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1.adernal Cortex derived from

2. Fetal adrenal gland consist of which zones
3. Islet of lingerhans most common in which area of pancreas
4. Rathke pouch -- ectodermal /endoderm
5. Brains use ------- in starvation
6. TRH stimulate ??? Name 2
7. Right adrenal vein drain in----??
8. Which is present in brain?? Glut 1/2/4
9. Insulin cross placenta??? T/F
10. Dopamine---- practin??? Stimulate/ inhibit
11. Growth hormone stimulated by??? Name 3
12. Which zone of adrenal gland is source of cortisol ???
13. What will increase in 21 hydroxylase deficiency??? Mineralocorticoids/ cortisol / sex
14. PTH initially increase activity of ?? Osteoblast/ osteoclast
15. Vit D def causes ----- in adults and----- in children??
16. Calcitonin is secreted by????
17. Signaling pathway of insulin???
18. Thyroid binding capacity I'm pregnancy?? Increase or decrease
19. Propylthiouracil inhibit -----and------?
20. Primary cause of Cushing syndrome??
21. Cushing disease ??? Inc ACTH / dec ACTH
22. Carcinoid tumor derived from?
23. Common sites for zollinger Ellison syndrome
24.DKA most important complication of ?
25. HLA associated with? Type 1 / type 2 DM
26. Cataract cause in DM???
27. Marker of carconoid syndrome?
28. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus causes??
29. Treatment of SIADH??
30. Name two signs seen in hypocalcemia?
31. Most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism???
32. Hashimoto throiditis associated with which malignancy??
33. Orphan Annie nuclei seen in???
34. Name thyroiditis with
granulomatos inflammation?
35. Pheochoemocytoma ??? VMA /HVA
36. Inc TSH, dec T4, dec freeT4, Dec T3uptake ?? Diagnosis
37. Acute 1 adrenal insufficiency due to adrenal hemorrhage associated with which microb?
38. No skin pigmentation seen in ? Primary adrenal insufficieny / secondary insufficiency ?
39. Symptoms of pheochrmomoctyoma occurs In? Spells / continuous???
40. Which os teratogenic ? Merhomazole /porpylthioiuracil...
41. ------ containing hormone control body metabolic rate?? Iron, cu , iodine , calcium
42. HIGH plasma renin associated with??? Prim hyperaldosteronism/ sec
43. Calcitonin? Dec calcium level / inc calcium level???
44. Glucagon made by --cell of pancreas??
45. Rbcs depend only on glucose ??? True/ false?
46. Post pituitary secretes???
47. Medulla originated from???
48. Carcinoid causes ?? Rt sided valvular disease/ left sides valvular disease ???
49. Wermer syndrome triad???
50. Post partum bleeding leads to which syndrome ??
1.adernal Cortex derived from -- mesoderm
2. Fetal adrenal gland consist of which zones? Outer adult zone and inner active fetal zone
3. Islet of lingerhans most common in which area of pancreas--- tail
4. Rathke pouch -- ectodermal
5. Brains use ------- in starvation -- ketone bodies
6. TRH stimulate ??? Tsh, prolactin
7. Right adrenal vein drain in?? Abdominal aorta--
8. Which is present in brain?? Glut 1
9. Insulin cross placenta??? F
10. Dopamine---- practin??? inhibit
11. Hypoglycemia , exercise sleep
12. Fasciculata
13. ??sex hormones
14. Osteoblasts
15. Vit D def causes --osteomalacia--- in adults and----rickets- in children
16. Para follicular cell of thyroid (C cells)
17. Intrinsic Tyrosine kinase
18. Increase
20. Exogenous steroids
21. Inc ACTH
22. Neuro endocrine cell of GI
23. .. Pancreas and deudonum
24. Type 1 DM
25. Type 1 DM
26. Sorbitol accumulation
27. 5HIAA
28. LITHIUM, demeclocycline
29. Demeclocycline
30. Chvostek, trousseaus sign
31. Adenoma
32. B cell lymphoma
33. Papillary carcinoma
34. de quarin ( subacute thyroiditis )
35. VMA
36. Diagnosis hypothroidism
37. Neisseria meningitidis
38. secondary adrenal insufficiency
39. Spells
40. Methimazole
41. iodine ,
42. sec hyperaldosteronism
43. Dec calcium level
44. Alpha cells
45. True
46. ? Adh and oxytocin
47. Neural crest cells
48. Rt sided valvular disease
49. Parathyroid tumor, pituitary tumor, pancreatic endocrine tumor
50. l Sheehan symdrome


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