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1. DNA October subunit contain which main amino acids?

2. What inactivates transcription of DNA?
3. Deamination of cytosine makes?
4. The only histone that is not on the nucleosome core?
5. Hydroxy urea inhibits?
6. Amino acids necessary for purine synthesis ?
7. Leach- Nyhan syndrome is the absence of??
8. Change resulting in early stop codon.... Which mutation type?
9. Unwinding of DNA template at replication fork is done by enzyme name as ?
10. Mismatch repair is mutated in which disease??
11. Non homologous end joining repair is mutated in disease?
12. Smallest RNA Is?
13. Name the stop codons?
14. ------ inhibits RNA polymerase II ?
15. Longest RNA ? Longest type
16. Name start codon?
17. Patients with lupus make antibodies to ?
18. ----- contains actual genetic information coding for protein?
19. Most abundant RNA ?
20. Rb and P53 inhibits?
21. Permanent cells remain in which phase of cell cycle?
22. Nissl bodies contain?
23. Liver hepatocytes and steroid hormone producing cells if adrenal cortex are rich in?
24. Labile cells never goes to which phase of cell cycle ?
25. The distribution centre of protein and lipids from the ER to the plasma is?
26. Long chain fatty acids are metabolized in ?
27. Retrograde to micro tubule transport is feature of which type of micro tubule?
28. In cilia microtubule arrangement is?
29. Immotike cilia due to dynein arm defect .... Syndrome?
30. Stain for connective tissue?
31. ------- inhibits NA-K pump by binding to K site?
32. Skin contain which type of collagen?
33. Type of collagen defective in osteogenesis imperfecta?
35. Hydroxylation of proline and lysine requires?
36. Cleavage of terminal regions of procollagen transforms it into insoluble?
37. Other name of brittle bone disease? Osteogenesis imperfecta
38. Late wound repair contain wich collagen?
39. Ehlar danlos syndrome is defective is which collagen?
40. Fibrillin defect is in which syndrome ?
41. Wrinkles of aging are due to .......... And .........?
42. Defective collagen in Alport syndrome?
43. Neither of 2 alleles is dominent....term??
44. Severity of disease worsens or age of onset of disease is earlier in succeeding
45. Heteroplasmy is seen in which inherited disease ?
46. Random X inactivation in females is called as ?
47. Imrinting is due to activation or deletion of genes on chromosome number?
46. Happy puppet in which syndrome?
47. Structural defect are inherited by which pattern ?
48. Ragged red fibres are characteristic of?
49. Mitochondrial myopathies are ?
50. Tendon xanthoma classically seen in ?
51. Hereditary spherocytosis are due to defect in ?
52. Huntington gene is located in which chromosome ?
53. Another name of neurofibromatosis type 1?
54. Ash leaf spots are seen in?
55. APKD is associated with which chromosome ?
56. Grower maneuver is characteristic of ?
57. Longest known human gene?
58. In cystic fibrosis which gene is defective?
59. Test diagnostic for cystic fibrosis is?
60. 2nd most common cause of mental retardation?
61. Trinucleotide repeat in Fredreich ataxia?
62. Rocker bottom feet + micrognathia are seen in which?
63. Most common chromosomal disorder ?
64. Most common trisomy resulting in live birth after Down syndrome?
65. Patau syndrome is trisomy number?
66. Cri-du-chat syndrome is congenital micro deletion of chromosome number ?
67. Distinctive ELFIN facies are seen in which syndrome?
68. Diegeorge syndrome is has defects of???
69. Which vitamin is contraindicated in pregnancy?
70. High cardiac outOut is feature of which vit deficiency?
71. Name 3 D's of pellagra?
72. Vitamin used as cofactor on transamination?
73. Test used to detect the etiology of the deficiency?
74. Vitamin that can increase iron toxicity ?
75. Delayed wound healing, hypogonadism , dec adult hair and anosmia are features of
which element deficiency?
76. Cofactor for enzymes in decarboxylation reaction?
77. Malignant carcinoid syndrome caused b deficiency of vitamin?
78. Vitamin necessary for dopamine beta-hydroxylase?
79. Fomipezole inhibits ?
80. Alcohol dehydrogenase operates via which order kinetics?
81. Anaerobic metabolism of glucose produces -------ATP via malate aspartate shuttle?
82. NAD+ is used in -------reactions ?
83. Phosphorylation of glucose in liver is catalyzed by?
84. Lipoic acid is inhibited by ??
85. Name the only purely ketogenic amino acids?
86. Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency causes which defects?
87. Pyruvate metabolite --------- carries amino groups to liver from muscle ?
88. ATPsynthase inhibitors that directly inhibit mitochondrial ATP synthase ???
89. ------ chain fatty acids produce new glucose???
