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1. Astrocyte marker ?
2. Micro glia origin?
3. Free nerve endings sense??
4. Invests single nerve fibre?
5. Norepinephrine ---location os synthesis???
6. Circadian rhythm nucleus ??
7. Trigeminal and gustatory pathway relay by which thalamic nucleus??
8. Destruction of which centre causes hyperphaiga?
9. Input nerves in cerebellum?
10. Name deep nuclei of cerebellum? Lateral to medial
11. Striatum?
12. Direct pathway has ? D1/D2
13. Cogwheel rigidity seen in?
14. Chorea is characteristic of ??
15. Essential tremors are treated by?
16. Hemiballismus characteristic of which lesion?
17. KLüver bucy syndrome? Area of lesion and features?
18. Wernickie kosrakoff syndrome involves which thalamic nucleus?
19. Frontal eyes field lesion?? Eyes look toward / away?
20. Acute paralysis , dysarthria , Diplopia, and loss of consciousness ?? Disease and
common cause?
21. Non fluent aphasia with intact comprehension? Area involved
22. ------ connects broca with wornicke areas?
23. Cerebral perfusion is normally driven by?
24. Common site of berry aneurysm with CNIII palsy?
25. Contralateral Hemiperesis , dec contralateral proprioreception and ipsilateral hypoglosal
dysfunction?? Cause
26. Charcoat Bouchard microaneurysms associated with?
27. CT shows bi convex disk not crossing suture line??? What hemorrhage is this ?
28. Hemorrhage most commonly caused by systemic HTN ?
29. In ischemic brain disease ??? Irreversible damage occurs after how much time?
30. Brief reversible episode of neurologic dysfunction lasting fewer than 24 hours ??
31. CSF is made by-----? And reabsorbed by -----?
32. Clinical triad of normal pressure hydrocephalus?
33. Nerves C1-C7 exist via ???
34. Subarachnoid space extends to?
35. 1st order neuron of spinothalamic tract are in?
36. Dorsal column decussates in ?
37. Poliomyelitis cause destruction of what part on spinal cord?
38. Floppy baby at Birth? Disease?
39. Treatment for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ?
40. Ipsilateral UMN sign below lesion, ipsilateral loss of tactile , vibration below lesion and
contralateral pain temperature loss below lesion? Disease
41. Dermatome at nipple?
42. Movement of head toward one side if cheek or mouth is stroked ? Name reflex
43. Inferior collilculi associated with??
44. Pineal gland secretes?
45. Eye movement , pupillary constriction and accommodation is function of which CN?
46. Cranial nerve nuclei located in which portion of brain?
47. Motor innervation of pharynx, larynx and upper esophagus ? Nucleus involves?
48. Foramen ovale contains which nerve??
49. Hearing and balance controlled by which nerve?
50. Structure passing through jugular foramen ??
51. Cavernous sinus syndrome?? Feature?
52. CNX lesion? Uvula deviates ---- from side of lesion ?
53. Bell's palsy involve which nerve?
54. 3 muscles closes jaw... Name them?
55. Epinephrine contraindicated in which glaucoma?
56. Patient problem going downstairs ?? Nerve injured?
57. Silent painless glaucoma ?
58. Right optic tract lesion causes??
59. Alzheimer's disease most commonly associated with?
60. Parkinsonism with dementia??
61. Charcoat classic triad of MS???
62. Gold standard investigation for MS?
63. In GBS what step is most critical for treatment and survival?
64. Metachromatic leukodystrophy is commonly due to which deficiency?
65. Drug of choice for absence seizures?
66. Partial seizures most commonly originate due to which lobe ??
67. Headache most commonly due to irritation of??
68. Worst headache of my life???
69. Port wine stains are seen in ?
70. Cafe -au- lait spots and lisch nodules seen in which disease?
71. Von HIPPLE LINDAU syndrome is due to defect in which chromosome?
72. Majority of childhood primary tumors are ?? Supra/ infra tentorial?
73. Fried eggs seen in which brain tumor?
74. Psamomma bodies seen in which brain Tumor??
75. Basal ciliary bodies seen in?
76. Herniation can compress which cerebral artery??
77. Most common cause of ring enhancing lesion?
78. Browning of iris is side effect of which drug?
79. opoid toxicity is treated with?
80. Maintenance programme for opoid addicts done by?
81.1st line drug for trigeminal neurolgia?
82. 1st line drug for eclampsia?
83. Gingival hyperplasia side effect of which epileptic drug?
84. Barbiturates facilitate GABA A action by ????
85. Benzodiazepine toxicity treated by?
86. Which inhaled anesthetic is hepatotoxic?
87. Most common drug used for endoscopy?
88. Drug used for rapid anesthesia induction and short procedures?
89. Local anesthetic causing severe cardiovascular toxicity?
90. Drug used in malignant hyperthermia?
91. Parkinson disease is due to loss of ----neurons??
92. Anti parkinson drug also used against influenza A ??
93. Selegiline selectively inhibits ??
94. Sumatriptan contraindicated with?
95. Haloperidol is antagonist of which receptor?
96. Cough suppressor opoid?
97. Brain tumor causing polycythemia ??
98. Most common childhood supratentorial tumor?
99. 3rd most common primary brain tumor in adult??
100. Butterfly glioma seen in??
101. Muscle which opens the jaw?
102. What is the test used for CN XI injury?
103. Contralateral paralysis of lower face only?? Which type of lesion os it?
104 Nissle substance are not present in?
105. Taste sensation from posterior 1/3 rd of tongue is carried by which nerve ?
106. Perinaud syndrome causes paralysis of which gaze??
107. Patellar reflex root value?
108. Fredreich ataxia has repeat disorder of which gene ?
109. Tabes dorsalis is consequence of ??
110. In syringomyelia what is damaged ?
111. Adult spinal cord extends upto???
112. Lateral ventricles connects with 3 ventricle through?
113. Hemorrhagic stroke is often due to ??
114. Shaken baby cAn lead to which intracranial hemorrhage?
115. Sub arachnoid hemorrhage treated with?
116. Nucleus ambiguous effects are specific to which artery stroke?
117. Wernickie area is in which gyrus?
118. Slow writhling movements specially of fingers ???
119. Lewy bodies composed of?
120. Neurophysis secretes ??
121. Ach location of synthesis ?
122. Paccinian corpuscles senses
123. Glassopharyngeal nerve motor supply to which muscle ?
124. Pseudoptosis seen in whic nerve injury ?
125. Hypoglosal nerve supply all muscle of tongue except ?
126. Clarke nucleus are found in which spinal cord tract ?
127. Largest nucleus of midbrain ?
128. Excitatory transmitter in cerebellum?
129. Pupillary light reflex centre ??
130. Most common cns complication after sarcoidosis ??
131. Nucleus interposed name of which nuclei?
132. In Wilson disease , which part of basal ganglion is suffered ?
133. Marcus gunn pupil diagnosis made by?
134. Searching movements involved which eye field ?
135. Which thalamic nuclei are involved in arousal?
136. Epithalamus consist of ?
137. Pinealocytes synthesizes ? Name 3 substance
138. Cells of betz are present in which cortex?
139. Lesion of prefrontal lobe produces which syndrome?
140. Hippocampus is characterized by how many layers ?
2. Mesoderm
3. Pain and temperature
4. Endoneuroum
5. Locus ceruleus
6. Supra chiasmatic
7. VPL
8. Ventromedial
9. Climbing and mossy fibres
10. Dentate, emboli form, globos , festigial
11. Putamen+ caudate
12. D1
13. Parkisnson disease
14. Basala ganglia
15. B- blockers
16. Sub thalamus
17. Amygdala------ hyperorality? Hyperphaiga and hyper sexuality
18. Dosro medial nucleus
19. Towards lesion
20. Central pontine myelenosis------ due to very rapid correction of hyponatremia
21. Broca area
22. Arcuate fasciculus
23. PCO2
24. Posterior communicating artery
25. Anterior spinal artery
26. Chronic HTN
27. Epidural hemorrhage
28. Intraparynchymal hemorrhage
29. > 5 minutes
30. Transient ischemic attack
31. Choroid plexus----- arachnoid granulation
32. Dementia , ataxia and urinary incontience
33. Intervertebral foramina
34. Lower border of S2
35. Cell body in the dorsal root ganglion
36. Medulla
37. Ant horn of spinal cord
38. Werding Hoffman disease
39. Riluzole
40. Brown Sequard syndrome
41. T4
42. Rooting reflex
43. Auditory
44. Melatonin
45. III CN
46. Tegmentum
47. Nucleus ambiguous
48. Mandibular nerve
50. IX X XI Jugular vein
51. Ophthalmoplegia , ophthalmic and maxillary sensory loss
52. Away
53. Facial nerve proper
54. Masseter , teMporalis and medial pterygoid
55. Close angle glaucoma
56. CN IV
57. Open angle glaucoma
58. Lt homononous hemianopia
59. Down syndrome
60. Lewy body dementia
61. Scanning speech , intentional termites , nystagmus
62. MRI
63. Respiratory support
64. Arysulfate A def
65. Ethosuxemide
66. Medial temporal lobe
67. Dura matter
68. SAH
69. Sturge weber syndrome
70. NF1 (Von ricklenghausan disease)
71. Chromosome 3
72. Infra tentorial
73. Oligodendrocyte
74. Meningeoma
75. Ependymoma
76. Anterior cerebral artery
77. Mutation
78. Latanoprosate
79. Naloxone naltrexone
80. Methadone
81. Carbamazepine
82. Mgso4
83. Phenytoin
84. Inc duration of Cl channel
85. Flumazinil
86. Halothane
87. Midasolam
88. Propofol
89. Bupvicaine
90. Dantrolene
91. Dopaminergic neuron
92. Amantadine
93. MAO-B
94. CAD/ prinzmetal angina
95. Dopamine receptor
96. Dextromethorphan
97. Hemangioastoma
98. Craniopharyngioma
99. Schwannoma
100. Glioblastoma multiforme
101. Lateral pterygoid
102. Syringomyelia
103. UMN lesion
104. Axon
105. IX CN
106. Conjugate vertical gaze
107. L3-L4
108. GAA( fraxatin gene)
109. Tertiary syphilis
110. Ant white commissure of spinothalamic tract
111. Lower border of L2
112. Foramina Monro
113. HTN, anti coagulation and cancer
114. Sub dural hemorrhage
115. Nimodipine
116. PICA
117. Sup temporal gyrus
118. Athetosis
119. Alpha- synnyclein
120. ADH+oxytocin
121. Basal nuclei of mynart
122. Vibration and pressure
123. Stylopharyngeus
124. Abducent
125. Palatoglossus
126. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
127. Substantia nigra
128. Glutamate
129. Pretectal nucleus
130. Facial nerve paralysis
131. Globos and emboliform
132. Putamen
133. Swinging flash light
134. Searching --- frontal eye field
Tracking ------ occipital eye field
135. Midline/ intralaminar
136. Pineal body and habenular nuclei
137. Melatonin, serotonin and CCK ref kaplan( 453)
138. Primary motor cortex
139. Frontal lobe syndrome
140. 3 layers


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