in navigating social

media in a digitally active era. And lastly, this study will also be considering the

availability of the chosen participants.



This chapter of the research paper covers the concepts, completed

thesis, generalizations, and conclusions provided by previous studies on the

struggles and experiences of Gen X parents on social media. The context of

this chapter will give readers an in-depth understanding of the said topic since

this chapter also includes related subjects.

Struggles and Experiences on Social Media

A study by Pilette (2021) stated that those who belong to Generation X

are referred to as Digital Immigrants, including the Baby boomers (Born

between 1946-1964). Digital Immigrants are those generations who were born

before the abundance of technology and social media arose. The study

continued that the Digital Immigrants had to learn how to utilize the early

generations of technology and that they are typically slow in trying to

understand how the internet works and how to operate advanced devices.

Melendi (2020), supported that, Generation X has a mixed relationship

with technology and the digital environment. Because they spent their childhood

witnessing new technologies gradually advancing over the years, but they still

had to learn how to use them much later in the future. The author also stated

that although Gen X had to learn how to use different devices and how to

navigate social media, most of them now have their own smartphones and

social media accounts. However, they tend to use the same platforms that they

are familiar with rather than engage with new platforms that come arise.

Duggan et al. (2015)’s report stated that the earlier generation of parents

did not experience the same rate of technological advancement as the younger

generations did. Many of the earlier generation parents still appear to have

trouble adjusting to the new online environment (Why Don’t Parents Take Time

to Understand Social Media, 2015). As mentioned by Hill (2017)’s study,

because of the fast developments in technology, parents frequently fall behind

their children when it comes to understanding social media. This report

continued that parents had experiences with educational and informational

usage, as well as monitoring and setting limitations on the media, while other

parents explained how they utilize the media as research material in order to

better convey educational concepts to their children.

Lim and Wang (2021) also stated that from the early stages of online

platforms, parents, typically mothers, have found extra support and comfort on

parenting websites, internet forums, and recent parenting advice on social

media platforms. Hill (2017) supported that most younger parents who are the

ones with better knowledge of social media tend to be the ones who encounter

parenting advice while the older generation parents are the ones who have less

knowledge about it.

Sweney (2018) found that the social media platform, Facebook, is

commonly used by parents who are aged 55 and above, more than teenagers.

This information continued that the amount of Facebook’s young users is slowly

decreasing and that more and more older generations are taking over the

population of Facebook. The study says that teens and younger adults are now

slowly leaving Mark Zuckerberg's social networking website. McCarthy (2019)

supports this, saying that when Snapchat and Instagram came out, both the

new platforms were more attractive in the eyes of the younger generations.

Thus, leaving Facebook as “Social Media’s retirement home”. Daly (2022) later

explained that Facebook is now “officially” for old people to use while teenagers

are now using the latest social media platforms.

Duggan et al. (2015)’s study continued that overall, parents who use

Facebook are equally inclined to share, post, or comment on the platform.

Mothers, on the other hand, are more active to do so on a regular basis. The

research also stated that parents who use social media said they do it to seek

support from their friends and gather information. Compared to the younger

generations, parents on Facebook commonly have less amount of Facebook

friends. Based on the study, parents on Facebook often have a median of 150

friends and among those 150 friends on Facebook, most of the parents stated

that only 50 of their online friends they consider their “real friends”.

Duggan et al. (2015) reported that Mothers and Fathers differ in their

usage of social media platforms. According to their report, mothers are

commonly the ones who scroll through social media, and they are more likely

to join the popular social media trends, unlike fathers.

A practice that most parents usually do on their social media accounts is

Sharenting, the sharing of any information regarding their child (Marasli et al.,

2016), especially, those parents who are active social media users. Auxier et

al. (2020) further explains, that the habit of parents uploading and sharing

images and other information about their children on social media, is often

known as "sharenting,". They would share any information about their child;

From their baby’s first tooth to their first day of school (The Mobile State of

Parenthood, 2016). Apparently, Duggan et al. (2015) discovered that parents

are not that concerned about sharing their children’s information and they don’t

often feel uncomfortable about sharing theirs. Then stated that some teenagers

whose parents overshare said that it is pointless to share their information and

that their parents are doing it out of selfish motives. Adolescents often regarded

sharenting negatively, considering it unnecessary or irritating. Kotala (2022)’s

study showed that parents who often share information about their children on

social media platforms tend to be confident with their parenting styles. And

along with that information, the study also supported that parents who regularly

share posts on social media raise privacy and safety concerns and that the

parents don’t seem to be bothered by sharing too much of their children’s life


A study by the author, Houfer (2021), explained that the difference

between the younger generation and the older generation’s usage of social

media depends on how they choose to use it. Although the number of older

people using social media has grown over time, younger users continue to

outnumber older users on social media. The author continued that it’s because

the younger generations spend more time on social media than the older


Many parents, specifically from earlier generations, do not understand

internet slang according to Heaney (2017). Then continued that young people

who grew up with technology naturally discover new languages from social

media, but most parents are unsure of what they are saying making them

concerned about what their children are dealing with. According to Hess (2015),

parents are highly curious about what their children are saying on social media

and they can simply just google it. But the information continued that adolescent

slang has evolved a highly sophisticated defensive mechanism against the

google search engine.

Barrie (2017) then supported that social media has become a huge part

of the younger generations’ lives and that the older generations and parents

are finding it difficult to understand the online languages. In the early 2010s,

strange forms of languages formed through the social media platform, Tumblr

(Weinberg, 2019). A report by Smith (2016) explains that emojis are small

digital symbols or icons that are used to express one’s feelings or ideas. But for

teenagers, emojis are a whole language to them. Bennet (2015) shares that

emojis are the latest technology trend that parents can use or relate to. Parents

love using emojis, but they don’t quite get it right (Frisbie, 2018). Weinberg

(2019) then explained that the reason why parents don’t usually understand the

meaning of the emoji is that they didn’t grow up taking irony nor sarcasm as a

joke. They often transmit the emojis used by teenagers in a serious or literal


First, the older generation of parents invaded the social media platform,

Facebook. Now they’re coming for Snapchat, stated Heath (2016). The author

continued by saying that, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook declared in

the year 2013 that his social media platform (Facebook) was slowly being

abandoned by teenagers and that parents from the older generations were

taking over. And when the parents did take over Facebook, they are now slowly

working their way into another social media platform, Snapchat.

Nations (2021) defined Facebook as a social networking website where

users can post, comment, share other people’s posts, and etc. This platform

was introduced to us in 2004 and has grown popular among social media users

in rapid state. Now, another social media platform arose and has made its way

to the top most used platform, Snapchat. According to Tillman (2023), Snapchat

was initially a messaging, and video chatting platform that was primarily a digital

communication app. Then, the programmers of the platform included different

features in the app which made it distinct from the other social media apps.

That was when Filters and AR-based lenses were added as a feature update

in the platform. He continued that Snapchat went from a communication-based

app to a filtered lenses-based app really quickly.

Perspectives on Social Media

Pearson (2020) states that parents’ perspective refers to a parents’ full

awareness and dedication to their children’s state, whether it’s their mental or

physical health. According to a recent study, a parental perspective is the

involvement of one parent in their child’s every aspect of life. It is also referred

to as a parent’s full responsibility and concern in recognizing their child’s

thoughts, including their behaviors.

An author of a recent study regarding how parents feel about the

internet, Koebert (2022) stated that with easy access to social media, parents

have various expectations about their encounters and use of social media.

Because most social media platforms emerged in the early to mid-2000s, most

parents watched the development and evolution of social media. This implies

they've had enough time to form ideas on social media as it applies to them and

their family and friends. He continued that even though social media was

around during some parents' formative years, several parents stated that they

were glad that social media was not present in their childhood.

Hill (2017) found that parents have a range of experiences in navigating

the complexities of parenting and technology. Many participants of her study

said that because of the internet, their children could easily access educational

content on social media platforms. Other parents provided their thoughts that

social media helped their children could easily connect with the world. They

also stated that their children’s usage of social media should only limit for school

projects and homework only.

The article by Gelles-Watnick (2022) says that social media has allowed

us to easily gather information from different platforms and different sources,

but some say that social media has introduced a lot of inappropriate content

much easier to access. Most studies, when it comes to social media

perceptions commonly show the negative sides and effects of social media

(Odgers & Jensen, 2020). Lurie (2020) pointed out that parents’ main concern

when it comes to social media is, its effects on their children. They believe that

social media affects their peers’ ability to socialize, and some parents consider

social media as a bad influence or unhealthy for their children.

