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Subject Selection Guide

Mansfield State High School and

Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2023 for Subject Selection for 2024
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
Senior Education Profile (Senior Certificates/Qualifications) .................................. 2
Compulsory subjects ............................................................................................ 2
Underpinning factors ............................................................................................ 2
Vocational education and training (VET)............................................................... 4
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) eligibility ........................................... 4
General syllabuses ............................................................................................... 5
Applied syllabuses ................................................................................................ 6
Senior External Examinations ............................................................................... 6
QCAA senior syllabuses offered at Mansfield and Prerequisites and
Recommendations ............................................................................................... 7
Digital Solutions ................................................................................................... 9
Information & Communication Technology ......................................................... 11
English ............................................................................................................... 13
English as an Additional Language..................................................................... 15
Literature ............................................................................................................ 17
Essential English ................................................................................................ 19
Food & Nutrition ................................................................................................. 21
Early Childhood Studies ..................................................................................... 23
Fashion .............................................................................................................. 25
Certificate II/III in Hospitality ............................................................................... 27
Health ................................................................................................................ 30
Physical Education ............................................................................................. 32
Certificate III in Fitness ....................................................................................... 36
Accounting ......................................................................................................... 37
Ancient History ................................................................................................... 39
Business ............................................................................................................ 41
Economics ......................................................................................................... 43
Geography ......................................................................................................... 45
Legal Studies ..................................................................................................... 47
Modern History ................................................................................................... 49
Social and Community Studies ........................................................................... 51
Diploma of Business........................................................................................... 53
Certificate IV Justice Studies .............................................................................. 55
Design................................................................................................................ 56
Engineering ........................................................................................................ 58
Furnishing Skills ................................................................................................. 60
Industrial Graphics Skills .................................................................................... 62
Industrial Technology Skills ................................................................................ 64
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways ................................................................ 66
Certificate III in Engineering Technical................................................................ 67
French................................................................................................................ 68
Advanced French ............................................................................................... 70
Japanese ........................................................................................................... 72
Senior External Examination Languages ............................................................ 74
General Mathematics ......................................................................................... 75
Mathematical Methods ....................................................................................... 77
Specialist Mathematics ....................................................................................... 79
Essential Mathematics........................................................................................ 81
Music ................................................................................................................. 83
Music Extension (Composition) .......................................................................... 85
Music Extension (Musicology) ............................................................................ 86
Music Extension (Performance) .......................................................................... 87
Biology ............................................................................................................... 88
Chemistry ........................................................................................................... 90
Earth & Environmental Science .......................................................................... 92
Physics .............................................................................................................. 94
Science in Practice ............................................................................................. 96
Dance ................................................................................................................ 98
Drama .............................................................................................................. 100
Film, Television & New Media .......................................................................... 102
Visual Art.......................................................................................................... 104
Drama in Practice ............................................................................................. 106
Media Arts in Practice ...................................................................................... 108
Visual Arts in Practice ...................................................................................... 110
Mansfield High is a school with high expectations of students regardless of their chosen pathway. The
school aims to develop well - rounded, confident and hard - working graduates and therefore the
purpose of this guide is to support students and parents/carers through the tricky journey of selecting a
learning pathway. It is a guide to the Year 11 and 12 subject selection process and includes a
comprehensive list of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) subjects that will
be offered at Mansfield High. Choosing a future pathway can be confusing but ultimately the best
advice is to:
1. Select subjects that you like.
2. Select subjects that you are good at.
3. Select subjects that may be a prerequisite for further study or careers.
4. Consider a balance of subjects.

Sample Pathways
Crystal Seng (Class of 2014)
A snap shot of Senior pathway A snap shot of pathway since school
Subjects: Accounting, Biology, English, HPE, Maths B, Provisional entry into the Doctor of
Chemistry & Instrumental Music - Strings Medicine program at UQ (2015)
Leadership: Vice-Captain Completed Bachelor of Biomedical
Service: Rauchle Service Club, Enviro Council, Uniform Science (2017)
Committee Started Doctor of Medicine (2018)
Cultural: Orchestra & Camerata Playing violin in UQ Orchestra
Academic: Dux, OP 1, Top of Accounting & HPE Playing various sports.
Awards: Long Tan Leadership & Best All-Rounder

Blair Layt (Class of 2002)

A snap shot of Senior pathway A snap shot of pathway since school
Subjects: Maths A, Multistrand Science, English, Gap year after finishing school.
Technology Studies, Furnishings, Drama , Instrumental Completed a Plumbing apprenticeship
Music - Strings Worked as a Plumber for 10 years
Leadership: Prefect Band – Breach of Silence got American
Cultural: Camerata & Musical lead every year record deal
Academic: OP 13 Certificate IV in Training & Education
Awards: Music Gold Currently a TAFE Teacher in plumbing
Still playing in Band & gigging regularly

Akos Remias (Class of 2015)

A snap shot of Senior pathway A snap shot of pathway since school
Subjects: English Communications, Maths A, Film Had an apprenticeship in place prior to
Television and New Media, Graphics, Industrial finishing school and started the day after
Technology Studies, Instrumental Music – Guitar & finishing school.
Saxophone Completed an Electrical apprenticeship
Leadership: Production Support Team leader
Service: Production Support.
Academic: Completed VET Certificate Course through
Awards: Gold Service Award for Production Support

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Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Senior Education Profile (Senior Certificates/Qualifications)

Upon completion of senior studies, students are issued with a Senior Education Profile (SEP). This
profile may include a:
• Statement of Results - issued in December following the completion of a QCAA course
• Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- students who meet the requirements for a QCE will receive this document at the end of their
senior schooling.
- students who do not meet the requirements can continue to work towards the certificate post-
secondary schooling.
• Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) which is a document that reports the
learning achievements of eligible students who complete an individual learning program and these
students also have the option of continuing to work towards a QCE after school. Senior subjects.

Compulsory subjects
Literacy and numeracy are crucial to functioning in society and are key to the attainment of a
Queensland Certificate of Education, therefore:
• All Queensland students must study a type of English Course (Students at Mansfield must choose
from English, English as an Additional Language, Literature, or Essential English).
• All Mansfield students must study a form of Mathematics and must choose from General
Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Essential Mathematics.
Students at Mansfield will study a combination of six senior subjects.

Underpinning factors
General syllabuses
In addition to literacy and numeracy, General syllabuses are underpinned by:
• 21st century skills — the attributes and skills students need to prepare them for higher education,
work and engagement in a complex and rapidly changing world. These include critical thinking,
creative thinking, communication, collaboration and teamwork, personal and social skills, and
information & communication technologies (ICT) skills.

Applied syllabuses
In addition to literacy and numeracy, Applied syllabuses are underpinned by:
• applied learning — the acquisition and application of knowledge, understanding and skills in
real-world or lifelike contexts
• community connections — the awareness and understanding of life beyond school through
authentic, real-world interactions by connecting classroom experience with the world outside the
• core skills for work — the set of knowledge, understanding and non-technical skills that underpin
successful participation in work.

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Vocational education and training (VET)
Students at Mansfield can access VET programs directly through those courses being offered by the
school or through consultation with the Head of Year 11 and Head of Year 12 and opportunities may
• school - based apprenticeships or traineeships
• courses with an external provider who is an RTO.

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Felicity Symko 3452 5422
Madeline Wust 3452 5338
Industry Liaison Officer Email address Phone number
Naomi Pearce 3452 5333

Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) eligibility

An ATAR is only required for Tertiary Admission. The calculation of an Australian Tertiary Admission
Rank (ATAR) will be based on a student’s:
• best five General subject results or
• best results in a combination of four General subject results plus an Applied subject result or a
Certificate III or higher VET qualification.
The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) has responsibility for ATAR calculations.

English requirement
Eligibility for an ATAR will require satisfactory completion of a QCAA English subject.
Satisfactory completion will require students to attain a result that is equivalent to a Sound Level of
Achievement in one of five subjects — English, Essential English, Literature or English as an
Additional Language.
While students must meet this standard to be eligible to receive an ATAR, it is not mandatory for a
student’s English result to be included in the calculation of their ATAR.

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Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General syllabuses
With regard to General subjects:
• They are best suited to students interested in pathways that lead to tertiary studies or vocational
education and training and work.
• They are developmental four-unit courses of study.
• Units 1 and 2 provide foundational learning, are studied as a pair, and should be completed before
starting Units 3 and 4.
• Assessment in Units 1 and 2 provides feedback and contributes to the QCE but not ATAR.
• Assessment in Units 3 and 4 is summative and contribute to the QCE and to ATAR.
With regard to Extension General subjects:
• They are extensions of the related General subjects and include external assessment.
• Extension subjects consist of two units (3 & 4) and are studied at the same time, or after, Units 3
and 4 of the General courses of study.
• They increase in complexity across the two units.
• The results from Units 3 and 4 contribute to QCE and to ATAR calculations.
With regard to Assessment of General subjects:
• For Units 1 and 2, schools determine the assessment program, tasks and marking guides that are
used to assess student performance, but there will be at least two but no more than four items and
a minimum of at least one item per unit.
• For Units 3 and 4, students will complete a total of four summative assessments — three internal
and one external — that count towards the overall subject result in each General subject. Schools
will develop three internal assessments for each senior subject which will be endorsed by the
QCAA and results in these items will be externally confirmed by QCAA assessors. Confirmed
results from internal assessment are combined with a single result from an external assessment,
which is developed and marked by the QCAA. The external assessment result for a subject
contributes to a determined percentage of a students' overall subject result. For most subjects this
is 25%; for Mathematics and Science subjects it is 50%.
With regard to External Assessment of General subjects:
• It is summative and common to all schools.
• It is administered under the same conditions at the same time and on the same day.
• It is developed and marked by the QCAA according to a commonly applied marking scheme. It
contributes a determined percentage to the student’s overall subject result and is not privileged
over summative internal assessment.

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Applied syllabuses
With regard to Applied subjects:
• They are best suited to students who are interested in pathways that lead to vocational education
and training or work.
• Applied syllabuses are developmental four-unit courses of study.
• Units 1 and 2 are designed to allow students to begin their engagement with the course and
learning experiences and assessment increase in complexity across the four units.
• Units 3 and 4 consolidates learning and results from Applied subjects contribute to the QCE and
results from Units 3 and 4 may contribute as a single input to ATAR.
• Applied syllabuses include core topics and elective areas for study.
With regard to Assessment of Applied subjects:
• Schools develop at least two but no more than four formative internal assessments for Units 1 and
• Applied syllabuses use four summative internal assessments from Units 3 and 4 to determine a
student’s exit result.
• Applied syllabuses do not use external assessment.
With regard to Essential English and Essential Mathematics - Common internal assessment (CIA)
The CIA for Essential English and Essential Mathematics is based on the learning described in Unit 3 of
the respective syllabus. The CIA is:
• developed by the QCAA
• common to all schools
• delivered to schools by the QCAA
• administered flexibly in Unit 3
• administered under supervised conditions
• marked by the school according to a common marking scheme developed by the QCAA.
• The CIA is not privileged over the other summative internal assessment.

Senior External Examinations

With regard to Senior External Subject Examinations:
• For final year of senior schooling only and consists of individual subject exams for small subjects not
otherwise offered as a General subject In Queensland or a particular school.
• Results are based solely on students’ achievement in an exam.
• Senior External Examination results may contribute credit to the QCE and contribute to ATAR.
• Consists of individual subject examinations that are held once each year in Term 4.
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QCAA senior syllabuses offered at Mansfield and
Prerequisites and Recommendations
Type of
Faculty Subject Subject
Prerequisites Recommendations
• Digital Solutions (DIS) General
C Prep Digital Solutions or C Prep B Prep English


• Information & Communication Nil C in Prep English

Technology (ICT)

• English (ENG) C Prep English or Prep Literature Nil


• English as an Additional English is not your parent’s first

Language (EAL) General language & C in Prep English or Prep
• Literature (LIT) B Prep English or C Prep Literature B Prep Literature
• Essential English (ENE) Applied Nil C Prep English
• Food & Nutrition (FNU) General C Prep English C in Prep Food & Nutrition
• Early Childhood Studies (ECS) Applied Nil C Prep English


• Fashion (FAS)

Applied Nil C Prep English

• Certificate II/III Hospitality Nil C Prep English
• Health (HEA) B Prep English B Prep Health
Health and


• Physical Education (PED) C Prep English C Prep Physical Education


• Sport & Recreation (REC) Applied Nil C Prep English & C Prep REC
• Certificate III in Fitness (SIS) Nil C English

• Accounting (ACC) B Prep English or C Prep Accounting

C General Maths
B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Ancient History (AHS) B Prep English or C any Prep History B any Prep History
B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Business (BUS) B Prep English or C Prep Business
B Prep Business
B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Economics (ECN) B Prep English or C Prep Economics

General B Prep Economics

B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Geography (GEG) B Prep English or C Prep Geography
B Prep Geography
B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Legal Studies (LEG) B Prep English or C Prep Legal Studies
B Prep Legal Studies
B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Modern History (MHS) B Prep English or C any Prep History
B any Prep History
B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Social and Community Studies
Applied Nil C Prep English
• Diploma of Business (DBU) C Prep English
B Prep English & C Prep Business
Certificate B in effort in at least 4 subjects
• Certificate IV Justice Studies Nil C English
• Design (DES) C Prep General Maths & Prep English C Prep Design
Industrial Technology

• Engineering (EGR) General B Prep General Maths & C Prep C Prep Engineering
• Furnishing Skills (FUR) Nil C Prep English & C Prep General Maths
and Design

• Industrial Graphics Skills (GSK) Nil C Prep English & C Prep General Maths
• Industrial Technology Skills Nil C Prep English & C Prep General Maths
• Certificate II Engineering Nil C Prep English & C Prep General Maths
Pathways Certificate By
• Certificate III Engineering Invitation only Nil C Prep English & C Prep General Maths

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• French (FRE) C Prep French Nil
• Advanced French (AFR) C French Immersion Nil
• Japanese (JAP) C Prep Japanese Nil


Arabic Must be very familiar with the language. Usually spoken in the home
• Chinese — full form characters
• Indonesian
• Korean Senior External
• Latin Examination
• Modern Greek Only (SEE)
• Polish Year 12 only
• Punjabi
• Russian
• Vietnamese
• General Mathematics (MAG) C Prep General Maths If studied Essential Maths Yr 10 must see
HOD Maths before choosing General

• Mathematical Methods (MAM) C Prep Maths Methods Should have achieved more than 50% in
General Prep Maths Methods. See teacher
• Specialist Mathematics (MAS) Must also do Math Methods Should have achieved more than 50% in
Prep Maths Methods. See teacher
• Essential Mathematics (MAE) Nil Completion of a Yr 10 Maths

• Music (MUS) C Prep Music and / or audition C Prep English

• Music Extension

Satisfactory Units 1 & 2 Yr 11 Music Nil

• Music Extension (Musicology) Satisfactory Units 1 & 2 Yr 11 Music Nil

• Music Extension Satisfactory Units 1 & 2 Yr 11 Music Nil

• Biology (BIO) B Prep General Maths or C Prep Maths C Prep Biology or other science
Methods & C Prep English
• Chemistry (CHM)

B Prep General Maths or C Prep Maths C Prep Chemistry or other science

Methods & C Prep English
• Earth & Environmental Science B Prep General Maths or C Prep Maths C Prep Earth & Enviro or other science
(EES) Methods & C Prep English
• Physics (PHY) C Prep Maths Methods & C Prep Study Math Methods for Year 11&12 &
English B Prep Physics
• Science in Practice (SCP) Applied C Prep English C any Prep Science
• Dance (DAN) C Prep English C Prep Dance or Dance Experience

• Drama (DRA) C Prep English C Yr 9 Drama and/or 10 Prep Drama

• Film, Television & New Media General C Prep English C Yr 9 Media and/or 10 Prep Film, TV &
The Arts

(FTM) New Media

• Visual Art (ART) C Prep English C Yr 9 Art and/or 10 Prep Art

• Drama in Practice (DIP) Nil C Prep English

• Media Arts in Practice (MAR) Applied Nil C Prep English

• Visual Arts in Practice (VAP) Nil C Prep English

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Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Digital Solutions
General senior subject
In Digital Solutions students learn about Pathways
algorithms, computer languages and user
interfaces through generating digital solutions A course of study in Digital Solutions can
to problems. They engage in problem-based establish a basis for further education and
learning that enables them to explore and employment in the fields of science,
develop ideas, generate digital solutions, and technologies, engineering and mathematics.
evaluate impacts, components and solutions. Objectives
Examples of digital solutions include
instructions for robotics systems, instructional By the conclusion of the course of study,
games, and products featuring interactive students will:
data, animations and websites.
• recognise and describe elements,
Learning in Digital Solutions provides
components, principles and processes
students with opportunities to create,
construct and repurpose solutions that are • symbolise and explain information, ideas
relevant in a world where data and digital and interrelationships
realms are transforming entertainment,
education, business, manufacturing and • analyse problems and information
many other industries. Australia’s workforce
• determine solution requirements and
and economy requires people who can
collaborate, use creativity to be innovative criteria
and entrepreneurial, and transform traditional • synthesise information and ideas to
approaches in exciting new ways. determine possible digital solutions
By using the problem-based learning
• generate components of the digital solution
framework, students develop confidence in
dealing with complexity, as well as tolerance • evaluate impacts, components and
for ambiguity and persistence in working with solutions against criteria to make
difficult problems that may have many refinements and justified
solutions. Digital Solutions prepares students
for a range of careers in a variety of digital
contexts and develops the 21st century skills make decisions about and use mode-
of critical and creative thinking, appropriate features, language and
communication, collaboration and teamwork, conventions for particular purposes and
personal and social skills, and ICT skills that contexts
are critical to students’ success in further
education and life.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Creating with code Application and data Digital innovation Digital impacts
• Understanding digital solutions • Interactions between • Digital methods for
problems • Data-driven problems users, data and digital exchanging data
• User experiences and and solution systems • Complex digital data
interfaces requirements • Real-world problems exchange problems
• Algorithms and • Data and and solution and solution
programming programming requirements requirements
techniques techniques • Innovative digital • Prototype digital data
• Programmed solutions • Prototype data solutions exchanges

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Formative assessments
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Unit 1 & 2 Unit 2

Formative Internal assessment 1 (FIA1): 50% Formative Internal Assessment 2 (FIA2) 50%
• Folio (Unit 1) • Project (Unit 2)

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Investigation — technical proposal • Project — folio

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 30% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Project — digital solution • Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Digital Solutions or C in B in Preparatory English or B in Preparatory
Preparatory English Digital Solutions

