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Volume 1, Issue 1 September 8, 2006 A.D.

21 Bullet Secrets That IGNITE

Thank You, for being a part of The
Total Package family!
The Selling Power of Your Copy
Take the world’s most powerful BULLET
Clayton is thrilled to be able to and FASCINATION secrets (stolen directly
share with you the secrets he’s used
to attract more than 3 million new from decades of red-hot controls) …
customers and rake in over $1 Billion
in sales for his clients. Combine them with proven principles
for boosting response, both online and off …
Make sure you dig into our free
archives to get the nitty-gritty details And finally filter it all through one of the most
behind … RESPECTED copywriters to ever pick up a pen …
 How Clayton helped
Security Rare Coin skyrocket Do all this and you’ve got a wickedly effective new
from $3.5 million in sales to bullet-writing system that will change your copywriting
over $120 million (a 3,400% and marketing, almost overnight!
increase) – in a little over a
year … By Anthony Flores
Executive Editor “If you’ve ever wondered how
 The secrets he used to to write response-boosting,
Fellow Business Builder,
Blanchard & Company to
order-pulling BULLETS and
over $115 million per
year … W hy should you read —
and HEED — the secrets
I reveal in the following pages?
FASCINATIONS that literally
keep your prospect tossing
and turning, unable to sleep
 How he attracted more than
one million new, paying Simple: Because the ability to write until he orders your product
customers to Phillips great bullets and fascinations is one of the … then this will be one of the
Publishing in just over 3 most powerful skills you’ll EVER acquire most important marketing
years … as a copywriter. And the ability to recognize letters you ever read!”
 How he helped make Safe both good and bad ones is essential to being
Money Report the largest a great direct response entrepreneur or developed the ability to write world-class
publication of its kind in the marketing director. bullets and it’s rare to see a big package
world by QUADRUPLING without at least 10-20, if not many more.
its customer file … Don’t believe me? Just scan through
a stack of controls. You’ll find TONS of Plus, it’s hard not to love them — these
Plus, you’ll discover more business sales letters and even larger promotions little benefit-packed gems do so much in so
building, direct marketing and based almost entirely on great bullets and little space!
copywriting secrets, insights and
fascinations. This is especially true when
strategies from the rest of The Total 9 times out of 10, bullets and
selling books — like Boardroom and
Package team. All of them real-world
Rodale do through the mail. And like many fascinations offer benefits … but GREAT
experts working right now online and
Internet marketers do online. ones do much more than that.
off to get bigger winners, more often.
Just about every great A-list writer has The best bullets and fascinations often

September 8, 2006 Page 

do the following: Others have a slightly different
The Screaming Eagle™ approach. Clayton’s good friend and
is published monthly by l Powerfully stimulate
seven-figure writer Parris Lampropoulos
Clayton Makepeace and The Total Package™ curiosity and intrigue …
begins by going through his research
as part of the
l Seduce your prospect and writing as many as 700 fascinations.
Easy Writers™ Marketing Club.
to read, read, READ! Talk about discipline! He’ll probably
only keep about 100 of them, but Parris
It is owned by l Build desire — little by little
likes to have about seven times more
The Profit Center™ — by creating the urge to
PO Box 750 than he could ever use.
“know” the secret your bullet
Waynesville, NC • 28786 promises to reveal … This is an elite strategy because it
guarantees that every bullet or fascina-
For customer support please contact us at: l Seize your prospect’s attention tion that makes it into the final draft is and keep him zooming through exceptional. He gets to select strictly
or call 800-827-0940 (US) the copy … from the “cream of the crop” rather
828-456-9277 (INT) than some good ones and a bunch
l Make your sales message more
readable (which always boosts of mediocre ones. (I’m sure you’ve
Rights of reproduction and distribution
response!) … seen this problem — especially online
of this newsletter are strictly reserved.
— where you’re reading a long string
l Pump up your promotions with of bullets and 3 out of every 4 are
Any unauthorized reproduction more variety and prevent the mediocre, at best. You can bet the
or distribution of information
disastrous “flat” benefit syndrome writer didn’t write seven times what he
contained herein is expressly forbidden
… needed and then select his very best!)
without the written consent of
The Total Package™. l Crush “headline block,” instantly In looking at Parris’s packages, I see
delivering a wealth of fantastic how this also gives him so much variety
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: headline possibilities … in his bullet sections, making them more
Clayton Makepeace intriguing and enjoyable to read. This is
l And much, much more!
crucial — especially in promotions that
EXECUTIVE EDITOR: How to write bullets involve lots of fascinations — because
Tony Flores
that make it IMPOSSIBLE even just one or two bad ones can cause
for your package your prospect to start “skimming.” In
Wendy Makepeace
to be put down some cases, a few bad bullets alone can
get your promotion tossed!
Writing great bullets and fascina-
GRAPHIC DESIGN: tions is truly a science. It’s about taking Remember —
Brian K. Wilson all the right tools and then assembling your #1 job is to keep
a little powerhouse of desire. your prospect READING!
Circulation Manager:
Martha Shelton If you’re writing them for a book As you know, the fundamental
or a premium booklet, you’ll typically goal in copy is to MAKE THE SALE.
begin by researching the daylights out And, without a doubt, the BEST way
of your subject. to do that is to keep your prospect
Legends like Gene Schwartz would
begin reading a book multiple times, Have you ever noticed when
highlighting key points and tidbits with you’re reading sales letters … if you
each read. Then he’d have his secre- read or study a good one from cover
tary or a typist type up all of his notes to cover … you start feeling like you
(which would often add up to a 60-70 WANT the product? That’s the magic
of long copy! But it ONLY works if
page document!) Finally, he’d organize
you KEEP your prospect reading all
the research information and begin
the way to the end.
filling in the running text, creating the
fascinations as they came to him. That’s why Clayton constantly