Auxier et al. (2020)’s study then supported, that there are parents who

think parenting is much harder in today’s generation than in past years. They

believe it is because children of a young age nowadays, are now exposed to

technology which also exposes them to a lot of access to much information that

makes parenting harder. Thus. The parents believe the internet is inappropriate

material that young children can access. The study continued, although parents

are concerned about the media’s impact among their children, a large number

of parents themselves reported that they do get distracted by their phones as


Gelles-Watnick (2020)’s article continues that the perceptions or main

concerns of parents regarding social media may sometimes vary by race or by

ethnicity. Hispanic parents are usually concerned about their children’s

excessive use of social media can lead to sharing too much information online.

On the other hand, Black parents tend to be concerned about their children

experiencing cyberbullies, which then leads to anxiety or depression, exposure

to sensitive or inappropriate content, or lower self-esteem. The article

concluded that although the parents have varying concerns, they share quite

similar reasons. That parents are worried about how social media can lead to

negative effects, distractions, and pressure on their children.

Perceptions of parents on their children's usage of social media may

range from permissive to restricted, as stated by Mira (2017). Some parents

may see social media as an essential component of their children's social life,

but others may be more concerned about the risks and downsides of social

media. The authors Frey et al. (2022), stated that some parents see social

media as a source of information platform. Social media has allowed parents to

access more information that also includes health tips or online health

diagnoses. They continued that parents have been using social media to search

for medical assistance when they or their children experience some health

problems. Because of that, access to actual healthcare and the use of

treatments with a proper medical diagnosis from a professional is delayed and

this can lead to harmful effects, as said by the authors.

Baar (2022)’s study explains that social media is becoming less ‘Social’

and becoming more ‘Media’. “In an age where we are becoming more

connected through social media every day, it sometimes feels like we are also

becoming less social” (Rose, 2019). Along with that quote, Rose (2019)

believes that social media is associated with social isolation. In his study, he

found that past studies were conducted on individuals if they become more

social or not. According to his findings, there were individuals who neglected

the people around them, declining their social life which then increased their

depression and loneliness.

Although there are many perceptions of social media, they can either be

bad or good. A study by Rife (2022) argues that social media have countless

reasons why it can harm a person’s life. She stated, that social media can

reduce a person’s social interaction. When spending most of their time scrolling

through social media, they are forgetting the people around them which leads

to less quality time with those people. Not only that but it can also lead to fewer

friends who can be physically present around them. The author states that the

presence of an online companion compared to being physically present gives

a totally different level of comfort.

Another reason why Rife (2022) believes social media has negative

effects is that it can distract us from life goals. Because of social media’s

accessibility, many tend to forget or neglect their life goals since it’s so easy to

get addicted to scrolling through social media, she stated. When aiming to

achieve a certain goal, the author believes it needs to take a lot of motivation

and hard work. According to her statement, social media allows us to use it

anytime, anywhere which then distracts us from the important things in life,

making us feel like we don’t need to work hard. Supporting Rife (2022)’s study

is Koessmeier and Büttner (2021)’s. They stated that social media is a major

source of distraction, preventing users to fulfill certain tasks they need to finish.

However, according to the authors, there is still little to no further explanation

as to why users get easily tempted by social media.

Rife (2022) continues, social media can lead to higher risks of

depression. It has been claimed that those negative emotions and signs of

depression have been triggered by constant social comparisons and a lack of

social connection as caused by spending a great period scrolling on social

media. Cronkleton (2022) accords with the study, saying that excessive use of

social media can expose users to content that can associate with certain mental

health conditions, including depression. Some causes of depression she stated

include: Sleep deprivation, Loneliness, Anxiety, etc. She believes that those

effects of social media can lead to depression.

Social media can numb the users’ creativity or their talent, as stated by

Rife (2022). Surfing on social media platforms has the same numbing effect on

the mind as just watching television, she stated. A person’s mind or talent needs

to be nurtured to enable it to grow and enhance (Fran, 2022). Rife (2022)

continues that social media takes away a person’s focus since it makes their

minds relax. Thus, making social media a distraction to a person’s own


Another concern by Rife (2022) is encountering cyberbullies on social

media. She says that people on social media platforms tend to always say

things they don’t usually say in real life because they feel more comfortable

saying them online. Some people would be using social media to say harsh

words about someone. Along with the information, parents then tend to think

social media is negative because of online bullies or cyberbullies.

In social media, there are a lot of cases where users compare

themselves to others (Rife, 2022). Many tend to experience those cases which

then lowers their self-esteem. According to Auld (2019), social media can

trigger someone’s self-esteem and, later on, doubt themselves. The author

continued, a person’s mind is very sensitive and that every little thing we see

on social media can have a great impact on our minds and the way we feel.

She also highlighted that content we see on social media that are toxic can lead

to bad behavior from the users.

Sunter (2021) states that social media can affect one’s sleep schedule.

In the study, it also shows that people, specifically the younger generation

would always stay up late browsing through social media. Rife (2022) further

supported that the light coming from a person’s mobile cellphone tricks their

mind into thinking it is not time to sleep yet. She also stated that adults, including

parents, tend to browse social media immediately after they come home from

work until they lose track of their time, thus, lose their time to sleep as well.

Lastly, Rife (2022) sees social media as a way to let someone encounter

our personal data or information. She believes social media invades a person’s

privacy since it usually asks for our personal information when creating an

account. Himangi et al. (2021) social media invades the user’s privacy. The

authors found that social media does a certain way to collect data and it is called

“Data Scrapping”. Where the program tracks the user’s activities online,

eventually harvesting the personal matters that the user does. She also

included that this is the process that most advertising companies do. According

to Beer (2019), marketing advertisements in social media have been targeting

older generations, for the past few years now.

In an article by Valente (2019), Parents play an important role as the

target audience for most marketing industries. The authors Blumberg and List

(2021), claim that children are also being targeted by digital advertisers.

According to them, parents should monitor their children’s consumption in order

to protect them from harmful advertisement content that might suddenly pop


Now in contrast with those negative perspectives on social media,

Cronkleton (2022) stated the positive effects of social media. She stated social

media platforms give us a lot of benefits, allowing us to share and gather

information and communicate. Social media offers a lot of engagement, social

connection, and even support from other users. Through social media, users

are able to express themselves and build relationships with other people. This

information is later on supported by Parrack (2022), who provided in his study

some reasons why he believes social media has a positive effect on its users.

Through social media, it is much easier to make friends, according to

Parrack (2022). Because of the rise of technology, smartphones, and social

media platforms became a thing that helped users find a way to connect with

people and start a whole friendship. According to Jarai (2022), social media can

help boost connectivity, and it also improves communication. Later supported

by Lenhart (2015), social media plays an important role in connecting people to

others, allowing them to learn more about each other and get to know them

better. Clark (2022) also noted in her study that social media enables its users

to find and connect with other users with whom they share the same interests.

Moore (2020) also stated that social media brings people from around the world

together. She mentioned social media has given us many ways to connect with

others, especially, when the same hobbies or interests are shared, then strong

bonds are built.

Clark (2022) continued that social media is also a source of knowledge

and learning. Tobin (2019) also agrees that social media helps in education and

that social media needs to be acknowledged as somewhere people can learn.

The information further explained that with the use of social media, people are

exposed to much useful information from the platforms. Social media aids in

education that expand our point of view on different matters (Sharna, 2023).

Nowadays, people tend to scroll through their social media feeds to find new

sources of information or to find any news Vorhaus (2020) also mentioned.

The author Patel (2019) also listed different reasons why he claims

social media has a positive effect on its users. His given information resumed

that social media has various positive effects on health care, business,

education, and society. He explained further that through social media, users

can have an online consultation with a professional doctor, anytime and

anywhere. Along with that, he also mentioned that social media can help

promote one’s business on online platforms. And when it comes to education

and society, social media helps users socialize much easier.

Social media also offers kindness and empathy, as reported by Clark

(2022). Social media is not all negative instead, there are people who actually

care about other users. The author continued that in social media, there are

people who utilize it to raise their voices about a certain concern to bring

awareness about the subject. Social media is a powerful medium to share our

concerns and it has the most impact on the users to also come out and share

their other concerns.

Of course, social media is not all about serious information that’s all

about positive or negative issues. According to Clark (2022), social media is the

primary source of entertainment. This includes songs from famous artists,

videos, games, and even movies or series. The author concluded that social

media has both negative and positive aspects, social media has improved the

way individuals do certain tasks. Though social media has negative sides, there

are many positive influences as well. To be precise, social media’s effects all

depend on how it is used. She reminded that social media should be used in

the right way so that negative perceptions about social media can be avoided.

Muir (2017) also supported the conclusion that social media is a

beneficial modern technology that has opened up paths and possibilities that

were unthinkable only two decades ago. It may be incredibly useful and

beneficial to society when combined with other kinds of communication, such

as face-to-face. However, it cannot be used as an alternative. When we place

too much attention on social media, our relationships are affected, we are less

happy, and we expose ourselves to unwanted potential dangers.