90. Muscle cannot participate in gluconeogenesis because it lacks ???
91. NADPH required for which reactions ?
92. NADPH oxidase deficiency leads to which disease ?
93. Most common human enzyme deficiency?
94. Fructose intolerance is due to hereditary deficiency of enzyme?
95. Lens deficient in which enzyme that causes sorbitol accumulation ?
96. Which form of amino acid found in protein?
97. Most basic amino acid?
98. At body pH which amino acid has no charge?
99. Which amino acids are required during periods of growth?
100. Catecholamines are derivative of which amino acid?
101. Heme derivative of which amino acid?
102.musty body odor is due to which deficiency?
103. Alkaptonuria is congenital deficiency of ?
104. Amino acids involved in maple syrup urine disease??
105. Cardiomegaly is finding of which glycogen storage disease?
106. The enzyme deficient in Von Gierke's disease is ?
107. Most common lysosomal storage disease?
108. Cherry red spot with no Splenomegaly ?
109. All lysosomal storage disease are AR except?
110. Zebra bodies are seen in ?
111. Fruity odor smell is due to which ketone body?
112. Glycogen stores are depleted after how many days of starvation?
113. Main source of energy after 3 days starvation for brain and heart Is?
114. Rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis is ?
115. Why Rbc cannot use ketone?
116. LDL transport cholesterol from------ to -------?
117. Cholymicrons are secreted by?
118. Abeta lipoproteinemia os due to deficiency of ???
119. Treatment of cystineuria is ??
120. Melatonin is derivative of which amino acid??
2. Hypermethylation
3. Uracil
4. H1
5. Ribonucleotide reductase
6. Glycine , aspartate and glutamine
8. Nonsense mutation
9. Helicase
10. Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
11. Ataxia talengectasia
12. tRNA
14. a- amantin(found in death cap mushrooms)
15. Longest type
16. AUG
17. Spliceosonal snRNPs
18. Exons
19. rRNA
20. G1-S
21. Go
22. RER
23. SER
24. Go
25. Golgi apprartus
26. Peroxisomes
27. Dyenin
28. Kartagener syndrome
30. Vimentin
31. Ouabain
32. Type 1
33. Type I
35. Vit C
36. Tropocollagen
37. Osteogenesis imperfecta
38. Type 1
39. Type III
40. Marfan syndrome
41. Reduced collagen and elastin production
42. Type IV
43. Codominance
44. Anticipation
45. Mitochondrial inherited disease
46. Lyonizatoin
47. 15
46. Angelman's syndrome
47. Autosomal dominent
48. Mitochondrial myopathy
49. Maternal / paternal
50. Achilles' tendon
51. Spectrinand ankrin
52. 4
53. Von recklinghausen's disease( chromosome 17)
54. Tuberous sclerosis
55. Ch. 16
56. Duchenne's dystrophy
57. Dystrophin gene
58. CFTR gene
59. Sweat test
60. Fragile X chromosome
61. (CAA)n
62. Edwards syndrome
63. Down syndrome
64. Edward syndrome
65. 13
66. 5
67. Williams syndrome
68. Thymic, parathyroid and cardiac
69. Vitamin A
70. Vit B1
71. Dementia , dermatitis and pellagra
72. Vit B6
73. Schilling test
74. Vit C
75. Zinc
76. Vit B1(thiamine)
77. Vitamin B3
78. Vit C
79. Alcohol dehydrogenase
80. Zero order
81. 32ATP
82. Anabolic / catabolic
83. Glucokinase
84. Arsenic
85. Lysine and leucine
86. Neurologic defects
87. Alanine
88. Oligomyicin
89. Odd
90. Glucose 6 phosphatase
91. reductive
92. Chronic granulomatous disease
93. G6PD deficiency
94. Aldolase B
95. Sorbitol dehydrogenase
96. L-form
98. Histidine
99. Arginine and histidine
100. Phenylalanine
101. Glycine
102. Dec phenylalanine hydroxylase
103. Homogenistic acid oxidase
104. Ile, Leu, Val
105. Pompe's disease
106. Glucose-6-phophatase
107. Gaucher
108. Tay Sachs disease
109. Fabrey's disease ( XR) and Hunter disease (XR)
110. Neimann-pick disease
111. Acetone
112. Day 1
113. Ketone bodies
114. HMG-CoA reductase
115. Lack of mitochondria
116. Liver - tissues
117. Intestinal epithelial cells
118. Apo-B100 and apoB-48
119. Acetazolamide
120. Tryptophan----->serotonin------> melatonin


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