Page The Screaming Eagle™

here’re the main types I’ve discovered:
“Having an army of killer
1. The “how to” bullet
bullets/fascinations at your disposal This is probably the single most
gives you a whole slew of fantastic headline popular type of bullet/fascination and
you see loads of it, both online and off.
and subhead possibilities. Keep your eye It works because we seem to have a
natural affinity and curiosity for “how
out for those that will most to” information. That’s especially true
forcefully grab his attention.” if the “how to” information is tied into
our deepest feelings and desires. That’s
the key to making it work.
talks about systematically weeding out headline ideas and possibilities.
“weak links” in your copy — because l How to use the secrets of
Some of the very best writers “loading” your body for maximum
weak links cause you to lose readership.
in the business will often begin their power! (Traditional swings rob you
And ultimately cause you to lose sales.
writing process with bullets and of this potential power — while the
Because they’re so easy to read, bullets
fascinations. Triple Coil Swing actually increases
can be the deadliest of weak links.
That way, when it’s time to write it two-fold!)
That’s why, if you bore your
the headline, you’ve literally got l How to make yourself safer
prospect with dull or repetitive bullets,
dozens … if not HUNDREDS of than 89% of other car passengers
the best case scenario is that he starts
possibilities for a headline. — page 389.
skimming and scanning (the opposite
of what you want). This is one step One of the best recent examples l How to rub your stomach
from putting the letter down or of a winning headline that began as a away. The simplest and most
throwing it in the trash. bullet is from the control for Bottom natural way to lose weight is by this
Line Personal: effortless two-minute exercise.
So you want to make sure you
vary your bullets in such a way that How Doctors Stay Well While 2. The “secret to” bullet
your copy has a natural flow, that it Treating Sick People All Day This formula is perfect when you have
doesn’t feel artificial. Which means a piece of information not commonly
This was simply the most
you want some bullets long, others known — something that can be legiti-
intriguing, benefit-based bullet out of
short, some bullets blind and others
many hundreds written by the author mately called a “secret”. Typically the
where you reveal the full secret your “secret” is centered on “how” your
of the package. If you notice, it also
prospect can use immediately.
hints of “proof” because it references prospect will get the benefit. Be careful
Reading through the bullets doctors. (We’ll discuss the need for not to overuse this idea, however, or
should give your prospect an exciting proof/credibility in your bullets more your prospect will become exces-
feeling. Almost like he’s on a roller in just a second.) sively skeptical. After all, if everything
coaster ride and doesn’t know which is a secret then each one becomes a
To work the same magic in your little less unique and enticing. These
way he’s gonna be turned next.
own writing, just write TONS of bullets bullets MUST be based on information
If you can get your prospect covering every shocking, fascinating not commonly known and varied for
through a long series of quality bullets/ and emotionally stirring piece of infor- maximum impact.
fascinations, your chances of making mation you have. When you’re done,
the sale shoot up exponentially! you’ll almost certainly have at least a l The secrets of “Single Finger”
few very good headlines in there — and takedowns … using moves that are
How to CRUSH indefensible even by a larger and
probably at least 1-2 GREAT ones!
“headline block” for good more experienced opponent!
21 proven bullet
And here’s another really l Little known secrets that can
formulas revealed
powerful advantage you’ll have when
by the best writers steer you to tremendous profits in
you become a great bullet/fascina-
in the business gold … even if bullion drops to $250
tion writer. Having an army of killer an ounce!
bullets/fascination at your disposal After scouring hundreds of
gives you a whole slew of fantastic controls looking just for bullets, l The secret of “that schoolgirl