In this chapter, the researchers describe the substantial processes done

in order to answer the research questions and achieve the goals of this study.


This study is a Phenomenological design under a qualitative approach

wherein the researchers used the live experiences of the participants as a basis

for gathering the necessary data needed to accomplish the study.

According to Polit and Beck (2008), qualitative research utilizes

naturalistic methods of inquiry that are concerned with the issue of human

complexity. John Cresswell (2014) further explains that the qualitative research

approach uses broad and general open-ended questions and utilizes inductive

reasoning. The data that are being collected in this approach are in the form of

words and are analyzed by the researchers for description and themes. The

final report that is formulated from the data has a flexible structure.

Phenomenology is one of the qualitative research designs that came

from Philosophy and Psychology. In this research design, the researchers

described the lived experiences of their participants regarding a specific

phenomenon. Phenomenology utilizes interviews that are necessary in order to

gather essential data (Giorgi, 2009; Moustakas, 1994).

This study, entitled “Connecting the Unconnected: A Study of the

Struggles and Experiences of Gen X Parents on Social Media”, uses

phenomenological research design since it focuses on the life experiences of

Gen X Parents, those who are aged 43 to 58 years old, who lives in Panabo

City, Davao Del Norte. It is the most appropriate design because this study aims

to understand the significance and meaning of human experiences (Cresswell,



In qualitative research, the “researcher is the instrument” as Patton

(2002) says. The role of a researcher in qualitative research is to aim to

understand the study's participants' thoughts and feelings. This is a difficult

undertaking since it requires individuals to talk about things that are highly

personal to them (Sutton & Austin, 2015). According to Bhandari (2020), the

primary role of a qualitative researcher is to analyze and interpret the data from

their research participants. Therefore, in this phenomenological study, the

researchers will discuss the rationale of their research by interviewing Gen X

Parents from Panabo City in order to identify and explore the aspects of their

lifestyle and how they overcome the challenges they experienced in the social

media environment. In this way, the data gathered are their basis and the

instrument to answer the research questions. Also, the researchers ensure the

consent and privacy of the participants and adequately inform them of their

participation and role in the study. Lastly, the researchers reviewed and

interpreted the data gathered from the interview to accomplish the study


According to Cresswell (1998), in the Phenomenological research

design, the participants must be 5 to 25. For this Phenomenological study, the

researchers selected 10 Generation X Parents from Panabo City to be the

participants of this study.

The participants are selected through a snowball sampling to ensure that

the necessary information that the researchers will need will be provided

accordingly. The researchers decided to use the snowball sampling method

since it helps gather participants much more quicker (Bhat, 2018). The

researchers only utilized 10 participants since the researchers are concerned

with the availability of the participants.

Since the researchers utilized snowball sampling, the criteria for

selection will be as follows: (a) The participants must be part of Generation X

parents, those who are aged 43-58 years old; (b) they must be a resident of

Panabo City, Davao del Norte; (c) They must have experienced some struggles

or concerns on social media; and (d) They should be willing to participate in this

phenomenological research. These criteria are necessary to consider ensuring

that all the questions that are asked during the interview are answered.


The data will be collected through in-depth interviews (IDI). Stein (2017)

supported that in-depth interviews are enough for qualitative research. While

Boyce, and Neal (2006), also suggested that focus groups should be

substituted with in-depth interviews if it is possible that the potential participants

will not be included or will not be comfortable speaking candidly in a group or if

you want to identify between individuals (as opposed to group) opinions

regarding the program. Krueger (1994) stated that 5 participants are already

appropriate for an in-depth interview and according to Taylor (2020), an in-

depth interview should last anywhere between 45 to 60 minutes. In this study,

10 participants will be interviewed in IDI and the interview might take less than

the suggested time duration depending if the participants completely shared

their thoughts ahead of time. Before the data collection, the researchers

searched for volunteers who are qualified to participate. The researchers are

aware of the importance of taking steps in the data collection, thus the following

steps were followed:

First, the assigned researcher will contact the target participants by

sending a private message or call.

Second, the researchers will introduce the topic of the study and explain

the objectives and importance of the interview to be conducted. The

researchers will also explain the methods to be done. Then, the researchers

will read the informed consent and ask the participants if they are willing to

participate in the study.

Third, the researchers and the participants will set a specific date and

time for the interview.

Fourth, on the day of the interview, the researchers will send a text

message to the participants if the researchers can already approach them to

start the interview. During the interview, one of the researchers will ask the

questions while the others utilize the voice recorder app in order to have a

backup and a comparable source of data.

Fifth, the data received from the recording will be reviewed and saved.

The written data are backed up using a word processing program to be able to

save and provide information to be used for the study.


The data that are gathered from the interviews are reviewed individually

in order to ensure that no data is left out or misinterpreted. After the review of

data, it is then duplicated for the members. This is to guarantee that the data is

corrected and right. After re-checking, it is transcribed and translated.

For analysis, the documents are analyzed using the Thematic analysis

for the purpose of the topic of the study, which is about the struggles and

experiences of Gen X Parents in Panabo City. Aside from analysis, the

documents will also be reviewed to state the ideas given by the participants.

The given ideas are explained and relevant citations are taken from the data to

support the participants' ideas and themes.


According to Veal (2011), Bryman (2012), and Loh (2013),

trustworthiness has four different components, namely, credibility which is the

validity of the findings, transferability which is the applicability of the findings in

other contexts, dependability which is the reliability of the findings, and

conformability which is the objectivity of the researcher while carrying out the

study. These four components together form part of the trustworthiness criteria

which provides a conventional standard for qualitative methodology.

Credibility. The researchers want their study to be as precise and

straightforward. They also want to ensure that the data collection was doing

what it was intended to. The input and effort were made to be as reliable as it

can possibly be. As written by Johnson et al. (2020), to demonstrate one’s

credibility of their research, the reports or the information in the study must be

deeply rooted in honesty.

Transferability. External validity “is concerned with the extent to which

the findings of one study can be applied to other situations” (Merriam-Webster

Dictionary). Transferability is the degree to which the findings of this inquiry can

apply or transfer beyond the bounds of the project (Lincoln & Guba, 1985); it is

the process of generalizing the research and then transferring the results or

context that the researcher provided in the study. If any other study is related,

it can be used to relate the findings of the other researchers to make their own

positions. Lincoln and Guba (1985) present and suggest that it is the

responsibility of the researcher to ensure the contextual information of the study

to enable the reader to make such a transfer. It is also important for the reader

to determine where the information in the study is based in order to ensure its

legitimacy. The carried out context and results of the study must be understood

to know if the assessed information is realistic and legitimate. Also,

transferability is the process of knowing the validity of the research, if the

findings from the researchers are trustworthy.

Confirmability. The concept of confirmability is the qualitative

investigator’s comparable concern to objectivity. Here steps must be taken to

help ensure as far as possible that the work’s findings are the result of the

experiences and ideas of the informants. The role of triangulation in promoting

such confirmability must be emphasized to reduce the effect of investigators

bias. Miles and Huberman (1994) consider confirmability is to which the

researcher admits his or her own predispositions. To this end, beliefs

underpinning decisions made and methods adopted should be acknowledged

within the research report, the reasons for favoring one approach when others

could have been taken explained and weaknesses in the techniques employed


Dependability. To address the dependability issue more directly, the

processes within the study should be reported in detail, thereby enabling a

future researcher to repeat the work, if not necessarily to gain the same results.

Thus, the research design may be viewed as a “prototype model”. Such in-

depth coverage also allows the reader to assess the extent to which proper

research practices have been followed.


According to Bryman and Bell (2007), all types of research papers must

consider the following ethical considerations, namely, voluntary participation,

the use of formal and respectful language, privacy and anonymity, and citing

sources. The participants must not be coerced to participate in the study, but

instead, they must voluntarily decide whether to participate or not. The

participants must also be informed beforehand about the research topic and

what to expect during the conduct of the study. The usage of offensive,

discriminatory, and vulgar words must be avoided in the course of an interview.

Moreover, the participant’s identity and name must not be stated in the research

paper to secure their privacy. Proper citation and referencing must also be

observed in order to avoid plagiarism.

In this study, the researchers asked for the consent of the participants if

they are willing to participate in the study and the researchers ensured that their

identity is kept confidential. The researchers also observed the use of formal

language during the interviews. Lastly, the researchers followed the specified

citation format and ensured that all works and ideas of the other authors are

cited and given due credit.