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Mark Redhead 3452 5363

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Information & Communication Technology
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in Pathways
2023 and units and assessment will be
confirmed by December. This is only a A course of study in Information and
guide to the subject. Information & Communication Technology can establish a
Communication Technology (ICT) focuses basis for further education and employment in
on the knowledge, understanding and skills many fields, especially the fields of ICT
related to engagement with information and operations, help desk, sales support, digital
communication technology through a variety media support, office administration, records and
of elective contexts derived from work, study data management, and call centres.
and leisure environments of today.
Students are equipped with knowledge of
current and emerging hardware and
By the conclusion of the course of study,
software combinations, an understanding of students should:
how to apply them in real-world contexts and
the skills to use them to solve technical • identify and explain hardware and software
and/or creative problems. They develop requirements related to ICT problems
knowledge, understanding and skills across
• identify and explain the use of ICT in society
multiple platforms and operating systems,
and are ethical and responsible users and • analyse ICT problems to identify solutions
advocates of ICT, aware of the social,
• communicate ICT information to audiences
environmental and legal impacts of their
using visual representations and language
conventions and features
Students apply their knowledge of ICT to
• apply software and hardware concepts,
produce solutions to simulated problems
ideas and skills to complete tasks in ICT
referenced to business, industry,
government, education and leisure contexts.
• synthesise ICT concepts and ideas to plan
solutions to given ICT problems
• produce solutions that address ICT
• evaluate problem-solving processes and
solutions, and make recommendations.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Module one – Website Module two - Module three- Module four – Website
Production: Web Animation: The Basics Animation: Advanced Production: Web
Design • Animation • Animation Resume
• Digital imaging and • Audio and video • Application • Data management
modelling production development • Digital imaging and
• Website production • Data management • Audio and video modelling
production • Website production

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Formative assessments
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Unit 1 Unit 2

Module 1 (Item 1): Module 2 (Item 3):

• Extended Response – Image Analysis • Extended Response – Animation Analysis

Module 1 (Item 2): Module 2 (Item 4):

• Project – Website Design • Project – Animation Assets

For Information & Communication Technology, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to
determine the student’s exit result, and consists of four instruments:

Unit 3 Unit 4

Module 3 (Item 5): Module 4 (Item 7):

• Extended Response – Game Analysis • Project – Personal Web Presence

Module 3 (Item 6): Module 4 (Item 8):

• Project – Animation Development • Extended Response – Website Review

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Mark Redhead 3452 5363

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

English focuses on the study of both literary Objectives

texts and non-literary texts, developing
By the conclusion of the course of study,
students as independent, innovative and
students will:
creative learners and thinkers who
appreciate the aesthetic use of language,
• use patterns and conventions of genres
analyse perspectives and evidence, and to achieve particular purposes in cultural
challenge ideas and interpretations through contexts and social situations
the analysis and creation of varied texts. • establish and maintain roles of the
Students are offered opportunities to writer/speaker/signer/designer and
interpret and create texts for personal, relationships with audiences
cultural, social and aesthetic purposes. They • create and analyse perspectives and
learn how language varies according to representations of concepts, identities,
context, purpose and audience, content, times and places
modes and mediums, and how to use it • make use of and analyse the ways cultural
appropriately and effectively for a variety of assumptions, attitudes, values and
purposes. Students have opportunities to beliefs underpin texts and invite
engage with diverse texts to help them
audiences to take up positions
develop a sense of themselves, their world
• use aesthetic features and stylistic
and their place in it.
devices to achieve purposes and
Students communicate effectively in analyse their effects in texts
Standard Australian English for the purposes
of responding to and creating texts. They • select and synthesise subject matter to
make choices about generic structures, support perspectives
language, textual features and technologies • organise and sequence subject matter
for participating actively in literary analysis to achieve particular purposes
and the creation of texts in a range of
modes, mediums and forms, for a variety of • use cohesive devices to emphasise
purposes and audiences. They explore how ideas and connect parts of texts
literary and non-literary texts shape • make language choices for particular
perceptions of the world, and consider ways purposes and contexts
in which texts may reflect or challenge social
and cultural ways of thinking and influence • use grammar and language structures
audiences. for particular purposes
• use mode-appropriate features to
Pathways achieve particular purposes.
A course of study in English promotes open-
mindedness, imagination, critical awareness
and intellectual flexibility — skills that
prepare students for local and global
citizenship, and for lifelong learning across a
wide range of contexts.

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Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Perspectives and Intertextuality Textual connections Close study of
texts • Examining and • Exploring literary texts
• Examining and shaping connections between • Engaging with
creating perspectives representations of texts literary texts from
in texts culture in texts • Examining different diverse times and
• Responding to a • Responding to perspectives of the places
variety of non-literary literary and non- same issue in texts • Responding to
and literary texts literary texts, and shaping own literary texts
• Creating responses for including a focus on perspectives creatively and
public audiences and Australian texts • Creating responses critically
persuasive texts • Creating imaginative for public audiences • Creating imaginative
and analytical texts and persuasive texts and analytical texts

Formative assessments
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

• Extended Response – Written Imaginative Written Assignment
Response for a Public Audience
Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):
Unseen Analytical Written Exam

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments
Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Extended response — written response • Extended response — imaginative
for a public audience written response

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Extended response — persuasive • Examination — analytical written
spoken response response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory English or Preparatory Literature
Head of Department/s Email address Phone number
Carissa Bladin 3452 5343
Kevin Connell 3452 5372

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English as an Additional Language
General senior subject

English as an Additional Language is Objectives

designed for students for whom English is
not their first or home language. It develops By the conclusion of the course of study,
students’ knowledge, understanding and students will:
language skills in Standard Australian • use patterns and conventions of genres
English (SAE), and provides them with to achieve particular purposes in
opportunities to develop higher-order cultural contexts and social situations
thinking skills and to interpret and create
• establish and maintain roles of the
texts for personal, cultural, social and
writer/speaker/signer/designer and
aesthetic purposes.
relationships with audiences
Students have opportunities to engage with
• create and analyse perspectives and
language and texts to foster the skills to
representations of concepts, identities,
communicate effectively in SAE for the
times and places
purposes of responding to and
creating literary and non-literary texts. They • make use of and analyse the ways
develop the language skills required to be cultural assumptions, attitudes, values
competent users of written and spoken and beliefs underpin texts and invite
English in a variety of contexts, including audiences to take up positions
academic contexts suitable for tertiary • use aesthetic features and stylistic
studies. devices to achieve purposes and
Students make choices about generic analyse their effects in texts
structures, language, textual features and
• select and synthesise subject matter to
technologies to best convey intended
support perspectives
meaning in the most appropriate
medium and genre. They explore the ways • organise and sequence subject matter
literary and non-literary texts may reflect or to achieve particular purposes
challenge social and cultural ways of
• use cohesive devices to emphasise
thinking and influence audiences. Students
ideas and connect parts of texts
develop empathy for others and
appreciation of different perspectives • make language choices for particular
through a study of a range of literary texts purposes and contexts
from diverse cultures and periods.
• use grammar and language structures
for particular purposes
• use mode-appropriate features to
A course of study in English as an achieve particular purposes.
Additional Language promotes not only
language and literacy skills, but also open-
mindedness, imagination, critical
awareness and intellectual flexibility —
skills that prepare students for local and
global citizenship, and for lifelong learning
across a wide range of contexts.

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Language, text and Perspectives in texts Issues, ideas and Close study of
culture • Examining and attitudes literary texts
• Examining and shaping perspectives • Exploring • Engaging with literary
shaping in texts representations of texts from diverse
representations of • Responding to issues, ideas and times and places
culture in texts literary texts, attitudes in texts • Responding to
• Responding to a including a focus on • Responding to literary texts
variety of media and Australian texts literary and creatively and
literary texts • Creating imaginative persuasive texts critically
• Creating analytical and analytical texts • Creating analytical • Creating imaginative
and persuasive texts and persuasive texts and analytical texts

Formative assessments
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

• Persuasive Written Assignment • Imaginative Spoken/Multimodal

Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):

• Unseen Analytical Written Exam

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination – analytical written response • Extended response – imaginative
spoken/multimodal response

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Extended response – persuasive written • Examination – analytical extended
response response

Prerequisites Recommendations
English is not your parent/s first language
C in Preparatory English or Preparatory Literature
Head of Department Email address Phone number
Carissa Bladin 3452 5343
Kevin Connell 3452 5372

QCAA Page 16
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject
Literature focuses on the study of literary Objectives
texts, developing students as independent,
By the conclusion of the course of study,
innovative and creative learners and thinkers
who appreciate the aesthetic use of students will:
language, analyse perspectives and • use patterns and conventions of
evidence, and challenge ideas and
genres to achieve particular
interpretations through the analysis and
purposes in cultural contexts and
creation of varied literary texts.
social situations
Students engage with language and texts • establish and maintain roles of the
through a range of teaching and learning
writer/speaker/signer/designer and
experiences to foster the skills to
communicate effectively. They make choices relationships with audiences
about generic structures, language, textual • create and analyse perspectives
features and technologies to participate
and representations of concepts,
actively in the dialogue and detail of literary
analysis and the creation of imaginative and identities, times and places
analytical texts in a range of modes, • make use of and analyse the ways
mediums and forms.
cultural assumptions, attitudes,
Students explore how literary texts shape values and beliefs underpin texts
perceptions of the world and enable us to and invite audiences to take up
enter the worlds of others. They explore positions
ways in which literary texts may reflect or
challenge social and cultural ways of • use aesthetic features and stylistic
thinking and influence audiences. devices to achieve purposes and
analyse their effects in texts
Pathways • select and synthesise subject matter
A course of study in Literature promotes to support perspectives
open-mindedness, imagination, critical • organise and sequence subject
awareness and intellectual flexibility — skills matter to achieve particular
that prepare students for local and global purposes
citizenship, and for lifelong learning across a
wide range of contexts. • use cohesive devices to emphasise
ideas and connect parts of texts

• make language choices for

particular purposes and contexts

• use grammar and language

structures for particular purposes

• use mode-appropriate features to

achieve particular purposes.

QCAA Page 17
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Introduction to literary Intertextuality Literature and identity Independent

studies • Ways literary texts • Relationship between explorations
• Ways literary texts are connect with each language, culture and • Dynamic nature of
received and responded other — genre, identity in literary texts literary interpretation
to concepts and • Power of language to • Close examination of
• How textual choices contexts represent ideas, style, structure and
affect readers • Ways literary texts events and people subject matter
• Creating analytical and connect with each • Creating analytical • Creating analytical
imaginative texts other — style and and imaginative texts and imaginative texts
• Creating analytical
and imaginative texts

Formative assessments
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

• Examination – Analytical • Imaginative Spoken Response
Written Response (Seen
Question) Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):
• Imaginative Written Response

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive an
overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments
Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination — analytical written response • Extended response — imaginative written

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Extended response — imaginative • Examination — analytical written
spoken/multimodal response response

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Preparatory English or C in Preparatory Literature B in Preparatory Literature

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Carissa Bladin 3452 5343
Kevin Connell 3452 5372

QCAA Page 18
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Essential English
Applied senior subject

All Applied subjects are under review in Pathways

2023 and units and assessment will be
confirmed by December. This is only a A course of study in Essential English
guide to the subject. Essential English promotes open-mindedness, imagination,
develops and refines students’ critical awareness and intellectual flexibility
understanding of language, literature and — skills that prepare students for local and
literacy to enable them to interact global citizenship, and for lifelong learning
confidently and effectively with others in across a wide range of contexts.
everyday, community and social contexts.
Students recognise language and texts as
relevant in their lives now and in the future By the conclusion of the course of study,
and learn to understand, accept or students will:
challenge the values and attitudes in these
• use patterns and
conventions of genres to achieve
Students engage with language and texts to particular purposes in cultural contexts
foster skills to communicate confidently and and social situations
effectively in Standard Australian English in
• use appropriate roles and relationships
a variety of contemporary contexts and
with audiences
social situations, including every day, social,
community, further education and work- • construct and explain representations of
related contexts. They choose generic identities, places, events and concepts
structures, language, language features and • make use of and explain the ways
technologies to best convey meaning. They cultural assumptions, attitudes, values
develop skills to read for meaning and and beliefs underpin texts and influence
purpose, and to use, critique and appreciate meaning
a range of contemporary literary and non-
• explain how language features and text
literary texts.
structures shape meaning and invite
Students use language effectively to particular responses
produce texts for a variety of purposes and
audiences and engage creative and • select and use subject matter to support
imaginative thinking to explore their own perspectives
world and the worlds of others. They actively • sequence subject matter and use mode-
and critically interact with a range of texts, appropriate cohesive devices to
developing an awareness of how the construct coherent texts
language they engage with positions them
and others. • make mode-appropriate language
choices according to register informed
by purpose, audience and context
• use language features to achieve
particular purposes across modes.

QCAA Page 19
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Language that Texts and human Language that Representations and

works experiences influences popular culture texts
• Responding to a • Responding to • Creating and shaping • Responding to
variety of texts used reflective and perspectives on popular culture texts
in and developed for nonfiction texts that community, local and • Creating
a work context explore human global issues in texts representations of
• Creating multimodal experiences • Responding to texts Australian identifies,
and written texts • Creating spoken and that seek to influence places, events and
written texts audiences concepts

Formative assessments
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):

• Extended Response (Multimodal) • Extended Response (Written)

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): Formative internal assessment 4 (FA4):

• Response to Stimulus (Mock CIA) • Multimodal Presentation

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. Schools develop three
summative internal assessments and the common internal assessment (CIA) is developed by the

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (SA1): Summative internal assessment 3 (SA3):

• Extended response — spoken/signed response • Extended response — Multimodal response
Summative internal assessment 2 (SA2): Summative internal assessment (SA4):
• Common internal assessment (CIA) • Extended response — Written response

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Carissa Bladin 3452 5343
Kevin Connell 3452 5372

QCAA Page 20
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Food & Nutrition
General senior subject
Food & Nutrition is the study of food in the Objectives
context of food science, nutrition and food
technologies, considering overarching By the conclusion of the course of study,
concepts of waste management, students will:
sustainability and food protection. • recognise and describe food and
Students explore the chemical and nutrition facts and principles
functional properties of nutrients to create • explain food and nutrition ideas and
food solutions that maintain the beneficial problems
nutritive values. This knowledge is
fundamental for continued development of a • analyse problems, information and data
safe and sustainable food system that can • determine solution requirements and
produce high quality, nutritious solutions criteria
with an extended shelf life. Their studies of
• synthesise information and data to
the food system include the sectors of
develop ideas for solutions
production, processing, distribution,
consumption, research and development. • generate solutions to provide data to
determine the feasibility of the solution
Students actively engage in a food and
nutrition problem-solving process to create • evaluate and refine ideas and solutions
food solutions that contribute positively to to make justified recommendations for
preferred personal, social, ethical, enhancement
economic, environmental, legal, sustainable
• make decisions about and use mode-
and technological futures.
appropriate features, language and
conventions for particular purposes and
Pathways contexts.
A course of study in Food & Nutrition can
establish a basis for further education and
employment in the fields of science,
technology, engineering and health.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Food science of Food drivers and Food science of Food solution

vitamins, minerals emerging trends carbohydrate and fat development for
and protein • Consumer food • The food system nutrition consumer
• Introduction to the drivers • Carbohydrate
food system • Sensory profiling • Formulation and
• Fat
• Vitamins and • Labelling and food
reformulation for
• Developing food nutrition consumer
minerals safety solutions markets
• Protein • Food formulation for
• Food development
• Developing food consumer markets

QCAA Page 21
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1(FA1): 30% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 35%
Examination Folio

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 35%


In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 30%
• Examination • Project — folio

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Project — folio • Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Food & Nutrition or C in B in Preparatory Food & Nutrition
Preparatory English

Co-ordinator Email address Phone number
Amy Beckman 3452 5349

QCAA Page 22
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Early Childhood Studies
Applied senior subject

All Applied subjects are under review in Pathways

2023 and units and assessment will be
A course of study in Early Childhood Studies
confirmed by December. This is only a
can establish a basis for further education
guide to the subject. Early Childhood
and employment in health, community
Studies focuses on learning about children
services and education. Work opportunities
aged from birth to five years.
exist as early childhood educators, teacher’s
Students explore play-based learning aides or assistants in a range of early
activities from two perspectives: they use childhood contexts.
theories about early childhood learning and
devise play-based learning activities Objectives
responsive to children’s needs.
By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students examine the interrelatedness of students should:
core concepts and ideas of the
fundamentals and practices of early • investigate the fundamentals and
childhood learning. They plan, justify and practices of early childhood
evaluate play-based learning activities learning
responsive to the needs of children as well • plan learning activities
as evaluating contexts in early childhood
learning. This enables students to develop • implement learning activities
understanding of the multifaceted, diverse • evaluate learning activities
and significant nature of early childhood

Early Childhood Studies is a four-unit course of study. This syllabus contains six QCAA-
developed units as options for schools to select from to develop their course of study.

Unit option Unit title

Unit option A Play and creativity
Unit option B Literacy and numerary
Unit option C Children’s development
Unit option D Children’s wellbeing
Unit option E Indoor and outdoor environments
Unit option F The early education and care sector

QCAA Page 23
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Students complete two assessment tasks for each unit. The assessment techniques used in
Early Childhood Studies are:

Technique Description Response requirements

Investigation Students investigate Planning and evaluation
fundamentals and Multimodal (at least two modes delivered at
practices to devise and the same time): up to 5 minutes, 8 A4 pages,
evaluate the or equivalent digital media
effectiveness of a play-
based learning activity.
Project Students investigate Play-based learning activity
fundamentals and Implementation of activity: up to 5 minutes
practices to devise, Planning and evaluation
implement and evaluate Multimodal (at least two modes delivered at
the effectiveness of a the same time): up to 5 minutes, 8 A4 pages,
play-based learning or equivalent digital media

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English

Co-ordinator Email address Phone number
Amy Beckman 34525349

QCAA Page 24
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in required to produce products. Students
2023 and units and assessment will be engage in applied learning to recognise,
confirmed by December. This is only a apply and demonstrate knowledge and skills
guide to the subject. Fashion explores in units that meet local needs, available
what underpins fashion culture, technology resources and teacher expertise. Through
and design. Students use their imagination both individual and, where possible,
to create, innovate and express themselves collaborative learning experiences, students
and their ideas, and to design and produce learn to meet client expectations of quality
design solutions in a range of fashion and cost.

In Fashion, students learn to appreciate the Pathways

design aesthetics of others while developing A course of study in Fashion can establish a
their own personal style and aesthetic. They basis for further education and employment
explore contemporary fashion culture; learn in the fields of design, personal styling,
costume design, production manufacture,
to identify, understand and interpret fashion
merchandising, and retail.
trends; and examine how the needs of
different markets are met. Students use
their imagination to create, innovate and Objectives
express themselves and their ideas. They By the conclusion of the course of study,
design and produce fashion products in students should:
response to briefs in a range of fashion • demonstrate practices, skills and
contexts. processes
• interpret briefs
Students learn about practices and • select practices, skills and
production processes in fashion industry procedures
contexts. Practices are used by fashion • sequence processes
businesses to manage the production of • evaluate skills, procedures and
products. Production processes combine products
the production skills and procedures • adapt production plans, techniques
and procedures.