September 8, 2006 Page 

complexion” revealed! This is the added curiosity! stop the state from stealing it.
natural compound you must have for
l What you must do immedi- This kind of bullet/fascination can
health, beauty and long life. Develops
ately before November 15th, 2001 to be applied to many, many pieces of
that youthful beauty from within.
preserve your wealth and … information. And it’s powerful because
3. The “Why” bullet it alerts him of a possible mistake
l What you must do at once if
This bullet is ideal for building (tapping into fear emotion), promises
you receive a mild shock when you
intrigue. Essentially, you’re promising information that will protect your
touch an electric appliance — page 26.
to reveal why something is a certain prospect from the mistake (benefit),
way — with the implication that l What the Corporate Fat Cats and also builds curiosity and intrigue
knowing why will make a difference don’t tell you about their CoQ10 because he doesn’t yet know the
in your prospect’s life. So make extra supplements … answer. If you’re selling supplements,
sure the info your promise presents you could say, “What NEVER to take
l What to watch when you’re
is … (a) something your prospect is along with Vitamin C …” If you’re in
eight feet apart (it’s NOT his eyes
instantly curious to know more about the investment market, you could say,
— a terrible mistake most fighters
and (b) directly beneficial in his life. “What NEVER to invest in as infla-
make that gets them hurt) … and
l Why if this disaster strikes what to watch inside the two feet tion rises …” The list could go on for
the US, you’ll pay up to 15 times “crunch time zone” … to keep miles.
more money for cheap imitations of you a precious step ahead of even Along the same lines, you can
your favorite supplements — and superbly-trained fighters! present any other type of “What
why that’s the good news!
You can see more great examples of NEVER” information with leads like
l Why up to 70 percent of the “How to” … “What” … and “Why” “Why you should not …” or “The
all poisonings happen to children bullets on page 1 (The Safe Money absolute worst …” or “What to avoid
under five. And the best prevention Investor Service) of your Ride-Along™ …” — because the premise is exactly
of them all. Page 34. in the FREE GIFT #1 sidebar. As you’ll the same. Just play around with the
soon see, sidebars can showcase your different versions and see which works
l Why you can’t trust your best for your information. Here are a
best bullets with tremendous impact.
pension fund: Dirty tricks they play few more examples:
with your money — and how to stop 5. The “What NEVER” bullet
them COLD … If you’ve ever read a Boardroom l Why you should not use soap
report, I’d bet big money you’ve seen anywhere but under the arms and
4. The “What” bullet
this type of bullet. They popularized it on the genitals. Page 37.
“What” bullets work well in two ways.
with the following bullet that became l The absolute worst time for
First they can give your prospect very
a blockbuster headline:
specific instructions for action (“What your body to do paperwork or read.
you MUST do now to avoid …”). l What never to eat on an airplane. Page 26.
Second, they often offer him elusive, The dirtiest, deadliest airplane in l The One Place NEVER to
valuable information (“What doctors the whole wide world. Store Your Gold: It’s practically
don’t tell you about …”). Both do an engraved invitation to thieves.
Here’s another example:
a wonderful job of bumping up the Where to store your gold for
perceived value of the information, l What never to keep in your maximum safety and convenience.
while at the same time hiding it for deposit box. Never. And how to
6. The “PLUS” bullet
The “PLUS” bullet is a greed bullet —
“When you promise to reveal something it gets your prospect into the mindset
of more, more, MORE! Its structure
incredibly intriguing —­­ something that’ll isn’t terribly unique — essentially it’s
make a huge difference in his life — you just one of the other formulas with a
PLUS at the beginning. PLUS bullets
create a burning desire for the answer work best at the end of a list, helping
finish with power and momentum.
that must be fulfilled.” Here’s an example from some of
Clayton’s financial self-mailers:

Page The Screaming Eagle™

l PLUS — How to turn the
tables on them: Insulate your wealth
and then USE their treachery to lock-
“Together these bullet formulas allow you to
in profit potential of up to 562%! hit every piece of intriguing info from
l PLUS my complete list of a variety of angles. Practice using them
1,837 companies that we suspect of
fudging their earnings — make sure TODAY and you’ll never write dull
your stocks are NOT on this list! or repetitive bullets again.”
7. The “Number” bullet
Use this kind of bullet when you
can group together multiple ways of l The bathroom medicine shocking TRUTH that can protect
doing something, multiple secrets or cabinet is the best place to store medi- you from being fleeced again!
cine, right? Wrong! It’s the worst.
multiple reasons why something will 10. The “Are you …?” bullet
happen. It’s a great way of condensing The facts are on page 120.
With this bullet, you ask your pros-
unique information into a value-added l “Unscented” products have pect about something you strongly
team of enticing secrets, methods or no scent? Sorry. Many are masked believe he’s already doing. Then you
ways of delivering a desired benefit. with a chemical that can cause offer him a specific benefit, advice, or
l Four ways to stimulate the allergic reactions. Page 24. instructions with as much credibility
as possible. This bullet is particularly
body to release its own natural pain- 9. The “WARNING” bullet strong because you get your pros-
killers. It’s perfect for when you want to
pect to say “yes” and nod his head,
l The seven little-known signs alert your prospect of a danger ahead.
building momentum toward the sale.
You’ll often also see the words
of internal bleeding and what to do
“caution, alert, danger” at the begin- Variations on it can be
about each — page 4.
ning instead of warning. This is partic- “Do you …?” or “Does your …?”
l The world’s two most ularly effective when your promotion or “Is your …?” — all work equally
powerful inflation fighting strate- targets the fear emotion. Of course, well!
gies: PLUS the stocks that can hand this bullet works much better when
l Are you and your doctor
you gains of up to 562% as inflation you give proof that you have the solu-
making these common mistakes with
returns … tion (benefit) to the problem you’re
your health? One of the Country’s
warning your prospect about.
l 3 often overlooked investment most respected M.D.’s exposes the 9
vehicles that can make you up to 10 l WARNING — Your #1 asset deadliest flaws in disease treatment
times richer when the next earnings is now in extreme danger! Why the that could be robbing you of your
scandal bursts into the headlines. equity in your family’s home may health and hard-earned money.
be vulnerable to an all out attack in
8. The “Right … WRONG!” bullet l Does your broker have a “rap
2004-2006 — crucial self-defense …
There are times when you’ll be able sheet” with the SEC or NASD?
to bank on your prospect having l WARNING: Avoid These 2 Here’s how to find out — FAST!
certain assumptions. That’s where this Popular Gold Investments Like The
l Do you take any of these 16
kind of bullet comes in. You suggest Plague! Ignoring this single warning
popular vitamins or supplements?
could leave you broke and holding
the assumed idea or belief and then If so, please read this M.D.’s urgent
the bag!
you immediately debunk it with … warning!
WRONG! It’s great because everybody l Cell phone DANGER! Avoid
11. The “Gimmick” bullet
wants to know why or how they could sleep disruption from electromag-
Here you carefully extract an idea from
be wrong about something they thought netic waves …
information in your research and put
they knew. Especially, if there’s a killer
l CAUTION: Washington a creative “spin” on it, assigning it a
benefit in knowing the right answer! and Wall Street are conspiring to name. For example, say you’re selling
l Sneezing into a tissue HOODWINK YOU! They only a fitness book and you find there’s a
prevents colds, right? Wrong! want you to THINK that they’ve body fat test which requires you to
Page 2 explains why. cleaned up Wall Street. Discover the pinch certain parts of your body. You