To promote beneficence, the well-being of every participant in research

must be secured according to Queiruga (2022). Along with the information, it is

stated that the researchers of a study should consider constructing research

protocols so that the participants can obtain what they desire with all the support

that the researchers give. The researchers of this study assured that the

participants are interviewed in the preferred place they wanted to be

interviewed, for them to freely express their thoughts in a comfortable


To promote consent, Manti and Licari (2018) believes that the

participants should be provided with a detailed description about the study they

are going to engage with. That is why the researchers handed the participants

the form of consent that includes the information of the study before they fully

give us their consent and are asked the interview questions.

To promote confidentiality, the participants’ identity should remain

anonymous, and the researchers of the study should not be collecting any direct

leads to the participant’s information (Holland & Linvill, 2019). In this research,

the participant’s identity is held secure and anonymous by the researchers.

To promote justice, King (2018) stated that the participants must be

selected based on the research needs and ideals rather than convenience. The

participants who are involved in this study are made sure that they fit in the

inclusion criterion so that they can relate to the questions given and so that they

can share what they are asked.



This chapter, presents the experiences, coping mechanisms, and

insights of Generation X parents from Panabo City on social media which were

collected from in-depth interviews.

Research Questions

1. What are the experiences of Gen X parents on social media platforms?

2. What coping mechanisms do Gen X parents do when they encounter

problems on social media?

3. What insights do Gen X parents have regarding social media?

This chapter is divided into parts where: Part 1 shows the research

participant’s information, part 2 shows the exhibition of thematic analysis

including the themes created from the results of the in-depth interviews and

lastly, in part 3 shows the summary of the participant’s responses.

This section indicates the straightforward answers by the participants

regarding their experiences, their coping mechanisms, and their insights on

social media and the themes that aroused from their answers.


Participants Age Sex Residency

Participant A 51 years old Female Brgy. New Visayas

Participant B 48 years old Male Brgy. San Francisco

Participant C 43 years old Female Gamao

Participant D 54 years old Female Brgy. New Visayas

Participant E 44 years old Female Brgy. San Francisco

Participant F 45 years old Male Brgy. San Francisco

Participant G 43 years old Female Brgy. Cagangohan

Participant H 47 years old Female Brgy. San Vicente

Participant I 57 years old Female Brgy. Cagangohan

Participant J 56 years old Female Brgy. San Francisco


The participants were gathered through snowball sampling and they

were chosen based on the inclusion criterion which includes that they have to

be part of the Generation X parents, specifically those who are born between

1965 and 1980 who experience or experienced troubles on social media and

must also be a resident of Panabo City. As indicated in the table above, some

participants are from the same Baranggay since some of them are neighbors.

Research Question No. 1. “What are the experiences of Gen X parents on

social media platforms?”


A theme generated from Gen X parents’ answers is incomprehension.

They shared that they experience a lack of understanding of social media. One

of the experiences that some parents encounter on social media is not knowing

or understanding what to do when they want to attain a certain goal on social

media or when they come across some situations on social media.

Participant A shared:

“Ahh.. kanang.. naay mga dili angay nga

mga butang…mo kalit og gawas…habang
mag scroll scroll ko sa facebook.. di ko
kabalo unsa..unsay buhaton.”

(“When there are inappropriate things that

suddenly pop out while I’m just scrolling on
social media, I don’t know what to do.”)

Participant B stated:

“ a generation X parent

ahh..posible is ang gap between sa akoa ug
akong mga anak is..layo, so sa pag sabot
daan ug pag gamit sa..electronic or software
base nga social media is medyo lisod
kay..ahh.. daghan na mn gug improvement
nga which is.. sa amoa nga side, mga
parents, is dili kaayo mi, dili kaayo ko…
updated unsang mga bag-o nga program
labin na karon nga nay gina tawag nga
timeline, unsa patong di kayo nako ma
sabtan.” (Archive####P2)

(“The gap between my children and I is far,
so when it comes to understanding and
using electronics or software-based social
media is quite hard for me because there are
many improvements (on social media) in
which for us, parents, are not that updated
with the new programs, especially what they
call nowadays a timeline and other matters I
don’t quite understand.”)

Participant F also mentioned:

“Una sa tanan! Lisod… mag open ug mga

new applications ug site nga.. dili ka
familiar.” (Archive####P6)

(“First of all, it’s hard to open new

applications and sites that you’re not familiar

Participant I then supported:

“Kanang… naay mga bag-ong update sa

social media… dili kaayo nako masabtan…
unsaon pag-gamit.” (Archive####P9)

(“Like new updates on social media, I can’t

quite understand how to use it.”)


Another generated theme from the shared experiences of Gen X parents

is that some of them underwent getting approached by scammers.

Deceivement is the act of fooling someone or to put it simply, the act of tricking

someone for negative purposes. They experience getting tricked or deceived

by other social media users.

Participant H shared that:

“Struggle…….. uhh…... kanang kuan naay

mga mag- mag chat nga mga scammer,
labin na naay mga foreigner so akong gina
buhat, gina block nako.” (Archive####P8)

(“When there are scammers who chat,

especially foreigners, so what I do is block

Participant I also shared:

“Uhhh… potiential risk…akong na-

experience… sa social media…kay kanang
dali ma-iscam… hapit ko ma-iscam that
time… naay nag-message sa akoa.. sa
messenger… abi lang nakog akoa tung
amiga…pero… lahi na diay to nag-gamit…
so medyo delikado.” (Archive####P9)

(“Potential risk that I experienced on social

media is easily getting scammed, I almost
got scammed that time someone
messaged me on Messenger, I thought it
was just my friend, but it was somebody
else using it (social media account). So it is

Participant J also stated:

“… somebody to scam me also from my

Facebook account try to get my personal
information to fake my account… and that’s
all.” (Archive####P10)

(“Somebody also tried to scam me by trying

to get my personal information to fake my
account, and that’s all.”)

Parental Anxiety

Another theme generated from the experiences of Gen X parents is

parental anxiety. Parents also went through parental anxiety from their

experiences on social media. As their experiences triggered their parental

instincts, they are also concerned about what their children might experience

on social media.

Participant A mentioned:

“Ahh kuan…syempre as a mother, maguol

ko nga…maabot tung mga butang nga di
maayo sa mga anak nako.”

(“Of course as a mother, I’m worried that

those inappropriate things might reach my

Participant F also mentioned:

“Sa…potential risk gyud siya mga…. maka

open… og maka access… og mga website
ang mga minors nga dili appropriate sa
ilang mga edad. Ahh… dali ra kaayo maka
sulod sa mga... in-ana.. mga site. Mao ng
delikado siya.” (Archive####P6)

(Minors can open and access websites that

are not appropriate for their age. It’s very
easy to enter those sites. That is why It is

Participant G stated that:

“(Clears throat) The… potential risk…that I

experience in social media is… (Clears
throat) something in social media, some

child, they… imitate what they... seen in
social media.” (Archive####P7)

(The potential risk on social media is some

children might imitate what they see on
social media.”)

Participant H then added:

“Ahh.. dili malikayan na ma worry ka or..

ahm… ma- maano ka sa…. sa… imohang
mga anak kay syempre open kaayo labin
na ang… s- facebook, open kaayo so ma-
dili nimo ma… maiwasan na maguol ka kay
ma- makita sa imohang mga anak.”

(We can’t help but worry about our children

especially because Facebook is very open,
we can’t help but worry about what our
children may see.”)

Participant I also added:

“Usahay maguol ko… na ma-

impluwensiya… impluwensiyahan ang mga
minors… maglisod naman gud ta ug
monitor sailaha karon.” (Archive####P9)

(“I am terrified sometimes, that it will

influence minors because we are having
difficulties monitoring them nowadays.”)

Participant I continued by saying:

“Uhhhh… kanang maguol ko… na kaning

mga scammer kay maabot… o…
mabiktima sad nila akoang pamilya.”

(“ I am concerned that these scammers will
come or they victimize also my family.”)




● Gen X parents experience

INCOMPREHENSION confusion when using social


● Gen X parents are not familiar

with some features of social


● Gen X parents find it hard to

navigate new social media


● Gen X parents do not know

what to do in some situations

they experience on social


● Parents experience getting

DECEIVEMENT deceived by social media


● Gen X parents believe that

social media also has potential


● Gen X parents are commonly

deceived through messages.

● Gen X parents’ experiences

PARENTAL ANXIETY on social media affects their

thoughts on how social media

might influence their family.

● Gen X parents experienced

anxiety about inappropriate

content their family might see

on social media.

● Gen X parents are concerned

about what their children might

consume on social media.

● Gen X parents find it difficult to

monitor their children’s social

media consumption.

● Gen X parents are also

worried about their families

getting targeted as victims of


Research Question No. 2. “What coping mechanisms do Gen X parents do

when they encounter problems on social media?”