Fashion is a four-unit course of study. This syllabus contains six QCAA-developed units as options
for schools to select from to develop their course of study.
Unit option Unit title

Unit option A Fashion designers

Unit option B Historical fashion influences

Unit option C Slow fashion

Unit option D Collections

Unit option E Industry trends

Unit option F Adornment

QCAA Page 25
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Students complete two assessment tasks for each unit.
The assessment techniques used in Fashion are:
Technique Description Response requirements
Project Students design and produce Fashion product
fashion garment/s, drawings, Product: fashion garment/s
collections or items.
Planning and evaluation
Multimodal (at least two modes
delivered at the same time): up
to 5 minutes, 8 A4 pages, or
equivalent digital media
Project Students create/design and/or Awareness campaign
produce an outfit, garments, promoting sustainable
campaigns or extension lines. fashion practices
Product: awareness campaign
that uses technology, e.g.
fashion shoot, promotional or
instructional video or blog

Planning and evaluation

Multimodal (at least two modes
delivered at the same time): up
to 5 minutes, 8 A4 pages, or
equivalent digital media

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English

Co-ordinator Email address Phone number
Amy Beckman 34525349

QCAA Page 26
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Certificate II/III in Hospitality
VET Certificate Course

This Subject Outline is to be read in conjunction with Training Direct Australia’s Student Handbook. The Handbook sets out the services
and training products of Training Direct Australia. To access Training Direct Australia’s Student Handbook, visit:

Two levels of qualification are offered within Certificate in Hospitality,

1. Certificate II in Hospitality
Twelve (12) units of competency are completed over 2 years. Requirements for unit SITHIND003 Use Hospitality
Skills requires the completion of twelve (12) service periods in a hospitality venue over the duration of the course.

Successful completion of the Certificate II in Hospitality contributes

• a maximum of four (4) credits towards a student’s QCE.

2. Certificate III in Hospitality

Seventeen (17) units of competency are completed over 2 years. Requirements for Unit SITHIND004 Work
Effectively in the Hospitality Service requires the completion of thirty-six (36) service periods in a hospitality venue
over the duration of the course.

Successful completion of the Certificate III in Hospitality contributes

• a maximum of six (6) credits towards a student’s QCE
• Successful completion of the Certificate III in Hospitality will have a single scaled score that can be
included in the ATAR calculation. For more information about ATAR eligibility and what inputs can be
included in the ATAR calculation, please refer to the QTAC website.

Training Training Direct Australia (RTO Code: 32355)
Subject Type Vocational Education and Training
Nationally SIT20316 Certificate II Hospitality
Recognised Or
Qualifications SIT30616 Certificate III Hospitality
Course Length 2 years
Reasons to Study The Certificate in Hospitality courses provide students with specific technical skills and
the Subject knowledge which will enable them to be effective participants in the Hospitality workforce.
These qualifications provide a pathway to work in various hospitality settings including (but not
limited to): restaurants, hotels, sporting clubs and cafés.

Graduates will be able to use their Certificate II in Hospitality

• as an entry level qualification into the Hospitality Industry
• to pursue further tertiary pathways (e.g. Certificate III, Diploma or Bachelor of Hotel
Graduates will be able to use their Certificate III in Hospitality
• as an entry level qualification into the Hospitality Industry
• to pursue further tertiary pathways (e.g. Diploma or Bachelor of Hotel Management);
• to improve their chances of gaining tertiary entrance.

QCAA Page 27
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
A Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Screening process is undertaken at the time of initial enrolment (or earlier) to ensure
students have the capacity to effectively engage with the content. Please refer to Training Direct Australia’s Student Information
document for a snapshot of reading, writing and numeracy skills that would be expected in order to satisfy competency

Certificate II Certificate III

• BWOR203 Work effectively with others All Certificate II twelve (12) units (see left)
• SITHIND002 Source & use information on the plus the additional units of:
hospitality industry
• SITHIND003 Use hospitality skills effectively • SITHIND004 Work effectively in
• SITXCCS003 Interact with customers hospitality service
• SITXCOM002 Show social & cultural sensitivity • SITXCCS006 Provide service to
• SITXWHS001 Participate in safe work customers
practices • SITXHRM001 Coach others in job
• SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food skills
safety • SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food
• SITHCCC002 Prepare & present simple dishes handling practices
• SITHCCC003 Prepare &present sandwiches • SITHFAB007 Serve food and
Course Units • SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of beverage
• SITHFAB004 Prepare & serve non- alcoholic
• SITHFAB005 Prepare &serve espresso coffee

Students learning experiences will be achieved by working alongside experienced Hospitality

Teachers (Mansfield Staff Member) and Training Direct Australia Trainers. When TDA’s trainer is
not onsite, students have access to their trainer and all required resources via Training Direct
Australia’s Cloud system.
Learning A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies. These include:
and • Practical tasks / experience
Assessment • Hands-on activities including customer interactions

Evidence contributing towards competency will be collected throughout the course. This process
allows a student’s competency to be assessed in a holistic approach that integrates a range of

Each certificate has an allotted number of service periods which will need completing within in a
hospitality venue. These shifts are required to be completed in full for the qualification to be
The required service periods can be paid or unpaid work. A student’s existing part-time
employment could contribute to these service periods if the venue meets TDA’s venue
The school will provide students with a small number of opportunities to undertake service
periods on-site and our RTO – Training Direct Australia has a partnership with Suncorp and the
Gabba which could see students with an opportunity to complete service periods at venues on
match/event days.

**Please note: A number of the service periods will need to be completed off-site; this is
especially relevant for students undertaking the Certificate 3

QCAA Page 28
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Training Direct Fees

Training Direct Australia has partnered with MSHS to deliver SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality
under the Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) funding pool.
Please be aware that the VET Investment budget will provide funding for students to complete only
one qualification while at school under the VETiS program.

• If your child meets the eligibility requirements, there is no cost involved for the training.

• If the eligibility requirements cannot be met, your child will not be eligible for VETiS
funding and the hospitality qualification will need to be paid for. The cost to student is
$1380.00 ($115 per unit) for SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality.

Training Direct Australia has partnered with MSHS to deliver SIT30616 Certificate III Hospitality
with SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality embedded. The cost for the Certificate II component of
the course is as described above, the additional subjects delivered for the Certificate III by the RTO
will cost $300.

If a student is not eligible for VETiS funding, then we would enrol them into Certificate III only
as User Pay to maximise QCE points. If a User Pay student is completing SIT30616 Certificate III in
Hospitality only, they have the opportunity to gain up to 8 QCE points. The total cost is $1725
($115 per unit of competency).

School Subject Fees

• $25 - Year 11 = Program, registration, resources and equipment.
• $25 - Year 12 = Program, registration, resources and equipment.
• All texts and reprographics are provided by the school.

For further information, contact the Head of Department –Food and Fibre Technologies, Amy Beckman

QCAA Page 29
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

Health provides students with a Objectives

contextualised strengths-based inquiry of the
various determinants that create and By the conclusion of the course of study,
promote lifelong health, learning and active students will:
citizenship. Drawing from the health, • recognise and describe information
behavioural, social and physical sciences, about health-related topics and issues
the Health syllabus offers students an
action, advocacy and evaluation-oriented • comprehend and use health approaches
curriculum. and frameworks

Health uses an inquiry approach informed by • analyse and interpret information about
the critical analysis of health information to health-related topics and issues
investigate sustainable health change at • critique information to distinguish
personal, peer, family and community levels. determinants that influence health status
Students define and understand broad • organise information for particular
health topics, which they reframe into purposes
specific contextualised health issues for
further investigation. • investigate and synthesise information
to develop action strategies
Students plan, implement, evaluate and
reflect on action strategies that mediate,
enable and advocate change through health • evaluate and reflect on implemented
promotion. action strategies to justify
recommendations that mediate,
Pathways advocate and enable health promotion

A course of study in Health can establish a

• make decisions about and use mode-
basis for further education and employment
appropriate features, language and
in the fields of health science, public health, conventions for particular purposes and
health education, allied health, nursing and contexts.
medical professions.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Resilience as a Peers and family as Community as a Respectful

personal health resources for healthy resource for healthy relationships in the
resource living living post-schooling
• Alcohol (elective) • Homelessness transition
• Body image (elective) (elective)
• Road safety
• Anxiety (elective)

QCAA Page 30
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal investigation 1. Formative internal Investigation 2.

• Analytical exposition • Action research report
• Examination • Examination

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Investigation — action research • Investigation —analytical exposition

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Examination — extended response • Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Preparatory English B in Preparatory Health

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Craig Healey 3452 5336

QCAA Page 31
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Physical Education
General senior subject

Physical Education provides students with They engage in reflective decision-making

knowledge, understanding and skills to as they evaluate and justify strategies to
explore and enhance their own and others’ achieve a particular outcome.
health and physical activity in diverse and
changing contexts. Pathways
Physical Education provides a philosophical A course of study in Physical Education can
and educative framework to promote deep establish a basis for further education and
learning in three dimensions: about, through employment in the fields of exercise science,
and in physical activity contexts. Students biomechanics, the allied health professions,
optimise their engagement and performance psychology, teaching, sport journalism, sport
in physical activity as they develop an marketing and management, sport
understanding and appreciation of the promotion, sport development and coaching.
interconnectedness of these dimensions.
Students learn how body and movement
concepts and the scientific bases of By the conclusion of the course of study,
biophysical, sociocultural and psychological students will:
concepts and principles are relevant to their
• recognise and explain concepts and
engagement and performance in physical
principles about movement
activity. They engage in a range of activities
to develop movement sequences and • demonstrate specialised movement
movement strategies. sequences and movement strategies
Students learn experientially through three • apply concepts to specialised movement
stages of an inquiry approach to make sequences and movement strategies
connections between the scientific bases
• analyse and synthesise data to devise
and the physical activity contexts. They
strategies about movement
recognise and explain concepts and
principles about and through movement, and • evaluate strategies about and in
demonstrate and apply body and movement movement
concepts to movement sequences and
• justify strategies about and in movement
movement strategies.
• make decisions about and use
Through their purposeful engagement in
language, conventions and mode-
physical activities, students gather data to
appropriate features for particular
analyse, synthesise and devise strategies to
purposes and contexts.
optimise engagement and performance.

QCAA Page 32
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Motor learning, Sport psychology, Tactical awareness, Energy, fitness and

functional anatomy, equity and physical ethics and integrity training and physical
biomechanics and activity and physical activity activity
physical activity • Sport psychology • Tactical awareness • Energy, fitness and
• Motor learning integrated with a integrated with one training integrated
integrated with a selected physical selected ‘Invasion’ or with one selected
selected physical activity ‘Net and court’ ‘Invasion’, ‘Net and
activity • Equity — barriers physical activity court’ or
• Functional anatomy and enablers • Ethics and integrity ‘Performance’
and biomechanics physical activity
integrated with a
selected physical

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.
Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):

• Investigative Report • Examination. Combination Responses
• Practical Performance
Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):
• Project Folio. (Theory and Practical)
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 30%
• Project — folio • Project — folio

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Investigation — report • Examination — combination response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory English C in Preparatory Physical Education

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Craig Healey 3452 5336
QCAA Page 33
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Sport & Recreation
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in
2023 and units and assessment will be
administration, community health and
confirmed by December. This is only a
recreation and sport performance.
guide to the subject. Sport & Recreation
provides students with opportunities to learn Objectives
in, through and about sport and active
recreation activities, examining their role in By the conclusion of the course of study,
the lives of individuals and communities. students should:

Students examine the relevance of sport and • demonstrate physical responses and
active recreation in Australian culture, interpersonal strategies in individual and
employment growth, health and wellbeing. group situations in sport and recreation
They consider factors that influence activities
participation in sport and recreation, and • describe concepts and ideas about sport
how physical skills can enhance participation and recreation using terminology and
and performance in sport and recreation examples
activities. Students explore how
• explain procedures and strategies in,
interpersonal skills support effective
about and through sport and recreation
interaction with others, and the promotion of activities for individuals and communities
safety in sport and recreation activities. They
examine technology in sport and recreation • apply concepts and adapt procedures,
activities, and how the sport and recreation strategies and physical responses in
industry contributes to individual and individual and group sport and recreation
community outcomes. activities

Students are involved in acquiring, applying • manage individual and group sport and
recreation activities
and evaluating information about and in
physical activities and performances, • apply strategies in sport and recreation
planning and organising activities, activities to enhance health, wellbeing,
investigating solutions to individual and and participation for individuals and
community challenges, and using suitable communities
technologies where relevant. They • use language conventions and textual
communicate ideas and information in, features to achieve particular purposes
about and through sport and recreation
activities. They examine the effects of sport • evaluate individual and group physical
and recreation on individuals and responses and interpersonal strategies to
communities, investigate the role of sport improve outcomes in sport and recreation
and recreation in maintaining good health,
evaluate strategies to promote health and • evaluate the effects of sport and
safety, and investigate personal and recreation on individuals and communities
interpersonal skills to achieve goals.
• evaluate strategies that seek to enhance
health, wellbeing, and participation in
Pathways sport and recreation activities and provide
A course of study in Sport & Recreation
can establish a basis for further education • create communications that convey
and employment in the fields of fitness, meaning for particular audiences and
outdoor recreation and education, sports purposes.

QCAA Page 34
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
The Sport & Recreation course is designed around core and elective topics.
Core topics Elective topics

• Sport and recreation in the community • Active play and minor games
• Sport, recreation and healthy living • Challenge and adventure activities
• Health and safety in sport and recreation activities • Games and sports
• Personal and interpersonal skills in sport and • Lifelong physical activities
recreation activities • Rhythmic and expressive movement activities
• Sport and recreation physical activities

For Sport & Recreation, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit
result, and consists of four instruments, including:
• one project (annotated records of the performance is also required)
• one investigation, extended response or examination.
Project Investigation Extended response Performance Examination

A response to a A response that A technique that A response involves A response

single task, includes locating assesses the the application of that answers
situation and/or and using interpretation, identified skill/s when a number of
scenario. information analysis/examination responding to a task provided
beyond students’ and/or evaluation of that involves solving a questions,
own knowledge ideas and information problem, providing a scenarios
and the data they in provided stimulus solution, providing and/or
have been given. materials. instruction or problems.
conveying meaning or

At least two Presented in one Presented in one of • 2–4 minutes* • 60–90

different of the following the following modes: minutes
components from modes: • written: 600–1000 • 50–250
the following: • written: 600– words words per
• written: 500–900 1000 words • spoken: item
• spoken: 3–4 3–4 minutes
• spoken: 2½–3½
minutes • multimodal: 4–7
• multimodal: 3–6 • multimodal: 4– minutes.
minutes 7 minutes.
• performance: 2–4
minutes. *

* Evidence must include annotated records that clearly identify the application of standards to performance.

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory Physical Education & C Preparatory English

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Craig Healey 3452 5336
QCAA Page 35
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Certificate III in Fitness
VET Certificate Course
A Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Screening process is undertaken at the time of initial enrolment (or earlier) to
ensure students have the capacity to effectively engage with the content. Please refer to Binnacle Training’s Student
Information document for a snapshot of reading, writing and numeracy skills that would be expected in order to satisfy
competency requirements.

This Subject Outline is to be read in conjunction with Binnacle Training's Program

IMPORTANT Disclosure Statement (PDS). The PDS sets out the services and training products
Binnacle Training provides and those services carried out by the 'Partner School' (i.e.
PROGRAM DISCLOSURE the delivery of training and assessment services).
To access Binnacle's PDS, visit: and
select ‘RTO Files’.

Binnacle Training (RTO Code: 31319)
Subject Type Vocational Education and Training
Course Length 2 years
• Offered as a Senior Subject at your school.
• Students deliver fitness programs and services within their school community. For
- Personal Training adults (teachers and staff)
- Strength and conditioning for athletes and teams
- Group fitness sessions (adults and students)
- Primary school fitness
• Includes Provide First Aid/CPR certificates; and coach accreditation
Reasons to
Study the QCE Credits: Successful completion of the Certificate III in Fitness contributes a maximum
Subject of eight (8) credits towards a student’s QCE. A maximum of eight credits from the same
training package can contribute to a QCE.

Skills Acquired
• Client screening and health assessment.
• Instructing and monitoring fitness programs.
• Customer service in the Fitness industry.
• Group fitness, exercise science and nutrition.

Cost. $365 per person + $55 First Aid

Students must have a passion for and/or interest in working the Business Services industry and/or pursuing
further tertiary pathways (e.g. Certificate IV, Diploma and Bachelor of Business). They must have good quality
written and spoken communication skills and enthusiasm / motivation to participate in a range of projects.

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Prep English
Head of Department Email address Phone number
Craig Healey 3452 5336

QCAA Page 36
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject
Accounting provides opportunities for Pathways
students to develop an understanding of the
A course of study in Accounting can
essential role of organising, analysing and
establish a basis for further education and
communicating financial data and
employment in the fields of accounting,
information in the successful performance of
business, management, banking, finance,
any organisation.
law, economics and commerce.
Students learn fundamental accounting
concepts in order to understand accrual Objectives
accounting and managerial and accounting
controls, preparing internal financial reports, By the conclusion of the course of study,
ratio analysis and interpretation of internal students will:
and external financial reports. They • describe accounting concepts and
synthesise financial data and other principles
information, evaluate accounting practices,
solve authentic accounting problems, make • explain accounting concepts, principles
decisions and communicate and processes
recommendations. • apply accounting principles and
Students develop numerical, literacy, processes
technical, financial, critical thinking, decision- • analyse and interpret financial data and
making and problem-solving skills. They information to draw conclusions
develop an understanding of the ethical
attitudes and values required to participate • evaluate accounting practices to make
effectively and responsibly in a changing decisions and propose
business environment. recommendations
• synthesise and solve accounting
• create responses that communicate
meaning to suit purpose and audience.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Real world Management Monitoring a Accounting — the big

accounting effectiveness business picture
• Accounting for a • Accounting for a • Managing resources • Cash management
service business — trading GST business for a trading GST • Complete accounting
cash, accounts • End-of-year reporting business — non- process for a trading
receivable, accounts for a trading GST current assets GST business
payable and no GST business • Fully classified • Performance analysis
• End-of-month financial statement of a listed public
reporting for a reporting for a trading company
service business GST business

QCAA Page 37
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1(FA1): Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

• Examination — combination response • Examination – combination response

Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):

• Project – management effectiveness

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination — combination response • Project — cash management

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Examination — short response • Examination — short response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Accounting or B in Preparatory English B in Preparatory English
B for effort in at least 4 subjects C in Preparatory Maths

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Rosette Sagner 3452 5360
Tammy Vallis 3452 5319

QCAA Page 38
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Ancient History
General senior subject
Ancient History provides opportunities for Pathways
students to study people, societies and A course of study in Ancient History can
civilisations of the past, from the establish a basis for further education and
development of the earliest human employment in the fields of archaeology,
communities to the end of the Antiquity. history, education, psychology, sociology,
Students explore the interaction of societies, law, business, economics, politics,
and the impact of individuals and groups on journalism, the media, health and social
ancient events and ways of life, and study sciences, writing, academia and research.
the development of some features of
modern society, such as social organisation, Objectives
systems of law, governance and religion.
By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students analyse and interpret
students will:
archaeological and written evidence. They
develop increasingly sophisticated skills and • comprehend terms, issues and concepts
understandings of historical issues and
• devise historical questions and conduct
problems by interrogating the surviving
evidence of ancient sites, societies,
individuals and significant historical periods. • analyse historical sources and evidence
They investigate the problematic nature of
• synthesise information from historical
evidence, pose increasingly complex
sources and evidence
questions about the past and formulate
reasoned responses. • evaluate historical interpretations
Students gain multi-disciplinary skills in • create responses that communicate
analysing textual and visual sources, meaning.
constructing arguments, challenging
assumptions, and thinking both creatively
and critically.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Investigating the Personalities in their Reconstructing the People, power and

ancient world time ancient world authority
• Digging up the past – • Akhenaten – the • Fifth Century Athens • Ancient Rome — Civil
reconstructing the rebel pharaoh of (BCE) – birthplace of War and the breakdown
ancient past with Ancient Egypt. the western world. of the Republic.
archaeological and • Alexander the Great • Pompeii and • Augustus – the first
written sources. –conquer of the Herculaneum – Emperor of Rome.
• Ancient societies — Mediterranean world. window on life in
Weapons and ancient times.

