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"It is not the head which is necessary to advance in Truth; it is the heart."

© 2019 Supreme Heptad of the Traditional Martinist Order 0219


Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin

Louis–Claude de Saint-Martin was born in France into a noble family of Amboise, in
Touraine, on January 18, 1743. At an early age, Saint-Martin showed a strong interest in
philosophical and spiritual subjects. He studied law and became a lawyer in accordance with his
parents’ wishes. However, the interest he had for philosophy and spirituality convinced him to
leave a profession that did not match his principles. He quickly abandoned jurisprudence for a
career in the army, obtaining an officer’s commission, thanks to the support of a very influential
friend. From there, he joined the Regiment of Fox, a garrison in Bordeaux. During that period in
history, a career in the army provided more leisure time than other professions. Saint-Martin knew
that choosing the army would permit him to carry on his mystical and esoteric studies. As nothing
happens by accident, one of his friends at the officers’ club was a member of the Ordre des
Chevalier Maçons Élus Cohen de L’Univers (Order of Knight Masons, Elect Priests of the
Universe), founded by Martinès de Pasqually, author of the famous Treatise on the Reintegration
of Beings. He obtained the preparation needed, and after that, having proved his merit, was
initiated into this order. He was 22 at the time.

The Élus Cohen held theurgic rituals conducted by Martinès de Pasqually himself. Saint-
Martin, who considered Pasqually as his “first instructor,” often asked him if it was necessary to
carry out the rituals in the manner they did in order to know God, inasmuch as those rituals were
complex and dangerous at the same time. Although he did not find this occult system attractive,
he nevertheless became a member and reached the highest degree of the Order, that of Réaux-
Croix. In 1771, he left the army to become Martinès de Pasqually’s secretary. After Pasqually
died in 1774, Saint-Martin traveled to England, Italy and Germany, to perfect his knowledge. His


discovery of Jacob Boehme’s books (1575-1624) changed his life, to the extent that Saint-Martin
saw Boehme as his “second instructor.” Thanks to him, Saint-Martin understood that true
initiation transcends the theurgy performed by the Élus Cohen, and that it can only be produced
within one's heart. For this reason, Saint-Martin promoted the Way of the Heart.

Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin expressed his thoughts through numerous books. The first
one was published in 1775 under the title Of Errors and Truth. The goal of the book was to raise
the spiritual awareness of his contemporaries. The book was published in the same way as his
other writings, under the pseudonym of “Unknown Philosopher.” Other works would follow
including Natural Table of the Correspondences between God, Man and the Universe, Man of
Desire; Ecce Homo; The New Man; The Spirit of Things; and the Ministry of the Human-Spirit.
Saint-Martin also handed over to posterity a revealing and inspiring personal correspondence,
along with some posthumous writings. Furthermore, he published his own translations of Jacob
Boehme: The Nascent Dawn; The Three Principles of the Divine Essence; Forty Questions of the
Soul; The Threefold Life of Man; and The Six Theosophical Points. The Unknown Philosopher
passed on to posterity a great body of work when he transitioned on October 13, 1803 at the age
of 60.


Dear Supplicant,

I greet you before the Luminaires of the Traditional Martinist Order!

The time has come to cross the threshold of the second degree of the Order and we
suggest that you perform the following introductory ritual, when you feel yourself ready. It is
important that you have peace of mind and are certain that you will not be disturbed. If, for some
reason, you do not wish to carry out this ritual, we recommend that you at least read it and
become familiar with its content. In doing so you will attune to its “mystical note.”

It is certainly not mandatory to perform the rituals that are presented to you when
reaching a new level. However, we sincerely believe that they ensure the understanding and
integration of Martinist teachings. As we have repeatedly stated, Martinism is a path that must
be followed on the plane of the soul and the heart. The intellectual study of the monographs
alone is not enough to benefit from the knowledge they convey. Rituals are a medium of spiritual
communion and help us to attune with the Divine as manifested in us and around us. The goal of
any mystical practice is to achieve this Divine Unity and to benefit from the inspiration and
regeneration we gain from it.

In addition to your oratory work, we encourage you to affiliate with a Heptad or Atelier,
in order to meet other Martinists and to study the monographs in an inspiring
environment. Perhaps you are doing that now? In this case, we are confident that this enhances
your mystical aspirations and is a cause of great satisfaction for you on all levels.