Seek Digital Natives

Seeking digital natives as a way to cope with experiences on social

media. One solution that some Gen X parents usually do when they encounter

some troubles on social media is by asking for help from those who know more

about navigating devices, to be exact, those who are digital natives. They seek

digital natives for help when they experience problems on social media.

Participant A stated:

“Sa tinood lang wala jud ko kabalo unsay

buhaton, mao ng…. tawagon nalang nako
akong anak, aron madali ug kahuman
ang…. problema.” (Archive####P1)

(“To be honest, I don’t know what to do

that’s why I just call my children to help me
so that the problem is dealt with already.”)

Participant B shared:

“Okay sa potential risk, labin na

tong..mausab imong password is..ahh
patudlo kay naa manay security…security
prog- program bana o.. naa banay
security….nga mga items nga pwede
nimong gamiton nga ma curve ng mga in-
ana nga mga problema sa facebook o sa
social media so..naay mga
security..measures sila nga gina butang, so
tun-an to siya and then, careful lang pud sa
mga sites nga gina sudlan, labin na mga
sites nga mag sig pangutana ug mga
information labin na personal..information

nga dili dapat unta e….pagawas nimo sa
public.” (Archive####P2)

(“When the password was changed, I ask

someone to teach me, because there are
features that can curve that kind of problem
on Facebook or in social media. There is a
security measure that indicates there so we
have to learn that and then, we have to be
careful as well in sites where we enter,
especially sites that keep on asking for our
personal information that we aren’t
supposed to share with the public.”)

Participant B continued:

“So kato, nag patudlo sa mga bata kay sila

may mas…hawd o mas taas ang panahon
anang social media og unsaon tong mga
settings nga..pwede nato gamiton
pugngan ng mga security risk.”

(“So I asked the younger ones to teach me

because they are the ones who have more
experience on social media.”)

Participant G also said that:

“When... I experience struggle (Clears

throat) in social media, I will ask to those
who knows or I will ask my daughter if I…
don’t know, so that they teach me how to
do this and to… make this.”

(“When I experience struggles on social

media, I ask those who know more about
social media or I would ask my daughter to
teach me how to do a certain thing on social

Participant I then sates:

“Magpatabang… ang… sa mga

bata…kay… sila man jud ang daghang
nahibal-an aning social media.”

( “Seek help to the children, because they

are the ones that know a lot about social

Quality Time

Another generated theme from the answers of Gen X parents regarding

how they cope up with the troubles they experience on social media is quality

time. Gen X parents also choose to spend more time with their family as a way

to cope with their experiences on social media. For some Gen X parents, quality

time with their family is their way of coping with the troubles they experience on

social media.

Participant C said:

“Watch movie, hatag ang time sa pamilya

dili lang sa soc- sa social media.”

(“Watch movies, give time to our family not

just on social media.”)

Participant E uttered:

“Less time in social media, og ihatag ang

focus sa pamilya.” (Archive####P5)

(“Spend less time on social media and
focus more on our family.”)

Participant F also stated:

“Aww... dali rapud kay na siya, dili ka kaayo

mag focus anang social media. Make time
to your family, importante gihapon ang
quality time para ma open ang mga
problema, nga wala mapansin tungod kay
sa ka busy sa pag open sa social media.”

(“That’s easy, don’t focus too much on

social media. Make time for your family
because quality time is still important so
that we can open up to our problems that
weren’t noticed because of social media.”)


Some of the Gen X parents shared how they just circumvent or find a

way around the problems they encounter on social media. They mentioned that

they cope with their experiences on social media by exploring the platforms or

their devices all by themselves. They try to look for a way on social media until

they find what they are looking for.

Participant D shared:

“Akoang gina palong ang cellphone, unya,

on napod og balik.” (Archive####P4)

(“I turn off the cellphone, and then turn it

back on.”)

Participant D continued:

“Makakita ra mn pud ko ug pama-agi,
unsaon pag ayo.” (Archive####P4)

(“I can just find a way to fix it.”)

Participant G also shared:

“(Clears throat) I… face… the potential rist

I encounter in social media is… I’m trying
hard to… to search or to... to know… in
social media.” (Archive####P7)

(“I face the potential risks I encounter on

social media by trying hard to search or
learn in social media.”)

Restraining Social Media Usage

Restraining from social media as a coping mechanism. Some Gen X

parents choose to avoid social media usage as a way to cope with the problems

they experience on social media. Some of them try to refrain from using social

media to avoid encountering the problems they experienced.

Participant H said:

“Uhmm… kung naa koy makita na mga

struggles sa social media uhh.. koan,
uhh... dili sa ko mag ofen sa akoang…. FB
para dili ko ma stress ato na mga makita
nako nga mga post nga mga maka sad”

(“When I see struggles on social media, I

refrain from opening my Facebook so that
I wouldn’t get stressed and sad from the
sad posts.”)

Participant I shared:

“Dili lang kaayo mag-sigeg gamit…sa

social media… aron dili sad kaayo ma-
expose atuang lifestyle.” (Archive####P9)

(“Just don’t use that much social media, so

that our lifestyle won’t be too exposed.”)

Participant I continued:

“I learned na… dili dapat mag-sige nalang

ug scroll… dili na kaayo ko ga social
media.” (Archive####P9)

(“I learned that, we shouldn’t always scroll,

I don’t use social media that much


Another theme generated from Gen X parents’ coping mechanisms for

the problems they encounter on social media is they disregard the problems.

Some Gen X parents would just choose to disregard or ignore the problems

they experience on social media as a way to cope with the problems they

experienced on social media.

Participant A stated:

“Wala lang, padayon lang og gamit.”


(“Nothing, just continue to use it.”)

Participant C also stated:

“Dili lang pansinon…dili lang…dili lang sa

mag active sa soc med.” (Archive####P3)

(“Just don’t mind it, just don’t be active on

social media.”)





● Gen X parents are not afraid to

SEEK DIGITAL NATIVES ask for help from those who are

younger than them.

● Gen X parents would ask for

help from those who know

social media better.

● Gen X parents call their children

to help them with something

they are confused about in

social media.

● Spending quality time with

QUALITY TIME their family is important for

Gen X parents.

● Gen X parents find quality time

as a coping mechanism when

they encounter problems even

on social media.

● For Gen X parents, less time

on social media means less

experience with social media


● When Gen X parents come

CIRCUMVENT across some unfamiliar

situations on social media,

they would play around with

their devices as a way to deal

with it.

● When some Gen X parents

don’t know what to do,

sometimes they just search for

a way on their own.

● Gen X parents explore social

media as a way to cope with

the problems they encounter

on social media.

● Gen X parents are eager to

learn how to solve the

problems they experience on

social media on their own.

● Some Gen X parents think that

RESTRAIN SOCIAL MEDIA USE avoiding social media will

solve the problems they

encounter on social media.

● Gen X parents also refrain

from using social media to

avoid exposing their lifestyle

too much.

● Gen X parents don’t open their

social media accounts to avoid

problems on social media.

● Some Gen X parents don’t

DISREGARD mind the problems they

encounter on social media.

● Some Gen X parents are not

worried about the problems.

● Gen X parents ignore the

problems as a way to cope

with them.

Research Question No. 3. “What insights do Gen X parents have regarding

social media?”


A theme generated from the Gen X parents’ thoughts or insights on

social media is that it is beneficial. They say social media is beneficial in many

different ways. They think that social media offers various advantages for them

as a parent based on their experiences with using social media platforms.

Participant A stated:

“Makatabang diay ang social media

kay ma-… isa pa, maka…balo ka sa
mga… balita. Basta minaayo lang nga
pamaagi.” (Archive####P1)

(“Social media can help especially

because you can be updated about the
news. As long as this is used in a good

Participant C shared that:

“Daghan tag ma kat-unan sa social

media.” (Archive####P3)

(“We can learn a lot from social


Participant E also shared that:

“Nagahatag kini, og mga ideas sa mga

ginikanan unsaon pag diskarte sa
kinabuhi.” (Archive####P5)

(“It gives ideas to parents on how to
approach life.”)

Participant F said:

“Ahh new ideas, ang… akong na learn

nga… maka tabang sa adlaw-adlaw
nako…sako pung panarbaho, labin
diay sakong panarbaho.”

(“I learned new ideas that can help with

my everyday life, especially in my

Participant G stated:

“(Clears throat) My conclusion in...

social media is… the social media is
very useful…. useful for us.”

(“My conclusion on social media is that

social media is very useful for us.”)


Another insight that Gen X parents have concluded about social media

based on their experience is that it helps connect people. Gen X parents think

that social media aids in connecting them with people who are far from them.