QCAA Page 39
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 3 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 4 (FA2):

Investigation — essay in response to historical Investigation — essay based on research
Formative internal assessment 2 (FA3):
Investigation — independent source analysis

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination — essay in response to • Investigation — historical essay based
historical sources on research

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Independent source investigation • Examination — short responses to
historical sources

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Ancient or Modern History or B in Preparatory English
B in Preparatory English B in Preparatory Ancient or Modern History
B for effort in at least 4 subjects

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Rosette Sagner 3452 5360
Tammy Vallis 3452 5319

QCAA Page 40
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

Business provides opportunities for students Pathways

to develop business knowledge and skills to
A course of study in Business can establish a
contribute meaningfully to society, the
basis for further education and employment
workforce and the marketplace and prepares
in the fields of business management,
them as potential employees, employers,
business development, entrepreneurship,
leaders, managers and entrepreneurs.
business analytics, economics, business law,
Students investigate the business life cycle, accounting and finance, international
develop skills in examining business data business, marketing, human resources
and information and learn business management and business information
concepts, theories, processes and strategies systems.
relevant to leadership, management and
entrepreneurship. They investigate the Objectives
influence of, and implications for, strategic
development in the functional areas of By the conclusion of the course of study,
finance, human resources, marketing and students will:
operations. • describe business environments and
Students use a variety of technological, situations
communication and analytical tools to • explain business concepts, strategies
comprehend, analyse, interpret and and processes
synthesise business data and information.
They engage with the dynamic business • select and analyse business data and
world (in both national and global contexts), information
the changing workforce and emerging digital • interpret business relationships, patterns
technologies. and trends to draw conclusions
• evaluate business practices and
strategies to make decisions and
propose recommendations
• create responses that communicate
meaning to suit purpose and audience.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Business creation Business growth Business Business evolution

• Fundamentals of • Establishment of a diversification • Repositioning a
business business • Competitive markets business
• Creation of business • Entering markets • Strategic • Transformation of a
ideas development business

QCAA Page 41
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1(FA1): Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

• Examination — combination response • Investigation — business report

Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):

• Extended response — feasibility report

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination — combination response • Extended response — feasibility report

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Investigation — business report • Examination — combination response

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Preparatory English or C in Preparation Business B in Preparatory English
B for effort in at least 4 subjects C in Preparatory General Maths

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Rosette Sagner 3452 5360
Tammy Vallis 3452 5319

QCAA Page 42
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

Economics encourages students to think Pathways

deeply about the global challenges facing
A course of study in Economics can
individuals, business and government,
establish a basis for further education and
including how to allocate and distribute
employment in the fields of economics,
scarce resources to maximise well-being.
econometrics, management, data analytics,
Students develop knowledge and cognitive business, accounting, finance, actuarial
skills to comprehend, apply analytical science, law and political science.
processes and use economic knowledge.
Economics is an excellent complement for
They examine data and information to
students who want to solve real-world
determine validity and consider economic
science or environmental problems and
policies from various perspectives. They use
participate in government policy debates. It
economic models and analytical tools to
provides a competitive advantage for career
investigate and evaluate outcomes to draw
options where students are aiming for
management roles and developing their
Students study opportunity costs, economic entrepreneurial skills to create
models and the market forces of demand business opportunities as agents of
and supply. They dissect and interpret the innovation.
complex nature of international economic
relationships and the dynamics of Australia’s Objectives
place in the global economy. They develop
intellectual flexibility, digital literacy and By the conclusion of the course of study,
economic thinking skills. students will:
• comprehend economic concepts,
principles and models
• select data and economic information
from sources
• analyse economic issues
• evaluate economic outcomes
• create responses that communicate
economic meaning.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Markets and models Modified markets International Contemporary

• The basic economic • Markets and economics macroeconomics
problem efficiency • The global economy • Macroeconomic
• Economic flows • Case options of • International objectives and theory
• Market forces market measures economic issues • Economic
and strategies management

QCAA Page 43
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1(FA1): 25%

• Examination — combination response Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 50%
• Examination — extended response to
Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 25% stimulus
• Investigation — research report

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination — combination response • Examination — extended response to

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Investigation — research report • Examination — combination response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Economics or B in Preparatory English and B in Preparatory Economics
C in Prep General Maths
B for effort in at least 4 subjects

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Tammy Vallis 3452 5319
Rosette Sagner 3452 5360

QCAA Page 44
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

Geography focuses on the significance of Pathways

‘place’ and ‘space’ in understanding our
A course of study in Geography can
world. Students engage in a range of
establish a basis for further education and
learning experiences that develop their
employment in the fields of urban and
geographical skills and thinking through the
environmental design, planning and
exploration of geographical challenges and
management; biological and environmental
their effects on people, places and the
science; conservation and land
management; emergency response and
Students investigate places in Australia and hazard management; oceanography,
across the globe to observe and measure surveying, global security, economics,
spatial, environmental, economic, political, business, law, engineering, architecture,
social and cultural factors. They interpret information technology, and science.
global concerns and challenges including
responding to risk in hazard zones, planning Objectives
sustainable places, managing land cover
transformations and planning for population By the conclusion of the course of study,
change. They develop an understanding of students will:
the complexities involved in sustainable • explain geographical processes
planning and management practices.
• comprehend geographic patterns
Students observe, gather, organise, analyse
and present data and information across a • analyse geographical data and
range of scales. They engage in real-world information
applications of geographical skills and • apply geographical understanding
thinking, including the collection and
representation of data. • synthesise information from the analysis
to propose action
• communicate geographical
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Responding to risk Planning Responding to land Managing

and vulnerability in sustainable places cover population change
hazard zones • Responding to transformations • Population
• Natural hazard zones challenges facing a • Land cover challenges in
• Ecological hazard place in Australia transformations and Australia
zones • Managing the climate change • Global population
challenges facing a • Responding to local change
megacity land cover

QCAA Page 45
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Investigation — field report
Investigation — data report Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):
Combination Response exam

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination — combination response • Investigation — data report

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Investigation — field report • Examination — combination response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Geography or B in Preparatory B in Preparatory Geography
English and C in Prep General Maths
B for effort in at least 4 subjects

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Rosette Sagner 3452 5360
Tammy Vallis 3452 5319

QCAA Page 46
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Legal Studies
General senior subject

Legal Studies focuses on the interaction Pathways

between society and the discipline of law
and explores the role and development of A course of study in Legal Studies can
law in response to current issues. Students establish a basis for further education and
study the legal system and how it regulates employment in the fields of law, law
activities and aims to protect the rights of enforcement, criminology, justice studies
individuals, while balancing these with and politics. The knowledge, skills and
obligations and responsibilities. attitudes students gain are transferable to all
discipline areas and post-schooling tertiary
Students study the foundations of law, the pathways. The research and analytical skills
criminal justice process and the civil justice this course develops are universally valued
system. They critically examine issues of in business, health, science and engineering
governance, explore contemporary issues of industries.
law reform and change, and consider
Australian and international human rights
By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students develop skills of inquiry, critical
students will:
thinking, problem-solving and reasoning to
make informed and ethical decisions and • comprehend legal concepts, principles
recommendations. They identify and and processes
describe legal issues, explore information
• select legal information from sources
and data, analyse, evaluate to make
decisions or propose recommendations, and • analyse legal issues
create responses that convey legal meaning.
• evaluate legal situations
They question, explore and discuss tensions
between changing social values, justice and • create responses that communicate
equitable outcomes. meaning.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Beyond reasonable Balance of Law, governance and Human rights in legal

doubt probabilities change contexts
• Legal foundations • Civil law foundations • Governance in • Human rights
• Criminal investigation • Contractual Australia • The effectiveness of
process obligations • Law reform within a international law
• Criminal trial process • Negligence and the dynamic society • Human rights in
• Punishment and duty of care Australian contexts

QCAA Page 47
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1(FA1): Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

• Examination – combination response • Investigation – inquiry report

Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):

• Investigation – argumentative essay

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 25%

• Examination — combination response (IA3):
• Investigation — argumentative

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment 25%

• Investigation — inquiry report (EA):
• Examination — combination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Legal Studies or B in Preparatory English B in Preparatory Legal Studies
B for effort in at least 4 subjects

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Tammy Vallis 3452 5319
Rosette Sagner 3452 5360

QCAA Page 48
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Modern History
General senior subject

Modern History provides opportunities for

students to gain historical knowledge and
understanding about some of the main A course of study in Modern History can
forces that have contributed to the establish a basis for further education and
development of the Modern World and to employment in the fields of history,
think historically and form a historical education, psychology, sociology, law,
consciousness in relation to these same business, economics, politics, journalism,
forces. the media, writing, academia and strategic
Modern History enables students to analysis.
empathise with others and make meaningful
connections between the past, present and Objectives
possible futures. By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students learn that the past is contestable students will:
and tentative. Through inquiry into ideas,
• comprehend terms, issues and concepts
movements, national experiences and
international experiences, they discover how • devise historical questions and conduct
the past consists of various perspectives research
and interpretations. • analyse historical sources and evidence
Students gain a range of transferable skills
• synthesise information from historical
that will help them become empathetic and
sources and evidence
critically literate citizens who are equipped to
embrace a multicultural, pluralistic, inclusive, • evaluate historical interpretations
democratic, compassionate and sustainable
• create responses that communicate

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Ideas in the modern Movements in the National experiences International

world modern world in the modern world experiences in the
• Russian Revolution, • Women’s movement • Soviet Union, modern world
1905 – 1920s. since 1893 1920s–1945 • Cold War, 1945–1991
• Australian Frontier • African-American • Mao’s China, 1931– • Australian engagement
Wars, civil rights 1976 with Asia since 1945 –
1788 –1930s movement, 1954 – the Vietnam War.

QCAA Page 49
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2):

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1) Investigation — independent source investigation
Investigation — historical essay based on
research Formative internal assessment 4 (FA3):
Examination–essay response to historical sources

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Examination — essay in response to • Investigation — historical essay based
historical sources on research

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Independent source investigation • Examination — short responses to
historical sources

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Modern or Ancient History or B in Preparatory Modern or Ancient History
B in Preparatory English
B for effort in at least 4 subjects

Heads of Department Email address Phone number
Rosette Sagner 3452 5360
Tammy Vallis 3452 5319

QCAA Page 50
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Social and Community Studies
Applied Senior Subject

All Applied subjects are under review in to manage change, to be resilient and adaptive,
2023 and units and assessment will be and to develop strategies so that they can cope
confirmed by December. This is only a with the demands, not only of everyday life, but
guide to the subject. The Social and also of continuing studies, employment and
Community course deals with the skills future careers.
students need to function efficiently,
effectively and positively in current and Objectives
future life roles. It encourages them to
By the conclusion of the course of study,
recognise that emotional and social
students should:
wellbeing are significant to individuals,
families, the community and society as a • describe concepts and ideas related
whole. to the development of personal,
interpersonal and citizenship skills
Students investigate life skills (social,
communication, problem solving, decision • explain the ways life skills relate to
making, self-management, building self- social contexts
esteem, self-confidence and resilience, • explain issues and viewpoints
workplace skills, learning and study skills) related to social investigations
through a variety of electives. In
collaborative learning environments, • organise information and material
students use an inquiry approach to related to social contexts and issues
investigate the dynamics of society and the • analyse and compare viewpoints
benefits of working with other s in the about social contexts and issues
community, allowing them to be active and
informed citizens. • apply concepts and ideas to make
decisions about social investigations
Pathways • plan and undertake social
A course of study in Social and community investigations
Studies can establish a basis for further • communicate ideas, information and
education and employment, as it helps outcomes to suit audiences and
students develop the personal, interpersonal purpose
and citizenship skills and attributes
necessary in all workplaces. It allows them • appraise inquiry processes and the
outcomes of social investigations

The Social and Community Studies course is designed around core skills developed through a
range of elective contexts.

Core skills Elective contexts

• Personal skills – growing and developing as an individual • The world of work

• Interpersonal skills – living with and relating to other • Money management
people • Legally, it could be you
• Citizenship skills – receiving from and contributing to • Australia’s place in the world
• Science and Technology

QCAA Page 51
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
For Social and Community Studies, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the
student’s exit result and consists of four instruments which may include:
• Project
• Investigation
• Examination
• Extended response

Project Investigation Examination Extended response

A response to a single A task that assesses Assesses the Assesses the

task, situation and/or investigative practices application of a range of interpretation,
scenario. and the outcomes of cognitions to provided analysis/examination
applying these practices. questions, scenarios and/or evaluation of
and/or problems. ideas and information
in provided stiumuls

A project consists of a An investigation occurs • 60–90 minutes An extended response

product component and over a set period of time. • 50–250 words per occurs over a set
at least one of the Students use class time item period of time.
following components: and their own time to Students use class
• written: 500–900 develop a response. time and their own
words • written: 600 – 1000 time to develop a
response. May consist
• multimodal: 3- 6 words
• written: 600 – 1000
• spoken: 2 ½ - 3 ½
• spoken: 3-4
• multimodal: 4 – 7

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English and C in Preparatory General Maths

Heads of Department Email address Phone number
Rosette Sagner 34525360
Tammy Vallis 34525319

QCAA Page 52
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Diploma of Business
QCE Credit Points - 8
VET Certificate Course

REGISTERED TRAINING Get Set Vocational Education and Training Pty. Ltd. (T/as Get
ORGANISATION Set Education) RTO ID: 45252

Subject Type Vocational Education and Training

Recognised BSB50120 Diploma of Business
Course Length 2 years
Get Set Education conducts an Initial Skills Assessment via an online LLN
assessment. Each school also conducts a suitability check face-to-face with the
student, ensuring they have achieved a sound (C) standard in Year 10 English
Entry and achieve an average effort mark of a B across their other subjects. It also
Requirements assists our trainers to prepare individual learning plans for each successful
applicant where skill weaknesses are identified. The RTO will work with
successful applicants to ensure their skills are at the required level by the
completion of their training.

The Diploma of Business will provide students with the skills and experiences to
become a Business Professional. It is designed to equip students with the practical
and theoretical skills necessary to broaden their employment perspectives.
Students will attain skills in leadership, marketing, social media, customer service,
management, sustainability, finance and administration – incorporating the delivery
of a range of projects and services within their school community. The qualification
will be suited to students seeking to enter the Business Services industries and/or
as a bridging course to a tertiary pathway. Students who achieve success in this
course are those who possess a high level of self-motivation and determination to
complete tasks and achieve results. Students should possess a positive attitude
Reasons to
Study the towards enhancing future career and study options and a desire to develop their
Subject practical business knowledge and skills. This qualification is offered through a
partnership with an external provider and the School. Training is delivered in a
blended model of face-to-face training and online modules and

QCE Credits: Successful completion of the Diploma of Business contributes a

maximum of eight (8) credits towards a student’s QCE. A maximum of eight credits
from the same training package can contribute to a QCE.
• to pursue further tertiary pathways (e.g. Advanced Diploma or Bachelor of
Business); and
• to improve their chances of gaining tertiary entrance with a guaranteed ATAR
of 82.


A Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Screening process is undertaken at the time of initial
enrolment (or earlier) to ensure students have the capacity to effectively engage with the content.
Please refer to Get Set Vocational Education and Training Pty Ltd’s Student Information document
for a snapshot of reading, writing and numeracy skills that would be expected in order to satisfy
competency requirements.

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Semester 1 Semester 2

• BSBOPS601 Develop and implement • BSBMKG546 Develop social media

business plans SIRXMGT005 engagement plans
• Lead the development of business • SIRXMKT006 Develop a social media
opportunities strategy
Topics of • BSBMKG541 Identify and evaluate • BSBXCM501 Lead communication in
Study / marketing opportunities the workplace
Semester 3 Semester 4
• BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in • BSBOPS501 Manage business
others resources
• BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies • BSBOPS505 Manage organisational
and procedures for sustainability customer service
• BSBOPS504 Manage business risk
BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial
Learning experiences will be achieved by students working alongside an experienced Business
Teacher (Program Deliverer) – incorporating delivery of a range of projects and services within
their school community.

A range of teaching/learning strategies will be used to deliver the competencies. These include:
- Practical tasks / experience
Learning - Hands-on activities including customer interactions
and - Group projects
- e-Learning projects

Evidence contributing towards competency will be collected throughout the program. This
process allows a student’s competency to be assessed in a holistic approach that integrates a
range of competencies.
NOTE: From time to time, project delivery may require a mandatory ‘outside subject’
component (e.g. before or after school).

The Diploma of Business will predominantly be used by students seeking to enter the Business
Services industries and/or pursuing further tertiary pathways (e.g. Advanced Diploma and
Bachelor of Business). For example:

Graduates will be able to use their Diploma of Business as an entry level qualification into the
Pathways Business Services Industries which may include: Business Manager; Business Development
Manager; Administrator; Executive Officer; Program Consultant; Program Coordinator.
Students eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) may be able to use
their completed Diploma to contribute towards their ATAR. For further information
please visit

• $849 = Get Set Education Training fees

• $25 - Year 11 = Program, registration, resources and equipment.
• $25 - Year 12 = Program, registration, resources and equipment.
• All texts and reprographics are provided by the school.

