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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 define the Multicultural Education Approach specifically Contributions,
Additive, Transformative, and Social Action Approach; (COGNITIVE
 demonstrate the four different approaches to multicultural education in a
real-life situation; and (PSYCHOMOTOR)
 appreciate the importance of the four different approaches to multicultural
education in the 21st century classroom. (AFFECTIVE)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Multicultural Education Approach (Contributions, Additive,
Transformative and Social Action Approach)
Reference/s: Online Resources

Learning Materials: Power Point Presentation, Conventional Materials

III. Lesson Proper

A. Activity (Picto-Word)

 The class will be divided into four groups, which will be identified using different flags.
 An envelope will be given, consisting of pictures that need to be analyzed to unlock the
hidden words.
 The first group to unlock the hidden words will be declared the winner.





Social Action

B. Analysis
After the activity, the following questions will be asked to the class:
 What are the words that you have formed through the pictures?
 What do these words mean?
 From the hidden words you have discovered, how are they related to
multicultural education?

C. Abstraction
Multicultural Education Approach
Multicultural education is an educational method that celebrates
differences between cultures while challenging all forms of

 The main goals of multicultural education are to increase cultural

appreciation and prevent discrimination in all its forms. Multicultural
education aims to increase pluralism in a society.
 The main benefits of multicultural education are that discrimination in all
forms decreases in communities in which it is practiced, and that students
develop more pluralist paradigms. They also become more involved in
their society.
Different Approaches of Multicultural Education
Contributions Approach

This approach reflects the least amount of involvement in multicultural

education approaches.
Incorporated by selecting books and activities that celebrate holidays,
heroes, and special events from various cultures.

This program of multicultural education focuses on individuals rather than

groups. It provides examples of notable actions of individuals from
different cultures. It also notes the contributions of individuals from other
races than the majority to a specific field of information.

Spending time reading about Dr. Martin Luther King in January is a
common practice that falls into this category. In this approach, culturally
diverse books and issues are not specified as part of the curriculum (Banks,

Additive Approach

The additive approach, sometimes referred to as the ~ethnic additive

approach,involves adding multicultural concepts to the curriculum of a
course while maintaining the same overall course goals.
In this approach content, concepts, themes, and perspectives are added to
the curriculum without changing its basic structure. This involves
incorporating literature by and about people from diverse cultures into the
mainstream curriculum without changing the curriculum.
Examining the perspective of a Native American about Thanksgiving
would be adding cultural diversity to the traditional view of Thanksgiving.

However, this approach does not necessarily transform thinking (Banks,

Transformation Approach

Educators attempt to change the attitudes of their students regarding

differences between cultures. The most common method used in this
approach encourages students to use other cultures' perspectives of
problems and concepts they learn about in class.
This approach actually changes the structure of the curriculum and
encourages students to view concepts, issues, themes, and problems from
several ethnic perspectives and points of view.

A unit on Thanksgiving would become an entire unit exploring cultural
conflict. This type of instruction involves critical thinking and involves a
consideration of diversity as a basic premise (Banks, 1999).

Social Action Approach

This approach is a step beyond the transformative approach. After teaching
about cultural conflict through examination of interactions between Native
Americans and pilgrim settlers, the instructor encourages their students to
take action in various ways.
This approach combines the transformation approach with activities to
strive for social change. Students are not only instructed to understand and
question social issues, but to also do something about important about it.

After participating in a unit about recent immigrants to North America,
students may write letters to senators, Congress, and newspaper editors to
express their opinions about new policies (Banks, 1999).

D. Application (It’s Showtime! CineMoto)

 With the same groupings, create a scenario or a 2- to 3-minute role play that
applies the different multicultural approaches in a classroom setting..
 Group 1- Contribution Approach
 Group 2 - Additive Approach
 Group 3- Transformation Approach
 Group 4- Social Action Approach
 They will be given five minutes to prepare.
 Groups should be guided by this criterion.
Content: 10 points
Creativity: 5 points
Collaboration: 5 points
Relevance: 5 points
Stage Presence: 5 points
TOTAL: 30 points

IV. Evaluation
(Individual Task)
Direction: Fill out the WL Chart.

What do you wonder about the topic? What are the things you’ve learned about the

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3.

V. Valuing
The following questions will be asked by the teacher:
1. Why do you think it is important to apply these approaches in
2. As a future educator, how will you effectively implement or incorporate
these approaches with 21st-century learners?
3. Do you think these approaches are necessary for effective student
learning? Why or why not?
VI. Assignment
Write a 500-word persuasive essay promoting multicultural education.

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