Participant B said:

“Ahh…conclusion drawn from social
media is…making people
each other, labin na tong mga amigo,
mga parente, o mga kaila nato sauna
nga..for example, tong elementary o
high school, pina-agi sa social
media…makita nato unsa na sila, unsa
ilang progress o asa sila karon kay
sauna igo ra man ta..makabalita sa
isturya. Karon, makita na gyud nato,
asa sila kay naana may picture, maka
post na man, naapa gani video. And
then, kung unsa imong pangutana,
unsay mga interaction, maka tubag
dayun kay rela time na man ang social
media kay…tungod sa connected na
ang mga tao, so…mayo siya nga
experience, kana lang kay ang mga
risk, imo lang gyung
koanon…bantayan nga dili pud ka magka problema.”

(“Making people closer to each other.

Especially our friends, relatives, or
acquaintances. For example, in
elementary or high school, through
social media, we can see how they are
doing, how they are progressing, or
where they are now because before,
we can only know about their life by
hearing about them from others. Now,
we can really see, where they are
because there are pictures, even
videos. And then, when you have
questions, it can be answered right
away because social media is now
functioning in real-time. People are
connected, so... it’s a good experience,
however, we just have to look out for
risks to avoid problems.”)

Participant D also said:

“Daghan man, kanang maka tabang

diay…ang social media para maka-

isturya nimo ang lagyo.”

(“I learned a lot, that social media can

help you communicate with those who
are far.”)

Participant I mentioned:

“…pero ang social media… kay

makatabang man sad sa atoa…na
maka-connect ug maka-istorya ang
nasa layo…in real time.”

(“Social media helps us connect and

talk to people from far, in real-time.”)

Participant I continued:

“Ummm… magamit nako ang social

media sa pag-connect... sa uban
natong mga kaila… ang importante
diay… maka-update sad ka sa ubang
butang sa kinabuhi.” (Archive####P9)

(“I use social media to connect to other

people we know, the important thing is
we can update from other things in


Another theme generated from the insights of the Gen X parents is that

understanding social media is essential. According to them, understanding how

to use social media is important for them. They think that knowing how to use

or navigate social media is required in their lives.

Participant G shared:

“I think… it is important to... understand

on how to use on.. social media, specially,
uh… stay connected with you family,
even… they are in.. other country and…
most especiall- imp- most important is
you know the situation of your … uhh..
children in school or where they go your
daughter or your son.” (Archive####P7)

(“I think it is important to understand how

to use social media, especially because it
can help us stay connected with our
family who is in a different country, and
you can be updated with the situation of
your children at school”)

Participant H mentioned:

“Uhhmm…yes..dapat mabal-an jud nimo

kung unsa ang pag-gamit sa social media
labi na sa mga..facebook ana.. kay
para..uhmmm…una una user or
anang..o user sa social media..makabalo
ka unsa imong responsibility as user..
ana...” (Archive####P8)

(“Yes, you need to know how to use social

media, especially Facebook, so that as a
user of social media, you know your


Social media is also a source of inconvenience. Some Gen X parents

shared how social media also has a downside. They believe that social media

also has a negative effect or a negative side based on what they have


Participant H shared:

“Conclusion nako sa kanang… kanang

makita nako sa social media nga…
conclusion nako na makita nako sa
social media kanang sa pag gamit nako,
labin na sa FB kay… dili tanan na mga..
koan, dili tanan na makita nimo diha sa
os- sa social media na mga legit, naa
man guy uban dinha na mga ahh.. mga
fake lang so make sure na i-check nimo
kung.. kato ba imong gi- nakita is legit ba
so dili ka mag- magpataka ug tuo-tuo
dayun kay basin ba ug kanang ma scam
lang ka.” (Archive####P8)

(“My conclusion is not everything you

see in social media is legit, there are
some that are fake, so make sure to
check if what you’re seeing is true, don’t
just believe because you might get

This participant continued to share that:

“Uhhh… ang ma-advice lang nako sa

parents…labi na sa kanang mga anak
nato…na… dili.. kung ilahang
minor pa sila..kung pwede iwasan jud sila
na..maka open na sila sa social
media..kay dili man gud tanan na nasa
social media kanang naa kay makuha na
maayo..kay sa karon daghan najud kaayo
sa social media na mga..dili dapat makita
or ma.. ma.. makita saimong mga
anak..labi na sa mga minor na dili advice sa mga
kung pwede..dili sajud sila ipa.. ipa-open
sa social media kay lisod kaayo nga
minor pa sila..dili sila kasabot tapos ma-
open na nila.. mao mana karon na mga
bata pa kaayo sayo kaayo manga-minyo
kay kana..daghan na kaayo silag makita
na dili dapat unta.. so kung naa nay..naa
nay.. facebook or tek..tiktok ba ang
inyong mga anak..uhhh…I-guide lang
gyud sila pirmanente na dapat dili

magpataka-taka ug open ana mga link..
kay dili maayo..naay dili mga maayo sa
social media. I-check lang gyud sila
always na ma-guide sila para makabalo
pud sila.” (Archive####P8)

(“The only advice I can give to parents,

especially for those children of ours, is not
their age… they are still minors... if they
can avoid them, they can be open on
social media because not everyone is on
social media. It's good to get what you
have... because nowadays there are a lot
of things on social media that should not
be seen or seen by your children...
especially minors who are not good so as
advice to parents... if possible They
should not be made to open up on social
media because it is very difficult when
they are still minors, they do not
understand after they have opened up,
that's why now they are too young to get
married too early because they have seen
so much that it should not be so if your
children already have Facebook or
TikTok. Just guide them at all times so
that they should not wander and open
those links because there are bad people
on social media. Just check them always
and they will be guided so that they will

Participant I mentioned:

“Dili lang tanan tao… sa social

media…kay dapat nimong tuohan…”

(“Not all people on social media are

people that you should trust.”)





● Gen X parents believe social

BENEFICIAL media is helpful for them as a


● Social media gives Gen X

parents new ideas on how to

manage life.

● Gen X parents use social

media in their everyday lives.

● Social media allows Gen X

CONNECTS parents to connect with their

loved ones who are away from


● Social media allows Gen X

parents to keep in touch with

their friends.

● Gen X parents realized

through social media that

communicating with others is


● Social media allows Gen X

parents to communicate with

friends and family in real-time

● Gen X parents believe that it is

ESSENTIAL important to know how to

navigate social media.

● Gen X parents think they

should understand social

media for them to be

responsible social media


● Gen X parents believe social

media is essential to

understand since it helps with

many responsibilities.

● Gen X parents recognize

INCOMMODITY social media’s downside.

● Gen X parents know that they

should not easily believe what

they see on social media.

● Some Gen X parents say

social media consumption

among children should be




This chapter discusses the related literature of the generated

themes that the researchers have come up with from the in-depth interviews

(IDI) they conducted with Gen X parents from Panabo City. It also includes the

implication for educational practices, recommendations for future research, and

the conclusion of the generated themes.

The main purpose of this study is to comprehend that there are some

who struggle to utilize social media despite living in a digitally active generation

and to explore the social media experiences of Gen X parents from Panabo

City, including their coping mechanisms when they encounter problems on

social media, and as well as their insights about social media.

This research utilized a phenomenology qualitative approach to enable

us, the researchers, to come up with detailed results and descriptions of the

experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights of Gen X parents toward social

media. By analyzing the data collected from in-depth interviews (IDI), we have

come up with essential themes that organize the answers or the data that we


10 Gen X parents who are from Panabo City were asked to participate

in our study and were selected through a snowball sampling method. They were

asked about their experiences and struggles on social media, how they cope

with the struggles they experience on social media, and their insights on social

media based on their experiences on social media.

The researchers of this study will be discussing the essential themes that

were generated from the answers given by the participants regarding their

experiences, coping mechanisms, and insights on social media as part of Gen

X parents. Within the experiences that they have shared, they indicated:

Incomprehension, Deceivement, and Parental Anxiety.

Under the coping mechanisms they shared, they: Seek Digital Natives,

Quality time, Circumvent, Restrain Social Media Use, and Disregard.

And lastly, the insights that they have shared indicated that social media

is: Beneficial, Connects, Essential, and Incommodity.



The Gen X parents mentioned different experiences they have

encountered on social media and one of them is incomprehension. They shared

that sometimes they do not know what to do in some situations they encounter

on social media. They also shared how they are often unfamiliar when it comes

to understanding and navigating social media.

Understanding the complexity of social media activity has grown

increasingly complex (Treem et al., 2016). Due to the rapid progress of social

media, Gen X has a complex relationship with social media (Melendi, 2020).

According to McClure (2019), because of the constant updating and

enhancements of social media platforms, social media users have a hard time

keeping up with social media. There is a large number of parents who did not

grow up with social media in their childhood and now, they are struggling to

understand and navigate social media apps (Kelly, 2021).


Another common experience that the participants shared was getting

scammed or deceived. Gen X Parents have encountered false information on

social media multiple times already based on their responses. They shared how

they experienced scammers trying to deceive them.