For this ritual to have the greatest impact it should, ideally, be performed in your
oratory. To this effect, set up your oratory as you would when you are about to study a
monograph, and as shown by the diagram on page 5. Then, burn some incense in the incense

When your oratory is properly arranged, wash your hands and drink a glass of water as a
sign of physical and mental purification. Now, stand between the chair and the altar, facing East.
Light the two candles beginning with the one on the left, then sit and meditate for a few seconds
on your intentions before beginning the following ritual.



Supplicant (As soon as you feel the impulse to do so, begin reading the ritual.)

Master: Postulant, I first wish to tell you that it is a great joy and satisfaction for me
to welcome you into the Second Degree of the Traditional Martinist Order.
From now on, you will be able to feel and understand the ideal that drives
our members, and what you have learned in the First Degree has allowed
you to measure the beauty and depth of our Tradition. Certainly, you still
have a long way to travel on the path of Reintegration, but the mere fact
that you were able to arrive at this stage of our teachings proves how great
is your desire to progress on the Martinist Path. Therefore be assured of my
spiritual support, and know that you have acquired the support of the
Masters of the past as well.

In order to place this ritual under the auspices of the Grand Architect of the
Universe, I now propose that you raise your soul towards Him by using this

“O Grand Architect of the Universe, I call unto Thee to inspire me during

the following ritual. May my soul feel Thy presence and attune to Thee, so
that I may perceive even more the beauty and sweetness of the path that
leads to Thee. So Mote it Be!”

Supplicant: (After a short pause, continue the ritual.)

Master: In the Introductory Ritual to the First Degree of our Order, it was said to
you that the Martinist work is under the auspices of the Wisdom, Strength
and Beauty of the Grand Architect of the Universe. That being said, two


lights and not three illuminate the altar of your oratory whenever you go
there to study our teachings. This is to symbolize the duality that is
manifested in the whole of Creation throughout two worlds at the same time
opposed and complementary: the material and the immaterial, the tangible
and the intangible, the finite and the infinite, the temporal and the non-
temporal. Being altogether body and soul, we are part of these two worlds
and they permit us to express the world through them.

On the terrestrial plane, duality manifests itself through the laws of

opposites: heat and cold, dryness and humidity, hard and soft, tall and
short, right and left, top and bottom, finite and infinite, light and darkness,
life and death, etc. In the past, these opposites were symbolic of the two
pillars at the entrance of temples, the most well known being the ones
flanking Solomon’s Temple. As you will soon learn, this Temple, built in the
heart of Jerusalem, was more than a place of devotion dedicated to Yahweh,
the God of Israel. In terms of the Martinist Tradition, it was symbolic of the
history of Creation and Humanity’s condition since the Original Fall. This
temple was unfortunately destroyed forever.

Applied to humanity, duality expresses itself through the qualities and

shortcomings that we manifest in our behavior: humility or pride,
generosity or greed, tolerance or bigotry, courage or cowardice, etc. By
extension, it is said that we perform acts of goodness or corruption; that we
are in truth or error, that we show wisdom or ignorance, etc. We are
endowed with free will to such an extent that we are the artisan of our own
destiny, at the individual as well as the collective levels. The more choices
we make that contribute to our wellness and happiness and the wellness and
happiness of others, the more we act in conformity with our divine nature.


Master: And yet, if duality appears in the contraries, it also evokes the concept of
balance. As you know, the truth that we are seeking is often found between
two conditions, two situations or two opposite states. Likewise, the ideal
behavior we aspire to as Martinists consists in avoiding extremes and
showing moderation. Therefore, you must look for the middle path in
everything, the path that passes between the two pillars of the opposite
elements of life. This path is deeply ingrained inside your very being, for it
is that path that your soul encourages you to follow in all circumstances.
This means that you must take into account its warnings, its commands and
its advice, hence the importance of prayer and meditation.

Now, meditate for a few moments on the law of duality as manifested in the
world in and around you. Then answer the following questions:

- Is the visible world an emanation, extension or expression of the invisible


- How is humanity a link between the visible and the invisible worlds?