September 8, 2006 Page 

could create a gimmick like … The surprise to turn around dangerous intrigue or additional benefits to the
simple “pinch test” that instantly situations … even when they’re the original claim.
tells what your body fat levels are ones who’ve been “jumped” by an
Some examples:
— with pinpoint, .5% accuracy. assailant unexpectedly!
This technique works effectively l Sneaky little arthritis secrets
because it often combines a benefit that doctors never, ever tell you
TONE without exercise! Ten minute
with specificity, intrigue/curiosity, about …
breakthrough naturally triples your
and delivers a precise mechanism for
l Sneaky insurance tricks that growth hormone levels. Secretly
achieving the benefit. AMAZING!
could be costing you an arm and a being used by the New York Mets,
And it does this ALL in a couple of
leg. Make sure you’re not a victim. Chicago Cubs and many Hollywood
simple lines.
For an example of this kind of stars. All you do is stand.
l The amazing “Towel Hanging”
trick that increases the strength
bullet (and many others!), see page 2 l BANISH MENSTRUAL
of your Ride-Along™. It’s from The CRAMPS FOR GOOD with a
of you erection … plus your love-
Bob Livingston Letter. common vitamin! Now shown to wipe
making stamina … allowing you to
supercharge your love-life in a very 13. The “Statement of out over 80% of all cases of cramps.
short time! (You have to experi- Interest + Benefit” bullet. l RECOVER FROM LATE-
ence these kinds of “rocket burst” This formula works best when you STAGE CANCER, even after it has
orgasms to believe they’re possible! have an exciting or intriguing tidbit spread to the bones. Just a tiny dose
See page 139.) you can lead with. Then you immedi- of this cutting-edge nutrient has
ately follow it with a strong benefit. now been shown to make it happen.
l And … the amazing “follow
Often you’ll start with a fact and then
through” secret that is the founda-
use one of the “how to” or “why” 15. The “Specific Question” bullet
tion of making long, straight drives
types of bullets for the second line. This bullet hooks your prospect by
so easy you could cry with joy! This leading with an intriguing question of
alone will change your game forever l Drowning is the third leading importance. Just like many of the other
… cause of accidental death. But did formulas, what follows must offer
you know it’s possible to save a the desired solution either within the
l The “optical illusion” that
drowning person even if you can’t running text of the copy or the product
absolutely destroys most golfers …
swim? Page 15. that’s being sold. And, of course, it’s
the single most damaging “habit”
nearly all amateurs suffer that l You walk into an empty self- always good to mix in credibility,
GUARANTEES they will never service elevator late at night and benefit, intrigue and curiosity.
experience a consistently great press the button. Before the door l Do you know that one-
game! (Once you know the secret, has a chance to close you get back quarter of all household burglars
however, you will OWN the course!) out fast. Why? (Nine ways to outwit gain entrance without breaking in?
a mugger.) Page 380.
12. The “Sneaky” bullet Here’s how they do it … and how
This one is used very selectively by l Platinum Prices Up 90% to get them to stop doing it to you.
top writers — because overdoing it since 2002 — Here’s How To Page 157.
can make your copy feel contrived. PROFIT: Why platinum prices l Joint bank accounts? Close
Not everything can be “sneaky”. are expected to surge throughout
them fast and open separate ones …
It typically applies when you have 2005. Best coins and bars for profit-
or you’ll pay dearly. Page 142.
a piece of info that has some sort minded investors.
of conspiracy factor … or in less l What time of day are you at
14. The “Direct Benefit” Bullet
extreme cases: a hidden, guarded greatest risk for low blood glucose?
Here’s where you simply make a
or overlooked element. It’s most This surprising answer will put you
claim (ideally a unique and powerful
often used when there’s something a on alert.
one!) in the opening line of your
group doesn’t want you to know or is
bullet. The first word is usually an 16. The “If … Then” bullet
actively hiding from you.
action verb, instantly promising the The “If … Then” bullet works
l The sneaky ways profes- benefit. Then the next line is spent because it first engages your pros-
sional fighters use the element of deepening, proving, and adding pect by inviting him to meet a simple