According to Huddleston (2023), the elderly are a favorite target of

scammers. They will target people of all ages, for sure. But because they

believe that seniors are more gullible, more vulnerable, and less likely to report

being cheated, con artists frequently prey on this demographic. Rosenblatt

(2022) also stated that scammers know that many older adults are more trusting

than the younger, presumably more internet-savvy generation. They

understand how to manipulate a person's emotions.

Regarding Fake News, individuals seek out and consume news via

social media due to its low cost, ease of access, and quick transmission of

information (Shu et al., 2017). Many people are worried about the implications

of incorrect information ("fake news"), which is mostly spread through social

media (Gentzkow, 2017). However, technology has also made it possible for

fake news, or news that contains purposefully misleading information, to spread

widely, which has had a tremendously detrimental impact on society (Shu et

al., 2020). Before the Internet was even a thing, there were hoaxes and fake

news. Fake news on the Internet is generally defined as "fictitious articles that

have been purposefully created to deceive readers'' (Aldwairi & Alwahedi,


The growth of false news draws attention to how institutional defenses

against disinformation are being undermined in the digital era. Concern

regarding the issue is widespread. However, there is still a lot that is unclear

about how susceptible people, organizations, and society are to manipulation

by bad actors (Lazer et al., 2018). Less has been written about the harm that

fake news poses to interpersonal relationships, despite the fact that it has been

widely denounced as an assault on democracy.

As social networks have grown more and more popular for sharing news,

they have also provided a fertile environment for the spread of fake news (Duffy

et al., 2019). This distinction is crucial because, even though it may be thought

of as a societal benefit, spreading news that turns out to be false might harm

interpersonal connections (Tandoc et al., 2019). Although different researchers

have different definitions of fake news, most agree that it is false or misleading

material that is disseminated with the goal to mislead readers (Allcott &

Gentzkow, 2017; Vosoughi, Roy, & Aral, 2018).

Parental Anxiety

In this point, Gen X Parents usually experience Parental Anxiety in

diverse forms, wherein, parents usually go through a temporal stage of anxiety,

of the fear of their children accessing malicious sites that are passed through

the Social Media Platform.

Parental worry and social media use are positively correlated, according

to several research (Glowacki et al., 2019; Hampton et al., 2017). Gen X

Parents who use social media more regularly report feeling more anxious,

especially concerning the safety and well-being of their children. According to

one study, parents who used social media more often were more likely to worry

excessively about the well-being and safety of their kids (Hampton et al., 2017).

Parental self-efficacy is the notion that a parent has faith in their capacity

to raise their children well. According to research, using social media might

negatively affect parents' self-efficacy (Jenkins-Guarnieri et al., 2019). Limiting

social media use, getting support from others, and using social media mindfully

are just a few of the coping mechanisms that have been suggested to assist

parents to manage their anxiety on social media (Glowacki et al., 2019). More

than one in ten of those surveyed claimed that rather than fostering a

welcoming "online community," such websites can actually make new parents

feel lonelier (Priory, 2017). It is advised that social media campaigns be

carefully planned to take into account individual differences in developmental

stages and psychological vulnerabilities because social media use is

widespread and there is a chance that false rumors will lead to incorrect

behavioral actions and/or excessive stress and anxiety (Drouin et al., 2020).



Seek Digital Natives

One of the similarities of how Gen X parents cope up with the problems

they encounter on social media is they seek digital natives or ask the younger

generations who are born in the abundance of digital media to ask for

assistance regarding the problems they experience on social media.

Eshraghi (2019)’s statement claims that generational status influences

how social technologies are used for sharing one’s knowledge and interaction

in organizational contexts. The author continued that previous studies have

highlighted the distinction between digital natives and digital immigrants in how

they understand and interact with social technology. Given that digital natives

grew up with advancements in technology, they can help digital immigrants

understand how to use, navigate, and utilize the overall effectiveness of

technology (Riegel & Mete, 2017). Digital immigrants can provide digital

natives with knowledge about utilizing, troubleshooting, and operating without

technology (Riegel & Mete, 2017). Particularly, digital immigrants can instruct

digital natives on how to transport when technology fails. Digital natives, those

who were created in the digital era, depending on the accessibility of digital

tools like Wi-Fi, applications, websites, etc. (International Society for

Technology in Education [ISTE], 2017). By utilizing familiar technology in

instructive ways, digital natives may educate digital immigrants on how to

encourage and engage younger generations as well (Riegel & Mete, 2017).

Quality Time

Gen X Parents consider Quality Time to their Family as a way to escape

the arduous experiences and influences of Social Media. Gen X Parents view

quality time as a way to reduce their anxieties and incomprehension on Social

Social media can also lead to negative effects on parent-child

relationships. For example, a study by McDaniel and Coyne (2016) found that

parents who spent more time on their smartphones had more negative

interactions with their children, including being less responsive to their needs

and less emotionally available. Quality time has also been associated with

better literacy development in children. For example, a study by Sénéchal et al.

(2017) found that parents who engaged in joint reading activities with their

children had a positive impact on their vocabulary and comprehension skills,

even after controlling for other factors such as socioeconomic status. Parents

who prioritize structure saw it as scheduled family activities, parents who place

a strong emphasis on their children saw it as heart-to-heart conversations, and

parents who prioritize efficiency saw it as all of the time they spent with their

kids as quality time (Snyder, 2016). At the moment, it's unclear if interactive

technology improves or degrades the quantity and quality of time spent together

by parents and their kids (Vaterlaus, 2019).


Gen X Parents utilize the influence and vast range of Technology and

Social Media. When Gen X Parents see their situations behind the rock, they

tend to explore and discover more about the further utilities and technologies

of Social Media.

According to Burke (2016), The stigma attached to requesting help is

one of the biggest obstacles parents experience when seeking assistance for

problems with social media. A first step for parents and others to learn more
about social media's potential as a networking platform is to delve deeply and

extensively into its features (Spyer, 2017).

Restrain Social Media Use

This Point asserts that Gen X Parents restraining or reducing Social

Media Use, Gen X Parents see spacing themselves from Social Media as a

breaking point to reflect on the other aspects of life, such as leisure and family.

Gen X Parents want to restrict themselves in Social Media Use to prevent

Addiction in the forms of Social Media Platforms.

According to McDaniel and Coyne (2016)’s study, women who used

Facebook more often felt distant from their children. A lack of parental

participation in children's life brought on by excessive usage of social media

may have a detrimental effect on their relationships (Anderson & Jiang, 2018).

Addiction and a lack of self-control are two detrimental tendencies that parents

who use social media excessively may be modeling for their kids (Burke et al.,

2019). Parents who used Facebook excessively reported higher levels of

tension, worry, and negative feelings than parents who used it less frequently,

according to a research by Kross et al. (2013). According to a study by

Anderson and Jiang (2018), parents who use social media excessively are

more likely to reveal information and upload pictures of their kids which might

jeopardize their safety and privacy.

Oladipo (2022) mentioned, social media may also be addictive.

Addiction to social media is defined as "an uncontrollable urge to log on to and

use social media, as well as spending an excessive amount of time and energy

on social media that negatively impacts other areas of life”. The author

continued saying that taking a step back from social media, even if only for a

brief period of time, offers several advantages, that includes: Reduces stress,

improved well-being, and reduced depression and loneliness.


Gen X Parents that have gone through our qualitative research

interviews asserted also that they disregard problems and difficulties in Social

Media. Some Gen X Parents chose to ignore their problems with social media,

considering the fact that these Gen X Parents haven’t approached a Digital

Native to assist them with their longing struggles with Social Media.

Lambert (2016) says that it is impossible to fully ignore or disregard a

problem that one encounters. The author continues that even when

disregarding a problem, it can still cause stress, anxiety, and even depression

since the problem is not really gone. We push a problem to the back of our

minds when we ignore it. But it hasn't left our thoughts; rather, our subconscious

still retains them.

According to Pirton (2022), In order to help institutions, build and/or

improve their parent-focused strategies to incorporate social media activities,

the research's goal was to provide light on the social media platforms being

utilized by other methods, how they are used, and why. When trying to grasp

modern technologies, parents frequently turn to social media, frequently without

taking into account how the cutting-edge features of these platforms could alter

parents' experiences (Kane et al., 2016).




One of the common insights that the participants shared is that social

media is beneficial. These Gen X Parents see and describe Social Media as

beneficial to them in their everyday utilities and leisure. Gen X Parents raised

the assertions of Social Media being a help in hand for their everyday usual


Social media may give parents a practical and adaptable approach to

keeping in touch with and being involved with their families (Duggan & Brenner,

2016). Further, social media can offer parents a way to stay in touch with their

kids, especially as they get older and become more independent. Networks like

Facebook and Instagram allow parents to swiftly share updates and photos with

friends and family, even if they are unable to be onsite (Pew Research Center,

2021). Social media may be used by parents to rally support for social change,

spread knowledge of issues impacting kids and families, and connect with other

activists and groups (Bartlett, 2019).