For further information, contact the Heads of Department – Humanities: Rosette Sagner – and Tammy Vallis-

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Certificate IV Justice Studies
QCE Credit Points - 8 VET Certificate Course
Certificate IV in Justice Studies 10283NAT Duration 2 years RTO Unity College 32123
Certificate IV in Justice Studies is an accredited course. The Certificate IV in Justice Studies
is designed by justice professionals for people who would like to achieve employment in the
criminal justice system and wish to develop a deeper understanding of the justice system.
Qualification Aims: The Certificate IV in Justice Studies course is designed to
description • provide students with a broad understanding of the justice system
• develop the personal skills and knowledge which underpin employment in the
justice system.
Entry Academic - There are no formal entry requirements for this course. It is recommended that
requirements students have a pass in Year 10 English to demonstrate sufficient spoken and written
comprehension to successfully complete all study and assessment requirements.
Attitude – students need to demonstrate independent learning skills
Qualification To attain this certificate, 10 units of competency (6 core and 4 elective) must be completed.
Units of Unit Code Unit Name
Competency 1. BSBPEF402 Develop personal work priorities
delivered 2. NAT10971001 Providing information and referral advice on justice related issues
3. BSBLEG421 Applying understanding of the Australian Legal System
4. NAT10971002 Preparing documentation for court proceedings
5. PSPREG010 How to prepare a brief of evidence
6. PSPREG003 Apply regulatory powers
7. BSBLEG523 Apply legal principles in tort law matters
8. NAT10971003 Analyse social justice issues
9. BSBLDR414 Lead team effectiveness
10. PSPREG012 Gather information through interviews
111 BSBXCM401 Apply communication strategies in the workplace
Learning Content is delivered in a classroom environment through Studies/Certificate IV in Justice
experiences Studies classes or via an online plus face-to face option. Course content provided by the
trainer and assessor. This can be in the format of online reading and activities, whole day
workshops, 3 x compulsory after school workshops with industry professionals
Technology required: access to the internet
Assessment Evidence contributing towards competency will be collected throughout the program. This
process allows a student’s competency to be assessed in a holistic approach that integrates
a range of competencies. Evidence is gathered through the following; Written projects,
Online quizzes, Observation of skills, Oral and written questions.
Pathways The Certificate IV in Justice Studies is recommended for students looking to gain
employment or further study opportunities in justice and law related fields such as the police
service, justice related occupations, corrective services, courts, legal offices, customs
service, security industry and private investigations.
Course Costs • $700 up-front training fee - paid directly to Unity College & covers 2 years**
• $25 - Year 11 = Program, registration, resources and equipment.
• $25 Year 12 = Program, registration, resources and equipment.
** Please note that this course is offered at a significantly reduced fee than if through
another provider or if completed after finishing school.
Further Refund Policy: Refund for students exiting a certificate course is on prorate basis related to
information the unit/s of competency covered (less a $50.00 administration fee). Students must have
evidence of the reason/s why exit from the course is being sought (e.g. a medical certificate
or show extreme personal hardship). Applications for refund are made to the Unity College
Principal and are at the discretion of the Principal.
For further information, contact the Heads of Department – Humanities: Rosette Sagner – and Tammy Vallis-

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

Design focuses on the application of design Pathways

thinking to envisage creative products,
services and environments in response to A course of study in Design can establish a
human needs, wants and opportunities. basis for further education and employment
Designing is a complex and sophisticated in the fields of architecture, digital media
form of problem-solving that uses divergent design, fashion design, graphic design,
and convergent thinking strategies that can industrial design, interior design and
be practised and improved. Designers are landscape architecture.
separated from the constraints of production
processes to allow them to appreciate and Objectives
exploit new innovative ideas.
By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students learn how design has influenced students will:
the economic, social and cultural
• describe design problems and design
environment in which they live. They
understand the agency of humans in
conceiving and imagining possible futures • represent ideas, design concepts and
through design. Collaboration, teamwork design information using drawing and
and communication are crucial skills needed low-fidelity prototyping
to work in design teams and liaise with
• analyse needs, wants and opportunities
stakeholders. They learn the value of
using data
creativity and build resilience as they
experience iterative design processes, • devise ideas in response to design
where the best ideas may be the result of problems
trial and error and a willingness to take risks
• synthesise ideas and design information
and experiment with alternatives.
to propose design concepts
Students learn about and experience design
• evaluate ideas and design concepts to
through exploring needs, wants and
make refinements
opportunities; developing ideas and design
concepts; using drawing and low-fidelity • make decisions about and use mode-
prototyping skills; and evaluating ideas and appropriate features, language and
design concepts. They communicate design conventions for particular purposes and
proposals to suit different audiences. contexts.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Design in practice Commercial design Human-centred Sustainable design

• Experiencing • Explore — client design • Explore —
design needs and wants • Designing sustainable
• Design process • Develop — with empathy design
• Design styles collaborative
design • Develop —

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 15% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 15%
Examination Examination

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 35% Formative internal assessment 4 (FA4): 35%
Project Folio Project Folio

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 15% Summative internal assessment 3 25%

• Examination — design challenge (IA3):
• Project

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 35% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Project • Examination — design challenge

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory General Maths & C in C in Preparatory Design
Preparatory English

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Lance Simpson 34525347

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

Engineering includes the study of Objectives

mechanics, materials science and control
technologies through real-world engineering By the conclusion of the course of study,
contexts where students engage in problem- students will:
based learning. • recognise and describe engineering
Students learn to explore complex, open- problems, concepts and principles
ended problems and develop engineered • symbolise and explain ideas and
solutions. They recognise and describe solutions
engineering problems, determine solution
success criteria, develop and communicate • analyse problems and information
ideas and predict, generate, evaluate and • determine solution success criteria for
refine prototype solutions. engineering problems
Students justify their decision-making and • synthesise information and ideas to
acknowledge the societal, economic and predict possible solutions
environmental sustainability of their
engineered solutions. The problem-based • generate prototype solutions to provide
learning framework in Engineering data to assess the accuracy of
encourages students to become self- predictions
directed learners and develop beneficial • evaluate and refine ideas and solutions
collaboration and management skills. to make justified recommendations

Pathways • make decisions about and use mode-

appropriate features, language and
A course of study in Engineering can conventions for particular purposes and
establish a basis for further education and contexts.
employment in the field of engineering,
including, but not limited to, civil,
mechanical, mechatronic, electrical,
aerospace, mining, process, chemical,
marine, biomedical, telecommunications,
environmental, micro-nano and systems.
The study of engineering will also benefit
students wishing to pursue post-school
tertiary pathways that lead to careers in
architecture, project management, aviation,
surveying and spatial sciences.

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Engineering Emerging Statics of structures Machines and
fundamentals and technologies and environmental mechanisms
society • Emerging needs considerations • Machines in
• Engineering • Emerging • Application of the society
history processes and problem-solving • Materials
• The problem- machinery process in • Machine control
solving process • Emerging Engineering
in Engineering materials • Civil structures
• Engineering • Exploring and the
communication autonomy environment
• Introduction to • Civil structures,
engineering materials and
mechanics forces
• Introduction to

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.
Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2
Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 25% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 25%
Examination Examination
Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 25% Formative internal assessment 4 (FA4): 25%
Folio Folio
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments
Unit 3 Unit 4
Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 25% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 25%
• Project — folio • Project — folio
Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Examination • Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Preparatory Maths & C in Preparatory C in Preparatory Engineering

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Lance Simpson 34525347

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Furnishing Skills
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in potential employment opportunities may be
2023 and units and assessment will be found in furnishing trades as, for example, a
confirmed by December. This is only a furniture-maker, wood machinist, cabinet-
guide to the subject. Furnishing Skills maker, polisher, shopfitter, upholsterer, furniture
focuses on the underpinning industry practices restorer, picture framer, floor finisher or glazier.
and production processes required to
manufacture furnishing products with high Objectives
aesthetic qualities.
By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students understand industry practices; students should:
interpret specifications, including technical
information and drawings; demonstrate and • describe industry practices in
apply safe practical production processes with manufacturing tasks
hand/power tools and machinery; • demonstrate fundamental production skills
communicate using oral, written and graphical
modes; organise, calculate and plan • interpret drawings and technical
production processes; and evaluate the information
products they create using predefined • analyse manufacturing tasks to organise
specifications. materials and resources
Students develop transferable skills by • select and apply production skills and
engaging in manufacturing tasks that relate to procedures in manufacturing tasks
business and industry, and that promote
adaptable, competent, self-motivated and safe • use visual representations and language
individuals who can work with colleagues to conventions and features to communicate
solve problems and complete practical work. for particular purposes
• plan and adapt production processes
Pathways • create products from specifications
A course of study in Furnishing Skills can
• evaluate industry practices, production
establish a basis for further education and
processes and products, and make
employment in the furnishing industry.
With additional training and experience,

The Furnishing Skills course is designed around core and elective topics.

Core topics Elective topics

• Industry practices • Cabinet-making

• Production processes • Furniture finishing
• Furniture-making
• Glazing and framing
• Upholstery

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
For Furnishing Skills, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit
result, and consists of four instruments, including:
• at least two projects
• at least one practical demonstration (separate to the assessable component of a project).

Project Practical demonstration Examination

A response to a single task, A task that assesses the A response that answers a
situation and/or scenario. practical application of a specific number of provided questions,
set of teacher-identified scenarios and/or problems.
production skills and

A project consists of a product Students demonstrate • 60–90 minutes

component and at least one of production skills and procedures • 50–250 words per item
the following components: in class under teacher
• written: 500–900 words supervision.
• spoken: 2½–3½ minutes
• multimodal
o non-presentation:
8 A4 pages max
(or equivalent)
o presentation: 3-6
• product: continuous
class time.

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English and C in Preparatory General Maths

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Lance Simpson 34525347

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Industrial Graphics Skills
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in Objectives
2023 and units and assessment will be
confirmed by December. This is only a By the conclusion of the course of study,
guide to the subject. Industrial Graphics Skills students should:
focuses on the underpinning industry practices
and production processes required to produce • describe industry practices in drafting and
the technical drawings used in a variety of modelling tasks
industries, including building and construction,
engineering and furnishing. • demonstrate fundamental drawing skills
Students understand industry practices, • interpret drawings and technical
interpret technical information and drawings, information
demonstrate and apply safe practical modelling
• analyse drafting tasks to organise
procedures with tools and materials,
communicate using oral and written modes,
organise and produce technical drawings and • select and apply drawing skills and
evaluate drawings using specifications. procedures in drafting tasks
Students develop transferable skills by • use language conventions and features to
engaging in drafting and modelling tasks that communicate for particular purposes
relate to business and industry, and that
• construct models from drawings
promote adaptable, competent, self-motivated
and safe individuals who can work with • create technical drawings from industry
colleagues to solve problems and complete requirements
• evaluate industry practices, drafting
processes and drawings, and make
Pathways recommendations.
A course of study in Industrial Graphics Skills
can establish a basis for further education and
employment in a range of roles and trades in
the manufacturing industries. With additional
training and experience, potential employment
opportunities may be found in drafting roles
such as architectural drafter, estimator,
mechanical drafter, electrical drafter, structural
drafter, civil drafter and survey drafter.

The Industrial Graphics Skills course is designed around core and elective topics.

Core topics Elective topics

• Industry practices • Building and construction drafting

• Drafting processes • Engineering drafting
• Furnishing drafting

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
For Industrial Graphic Skills, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s
exit result, and consists of four instruments, including:
• at least two projects
• at least one practical demonstration (separate to the assessable component of a project).

Project Practical demonstration Examination

A response to a single task, A task that assesses the A response that answers a
situation and/or scenario. practical application of a specific number of provided questions,
set of teacher-identified scenarios and/or problems.
production skills and

A project consists of a technical Students demonstrate • 60–90 minutes

drawing (which includes a production skills and procedures • 50–250 words per item
model) component and at least in class under teacher
one of the following supervision.
• written: 500–900 words
• spoken: 2½–3½ minutes
• multimodal
o non-presentation:
8 A4 pages max
(or equivalent)
o presentation: 3-6
• product: continuous
class time.

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English and C in Preparatory General Maths

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Lance Simpson 34525347

QCAA Page 63
Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Industrial Technology Skills
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in 2023 industry areas of aeroskills, automotive, building
and units and assessment will be confirmed and construction, engineering, furnishing,
by December. This is only a guide to the industrial graphics and plastics.
subject. Industrial Technology Skills focuses on
the practices and processes required to Objectives
manufacture products in a variety of industries. By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students understand industry practices; interpret students should:
specifications, including technical information and • describe industry practices in manufacturing
drawings; demonstrate and apply safe, practical tasks
production processes with hand/power tools and
machinery; communicate using oral, written and • demonstrate fundamental production skills
graphical modes; organise, calculate and plan • interpret drawings and technical information
production processes; and evaluate the products
they create using predefined specifications. • analyse manufacturing tasks to organise
materials and resources
Students develop transferable skills by engaging
in manufacturing tasks that relate to business • select and apply production skills and
and industry, and that promote adaptable, procedures in manufacturing tasks
competent, self-motivated and safe individuals • use visual representations and language
who can work with colleagues to solve problems conventions and features to communicate for
and complete practical work. particular purposes
• plan and adapt production processes
A course of study in Industrial Technology Skills • create products from specifications
can establish a basis for further education and
• evaluate industry practices, production
employment in manufacturing industries.
processes and products, and make
Employment opportunities may be found in the

The Industrial Technology Skills course is designed around:
• core topics, which are integrated throughout the course
• elective topics, organised in industry areas, and manufacturing tasks related to the chosen

Core topics Industry area Elective topics

• Industry practices Aeroskills • Aeroskills mechanical

• Production • Aeroskills structures
Automotive • Automotive mechanical
• Automotive body repair
• Automotive electrical

Building and construction • Bricklaying; Plastering and painting;

Concreting; Carpentry; Tiling;

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
Engineering • Sheet metal working
• Welding and fabrication
• Fitting and machining

Furnishing • Cabinet-making
• Furniture finishing
• Furniture-making
• Glazing and framing
• Upholstery

Industrial graphics • Engineering drafting

• Building and construction drafting
• Furnishing drafting

Plastics • Thermoplastics fabrication

• Thermosetting fabrication

For Industrial Technology Skills, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the
student’s exit result, and this consists of four instruments, including:
• at least two projects
• at least one practical demonstration (separate to the assessable component of a project).
Project Practical demonstration Examination

A response to a single task, A task that assesses the A response that answers a
situation and/or scenario. practical application of a number of provided questions,
specific set of teacher- scenarios and/or problems.
identified production skills
and procedures.

A project consists of a product Students demonstrate • 60–90 minutes

component and at least one of the production skills and • 50–250 words per item
following components: procedures in class under
• written: 500–900 words teacher supervision.
• spoken: 2½–3½ minutes
• multimodal
o non-presentation: 8
A4 pages max (or
o presentation: 3–6
• product: continuous class

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English and C in Preparatory General Maths
Head of Department Email address Phone number
Lance Simpson 34525347

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
ABN: 76 603 369

RTO Code: 41124

Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
VET certificate course
Invitation ONLY
MEM20413 CERTIFICATE II Engineering Pathways Learning Experiences
Qualification description Training is delivered face-to-face in a fully equipped
This qualification is intended for students interested in workshop environment via a combination of
exposure to an engineering or related working comprehensive theoretical and practical lessons
environment with a view to entering into employment and tasks. Formula Student has a philosophy of
in that area. This qualification will equip graduates delivering training that prepares students for work,
with knowledge and skills which will enhance their therefore students develop the learning while
prospects of employment in an engineering or related undertaking work-like practices in a work-like
working environment. environment. Students are required to undertake a
certain amount of self- directed preparation,
Entry requirements reading, practice and preparation at their initiative
It is expected that students have well developed and in their own time.
written and verbal communication skills, basic Assessment
numeracy skills and basic computer operating skills. Assessment is carried out in a formative manner,
taking into account the clustered nature of the
Duration and location training and assessment. Assessment is a
This is a one-year course delivered to Year 11 combination of theoretical and practical lessons and
students by Formula Student, on site at Mansfield tasks. Trainers utilise the latest in technology with
State High School, after school one afternoon per the Formula Student proprietary mobile device
observational assessment system.
week in a 4 hour block. (Afternoon TBA)
This system allows the trainer to monitor and assess
Course units observable behaviours displayed by the student live
The successful achievement of this qualification while the student is carrying out tasks. Students are
requires students to complete all core and 8 elective observed and assessed progressively and over time.
units from the list below. Students have multiple opportunities for
Unit code Unit name assessment due to the formative nature of
MEMPE006A Undertake a basic Engineering Project assessment. If however it is deemed that the
MEMP001A Use Engineering Workshop Machines student has had multiple opportunities and is still
MSAENV272B Participate in Environmentally Sustainable
Work Practices
not able to achieve competency, then the student is
MEMPE002A Use Electric Welding Machines determined to be Not Competent.
MEM13014A Apply Principles of Occupational Health &
Safety in the Work Environment Course cost
MEM18002B Use Power Tools/Hand Held Operations No cost to eligible students – enrolment via application.
MEMPE004A Use Fabrication Equipment
MSAPMSUP106A Work in a Team Pathways
MEMPE005A Develop a Career Plan for the Engineering
& Manufacturing Industry This certificate is recommended for students who
MEM16006A Organise & Communicate Information wish to pursue an apprenticeship in a wide range of
MEM16008A Interact with Computing Technology engineering jobs including fitting and turning, sheet
MEM18001C Use Hand Tools
metal fabrication, boilermaking, welding, casting and
Preparation moulding, and diesel, mechanical or electrical fitting.
Prerequisites Recommendations Students may also look for work as a trades assistant,
C in Preparatory English and C in
or choose to develop your design and drafting skills
Preparatory General Maths through a traineeship or further study.
Contacts Further information
Head of Email address Phone At the end of each year, Formula Student holds an
Department number event for eligible students to compete with their
Lance Simpson 34525347 completed vehicles.
Or go to:

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
ABN: 76 603 369 544

RTO Code: 41124 Certificate III in Engineering Technical

VET certificate course
Invitation ONLY
MEM30505 CERTIFICATE III Engineering-Technical Learning Experiences
Qualification description Training is delivered face-to-face in a fully
This qualification is intended for students interested in equipped workshop environment via a
exposure to an engineering or related working environment combination of comprehensive theoretical and
with a view to entering into employment in that area. This practical lessons and tasks. Students are
qualification will equip graduates with knowledge and skills required to undertake a certain amount of self-
which will enhance their prospects of employment in an directed preparation, reading, practice and
engineering or related working environment. preparation at their initiative and in their own
Entry requirements Students are observed and assessed
It is expected that students have well developed written and progressively and over time.
verbal communication skills, basic numeracy skills and basic
computer operating skills.
Assessment is carried out in a formative
Duration and location manner, taking into account the clustered
This is a one-year course delivered to Year 11 students by nature of the training and assessment.
Assessment is a combination of theoretical and
Formula Student, on site at Mansfield State High School, after
practical lessons and tasks. Trainers utilise the
school one afternoon per week in a 4 hour block. latest in technology with the Formula Student
Unit code Unit name
proprietary mobile device observational
MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work assessment system.
practices (Core)
MEM16006A Organise and communicate information (Core) This system allows the trainer to monitor and
MEM16008A Interact with computing technology (Core) assess observable behaviours displayed by
MEM09202A Produce freehand sketches the student live while the student is carrying
MEM09002B Interpret a technical drawing out tasks.
MEM30031A Operate computer-aided design (CAD) system to
produce basic drawing elements Students have multiple opportunities for
MEM30032A Produce basic engineering drawings assessment due to the formative nature of
MEM30033A Use Computer-aided design (CAD) to create and assessment. If however it is deemed that the
display 3-D models student has had multiple opportunities and is
MEM18001C Use hand tools still not able to achieve competency, then the
MEM12023A Perform engineering measurements student is determined to be Not Competent.
Course units Course cost
The successful achievement of this qualification requires No cost to eligible students – enrolment via
students to complete all core from Certificate II as well as application.
elective units from the list below.
Preparation Pathways
This certificate is recommended for students
Prerequisites Recommendations who wish to pursue an apprenticeship in a
Nil C in Prep English & C in Prep General Maths wide range of engineering jobs including fitting
and turning, sheet metal fabrication,
Contacts boilermaking, welding, casting and moulding,
and diesel, mechanical or electrical fitting.
Head of Department Email address Phone Students may also look for work as a trades
Lance Simpson 34525347 assistant, or choose to develop your design
and drafting skills through a traineeship or
further study.