Page The Screaming Eagle™

requirement. It can also ask him if
he’s in a specific “group” or if he’s
experiencing some kind of malady or “You never know when one of your best
symptom. If you’ve selected the right bullets could become a world-beating
piece of info, he’s naturally interested
in whether he meets the requirement headline. That’s why it pays to put tons of
or is experiencing what you describe.
It quickly grabs his attention!
energy into them, making every
And then he also wants to see
single one as powerful as possible.”
what happens if he DOES meet the
requirement — which becomes the
benefit you hit him with in the latter interest. No penalties. No nasty almost anything.
half of the bullet. The legendary Gary visits from the Feds. Page 14.
l The quickest, easiest ways to
Bencivenga is particularly fond of l When cold pizza is the perfect find a broker who won’t cheat you.
using these types of statements as fat-loss breakfast. Page 14.
headlines and they’ve produced some
19. The “Truth” bullet
You can see another example of Use this one when you want to help
very big winners for him.
this bullet and other great ones on your prospect put a controversial or
l If you have a tension head- page 3 of your Ride-Along™. It’s debatable issue to rest. Select pieces
ache, here’s why you should forget from Rodale’s Powerfood Nutrition of information that appear conflicting
your scalp and concentrate on your Plan promotion — a very bullet-heavy or confusing to him. Then offer him
toes. control that features many of the tech- a clear solution in the form of the
niques you’re learning in this issue! “Truth”. People love to read about a
l If you’ve got just 20 minutes a
controversy or commonly held belief
month, I guarantee to work a finan- 18. The “Quickest, Easiest” Bullet
getting demystified. (You can see a
cial miracle in your life. Here you offer to reveal the quickest
great example of this on page 4 of the
or easiest or simplest way to do some-
l If you are now a "B" or Ride-Along™. The second bullet on
thing, to achieve a beneficial result.
"B+" copywriter, by learning this the page begins with “The real cause”
It’s human nature to want to get
one unusual secret, you will much — another way to word this same
something easier, faster and with less
more easily move up quickly into concept. The fourth bullet on the page
effort — especially in today’s instant
the rarefied ranks of the "A" or says, “The truth about fish oil.”)
gratification driven society! You can
even "A+" writers who command make this bullet work very simply or l The truth about
the biggest freelance fees and make you can pile on additional possibili- mutual funds. What your
fortunes in royalties. ties (from the formulas above) for a broker doesn’t tell you could cost
17. The “When” bullet wonderful one-two punch. you up to 5% this year.
Perfect for when you’re promising l The easiest way to beat out l THE TRUTH ABOUT TUNA.
a benefit at a very specific time. It’s even the most ferocious competi- Is it good for you? Or does it contain
great because you’re implicitly saying, tion in your marketplace, even harmful metals that can ruin your
“Do this at a certain time, and you’ll when their marketing is brilliant, immune system? See page 70.
get a guaranteed result.” Your pros- their budget huge and their copy
pects will naturally want to know l THE TRUTH ABOUT
is so persuasive, it could have been
ALCOHOL. Will it interfere with
when he can get the benefit and how written by Claude Hopkins himself.
muscle growth? Will it help your
he can get it, so intrigue and curiosity
l And finally, the easiest way heart and circulatory system? See
are automatically built in.
to be a master of persuasion — the page 274.
l When the IRS has to pay you simple, 12 word sentence that will
20. The “Better” Bullet
interest! If they miss this deadline make you one of the most persua-
When there’s an assumption that
by a single day, they’re legally obli- sive people on the planet, no matter
something’s good but YOU have
gated to do so. Page 15. what field you're in. This is the
something even better — use this
"master secret" of knowing how
l When it’s safe to ignore bullet! It’s a great way to sneak right
to persuade almost anyone to do
the April 15th filing deadline. No under your prospect’s BS detector and

September 8, 2006 Page 

slip in your benefit, build curiosity and nutrient you’ll ever need for heart l How to profit
create momentum. A possible varia- health. It’s not expensive — but from stocks in 2006 …
tion on this same concept is to lead there are at least 7 different forms
with the word “beyond.” of it and only ONE works. To find This bullet obviously sucks. It’s
out which one, see page 23. flat … it builds no intrigue or curiosity
l BETTER THAN THE … it lacks specificity — really the
BENCH PRESS. For a broader, l The single most explosive only positive is that it offers a benefit:
more muscular chest, the uncanny investment in this coming crash. It profit.
exercise on page 17 works wonders. takes advantage of my three proven
growth factors and is still available But even then, the lack of
l BETTER THAN SQUATS! specificity makes the benefit appear
dirt-cheap. But it won’t stay that
Try this leg exercise on page 29. It common and less believable. After
way for long!
takes less time than squats and will all, you’ve probably been exposed to
not injure your back! Now that you have this army of hundreds (if not thousands) of oppor-
hot new formulas … USE THEM. tunities to make money or “profit” …
Whenever you’re creating bullets/ and almost none of them work.
Other rooms can spice up your sex
fascinations for your promotions,
life. Every home contains sexual On the other hand, if you said:
attack each piece of information from
secrets waiting to be unlocked …
at least 2-3 different angles using l How to make 307% profit
DAY 3 shows you how to make your
the formulas that fit best. You’ll be from gold stocks in 2006 …
lovemaking more fun!
shocked at how much better they
21. The “Single” Bullet come out and how much more variety Now that’s a different story! Speci-
This type of bullet is best used when you have in your final draft! ficity is the key ingredient in bullet
you have a piece of information writing. The 307% implies you’ve done
The 3-step
or benefit that exceeds all others. some sort of research or analysis, that
“Makepeace Makeover” you’re not just pulling this idea out of
And you have proof. It’s effective
that supercharges
because you’re promising some- you-know-where. And the “gold stocks”
ANY bullet in a matter
thing that stands head and shoulders provides a more specific mechanism for
of minutes
above anything else being offered. achieving these kinds of profits.
You’re promising to cut directly to There’s really no excuse for
Revealing the mechanism your
the most powerful and often exclusive writing poor bullets. You just need to
prospect will use to achieve the
possibility. Provided the benefit is get clear on the critical elements that
claim is HUGE in today’s saturated
strong and credibility is there — who make a good one, and then be sure you
wouldn’t want that? include each element into your writing. markets. By mechanism, I’m talking
about the means, method or system
l The single most important This is a process I learned your prospect will use to achieve
sentence you will ever read about personally from Clayton. Let’s try it the benefit. Some examples are: a
how to create powerful marketing. — taking a weak bullet and give it a proprietary investment system, certain
It contains just nine words, and they quick Makepeace-Makeover! nutrient(s) in a weight-loss pill, new
will forever change your approach advances in technology, etc. Showing
Often, especially in “institu-
to marketing. your prospect that you have a unique
tional” advertising, you’ll see dread-
l The single most important fully flat bullet/fascinations like: mechanism helps differentiate your
claim from others making similar
ones. You have a new way to get him
“Whenever you’re creating what he wants. And this gives you a
better chance at having readers at least
bullets/fascinations for your promotions, consider your claim. They’re more
attack each piece of information from open to believing it.
OK — back to our example. Our
at least 2-3 different angles using bullet is decent at this point but it
the formulas that fit best.” could still be better. There’s a benefit,
some intrigue — your prospect wants
to profit and he’s probably curious