According to parents, social media is a source of parenting knowledge

(Common Sense Media, 2018). Despite the growing worries about kids and

teens using social media, research has proven that there are some advantages

for parents as well (Liu & Yang, 2021). The current study intends to investigate

how young people and parents perceive social media use in terms of online

danger and online connections (Gillespie-Smith et al., 2021).


These Gen X Parents mentioned that connecting with their families,

friends, and colleagues was also made through the utilization of Social Media.

Gen X Parents said that it allows them to connect and communicate with people

that are far from them, and that they are able to talk and interact in virtual real


As stated by Leonard (2022), One of the most significant advantages of

social media includes the ability to interact with individuals from all around the

world freely. This is useful if one has relatives who have gone overseas. Where

people can message them on Facebook or Twitter, and they can answer

promptly no matter where in the world they are. The author continued, social

media can help strengthen and sustain personal interactions with those who

live far away.

In recent years, social media has grown in popularity as a means for

communication (Hoffman & Fodor, 2017). And one of the most common kinds

of connection in people's Facebook relationships is close friends and family

members, both new and old (Duggan et al., 2015). Polanco-Levicán and Salvo-

Garrido (2022) also supported that the evolution of our society has been related

to technical advances and have become an integral part of people's lives. And

that social media is extensively used by many communities, crossing territorial

and cultural barriers and connecting the global to the local.


Another theme that emerged from the insights of the Gen X parents is

that social media is essential to understand. According to them, it is important

to understand social media. Especially, now that they have acknowledged the

benefits they can attain from social media.

According to Duggan et al., (2015), a large number of parents considers

social media to be a platform where they can gather general information from.

The authors continued that parents who have used social media now see social

media as a useful information source, specifically information about parenting.

Basit (2021) wrote that social media has become an integral part of each and

every one of our lives over the past years. We can't deny the significance of

social media in every aspect of our lives. In our digital age, it appears that social

media has a major impact on every detail of life. Social media platforms have

grown to be a vital component of our way of functioning, whether in our personal

lives or at work (Sharma, 2022).

Furthermore, it is unusual nowadays for a person to spend their day

without using or even just checking social media as stated by Sharma (2022).

Since digital technologies are integrated into parts of social life, such as families

and interpersonal relationships, labor, government, and political engagement

(Polanco-Levicán & Salvo-Garrido, 2022).


Lastly, Gen X parents shared how they are aware of the precautions or

harms that social media can expose them and their family with. They mentioned

that social media does in fact have a negative side that can affect them and

their families.

Lin et al. (2019) mentioned that because of the negative aspects of social

media, some parents view social media as a negative source. Parents believe

that social media has a negative effect, especially on their children (Parenting

Teens in the Age of Social Media, 2020). Duggan et al. (2015) stated that

previous studies concerning teenagers and technology have revealed that

parents of teenagers are both supportive as well as concerned about their

child's usage of the internet, social media, and cell phones. Along with the

information, parents of children who are younger are the ones who are much

more sensitive about the negative sides of social media.

Wilcon and Stock (2021) identified some of the negative aspects of

social media including shared false information; unfavorable aspects becoming

obvious; users unsatisfied with social assistance available online; concerns

about trusting people online and knowing how much to share; and being

displeased by negative contents shared in the platform.

Implications for Educational Practice

The Themes generated from the experiences of Generation X Parents

include Incomprehension, Seek Digital Natives, and Beneficial. These attached

themes signify the experience, coping mechanism, and insight of Generation X

Parents on Social Media from their angle.

Based on the results of this study, the researchers want to emphasize

the following individuals to work to address this issue appropriately:

For the Gen X Parents, they should reflect on how their struggles are

similar to other parents even for different generations. The effects of parental

social media use on educational practice are profound. The influence of social

media on parental participation and involvement in their children's education is

something that adults need to be aware of. Parents should get instruction from

experts on how to utilize social media sites responsibly. Discussing privacy

settings and safe online conduct is part of this, along with urging parents to

connect in a positive and courteous manner. Social media may be a tool for

educators to engage parents. Creating social media profiles for schools and

posting significant information about occasions, institution news, and student

accomplishments are examples of this. Teachers need to be mindful of the

possible harm social media may do to parental participation. Social media may

be a wonderful tool for parents to interact with their kids, but it can also be a

distraction and take away from the time that parents might be spending with

their kids. Teachers ought to advise parents to minimize their social media

usage and value spending time with their kids.

In general, parental usage of social media has significant effects on

educational practice. Teachers can support parents in their role as their child's

first and most important teacher and encourage positive parental engagement

in their children's education by educating parents on the proper use of social

media, using social media as a tool for parent engagement, providing resources

for parents, and being aware of any potential negative effects.

Recommendations for Future Researchers

This Phenomenological Research focuses on the struggles,

experiences, and sentiments of the 10 Gen X Parents who have undergone In-

Depth Interviews (IDI). It could not be generalized to all Gen X Parents in other

localities; further investigation and exploration might be done in a different

setting yet have similar purposes of distinguishing the experiences of Gen X

Parents in Social Media.

The Researchers would like to recommend to future researchers that

Gen X Parents who experience diverse struggles in social media would go

through more immense discoveries and explorations in Social Media Platforms.

Identifying Gen X Parents’ difficulties are a starting step on where they should

more focus on exploring to specifically understand the means of Social Media


The Researchers would like to also recommend the usual reasons and

factors to consider why Gen X Parents experience hardships and struggles with

Social Media Platforms. The neophyte side of Gen X Parents appears when it

comes to interacting immensely with Social Media platforms, these Gen X

Parents instead used diverse ways as their coping mechanism.

In Addition, The Researchers would like to recommend discovering and

dig deep more on the other experiences of Gen X Parents, who were not

possibly mentioned in our phenomenological research study.

Concluding, the researchers recommend identifying more Gen X

Parents’ diverse difficulties, the considerations of Gen X Parents in Social

Media, and the immense study of experiences of other Gen X Parents whose

experiences were never mentioned in our research study.

Concluding Remarks

We as Researchers, we hope that this Phenomenological Research

Study will help Technology and Social Media Advance, wherein former

generations are able to cope up with the current generational technologies. This

Research Study enlightened our minds as researchers, on the silent sentiments

of these Gen X Parents, wherein we as researchers, discovered the distinct

experiences, struggles, coping mechanisms, and insights of every Gen X

Parent that we have interviewed through In-Depth Interviews. We hope that this

research will broaden the minds of every future researcher that will cover the

same phenomenology as ours. Through Thematic Analysis, we have

discovered the voices that we were seeking to hear from our participants.

We heard from our Gen X Parents that Incomprehension of Social Media

Articulations is what they see and read in Social Media, wherein the arduous

parts of social media, bring incomprehension and ambiguity to our Participants.

We heard from our participants the deceivement of news and information

spreading around the distinct Social Media Platforms, wherein our Participants

were once victimized by Fake News or being Deluded by people who share

news that are uncertain. We also heard the assertion of Parental Anxiety, when

Gen X Parents are concerned and anxious about what their children might be

seeing on social media, considering the toxicities and malicious content that

appear in social media.

In these way, they were able to cope up with various difficulties. They

asserted that Seeking Digital Natives is a paved way to cope up with the

difficulties that they come up in the way in Social Media Platforms. They uttered

that Quality Time is a mechanism that will cope them up when they experience

struggles in social media. They uttered also being Circumvent in difficulties in

Social Media. Wherein they chose to explore and indulge more in social media

to solve their own struggles with social media. They further said also to restrain

social media usage, the specification that they would restrain social media use

to prevent themselves having difficulties in social media. They asserted that

Disregarding Social Media Problems as the way to alleviate usual social media

problems that arise in your accounts in various platforms.

Lastly, considering their Insights, they believe that Social Media is

beneficial in many aspects because they are able to utilize Social Media in their

everyday matters. They also sighted that Social Media is a medium of

connection, where Gen X Parents are able to foster relationships through social

interaction of Family, Friends, and Colleagues. They asserted also the essential

means of social media, as Gen X Parents asserted, they think it’s important on

how to navigate social media because it will help them with their specific needs

and gratifications. Lastly, Gen X Parents said that its incommodity is when their

children abuse the capabilities of Social Media; Concluding this statement, this

phenomenological study is put up to let the silent voices of our Gen X Parents

be heard and let their hidden sentiments be given solutions. Letting other Gen

X Parents know that they are not in this battle alone.


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