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Senior Subject Guide July 2022
General senior subject

French provides students with the Objectives

opportunity to reflect on their understanding
of the French language and the communities By the conclusion of the course of study,
that use it, while also assisting in the students will:
effective negotiation of experiences and • comprehend French to understand
meaning across cultures and languages. information, ideas, opinions and
Students participate in a range of experiences.
interactions in which they exchange
meaning, develop intercultural • identify tone, purpose, context and
understanding and become active audience to infer meaning, values and
participants in understanding and attitudes.
constructing written, spoken and visual texts. • analyse and evaluate information and
Students communicate with people from ideas to draw conclusions and justify
French-speaking communities to understand opinions, ideas and perspectives.
the purpose and nature of language and to • apply knowledge of French language
gain understanding of linguistic structures. elements, structures and textual
They acquire language in social and cultural conventions to convey meaning
settings and communicate across a range of appropriate to context, purpose,
contexts for a variety of purposes. audience and cultural conventions.
Students experience and evaluate a range • structure, sequence and synthesise
of different text types; reorganise their information to justify opinions, ideas and
thinking to accommodate other linguistic and perspectives.
intercultural knowledge and textual
conventions; and create texts for a range of • use strategies to maintain
contexts, purposes and audiences. communication and exchange meaning
in French.
A course of study in French can establish a
basis for further education and employment
in many professions and industries,
particularly those where the knowledge of
an additional language and the intercultural
understanding it encompasses could be of
value, such as business, hospitality, law,
science, technology, sociology and

QCAA Page 68
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Ma vie L’exploration du Notre société Mon

My world monde Our society avenir My
• Family/carers and Exploring our world • Roles and future
friends • Travel relationships • Finishing
• Lifestyle and • Socialising and secondary school,
leisure connecting with plans and
• Education my peers reflections
• Groups in society • Responsibilities
and moving on

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.
Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 15% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 30%
• Examination – Short response (Term • Examination – extended response

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 30%

• Examination – combination response

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 15% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 30%
• Examination — short response • Extended response

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 30% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Examination — combination • Examination — combination
response response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory French Nil

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Allison Peel 3452 5333

QCAA Page 69
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Advanced French
General senior subject

French Extension equips students with a Pathways

deeper intercultural understanding and
enhanced communicative abilities, preparing A course of study in French Extension can
them for an increasingly globalised world. As establish a basis for further education and
this course is an Extension subject, it is employment in fields such as linguistics,
expected that students will engage with translation or teaching. Many professions
authentic texts that are challenging in their and industries, including business,
language elements and in their ideas and hospitality, law, science, technology,
concepts. sociology and anthropology, value the
knowledge of an additional language and the
Students use their background knowledge intercultural understanding it encompasses.
and skills in French to investigate how
meaning is communicated in French texts. In
doing so, they use and enhance the
language acquired and developed in the By the conclusion of the course of study,
General French syllabus to engage more students will:
deeply with a range of text types by creating
• apply knowledge of language elements,
meaning in French.
structures and textual conventions to
Students engage with creative thought and understand how meaning is conveyed in
expression in French in an increasingly texts
complex range of social and cultural
• apply knowledge of language elements,
contexts. As students develop their
structures and textual conventions to
analytical, creative and critical thinking in
create meaning in texts.
French, they reflect on their perspectives
and attitudes and develop a deeper • identify how meaning, attitudes,
appreciation of cultural context as they perspectives and values underpin texts
analyse, investigate and create a range of and influence audiences.
French texts. Students develop the ability to
• analyse and evaluate information and
recognise the attitudes, perspectives and
ideas to draw conclusions and justify
values that underpin texts and influence
points of view and arguments.
communities. They reflect on their own
attitudes, perspectives and values, and • create texts that convey information and
appreciate how these have been influenced ideas in French for context, purpose,
by cultural context. audience and cultural conventions.
French Extension is a course of study • structure, sequence and synthesise
consisting of two units. It is an extension of information to respond to texts
the General syllabus in French and should personally, critically and/or creatively.
be read in conjunction with that syllabus.
The course is studied either concurrently
with, or after, Units 3 and 4 of the General
course in French, or its equivalent.

QCAA Page 70
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Unit 3 Unit 4

Guided investigation Independent investigation

The school chooses two areas of study from the The student chooses an area of special interest
list below: that is not an extension of a learning experience
• literature undertaken in the subject matter of Unit 3.
• the arts
• social sciences
• media studies
• innovation, science and technology
• business and commerce.

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 30%

• Examination — combination (IA3):
response • Project — investigative folio

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Examination — extended response • Examination — extended

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Advanced French Nil

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Allison Peel 3452 5333

QCAA Page 71
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General senior subject
Japanese provides students with the industries, particularly those where the
opportunity to reflect on their understanding knowledge of an additional language and the
intercultural understanding it encompasses
of the Japanese language and the
could be of value, such as business,
communities that use it, while also assisting
hospitality, law, science, technology, sociology
in the effective negotiation of experiences
and education.
and meaning across cultures and
languages. Students participate in a range
of interactions in which they exchange
meaning, develop intercultural By the conclusion of the course of study,
understanding and become active students will:
participants in understanding and
• comprehend Japanese to understand
constructing written, spoken and visual information, ideas, opinions and
texts. experiences.
Students communicate with people from • identify tone, purpose, context and
Japanese-speaking communities to audience to infer meaning, values and
understand the purpose and nature of attitudes.
language and to gain understanding of
linguistic structures. They acquire language • analyse and evaluate information and
in social and cultural settings and ideas to draw conclusions and justify
communicate across a range of contexts for opinions, ideas and perspectives.
a variety of purposes. • apply knowledge of Japanese language
Students experience and evaluate a range elements, structures and textual
of different text types; reorganise their conventions to convey meaning
thinking to accommodate other linguistic appropriate to context, purpose,
and intercultural knowledge and textual audience and cultural conventions.
conventions; and create texts for a range of • structure, sequence and synthesise
contexts, purposes and audiences. information to justify opinions, ideas and
• use strategies to maintain
A course of study in Japanese can establish communication and exchange meaning
a basis for further education and in Japanese.
employment in many professions and

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

私のくらし 私達のまわり 私達の社会 私の将来

My world Exploring our world Our society My future
• Family/carers • Travel • Roles and • Finishing
and friends • Technology and relationships secondary
• Lifestyle and media • Socialising and school, plans
and reflections
leisure • The contribution connecting with
• Education of Japanese my peers • Responsibilities
culture to the • Groups in and moving on
world society

QCAA Page 72
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.
Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 15% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 30%
• Examination – Short response (Term • Examination – extended response

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 30%

• Examination – combination response

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 15% Summative internal assessment 3 30%

• Examination — short response (IA3):
• Extended response

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 30% Summative external assessment (EA): 25%
• Examination — combination response • Examination — combination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Japanese Nil

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Allison Peel 3452 5333

QCAA Page 73
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Senior External Examination Languages

There are various languages offered to Year 12 students through Senior External Examination
(SEE) syllabuses. These may include, but are not limited to:
• Arabic
• Chinese — full form characters
• Indonesian
• Korean
• Latin
• Modern Greek
• Polish
• Punjabi
• Russian
• Tamil
• Vietnamese

All assessment in these syllabuses will be based on the learning across both Units 3 and 4 and
will be conducted through external examination.

Prerequisites Recommendations
- Open to year 12 students only Usually spoken at home
- Must be proficient in reading, writing,
listening and speaking of the target

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Allison Peel 3452 5333

QCAA Page 74
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General Mathematics
General senior subject

General Mathematics’ major domains are Pathways

Number and algebra, Measurement and
geometry, Statistics, and Networks and A course of study in General Mathematics
matrices, building on the content of the P–10 can establish a basis for further education
Australian Curriculum. and employment in the fields of business,
commerce, education, finance, IT, social
General Mathematics is designed for science and the arts.
students who want to extend their
mathematical skills beyond Year 10 but
whose future studies or employment
pathways do not require calculus. By the conclusion of the course of study,
students will:
Students build on and develop key
mathematical ideas, including rates and • select, recall and use facts, rules,
percentages, concepts from financial definitions and procedures drawn from
mathematics, linear and non-linear Number and algebra, Measurement and
expressions, sequences, the use of matrices geometry, Statistics, and Networks and
and networks to model and solve authentic matrices
problems, the use of trigonometry to find
• comprehend mathematical concepts
solutions to practical problems, and the
and techniques drawn from Number and
exploration of real-world phenomena in
algebra, Measurement and geometry,
Statistics, and Networks and matrices
Students engage in a practical approach that
• communicate using mathematical,
equips learners for their needs as future
statistical and everyday language and
citizens. They learn to ask appropriate
questions, map out pathways, reason about
complex solutions, set up models and • evaluate the reasonableness of
communicate in different forms. They solutions
experience the relevance of mathematics to
• justify procedures and decisions by
their daily lives, communities and cultural
explaining mathematical reasoning
backgrounds. They develop the ability to
understand, analyse and take action • solve problems by applying
regarding social issues in their world. mathematical concepts and techniques
drawn from Number and algebra,
Measurement and geometry, Statistics,
and Networks and matrices.

QCAA Page 75
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Money, Applied Bivariate data, Investing and

measurement and trigonometry, sequences and change, networking
relations algebra, matrices and Earth geometry • Loans,
• Consumer and univariate data • Bivariate data investments and
arithmetic • Applications of analysis annuities
• Shape and trigonometry • Time series analysis • Graphs and
measurement • Algebra and • Growth and decay in networks
• Linear matrices sequences • Networks and
equations and • Univariate • Earth geometry and decision
their graphs data analysis time zones mathematics

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.
Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Summative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 40% Summative internal assessment 3 100%

• Problem-solving and modelling task (FA3):
• Examination
Summative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 60%
• Examination
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 15%
• Problem-solving and modelling • Examination

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 15%

• Examination

Summative external assessment (EA): 50%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory General Maths Students who studied Prep Essential Maths must see HOD Maths before

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Leanne Townsend 34525394
QCAA Page 76
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Mathematical Methods
General senior subject
Mathematical Methods’ major domains are chemistry), mathematics and science
Algebra, Functions, relations and their education, medical and health sciences
graphs, Calculus and Statistics. (including human biology, biomedical science,
nanoscience and forensics), engineering
Mathematical Methods enables students to
(including chemical, civil, electrical and
see the connections between mathematics
mechanical engineering, avionics,
and other areas of the curriculum and apply
communications and mining), computer
their mathematical skills to real-world
science (including electronics and software
problems, becoming critical thinkers,
design), psychology and business.
innovators and problem-solvers.
Students learn topics that are developed Objectives
systematically, with increasing levels of
sophistication, complexity and connection, By the conclusion of the course of study,
and build on algebra, functions and their students will:
graphs, and probability from the P–10 • select, recall and use facts, rules,
Australian Curriculum. Calculus is essential definitions and procedures drawn from
for developing an understanding of the Algebra, Functions, relations and their
physical world. The domain Statistics is used graphs, Calculus and Statistics
to describe and analyse phenomena
involving uncertainty and variation. Both are • comprehend mathematical concepts
the basis for developing effective models of and techniques drawn from Algebra,
the world and solving complex and abstract Functions, relations and their graphs,
mathematical problems. Calculus and Statistics

Students develop the ability to translate • communicate using mathematical,

written, numerical, algebraic, symbolic and statistical and everyday language and
graphical information from one conventions
representation to another. They make • evaluate the reasonableness of
complex use of factual knowledge to solutions
successfully formulate, represent and solve
mathematical problems. • justify procedures and decisions by
explaining mathematical reasoning
• solve problems by applying
A course of study in Mathematical Methods mathematical concepts and techniques
can establish a basis for further education drawn from Algebra, Functions, relations
and employment in the fields of natural and and their graphs, Calculus and Statistics
physical sciences (especially physics and

QCAA Page 77
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Algebra, statistics and Calculus and further Further calculus Further functions and
functions functions • The logarithmic statistics
• Arithmetic and geometric • Exponential functions 2 function 2 • Further differentiation and
sequences and series 1 • The logarithmic function • Further differentiation applications 3
• Functions and graphs 1 and applications 2 • Trigonometric functions 2
• Counting and probability • Trigonometric functions • Integrals • Discrete random variables
• Exponential functions 1 1 2
• Arithmetic and geometric • Introduction to • Continuous random
sequences differential calculus variables and the normal
• Further differentiation distribution
and applications 1 • Interval estimates for
• Discrete random proportions
variables 1

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the summative assessment
in Unit 3 and 4. The use of technology is inherent in this course and will be assessed. A Graphics Calculator (non
CAS*) is to be used in ‘Technology-active portions of all examinations and the school recommends the CASIO
FXCG50 – please contact the Head of Department for more information*)
Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2

Summative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 40% Summative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 100%
• Problem-solving and modelling task • Examination

Summative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 60%

• Examination
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive an overall
subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments
Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 15%
• Problem-solving and modelling task • Examination

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 15%

• Examination

Summative external assessment (EA): 50%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Maths Methods Should have achieved more than 50% in Prep Maths Methods. See teacher

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Peter Broome 34525333

QCAA Page 78
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Specialist Mathematics
General senior subject
Specialist Mathematics’ major domains are and employment in the fields of science, all
Vectors and matrices, Real and complex branches of mathematics and statistics,
numbers, Trigonometry, Statistics and computer science, medicine, engineering,
Calculus. finance and economics.
Specialist Mathematics is designed for
students who develop confidence in their Objectives
mathematical knowledge and ability, and By the conclusion of the course of study,
gain a positive view of themselves as students will:
mathematics learners. They will gain an
appreciation of the true nature of • select, recall and use facts, rules,
mathematics, its beauty and its power. definitions and procedures drawn from
Vectors and matrices, Real and complex
Students learn topics that are developed numbers, Trigonometry, Statistics and
systematically, with increasing levels of Calculus
sophistication, complexity and connection,
building on functions, calculus, statistics • comprehend mathematical concepts
from Mathematical Methods, while vectors, and techniques drawn from Vectors and
complex numbers and matrices are matrices, Real and complex numbers,
introduced. Functions and calculus are Trigonometry, Statistics and Calculus
essential for creating models of the physical • communicate using mathematical,
world. Statistics are used to describe and statistical and everyday language and
analyse phenomena involving probability, conventions
uncertainty and variation. Matrices, complex
numbers and vectors are essential tools for • evaluate the reasonableness of
explaining abstract or complex relationships solutions
that occur in scientific and technological • justify procedures and decisions, and
endeavours. prove propositions by explaining
Student learning experiences range from mathematical reasoning
practising essential mathematical routines to • solve problems by applying
developing procedural fluency, through to mathematical concepts and techniques
investigating scenarios, modelling the real drawn from Vectors and matrices, Real
world, solving problems and explaining and complex numbers, Trigonometry,
reasoning. Statistics and Calculus.
A course of study in Specialist Mathematics
can establish a basis for further education

QCAA Page 79
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Specialist Mathematics is to be undertaken in conjunction with, or on completion of, Mathematical

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Combinatorics, vectors Complex numbers, Mathematical induction, Further statistical and

and proof trigonometry, functions and further vectors, calculus inference
• Combinatorics and matrices matrices and complex • Integration and
• Complex numbers 1 numbers applications of
• Vectors in the plane
• Trigonometry and • Proof by mathematical integration
• Introduction to proof
functions induction • Rates of change and
• Matrices • Vectors and matrices differential equations
• Complex numbers 2 • Statistical inference

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4. The use of technology is inherent in this course and will be assessed.
A Graphics Calculator (non CAS*) is to be used in ‘Technology-active portions of all examinations and the school
recommends the CASIO FXCG50 – please contact the Head of Department for more information*)
Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2

Summative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 100% Summative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 40%
• Examination • Problem-solving and modelling task

Summative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 60%

• Examination
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive an overall
subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments
Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 15%
• Problem-solving and modelling task • Examination

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 15%

• Examination

Summative external assessment (EA): 50%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Maths Methods & Should have achieved more than 50% in Prep Maths Methods. See
must also be studying Math Methods teacher recommendations.

