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Next steps:
Fill out this parental consent form.

1. Print and sign this form.

2. Take a photo of the form, clearly showing your signature.
3. Upload the photo to your parent Tinkercad account using the “Upload signed form” button in
your profile.

Note: If you closed the page you can return to it by following the link in your email, or you can go to
your Tinkercad profile - “Your kids” view to complete the upload there.

Once approved, you'll have moderator control over your child's designs and activities.

Tinkercad Consent Form

By signing the statement below, I, as a parent or legal guardian:
Consent to my child's registration and authorize my child to use Tinkercad (/);
Have had the opportunity to review:
Tinkercad Terms of Service (

Autodesk Privacy Statement (,
Children's Privacy Statement (/childrens-privacy);
Understand that my child's personal information will be collected and processed in the United States, and that the

site uses cookies. I consent to these practices.

Understand that I may withdraw my permission granted herein, with written or online notice, at any time.
Understand that it is important to provide accurate information in this consent form in case the Tinkercad Team

needs to contact me for any reason.

Your full name (First and Last): Samuel Choque

Your email (used to sign up with Parent's Account):

Child's Tinkercad Username: undefined Detective Ladybug

Your Signature Date Signed (MM/DD/YYYY)

__ /__ /____

See page 2 for more details.

Why am I getting this?

Your child has just created a temporary account for Tinkercad - a FREE, easy to
use, design app from Autodesk that helps children of all ages learn about 3D
design, 3D printing, electronics, and programming.
We take your child’s privacy very seriously and work hard to keep the Tinkercad
Community safe. In some countries we must get adult permission from a
parent or a teacher before allowing children to join Tinkercad. Your child
provided us with your email to get your approval. Learn more about Autodesk's
privacy practices for children (/childrens-privacy).

Once you give your approval:

You will be the moderator of your child's account. That means you will be able
to see their designs and other activity, and you can help reset their password.
Your child’s account will no longer be temporary. They will be able to create
and share projects, upload images, collaborate with other Tinkercad users, and
contact customer service. Your child may be able to share or publicly disclose
personal information while using Tinkercad, but you will have the ability to
moderate (e.g. delete) content that your child creates.
When your child reaches the minimum
terms#minimum-age) age, your moderation will automatically end. We will
request that your child provide an email to use with their account.

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