Page The Screaming Eagle™

about how he could profit 307% from
gold stocks. But then again — he’s
busy and he’s probably reading many “Revealing the precise mechanism your
prospect will use to fulfill your promise
other similar claims from other invest-
ment newsletters and headlines.
Something more is needed. is mega-powerful in today’s saturated,
So let’s add a tad bit more intrigue
and credibility, let’s make him VERY
skeptical markets. It’s a fantastic way to
SURE that this is a real opportunity. introduce benefit, credibility and
Now what if we said:
intrigue, all at the same time.”
l How to exploit Warren Buffet’s
“Bull Market X-Factor” and
make 307% profits on gold
stocks in the next 60 days … he promotes investment newsletters of Clayton’s bullet principles.
and supplements much more often
WOW! Now we’ve got something How to write world-class
than books — will often contain fewer
here. Your prospect is being offered: bullets when you’ve got
bullets/fascinations than a package for
(a) the benefit of making a profit, (b) no mystery or secret
Boardroom or Rodale. When he does
the intrigue/curiosity of how he can do create bullets/fascinations, it’s typi- Also, because Clayton works
it using Warren Buffet’s “Bull Market cally to sell the premiums, for some of heavily in the supplement field, he’ll
X-Factor” and (c) the credibility that the sidebars … others are used in the often have to create pure benefit
he’ll make precisely 307% on gold deck copy and the back cover. sequences of bullets (where he’s not
stocks, using a very specific strategy. hiding intriguing or fascinating info).
And he’ll do it within the next 60 To begin, Clayton goes through
days! the research, the premiums, the Here are some pure benefit bullets
rough draft and then creates many from a health promotion he wrote:
This is a very good bullet and more bullets/fascinations than he’ll
l The brain cells that control
yet still fairly short. We could have need in the final draft. Next he care-
created something longer but this one learning, reasoning, memory and
fully selects the best possibilities for
was already packed with plenty of coordination are being rejuvenated
each section — and then edits them
great information. (For some examples and sparking to life again …
according to the process we just went
of longer bullets that work very well, through above. He makes sure they l Nerve endings, once deadened,
see page 5 of your Ride-Along™. It’s have gut-level, greed-tickling impact. are now being revived and elec-
from the Real Health promotion that trified. Creaky, inflamed, painful
has been mailing for years.) Finally, Clayton often takes his
joints are being soothed, renewed
BEST bullets and fascinations and puts
Ultimately remember that it’s not and rendered pain-free …
them in the most important places:
about how big or complex your bullets the front and back cover. Once he’s l Entire organs — from his eyes
are — it’s about how believably they expanded upon the headline, he’ll often and ears … to his heart, lungs and
seduce and build DESIRE. That’s all jump right into a series of bullets that liver … to his stomach, pancreas
that matters! bribe the prospect into reading the report and intestines — and even his
Clayton’s personal or publication. Then the back cover will sexual organs — are being revi-
practice for creating also be packed with 5-10 teaser bullets talized and are returning to their
killer bullets that compel the prospect to open up and normal functions …
and fascinations find out the answers inside.
The trick with these kinds of
Clayton often looks for a series of For example, look at page 6 and bullets is to make them as read-
benefits, steps in a procedure or other 7 of your Ride-Along™. On page 6, able and interesting as possible. It’s
copy points that he can group using you’ll see very powerful bullets used as more difficult to create curiosity and
bullets, numbers, letters, etc. He’s the deck copy (beginning with “4 bald- intrigue because they’re not “blind,”
looking to add clarity and impact. faced lies”). And then on page 7, four promising elusive information. But
killer bullets suck you into opening up you can at least make sure the benefit
And his promotions — because the report. Both are perfect examples is (a) clear, (b) something desired by

September 8, 2006 Page 

your prospect and (c) that you use get rich with real estate? THINK on his list (www.bencivengabullets.
strong verb choices like he did (dead- AGAIN! Why you’re about to have a com) — you need to jump onto that
ened, rejuvenated, sparking, revived, second chance to become a real estate site and sign up ASAP. Each bullet is a
electrified, renewed, revitalized). millionaire: page 5 picture-perfect example of everything
you’ve learned. Here they are:
Also, as you see on Ride-Along™ l 8 Deadly Real Estate Traps:
page 8, these pure benefit bullets can Avoid These Profit-Killers At All l The easiest way to control the
also be used to enhance your guar- Costs! The size of your monthly process of persuasion rather than
antee presentation. At the bottom of payment can make the difference merely guess at it. You’ll learn that
the page, there are six bullets begin- between a profitable real estate invest- persuasion, like music, comes down
ning with, “Avoid any brewing disas- ment and a costly one. Here are 8 to a few simple notes. Master them,
ters …” that make the benefits clear pitfalls to avoid when shopping for and you can play an infinite variety
and compelling. your next mortgage! Page 6 of melodies that are music to your
… Or another strategy he uses is l Thinking About Becoming A prospects’ ears.
to present horrifying alternatives: Landlord? Get ready to raise the rent! Right off the bat, you see that this
The secret reason why landlords are is an example of Bullet Formula #18,
l Ages your eyes: Free radicals have
about to get a LOT richer … Page 7 the “Quickest, Easiest” bullet. And it
been shown to damage your chro-
mosomes and block the enzymes Other times, he’ll even create a offers a direct benefit — you’ll learn
needed to repair your DNA. label. This series, “7 Guilty Secrets how to consciously control persuasion
Drug Companies Do NOT Want and how to do it easily. This benefit is
l Taxes your brain: Research actually targeted at the more sophis-
You To Know” was also touted on the
from the New England Journal of ticated writer (ideal prospects for
cover of the piece as a reason to read it:
Medicine shows that the more free Gary’s $5,000 seminar) and it works
radical hits your brain is exposed FACT #1: Drug Companies because although writers at this level
to, the slower the response in Kill Tens of Thousands Each Year: understand persuasion, they desper-
nerve synapse communication. Many of today’s most-often prescribed ately want to have greater control over
Which means these little “bad medications are not only useless, but the process (just like he does!).
guys” could be hacking away at extremely dangerous — crippling and
your brain-speed and intelligence killing as many Americans each year as Next, he creates an analogy with
at this very moment! died in the 18 years of the Vietnam war. music to make you believe that the
process can be simplified. Surpris-
How to create a “theme” FACT #2: They Do It Knowingly ingly, this is actually the credibility
for your bullets that — For Money: The ultra-rich U.S. component of the bullet because it
maximizes their impact! drug industry — the single most profit- gets you to believe that — just like
able businesses in America — is guilty
Other times, Clayton will billboard a few simple notes of music — this
of using bogus research, distorted
benefits, meaning he’ll create a tightly secret will get you to the heart of
reporting, and bald-faced lies to push persuasion and do it more automati-
connected group and put them on the
deadly and ineffective drugs onto
cover of the promotion. The advantage cally, with less effort.
unsuspecting doctors and patients.
of “theming” your bullets like this is And lastly, he deepens the benefit
that you can hit a certain topic from a Let’s strip down by adding the idea that once you “get”
variety of angles. Your prospect will some examples to this persuasion secret, you’ll be able to
get the feeling that you’re thorough the bare essentials successfully use it in a wide variety of
and that he’ll be getting a comprehen-
In this section we’re going to take situations. Notice the colloquial expres-
sive exposé that’ll change his life!
bullets from some of the best writers sion, “music to my ears” is adapted to
The fascinations below in the business and reveal exactly this benefit as “music to your prospect’s
are from a recent promotion what makes them tick. You’ll see how ears.” Colloquial expressions like
for Your Money Report: they harness the secrets revealed in this are extremely effective in bullets
this issue for maximum response. because they say more — often MUCH
l Great Real Estate
MORE — with fewer words.
Investments At A DISCOUNT! These are from Gary Bencivenga’s
Think rising mortgage rates mean promotion for his retirement seminar l You will create intense desire
you’ve missed your opportunity to that he held last year and if you’re not for your new product and yours

Page 10 The Screaming Eagle™

alone. In other words, once you
introduce your product this way,
your market will never again be “Colloquial expressions are extremely
satisfied with your competitors’ effective in bullets because
products. Buyers will seek your
product out specifically, demanding they say more — often MUCH MORE
exactly the unique features you
described in your advertising.
— with far fewer words.”
This bullet is actually part of a
continuous sequence, all based on a tion mark. But that’s WRONG! And its benefit is perfectly targeted. Every
single secret for launching new prod- because the prospect’s natural assump- guy wants to be able to replenish
ucts successfully. That’s another smart tion has just been shredded to pieces, his “youthful” testosterone and
way to use your bullets — which he’s baffled and now wants to know you better believe that EVERY guy
Clayton does all the time and we the answer even more! wants to experience “more frequent,
briefly touched upon earlier in this more intense, and more pleasurable
This creates wonderfully inter-
issue. Most of the time, you’ll see orgasms!” The fact that it hits home so
active reading if you’re a prospect:
precisely with what guys want allows
bullets that are based on a wide range you’re told about an exciting benefit
him to leave out the typical level of
of information and seem to be put … you’re teased by the hidden infor-
proof and specificity you’d need. As
together with no particular order or mation … you think you know what
pattern. There are LOTS of situations long as you make most of your bullets
the answer is … but then what you
where that works fine. specific and credible, big promise
think is ruled out … and you end up
bullets like this — ones that hit your
really wanting to know what in god’s
But other times, it’s even more prospect’s emotional nail on the head
name he’s talking about! It engages
effective to have sections of bullets — can work wonders for your copy.
you and builds desire — the more
where each new one feeds off the
often you do this to a prospect in the l The “Pre-Coital Secret” (only
previous one. You benefit from the
course of a promotion, the more likely recently made public by a famous
bullets being tightly and sequentially
he’ll become a buyer. female sex therapist) that breaks
connected. That’s what’s done in this
the code on giving any woman an
promotion and it’s often a life-saver Sex sells … and sexual
explosive orgasm … every time you
because it means you don’t have to bullets sell even better!
make love! Page 114.
accomplish as much in any one bullet.
These are bullets from a very edgy
You just introduce benefits and then This is a “Gimmick” and “Secret”
promotion — one written by copy
explain a little about why it works. As bullet and if you’re a guy, it’s hard
legend John Carlton (Special thanks
you can see in this example, there’s not to have desired flamed when you
to John for letting me use these bullets
not always a need for an extreme level read this. Again, what guy wouldn’t
and others earlier on). Bullets and
of specificity or proof. And that’s OK want to know this mysterious and
fascinations make up about 80% of
— as long as you can accomplish that very specific secret — credibly
this eight-page letter. And even though
in other bullets from the same section. “made public” by a famous female
it was a fight to get it approved, it
sex therapist? One that allows him to
l How to use a simple punctua- creamed the previous control and
give women explosive orgasms, every
tion mark to boost your response mailed profitably for over five years!
time! It’s a slam-dunk, no-brainer. In
by 50% or more. No, it's not an These are some of the best examples
fact, hold on a second … I’m going to
exclamation mark (they often you’ll EVER see:
go order this book …
decrease response, because they l … Plus … how to replenish
smell like hype). l The seven most effective
(and manage) a steady new flow
ways to seduce the woman of your
While this is obviously a “How to” of fresh, youthful testosterone …
dreams — compiled by a rare study
bullet, Formula #1 — it’s actually also allowing you to finally experience
of women themselves! (Plus — the
a subtle combination, using another more frequent, more intense, and
SINGLE most important thing you
formula (the “Right/Wrong” bullet). more pleasurable orgasms!
can do to win her love forever … and
And it harnesses powerful psychology This “Plus” and “How to” combi- the worst sin you could ever commit
because he knows most readers will nation bullet works so well because — an unforgivable act that can
assume he’s talking about an exclama-

September 8, 2006 Page 11

destroy your love life!) See page 161. what answers lie inside. about the nightmare of getting audited.
So the promise of what you don’t
Yet another bullet that has it all. Bullets that helped
have to tell an auditor — one that can
You get seven ways (the “Number” quickly build a
prevent a “fishing expedition” through
bullet) to seduce the woman of your direct response giant
your records — is more appealing
dreams. Again, do you see how he has
Before we conclude, I want to than we realize at first glance.
the ability to laser-in on the EXACT
quickly break down a few of the fasci-
benefit his prospects are looking for? Overall, these bullets aren’t
nations from the famous, “What Never
It’s uncanny and a big reason why terribly complex or sexy. But they’re
to Eat on an Airplane” piece because
these bullets are so hot. ultra-practical and slowly-but-surely
they played a huge role in building
they build on each other, working up
The proof/credibility is the fact Boardroom up to the direct mail Titan
desire in the prospect until he realizes
that these seven ways have been it is today. Here they are:
that sending for a free-trial of Bottom
compiled by WOMEN themselves in l Ever been abused by an Line Personal is well worth a shot.
a rare study. Then it adds a “Single uncivil servant … humiliated by
Most” bullet that’ll reveal what can Now that you’ve got
some self-important official … or
cause a man to win or lose her love the secrets, USE them
forever. And finally there’s the threat
given the runaround by a large to drive your response
of committing an unforgivable sin that
corporation? Here’s how to write to the moon!
a simple letter that creates instant
destroys your love life — what you havoc … gets financial satisfaction First off, I URGE you to create your
RISK by not seeking out the answer … and gives you sweet revenge. own bullet/fascination archive and add to
in this book. WOW. That’s a LOT to it whenever you see a great example. This
accomplish in just a few sentences. This “Specific Question” bullet will make you a fantastic copywriter and
electrifies prospects’ emotional hot you’ll quickly find yourself creating A+
l The 10 “Come Hither” Sexual buttons — specifically the negative
Signals given by women that most bullets each time you pick up your pen!
ones everyone so desperately wants
men miss entirely! These are the to relieve. The promise of being able When it comes time to begin crafting
ultimate secrets of meeting women to create “havoc” for these jerks that your bullets, whip out this report so that
— finally revealed by women them- rip the prospect off and humiliate him you have each of the formulas handy.
selves and supported by 20 years of is incredibly appealing. It gives him You’ll usually find that 2-3 will fit
scientific research! “sweet revenge.” Always look for well with each piece of information you’re
Are you starting to see how emotional goldmines like this when basing your bullet on. Simply create a
— once you master the formulas in crafting bullets of your own. bullet with each formula and move on.
this issue — you can begin combining l The 20 safest banks in the U.S. Once you’ve created more bullets
them to hit your prospect’s hot — and the lemons, which spend their than you could ever use, scan through
buttons from every possible direction? time lending to third world deadbeats and pick out the most powerfully
This bullet combines the “Number” … and real estate hucksters. intriguing ones you can find.
formula (10 signals), the “Gimmick”
formula (“Come Hither”) and mixes Not only does this bullet offer Keep selecting until you have
in the “secrets” element as well. Plus, extremely practical information (Who the right number you need and stra-
it’s not just some writer saying this doesn’t use a bank? And who doesn’t tegically arrange and place them
— these secrets have been compiled want a “safe” bank?), it also promises throughout your copy.
by women and are supported by 20 to reveal scandalous information about
banks who lend to “deadbeats” and Follow the guidelines in the report
years of scientific research! … practice, practice, PRACTICE
“hucksters”. This is shocking, intriguing,
It’s clear why this promotion and it’s also very helpful to know. … and you’ll become a killer bullet
worked so well. Imagine, as a guy, writer in no time!
l What you don’t have to tell an
reading through pages and pages of Yours for better copy made easy,
IRS auditor — and how to prevent
killer bullets like this … with each
a “fishing expedition” through your
and every one hitting a red-hot desire
button with sniper-like accuracy. It’s
almost impossible to not mail in the We all do taxes every year and Tony Flores
postage-paid free-trial card and see almost everybody worries a little Editor, The Screaming Eagle™

Page 12 The Screaming Eagle™

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