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1. Coronary artery occlusion most commonly occurs in?

2. Cardiac output =??
3. Stroke Volume affected by?? Name three parameters
4. Most posterior part of heart?
5. Vasodilators decrease?? Preload/after load
6. EF is the index of?
7. Viscosity depends mostly on??
8. Fixed splitting is seen in?
9. S4 is in? Mid diastole/ late/ early
10. Period of highest oxygen consumption?
11. Isovolumetric relaxation?
12. Expiration inc intensity of which side of heart sounds? Left/right
13. Murmur of Mitral stenosis is best heard in which area?
14. Myxomatoys degeneration causes which valvular lesion?
15. Cardiac muscle action potential has plateau due to ??
16. Rapid depolarization caused by?
17. Pacemaker action potential occurs in??
18. QRS complex shows??
19. AV nodal delay is useful because??
20. Lyme disease causes which heart block?
21. Sawtooth appearance??
22. Cushing triad??
23. Aortic arch responds??? And transmits via???
24. Highest blood flow per gran of tissue???
25. Pulmonary vascular hypoxia cause?
26. Autoregulation In brain caused by?
27. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure good approximation of which pressure?
28. Boot shape heart?
29. Preductal coarctation of aorta associated with which congenital syn?
30. Drug to close PDA?
31. Infant of diabetic mother --- > congenital defect??
32. Hyperplasia onion skinning seen in??
33. Most common site of atherosclerosis ??
34. Thoracic aortic aneurysm associated with?
35. Common cause of dear hiring first few hours after MI?
36. Marker for reinfarction?
37. V1-V2 ----> infarction location?
38. Autoimmune pericarditis after MI?
39. Sudden death in young athlete?
40. Gold standard in first 6 hours of MI?
41. Etiology of dialated cardiomyopathy?
42. Isolated right heart failure is due to???
43. Heart failure cells ? LHF/RHF
44. IV drug abusers endocarditis valves involved?
45. Colon cancer having IE?? Organism
46. In rheumatic fever early death die to??
47. RF which type of hypersensitivity ?
48. Atrial myxoma involves which site of heart?
49.early lesion in rheumatic fever ??
50. Most frequent primary cardiac tumor on children?
51. Eosinophilia is seen in which vasculitis?
52. Pulseless disease?
53. Vasculitis associated with heavy smokers?
54. Angiosarcoma associated with?
55. Benign painful , red blue tumor under finger Nails?
56. Vitamin causing hyperglycemia ?
57. Torsa de pointes caused by drug??? Name 2
58. Adenosine action time?
59. Name 2 important function of digoxin?
60. Which drugs decrease effect of bad cholesrterol ??
61. Dysphagia is caused by enlargement of which part of heart ?
62. In JVP a wave shows?
63. Carotid body responds to dec Po2 at which level ?
64. Risk of ventricular rupture on which day of post MI??? 2 / 3-7/ 10/ 14
65. In rheumatic fever antibodies are formed against which protein??
66. Patient having prosthetic valve having IE ? Agent?
67. Cardiac cirrhosis caused by?? RHF/LHF
68. Tree bark appearance ??
69. Most common heart tumors??
70. Print metal angina?? St elevation / depression
71. Dirotic notch in aortic pressure curve coincides with which heart sound?
72. Structure with richest blood supplyee?
73. Artificial pacemaker is connected to which part of heart?
74. Aj J point of ECG what happens??
75. Principal source of energy to heart in healthy individual is ???
1. LAD
2. ??HR*CO
3. Contractility, preload, afterload
4. Left atrium
5. Afterload
6. Ventricular contractility
7. Hematocrit
8. ASD
9. n? late
10. ?isovolumetric contraction
11. Period between aortic valve closing and opening of mitral valve
12. right
13. Mitral area
14. ? MVP
15. Ca influx
16. Massive K efflux
17. SA AV node
18. Ventricular depolarization
19. Allows time for ventricular filling
20. 3rd degree
21. Latrial flutter
22. Hypertension, bradycardia and respiratory depression
23. ?? Inc Bp only -- vagus nerve
24. ?? Kidney
25. Vasoconstrictiin
26. Co2(ph)
27. Left atrial pressure
28. TOF
29. ? Turner syn
30. Indonethacin
31. ??transposition of great vessels
32. Malignant hypertension
33. Abdominal aorta
34. ? Hypertension
35. Arrhythmia
36. ?ckmb
37. ? Anterioseptal
38. ?i syn
39. HOCM
40. ECG
41. Alcohol abuse, beriberi, cocaine use, Chaga disease, doxuebecin, hemochromatosis
42. Cor pulmonale
43. LHF
44. Tricuspid
45. . Strep bovis
46. Myocarditis
47. ? Type 2
48. Left atrium
50. Rhabdomyosarcoma
51. Churg Strauss sys
52. Takayasu
53. Beurgers disease ( thromboangitis obliterans )
54. chloride, thorium dioxide and arsenic
55. Glomus tumor
56. Niacin
57. quinidine, sotalol and ibutilide
58. 15sec
59. Inhibition NaK atpase and vagus nerve stimulation
60. Statins
61. left atrium
62. Steal contraction
63. <60 mmhg
64. 3-7 (in goljan ) 5-10 days in ( first aid)
65. M protein
66. Strep epidernidis
67. RHF
68. Syphilitic heart disease
69. Metastases
70. St elevation
71. S2 heart sound (second)
72. Carotid body
73. Right ventricle
74. All part of ventricles are depolarized.
75. Free fatty acids


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