- What is your conception of good and evil?

- What opinion do you have of yourself at this stage of your Martinist quest?

Supplicant: (Answer these questions with sincerity and then proceed with the ritual.)

Master: Supplicant, I now ask you to rise and place your hands in front of you, the
right hand directed toward the candle on the right, and the left directed
toward the candle on the left.


Supplicant: (Do as instructed and then proceed with the ritual.)

Master: Your hands stretched in this position symbolize the law of duality. To
balance the opposite forces that may act in you or around you, you must
learn to come close to the Unity that comes before all things and all beings,
that is the Divine Soul that animates you and, by extension, Divinity Itself.

Now, put your hands in front of you, interlacing your fingers over your

Supplicant: (Do as instructed and then continue the ritual.)

Master: Your hands joined in this manner symbolizes the Unity of your being, that
which you must draw yourself close to if you wish to succeed in balancing
the opposite forces that act in and around you. You will notice that their
position is that of prayer, the aim of which is to unite us to God through the
intermediary of our soul.

While in this position facing East, standing with hands joined and with
conviction and sincerity, pray to the soul within you:

“O my soul, you who animate all my being and make of it a temple, reveal
to my conscience and show me the way leading between the two pillars.
Inspire me with the need and desire to communicate with you as often as
possible under the auspices of the Grand Architect of the Universe.”


Master: Now, be seated, close your eyes, and abandon yourself to spiritual
communion. While attuning with the Divine, you will receive the influx that
will mark your admission to the Second Degree of our Order.

Supplicant: (After a few minutes, resume the reading of this ritual.)

Master: Supplicant, the time has now come to close this ritual. Through the coming
months may you learn to master the opposites of life and to realize the unity
of your own being. May you also receive the support, inspiration and
protection of the Grand Architect of the Universe.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom!

Supplicant: (After remaining silent for a few moments, stand and extinguish the two
candles, beginning with the one on the left. Then disassemble your oratory
if you are not able to leave it set up permanently, and put away the
accouterments in an appropriate place.)

We suggest that you write in your notebook any thoughts and feelings that
came to you during the ritual, or in the ensuing hours. If you would like, you
may send your reflections to the Grand Master of the Traditional Martinist



In connection with what we have shared with you concerning Louis-Claude de Saint-
Martin, we invite you to read an excerpt from his work, My Historic and Philosophical Portrait.

It took me a long time to find out why I encountered so many obstacles in my life that kept
me away from the enjoyment of talents, either in the arts, or in literature, and what the world
called the pleasures of the intellect. The reason is that all these things are for our mere joy only,
and for our personal account, whereas we should only be here for the sake of God. As far as I
am concerned, this is the truth about which I cannot hold any doubt, since I have learned in the
most convincing manner what it looks like to be in this world, for the sake of God.

God never ceases to use all possible means to teach humans that our kingdom is not of
this world. Many of us are so thickheaded, and so ill behaved, that we can only be taught this
truth through tribulation, misfortunes and weaknesses. As for me, he deigned to teach this to me
through two far milder methods; on the one hand, he inundated me with the splendors of the
other world, and on the other, he merely tempted me with the silly things of this world.

God has sometimes forced upon me laws, by making me go through temporal paths that
were totally opposed to my earthly character, but in which I was to find everything that was
necessary for my soul personality. When those channels ceased to be open to me, I fell back into
the natural ways of my temporal destiny. Yet, the natural ways of my temporal destiny are filled
with broken pieces and inconsistencies that make me clearly see where I come from, and that do
not permit me to doubt that we must constantly fight and eat bread by the sweat of our brow.


My task in this world is to lead human spirits by means of a natural path to supernatural
things, which by right belong to us, but of which we have lost all conception, either by our own
debasement or by the false instruction of those who have taught us. This is a new task, yet filled
with many obstacles, and so slow that it is only after my death that it will produce its greatest
results. And yet it is so vast and so reliable that I must greatly thank Providence for entrusting
me with this work because many of those who taught and teach it every day, demand submission
only, or tell only fairy tales.

Issued by the Grand Heptad of the English Speaking Jurisdiction
of the Traditional Martinist Order
1342 Naglee Avenue, San Jose, California 95191

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