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Peter Broome 34525394

QCAA Page 80
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Essential Mathematics
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in industry, business and community services.
2023 and units and assessment will be Students learn within a practical context
confirmed by December. This is only a related to general employment and
guide to the subject. Essential successful participation in society, drawing
Mathematics’ major domains are Number, on the mathematics used by various
Data, Location and time, Measurement and professional and industry groups.
Essential Mathematics benefits students By the conclusion of the course of study,
because they develop skills that go beyond students will:
the traditional ideas of numeracy.
• select, recall and use facts, rules,
Students develop their conceptual definitions and procedures drawn from
understanding when they undertake tasks Number, Data, Location and time,
that require them to connect mathematical Measurement and Finance
concepts, operations and relations. They
learn to recognise definitions, rules and facts • comprehend mathematical concepts
from everyday mathematics and data, and to and techniques drawn from Number,
calculate using appropriate mathematical Data, Location and time, Measurement
processes. and Finance
Students interpret and use mathematics to • communicate using mathematical,
make informed predictions and decisions statistical and everyday language and
about personal and financial priorities. This conventions
is achieved through an emphasis on • evaluate the reasonableness of
estimation, problem-solving and reasoning, solutions
which develops students into thinking
citizens. • justify procedures and decisions by
explaining mathematical reasoning
A course of study in Essential Mathematics • solve problems by applying
can establish a basis for further education mathematical concepts and techniques
and employment in the fields of trade, drawn from Number, Data, Location and
time, Measurement and Finance.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Number, data and Money, travel and Measurement, scales Graphs, chance and
graphs data and data loans
• Fundamental • Fundamental • Fundamental • Fundamental
topic: topic: topic: topic:
Calculations Calculations Calculations Calculations
• Number • Managing money • Measurement • Bivariate graphs
• Representing • Time and motion • Scales, plans • Probability and
data • Data collection and models relative
• Graphs • Summarising frequencies
and comparing • Loans and
data compound

QCAA Page 81
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Mansfield will devise assessments in Units 1 and 2 to suit the local context.
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. Schools develop three
summative internal assessments and the common internal assessment (CIA) is developed by the

Summative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Summative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Summative internal assessment 1 (FA3):

• Problem-solving and modelling task • Problem-solving and modelling task

Summative internal assessment 2 (FA2): Summative internal assessment 2 (FA4):

• Examination • Examination

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3):

• Problem-solving and modelling task • Problem-solving and modelling task

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): Summative internal assessment (IA4):

• Common internal assessment (CIA) • Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil Completed Year 10 Preparatory Maths

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Leanne Townsend 34525333

QCAA Page 82
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General senior subject
Music fosters creative and expressive Objectives
communication. It allows students to develop
musicianship through making (composition By the conclusion of the course of study,
and performance) and responding students will:
(musicology). • demonstrate technical skills
Through composition, performance and • explain music elements and concepts
musicology, students use and apply music
elements and concepts. They apply their • use music elements and concepts
knowledge and understanding to convey • analyse music
meaning and/or emotion to an audience.
• apply compositional devices
Students use essential literacy skills to
engage in a multimodal world. They • apply literacy skills
demonstrate practical music skills, and • interpret music elements and concepts
analyse and evaluate music in a variety of
contexts, styles and genres. • evaluate music to justify the use of music
elements and concepts
Pathways • realise music ideas
A course of study in Music can establish a • resolve music ideas.
basis for further education and employment
in the fields of arts administration,
communication, education, creative
industries, public relations and science and


Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Designs Identities Innovations Narratives

Through inquiry Through inquiry Through inquiry Through inquiry
learning, the following learning, the following learning, the following learning, the following
is explored: is explored: is explored: is explored:

How does the How do musicians use How do musicians How do musicians
treatment and their understanding of incorporate innovative manipulate music
combination of different music elements, music practices to elements to
music elements enable concepts and practices communicate meaning communicate narrative
musicians to design to communicate when performing and when performing,
music that cultural, political, social composing? composing and
communicates meaning and personal identities responding to music?
through performance when performing,
and composition? composing and
responding to music?

QCAA Page 83
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 20% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 35%
• Performance – own choice • Integrated project

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 20% Formative internal assessment 4 (FA4): 25%
• Composition • Examination

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Performance • Integrated project

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Composition

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory Music and / or audition C in Preparatory English

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Kathrine Jacobsen 34525333

QCAA Page 84
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Music Extension (Composition)
General senior subject
Music Extension (Composition) is an Pathways
extension of the Music General senior A course of study in Music Extension can
syllabus offered in Year 12 only. In order to establish a basis for further education and
study Music Extension in Year 12, you must employment in the fields of arts
also be studying the core Music subject. It administration, communication, education,
provides an opportunity for students with creative industries, public relations and
specific abilities in music to extend their science and technology.
expertise. Students select one
specialisation only, and follow an individual Objectives
program of study designed to continue the By the conclusion of the course of study,
development of refined musicianship skills. students will:
Music Extension encourages students to
investigate music concepts and ideas • apply literary skills
relevant to their specialisation. • evaluate music and ideas about music
In the Composition specialisation (making), • examine music and ideas about music
students create and resolve new music
works. They demonstrate use of music • express meaning, emotion or ideas
concepts and manipulate music concepts to about music
express meaning and/or emotion to an • apply compositional devices
audience through resolved compositions.
• manipulate music elements and
• resolve music ideas.

Unit 3 Unit 4

Explore Emerge
• Key idea 1: Initiate best practice • Key idea 3: Independent best practice
• Key idea 2: Consolidate best practice

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Composition 1 • Composition project

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Composition 2

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination — extended response

QCAA Page 85
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Music Extension (Musicology)
General senior subject

Music Extension (Musicology) is an

extension of the Music General senior
syllabus offered in Year 12 only. In order to A course of study in Music Extension can
study Music Extension in Year 12, you must establish a basis for further education and
also be studying the core Music subject. It employment in the fields of arts administration,
provides an opportunity for students with communication, education, creative industries,
specific abilities in music to extend their public relations and science and technology.
expertise. Students select one specialisation
only, and follow an individual program of Objectives
study designed to continue the development
of refined musicianship skills. Music By the conclusion of the course of study,
Extension encourages students to students will:
investigate music concepts and ideas • apply literary skills
relevant to their specialisation.
• evaluate music and ideas about music
In the Musicology specialisation
(responding), students investigate and • examine music and ideas about music
analyse music works and ideas. They • express meaning, emotion or ideas
synthesise analytical information about about music
music, and document sources and
references about music to support research. • analyse music
• investigate music
• synthesise information.

Unit 3 Unit 4

Explore Emerge
• Key idea 1: Initiate best practice • Key idea 3: Independent best practice
• Key idea 2: Consolidate best practice

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Investigation 1 • Musicology project

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Investigation 2

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination — extended response

QCAA Page 86
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Music Extension (Performance)
General senior subject
Music Extension (Performance) is an Pathways
extension of the Music General senior
syllabus offered in Year 12 only. In order to A course of study in Music Extension can
study Music Extension in Year 12, you must establish a basis for further education and
also be studying the core Music subject. It
employment in the fields of arts
provides an opportunity for students with
specific abilities in music to extend their administration, communication, education,
expertise. Students select one specialisation creative industries, public relations and
only, and follow an individual program of science and technology.
study designed to continue the development
of refined musicianship skills. Music Objectives
Extension encourages students to
By the conclusion of the course of study,
investigate music concepts and ideas students will:
relevant to their specialisation.
• apply literary skills
In the Performance specialisation (making),
• evaluate music and ideas about music
students realise music works, demonstrating • examine music and ideas about music
technical skills and understanding. They • express meaning, emotion or ideas
make decisions about music, interpret music about music
elements and concepts, and express music • apply technical skills
ideas to realise their performances. • interpret music elements and concepts
• realise music ideas.
Unit 3 Unit 4

Explore Emerge
• Key idea 1: Initiate best practice • Key idea 3: Independent best practice
• Key idea 2: Consolidate best practice

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Investigation 1 • Performance project

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Investigation 2

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination — extended response

QCAA Page 87
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General senior subject
Biology provides opportunities for students to Pathways
engage with living systems. Students
develop their understanding of cells and A course of study in Biology can establish a
multicellular organisms. They engage with basis for further education and employment
the concept of maintaining the internal in the fields of medicine, forensics,
environment. They study biodiversity and the veterinary, food and marine sciences,
interconnectedness of life. This knowledge agriculture, biotechnology, environmental
is linked with the concepts of heredity and rehabilitation, biosecurity, quarantine,
the continuity of life.
conservation and sustainability.
Students learn and apply aspects of the
knowledge and skills of the discipline Objectives
(thinking, experimentation, problem-solving
and research skills), understand how it By the conclusion of the course of study,
works and how it may impact society. They students will:
develop their sense of wonder and curiosity • describe and explain scientific concepts,
about life; respect for all living things and the theories, models and systems and their
environment; understanding of biological limitations
systems, concepts, theories and models;
appreciation of how biological knowledge • apply understanding of scientific
has developed over time and continues to concepts, theories, models and systems
develop; a sense of how biological within their limitations
knowledge influences society. • analyse evidence
Students plan and carry out fieldwork, • interpret evidence
laboratory and other research investigations;
interpret evidence; use sound, evidence- • investigate phenomena
based arguments creatively and analytically • evaluate processes, claims and
when evaluating claims and applying conclusions
biological knowledge; and communicate
biological understanding, findings, • communicate understandings, findings,
arguments and conclusions using arguments and conclusions.
appropriate representations, modes and

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Cells and Maintaining the Biodiversity and the Heredity and

multicellular internal environment interconnectedness of continuity of life
organisms • Homeostasis life • DNA, genes and
• Cells as the • Infectious • Describing the continuity of
basis of life diseases biodiversity life
• Multicellular • Ecosystem • Continuity of life
organisms dynamics on Earth

QCAA Page 88
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2
Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):
25% 25%
• Student Experiment • Research Investigation
Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):
25% 25%
• Exam (Data test and content) • Exam (Data test and content)

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 10% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 20%
• Data test • Research investigation

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Student experiment

Summative external assessment (EA): 50%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Prep General Maths or a C in Prep Maths; C in Preparatory Biology or any other Science
Methods and C in Prep English Students should have received more than 50% in Prep
Maths Methods.

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Tara Kuhn 3452 5333

QCAA Page 89
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General senior subject
Chemistry is the study of materials and their Pathways
properties and structure. A course of study in Chemistry can establish a
Students study atomic theory, chemical basis for further education and employment in
bonding, and the structure and properties of the fields of forensic science, environmental
elements and compounds. They explore science, engineering, medicine, pharmacy and
intermolecular forces, gases, aqueous sports science.
solutions, acidity and rates of reaction. They
study equilibrium processes and redox Objectives
reactions. They explore organic chemistry, By the conclusion of the course of study,
synthesis and design to examine the students will:
characteristic chemical properties and • describe and explain scientific concepts,
chemical reactions displayed by different theories, models and systems and their
classes of organic compounds. limitations
Students develop their appreciation of • apply understanding of scientific
chemistry and its usefulness; understanding concepts, theories, models and systems
of chemical theories, models and chemical within their limitations
systems; expertise in conducting scientific
investigations. They critically evaluate and • analyse evidence
debate scientific arguments and claims in • interpret evidence
order to solve problems and generate
informed, responsible and ethical • investigate phenomena
conclusions, and communicate chemical • evaluate processes, claims and
understanding and findings through the use conclusions
of appropriate representations, language
and nomenclature. • communicate understandings, findings,
arguments and conclusions
Students learn and apply aspects of the
knowledge and skills of the discipline
(thinking, experimentation, problem-solving
and research skills), understand how it
works and how it may impact society.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Chemical Molecular interactions Equilibrium, acids Structure, synthesis

fundamentals — and reactions and redox reactions and design
structure, properties • Intermolecular forces • Chemical equilibrium • Properties and
and reactions and gases systems structure of organic
• Properties and • Aqueous solutions and • Oxidation and materials
structure of atoms acidity reduction • Chemical synthesis
• Properties and • Rates of chemical and design
structure of materials reactions
• Chemical reactions
products and energy

QCAA Page 90
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 25% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 25%
• Research Investigation • Student Experiment

Formative internal assessment (FA4): 25%

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 25%
• Quizzes
• Exam

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 10% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 20%
• Data test • Research investigation

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Student experiment

Summative external assessment (EA): 50%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Prep General Maths or a C in Prep Maths C in Preparatory Chemistry or any other Science.
Methods and C in Prep English Students should have received more than 50% in Prep
Math methods.

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Duncan Gordon 3452 5333

QCAA Page 91
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Earth & Environmental Science
General senior subject
Earth & Environmental Science is an Pathways
interdisciplinary subject that provides A course of study in Earth & Environmental
opportunities for students to engage with the Science can establish a basis for further
dynamic interactions in and between four education and employment in the fields of
systems: geosphere, hydrosphere, geoscience, soil science, agriculture, marine
atmosphere and biosphere. science, environmental rehabilitation, urban
planning, ecology, natural resource
Students examine the evidence
management, wildlife, environmental
underpinning theories of the development of
chemistry, conservation and ecotourism.
the Earth systems, their interactions and
their components. They investigate how
Earth processes involve interactions of Earth Objectives
systems and are interrelated through By the conclusion of the course of study,
transfers and transformations of energy. students will:
They examine renewable and non-
renewable resources, the implications of • describe and explain scientific concepts,
extracting, using and consuming these theories, models and systems and their
resources, and associated management limitations
approaches. They consider how Earth • apply understanding of scientific
processes and human activity can contribute concepts, theories, models and systems
to Earth hazards, and the ways in which within their limitations
these hazards can be predicted, managed
and mitigated to reduce their impact on earth • analyse evidence
environments. • interpret evidence
Students learn and apply aspects of the • investigate phenomena
knowledge and skills of the discipline
(thinking, experimentation, problem-solving • evaluate processes, claims and
and research skills), understand how it conclusions
works and how it may impact society. • communicate understandings, findings,
arguments and conclusions.
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Introduction to Earth Earth processes — Living on Earth — The changing Earth

systems energy transfers and extracting using and — the cause and
• Earth systems transformations managing Earth impact of Earth
and models • Energy for Earth resources hazards
• Development of processes • Use of non- • The cause and
the geosphere • Energy for renewable Earth impact of Earth
resources hazards
• Development of atmospheric and
the atmosphere hydrologic • Use of • The cause and
and hydrosphere processes renewable Earth impact of global
• Development of • Energy for resources climate change
the biosphere biogeochemical

QCAA Page 92
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 25% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 25%
• Research Investigation • Student Experiment

Formative internal assessment (FA4): 25%

Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 25%
• Quizzes
• Exam

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 10% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 20%
• Data test • Research investigation

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Student experiment

Summative external assessment (EA): 50%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
B in Prep General Maths or a C in Prep Maths C in Preparatory Earth and Environmental
Methods and C in Prep English Science or any other Science. Students should
have received more than 50% in Prep Math

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Duncan Gordon 3452 5333

QCAA Page 93
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General senior subject
Physics provides opportunities for students and conclusions using appropriate
to engage with classical and modern representations, modes and genres.
understandings of the universe.
Students learn and apply aspects of the
Students learn about the fundamental knowledge and skills of the discipline
concepts of thermodynamics, electricity and (thinking, experimentation, problem-solving
nuclear processes; and about the concepts and research skills), understand how it
and theories that predict and describe the works and how it may impact society.
linear motion of objects. Further, they
explore how scientists explain some Pathways
phenomena using an understanding of
waves. They engage with the concept of A course of study in Physics can establish a
gravitational and electromagnetic fields, and basis for further education and employment
the relevant forces associated with them. in the fields of science, engineering,
They study modern physics theories and medicine and technology.
models that, despite being counterintuitive,
are fundamental to our understanding of Objectives
many common observable phenomena.
By the conclusion of the course of study,
Students develop appreciation of the students will:
contribution physics makes to society:
understanding that diverse natural • describe and explain scientific concepts,
phenomena may be explained, analysed theories, models and systems and their
and predicted using concepts, models and
theories that provide a reliable basis for • apply understanding of scientific
action; and that natter and energy interact in concepts, theories, models and systems
physical systems across a range of scales. within their limitations
They understand how models and theories
• analyse evidence
are refined, and new ones developed in
physics; investigate phenomena and solve • interpret evidence
problems; collect and analyse data; and
• investigate phenomena
interpret evidence. Students use accurate
and precise measurement, valid and reliable • evaluate processes, claims and
evidence, and scepticism and intellectual conclusions
rigour to evaluate claims; and communicate
• communicate understandings, findings,
physics understanding, findings, arguments
arguments and conclusions.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Thermal, nuclear and Linear motion and Gravity and Revolutions in

electrical physics waves electromagnetism modern physics
• Heating • Linear motion • Gravity and • Special relativity
processes and force motion • Quantum theory
• Ionising radiation • Waves • Electromagnetism • The Standard
and nuclear Model
• Electrical circuits

QCAA Page 94
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Thermal, nuclear and Linear motion and Gravity and Revolutions in

electrical physics waves electromagnetism modern physics
• Heating • Linear motion • Gravity and • Special relativity
processes and force motion • Quantum theory
• Ionising radiation • Waves • Electromagnetism • The Standard
and nuclear Model
• Electrical circuits

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2
Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):
25% 25%
• Research Investigation • Student Experiment
Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3):
25% 25%
• Exam (Data test and content) • Exam (Data test and content)

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4
Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 10% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 20%
• Data test • Research investigation
Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%
• Student experiment
Summative external assessment (EA): 50%
• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Prep Maths Methods and C in Prep English B in Preparatory Physics. Study Maths Methods in Year
11 and 12. Students should have received more than
50% in Prep Maths Methods.

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Tara Kuhn 3452 5333

QCAA Page 95
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Science in Practice
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review work effectively and respectfully with
in 2023 and units and assessment will diverse teams to maximise understanding of
be confirmed by December. This is concepts, while exercising flexibility, cultural
only a guide to the subject. Science in awareness and a willingness to make
Practice provides opportunities for necessary compromises to accomplish
students to explore, experience and common goals. They learn to communicate
learn concepts and practical skills valued effectively and efficiently by manipulating
in multidisciplinary science, workplaces appropriate language, terminology, symbols
and other settings. Learning in Science and diagrams associated with scientific
in Practice involves creative and critical communication.
thinking; systematically accessing,
capturing and analysing information, The objectives of the course ensure that
including primary and secondary data; students apply what they understand to
and using digital technologies to explain and execute procedures, plan and
undertake research, evaluate information implement projects and investigations,
and present data. analyse and interpret information, and
evaluate procedures, conclusions and
Science in Practice students apply outcomes.
scientific knowledge and skills in
Workplace health and safety practices are
situations to produce practical
embedded across all units and focus on
outcomes. Students build their
building knowledge and skills in working
understanding of expectations for work
safely, effectively and efficiently in practical
in scientific settings and develop an
scientific situations.
understanding of career pathways, jobs
and other opportunities available for
participating in and contributing to Pathways
scientific activities. A course of study in Science in Practice is
inclusive and caters for a wide range of
Projects and investigations are key students with a variety of backgrounds,
features of Science in Practice. interests and career aspirations. It can
Projects require the application of a establish a basis for further education and
range of cognitive, technical and employment in many fields, e.g. animal
reasoning skills and practical-based welfare, food technology, forensics, health
theory to produce real-world outcomes. and medicine, the pharmaceutical industry,
Investigations follow scientific inquiry recreation and tourism, research, and the
methods to develop a deeper resources sector.
understanding of a particular topic
or context and the link between theory Objectives
and practice in real-world and/or lifelike
scientific contexts. By the conclusion of the course of study
students should:
By studying Science in Practice,
• Describe ideas and phenomena
students develop an awareness and
understanding of life beyond school • Execute procedures
through authentic, real-world
interactions to become responsible and • Analyse information
informed citizens. They develop a
• Interpret information
strong personal, socially oriented,
ethical outlook that assists with • Evaluate conclusions and outcomes
managing context, conflict and
uncertainty. Students gain the ability to • Plan investigations and project

QCAA Page 96
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
For Science in Practice, Units 1 and 2 will develop student capabilities within formative
assessment pieces utilising teacher guidance and feedback. However, Summative
assessment pieces in Units 3 and 4 will be used to determine the student’s exit result. The
Units of Study and the associated assessment are listed below.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Forensic Sustainability Consumer Disease
Science Science
• Topic 1: • Topic 1: • Topic 1: • Topic 1:
Scientific literacy and Scientific literacy and Scientific literacy and Scientific literacy and
working scientifically working scientifically working scientifically working scientifically
• Topic 2: • Topic 2: • Topic 2: • Topic 2:
Workplace health Workplace health and Workplace health and Workplace health and
and safety. safety. safety. safety.
• Topic 3: • Topic 3: • Topic 3: • Topic 3:
Communication and Communication and Communication and self Communication and self
self management. self management. management. management.

Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment

Formative Internal Formative Internal Summative Internal Summative Internal
Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment
1. Industry site 1. Exam 1. Magazine article 1. Project (25%)
visit and (25%) (25%) 2. Presentation on
report (25%) 2. Solar oven 2. Semester exam project (25%)
2. Practical project (25%)
booklet and (25%)
exam (25%)

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory English C in any Preparatory Science

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Duncan Gordon 3452 5354

QCAA Page 97
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General senior subject
Dance fosters creative and expressive Pathways
communication. It uses the body as an A course of study in Dance can establish a
instrument for expression and basis for further education and employment
communication of ideas. It provides in the field of dance, and to broader areas in
opportunities for students to critically creative industries and cultural institutions,
examine and reflect on their world through including arts administration and
higher order thinking and movement. It management, communication, education,
encourages the holistic development of a public relations, research, and science and
person, providing a way of knowing about technology.
oneself, others and the world.
Students study dance in various genres and
styles, embracing a variety of cultural, By the conclusion of the course of study,
societal and historical viewpoints integrating students will:
new technologies in all facets of the subject. • demonstrate an understanding of
Historical, current and emerging dance dance concepts and skills
practices, works and artists are explored in • apply literacy skills
global contexts and Australian contexts, • organise and apply the dance concepts
including the dance of Aboriginal peoples • analyse and interpret dance
and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Students concepts and skills
learn about dance as it is now and explore • apply technical skills
its origins across time and cultures. • realise meaning through
Students apply critical thinking and literacy expressive skills
skills to create, demonstrate, express and • create dance to communicate meaning
reflect on meaning made through • evaluate dance, justifying the use
movement. Exploring dance through the lens of dance concepts and skills.
of making and responding, students learn to
pose and solve problems, and work
independently and collaboratively. They
develop aesthetic and kinaesthetic
intelligence, and personal and social skills.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Moving bodies Moving through Moving statements Moving my way
How does dance environments How is dance used to How does dance
communicate meaning for How does the integration of communicate viewpoints? communicate meaning for
different purposes and in the environment shape dance me?
different contexts? to communicate meaning? • Genres:
• Genres: o Contemporary • Genres:
• Genres: o Contemporary o at least one other genre o fusion of movement styles
o Contemporary o at least one other genre • Subject matter: • Subject matter:
o at least one other • Subject matter: o social, political and o developing a personal
genre movement style
o physical dance cultural influences on
• Subject matter: environments including dance
o personal viewpoints and
influences on genre
o meaning, purpose site-specific dance
and context o virtual dance
o historical and environments
cultural origins of
focus genres

QCAA Page 98
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1: FA1 20% Formative internal assessment 3: FA3 35%
Performance Project: Dance work
• Individual performance, • Choreography: 3–4 minutes,
continuous sequence of 1–3 performance: 3–4 minutes
minutes Project: Responding
• choreographic statement — written,
300–400 words, evaluative
response — written 600–800 words

Formative internal assessment 2: FA2 20% • Formative internal assessment 4: 25%

Choreography FA4 Exam - 2 hours, unseen
• 2–4 minutes or equivalent, • Extended response 800 – 100
Choreographic statement - words.
written, 300–400 words, or
filmed oral/audio, 2–3 minutes

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Performance • Project — dance work

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Choreography

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination — extended response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory English C in Year 10 Prep Dance or Dance experience

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Sue Pritchard 3452 5333

QCAA Page 99
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
General senior subject
Drama fosters creative and expressive Pathways
communication. It interrogates the human
A course of study in Drama can establish a
experience by investigating, communicating
basis for further education and employment
and embodying stories, experiences,
in the field of drama, and to broader areas in
emotions and ideas that reflect the human
creative industries and cultural institutions,
experience. It engages students in
including arts administration and
imaginative meaning-making processes and
management, communication, education,
involves them using a range of artistic skills
public relations, research and science and
as they make and respond to dramatic
Students experience, reflect on, understand, Objectives
communicate, collaborate and appreciate
different perspectives of themselves, others By the conclusion of the course of study,
and the world in which they live. They learn students will:
about the dramatic languages and how • demonstrate an understanding
these contribute to the creation, of dramatic languages
interpretation and critique of dramatic action • apply literacy skills
and meaning for a range of purposes. They
• apply and structure dramatic languages
study a range of forms, styles and their
• analyse how dramatic languages are
conventions in a variety of inherited
used to create dramatic action and
traditions, current practice and emerging
trends, including those from different
• interpret purpose, context and text to
cultures and contexts.
communicate dramatic meaning
Students learn how to engage with dramatic • manipulate dramatic languages to
works as both artists and audience through create dramatic action and meaning
the use of critical literacies. The study of • evaluate and justify the use of dramatic
drama develops students’ knowledge, skills languages to communicate dramatic
and understanding in the making of and meaning
responding to dramatic works to help them • synthesise and argue a position about
realise their creative and expressive dramatic action and meaning.
potential as individuals. Students learn to
pose and solve problems, and work
independently and collaboratively.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Share Reflect Challenge Transform
How does drama How is drama shaped to How can we use drama to How can you transform
promote shared reflect lived experience? challenge our dramatic practice?
understandings of the • Realism, including understanding of • Contemporary
human experience? Magical Realism, humanity? performance
• cultural inheritances Australian Gothic • Theatre of Social • associated
of storytelling • associated Comment, including conventions of styles
• oral history and conventions of styles Theatre of the Absurd and texts
emerging practices and texts and Epic Theatre • inherited texts as
• a range of linear and • associated stimulus
non-linear forms conventions of styles
and texts
QCAA Page 100
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.

Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2

Formative internal assessment 1 45% Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 60%

(FA1) Project – practice led project
Performance (3-5 minutes) • Part A: Director’s vision (5-7 minute
• Part B: Performance (3-5 minute

Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 40%

• Exam: 2 hours plus 20 minutes
planning time. Unseen stimulus, 800-
1000 words

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive
an overall subject result (A–E).

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 20% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Performance • Project — practice-led project

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 20%

• Project — dramatic concept

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination — extended response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory English C in Year 9 Drama and/or 10 Prep Drama

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Sue Pritchard 3452 5333

QCAA Page 101

Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Film, Television & New Media
General senior subject
Film, Television & New Media fosters information technologies, creative industries,
creative and expressive communication. It cultural institutions, and diverse fields that
explores the five key concepts of use skills inherent in the subject, including
technologies, representations, audiences, advertising, arts administration and
institutions and languages. management, communication, design,
education, film and television, and public
Students learn about film, television and new
media as our primary sources of information
and entertainment. They understand that
film, television and new media are important Objectives
channels for educational and cultural By the conclusion of the course of study,
exchange, and are fundamental to our self- students will:
expression and representation as individuals
and as communities. • explain the features of moving-image
media content and practices
Students creatively apply film, television and • symbolise conceptual ideas and stories
new media key concepts to individually and • construct proposals and construct
collaboratively make moving-image media moving-image media products
products, and investigate and respond to • apply literacy skills
moving-image media content and production • analyse moving-image products
contexts. Students develop a respect for and contexts of production and use
diverse perspectives and a critical
• structure visual, audio and text elements
awareness of the expressive, functional and
to make moving-image media products
creative potential of moving-image media in
• experiment with ideas for moving-image
a diverse range of global contexts. They
media products
develop knowledge and skills in creative
• appraise film, television and new media
thinking, communication, collaboration,
products, practices and viewpoints
planning, critical analysis, and digital and
• synthesise visual, audio and text
ethical citizenship.
elements to solve conceptual
Pathways and creative problems.
A course of study in Film, Television &
New Media can establish a basis for further
education and employment in the fields of

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Foundation Story forms Participation Identity
• Concept: technologies • Concept: representations • Concept: technologies • Concept: technologies
How are tools and How do representations How do technologies How do media artists
associated processes used function in story forms? enable or constrain experiment with
to create meaning? • Concept: audiences participation? technological practices?
• Concept: institutions How does the relationship • Concept: audiences • Concept:
between story forms and How do different contexts representations
How are institutional meaning change in and purposes impact the How do media artists portray
practices influenced by different contexts? participation of individuals people, places, events,
social, political and • Concept: languages How and cultural groups? ideas and emotions?
economic factors? are media languages • Concept: institutions • Concept: languages
• Concept: languages used to construct stories? How is participation in How do media artists use
How do signs and symbols, institutional practices signs, symbols, codes and
codes and conventions influenced by social, political conventions in experimental
create meaning? and economic factors? ways to create meaning?

QCAA Page 102

Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the summative
assessment in Unit 3 and 4.
Formative assessments

Unit 1 Unit 2
Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): 15% Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): 25%
Extended response Extended response
• Close analysis of short film • Examination
• 1000-1500 words • 140 minutes
• Unseen, 800-1000 words
Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): 25% Formative internal assessment 4 (FA4): 35%
Production Project Project - Genre Sequence
• Written Treatment 800-1000 • Written treatment 800-1000 words
• Storyboards 12-24 frames • 2-5 min genre film
• 1-minute production • Reflection 200-400 words

In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the assessments
are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive an overall subject result

Summative assessments

Unit 3 Unit 4

Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 15% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Case study investigation • Stylistic project

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25%

• Multi-platform project

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination — extended response

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory English C in Year 9 Media and/or 10 Prep Film and TV and
New Media

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Sue Pritchard 3452 5333

QCAA Page 103

Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Visual Art
General senior subject

Visual Art provides students with

opportunities to understand and appreciate Pathways
the role of visual art in past and present
traditions and cultures, as well as the A course of study in Visual Art can establish a
contributions of contemporary visual artists basis for further education and employment
and their aesthetic, historical and cultural in the fields of arts practice, design, craft, and
influences. Students interact with artists, information technologies; broader areas in
artworks, institutions and communities to creative industries and cultural institutions;
enrich their experiences and understandings and diverse fields that use skills inherent in
of their own and others’ art practices. the subject, including advertising, arts
administration and management,
Students have opportunities to construct communication, design, education, galleries
knowledge and communicate personal and museums, film and television, public
interpretations by working as both artist and relations, and science and technology.
audience. They use their imagination and
creativity to innovatively solve problems and
experiment with visual language and Objectives
By the conclusion of the course of study,
Through an inquiry learning model, students students will:
develop critical and creative thinking skills.
They create individualised responses and • implement ideas and representations
meaning by applying diverse materials, • apply literacy skills
techniques, technologies and art processes.
• analyse and interpret visual language,
In responding to artworks, students employ expression and meaning in artworks and
essential literacy skills to investigate artistic practices
expression and critically analyse artworks in
diverse contexts. They consider meaning, • evaluate art practices, traditions, cultures
purposes and theoretical approaches when and theories
ascribing aesthetic value and challenging • justify viewpoints
• experiment in response to stimulus
• create meaning through the knowledge
and understanding of materials,
techniques, technologies and art
• realise responses to communicate

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Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Art as lens Art as code Art as knowledge Through Art as alternate Through
Through inquiry learning, the Through inquiry learning, the inquiry learning, the following inquiry learning, the
following are explored: following are explored: are following are
• Concept: lenses to • Concept: art as a coded explored: explored:
explore the material visual language • Concept: constructing • Concept: evolving
world • Contexts: formal and knowledge as artist alternate
• Contexts: personal cultural and audience representations and
and contemporary
• Focus: Codes, symbols, • Contexts:
• Focus: People, place, signs and art conventions contemporary, • Contexts:
objects personal, cultural contemporary and
• Media: 2D, 3D, and and/or formal personal, cultural
• Media: 2D, 3D, and time-based and/or formal
time-based • Focus: student-
directed • Focus: continued
• Media: student- exploration of Unit 3
directed student-directed focus
• Media: student-

Units 1 and 2 assessment pieces are formative and are designed to prepare students for the
summative assessment in Unit 3 and 4.
Formative assessments
Unit 1 Unit 2
Formative internal assessment 1 (FA1): Project - 100% Formative internal assessment 2 (FA2): Project - 60%
Experimental Folio and Investigation Folio
• Experimental artworks • 2 semi-resolved artworks
• Supporting evidence • Artist’s statement, supporting evidence
• Written summaries (total 1050 words) Formative internal assessment 3 (FA3): Exam - 2 40%
hours, unseen
• Extended response 800 – 1000 words
In Units 3 and 4 students complete four summative assessments. The results from each of the
assessments are added together to provide a subject score out of 100. Students will also receive an
overall subject result (A–E).
Summative assessments
Unit 3 Unit 4
Summative internal assessment 1 (IA1): 15% Summative internal assessment 3 (IA3): 35%
• Investigation — inquiry phase 1 • Project — inquiry phase 3

Summative internal assessment 2 (IA2): 25%

• Project — inquiry phase 2

Summative external assessment (EA): 25%

• Examination

Prerequisites Recommendations
C in Preparatory English C in Year 9 Art and/or Year 10 Prep Visual Art

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Sue Pritchard 3452 5333

QCAA Page 105

Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Drama in Practice
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review in Objectives
2023 and units and assessment will be By the conclusion of the course of study,
confirmed by December. This is only a students should:
guide to the subject. Whether the purpose
is to entertain, celebrate or educate, • identify and explain dramatic
engaging in drama enables students to principles and practices
experience, reflect on, communicate and • interpret and explain dramatic works
appreciate different perspectives of
themselves, others and the world they live in. • and dramatic meanings

Drama in Practice gives students • demonstrate dramatic principles and

opportunities to plan, create, adapt, produce, practices.
perform, appreciate and evaluate a range of • apply dramatic principles and
dramatic works or events in a variety of practices when engaging in drama
settings. activities and/or with dramatic works
As students gain practical experience in a
• analyse the use of dramatic
number of onstage and offstage roles,
principles and practices to
including actor/performer, designer,
communicate meaning for a purpose
scriptwriter, or director, they recognise the
role drama plays and value the contribution • use language conventions and
it makes to the social and cultural lives of features and terminology to
local, national and international communicate ideas and information
communities. about drama, according to purposes
• plan and modify dramatic works
Pathways using dramatic principles and
A course of study in Drama in Practice can practices to achieve purposes
establish a basis for further education and • create dramatic works that convey
employment in the drama and theatre meaning to audiences
industry in areas such as performance,
theatre management and promotions. • evaluate the application of dramatic
principles and practices to drama
With additional training and experience, activities or dramatic works
potential employment outcomes may include
actor/performer, stage director, scriptwriter,
lighting or sound designer, theatre
technician, properties manager, stage
manager, tour manager, producer, costume
designer, venue manager or marketing and
promotions manager.

The Drama Practice course is designed around core and elective topics.

Core Electives

• Dramatic principles 1. Acting (stage and screen)

• Dramatic practices 2. Contemporary theatre
3. Directing
4. Play building
QCAA Page 106
Senior Subject Guide July 2023
For Drama in Practice, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit
result, and consists of four instruments, including:
At least one project, arising from community connections
At least one performance (acting), separate to an assessable component of a project.

Project Performance Product Investigation

A project occurs over a This technique This technique This technique

set period of time. assesses physical assesses the assesses investigative
demonstrations as application of a range of practices and the
outcomes of applying a creative, expressive and outcomes of applying
range of cognitive, physical skills in the these practices.
technical, physical production of a design
and/or solution

A project consists of at There are two types of Various conditions Presented in one of the
least two different performance: acting following modes:
assessable components (stage acting or screen - Written: 600–1000
from the following: acting) and directing words
a. Written: 500–900 - Acting - Spoken 3-4
words performance minutes
b. Spoken component: (stage): 3-5 - Multimodal:
2 ½ - 3 ½ minutes minutes individual;
o Non-
c. Multimodal: 2-4 minutes group
i. Non-presentation: - Acting 10 A4 pages
8 A4 pages max perofmrance max (or
(or equivalent) (screen) 2 ½-3 ½ equivalent)
minutes individual;
ii. Presentation : 3-6 o Presentation:
2-3 minutes group 4–7 minutes.
- Directing
- Performance
performance: 5-7
minutes individual
(stage acting): 2-
3 minutes
- Performance
designing) 4-6
minutes individual

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Sue Pritchard 3452 5333

QCAA Page 107

Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Media Arts in Practice
Applied senior subject
All Applied subjects are under review Pathways
in 2023 and units and assessment will A course of study in Media Arts in Practice can
be confirmed by December. This is establish a basis for further education and
only a guide to the subject. Media arts employment in a dynamic, creative and global
refers to art-making and artworks industry that is constantly adapting to new
composed and transmitted through film, technologies. By the conclusion of the course of
television, radio, print, gaming and web- study, students should:
based media. Students explore the role
of the media in reflecting and shaping 1. Use media arts practices.
society’s values, attitudes and beliefs. When making, students use media
They learn to be ethical and responsible language, modes, technologies and
users and creators of digital technologies techniques to make media artworks.
and to be aware of the social, They develop independence across the
environmental and legal impacts of their course of study, selecting and refining
actions and practices. use of media arts practices according to
Students develop the necessary their strengths and interests.
knowledge, understanding and skills 2. Plan media artworks.
required for emerging careers in a
dynamic and creative field that is When responding, students analyse key
constantly adapting to new technologies. features of purpose and context to plan
Learning is connected to relevant arts media artworks. They make decisions,
industry practice and opportunities, explore solutions and choose strategies
promoting future employment and to achieve goals.
preparing students as agile, competent, 3. Communicate ideas.
innovative and safe arts workers, who
can work collaboratively to solve When making, students create media
problems and complete project-based artworks that suit purpose and context.
work. Students show making in both pre-
production (e.g. design products) and
production (e.g. media artworks) formats,
and may use media language to
communicate ideas (e.g.
representations, thoughts, feelings,
experiences, observations).
4. Evaluate media artworks.
When responding, students make
judgments about media arts ideas and
media artworks, examining these in
relation to planning and reflecting on
strengths, implications and limitations.
Students select and use media arts
terminology and language conventions
and features when producing written,
spoken or signed evaluations.

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Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Course structure and Assessment
Media Arts in Practice is a four-unit course of study.

School Syllabus selection Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Selected unit Unit C - Unit B - Unit D - Unit A –

Community Representatio Persuasion Personal
ns Viewpoints
Assessment C1 – Project B1 – Project D1 – Project A1 – Project
C2 – Media B2 – Media D2 – Media A2 – Media
Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork

For Media Arts in Practice, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used
to determine the student’s exit result.

Response requirements

Planning and evaluation of design product (project)

One of the following:
• Multimodal (at least two modes delivered at the same time): up to 5
minutes, 8 A4 pages, or equivalent digital media
• Written: up to 600 words
• Spoken: up to 4 minutes, or signed equivalent

Media artwork
One of the following:
• