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Title: Bound to Read: Reading Contact No.


Chairperson: Email:

 This project focused on helping children who are not

able to read attend school and acquire literacy skills.
Literacy is a fundamental skill that opens
opportunities for personal growth and development.

 This project is proposed for the children who can’t be

capable in going in school. Reading programs can be
designed for people of all ages, from young children
learning to read for the first time to adults looking to
enhance their literacy skills. Here are some key
elements commonly found in reading programs

 The goal of these programs is to foster a love of

reading, improve literacy skills, and empower
individuals to become confident and proficient

 To enhance participants' literacy skills. This includes

developing the ability to read fluently, understand
text, and effectively communicate ideas through

 To instill a lifelong love for reading. This objective

encourages individuals to see reading as an enjoyable
and enriching activity rather than a chore.

 To understand and interpret various types of text,

from narrative stories to informational articles

 To teach practical reading skills needed for daily life,

such as reading product labels, understanding
contracts, or following written instructions.

 Read-Aloud Sessions
 Guided Reading Groups
PROPOSED ACTIVITIES  Storytelling Workshops
 Interactive Read-Along Activities

 Homeless and Disadvantaged Populations
 Young Children
 Adult Learners
 Parents and Caregivers
 Struggling Readers
 Inmates and Correctional Facilities
 Seniors
 Individuals with Visual Impairments
 Migrant Workers

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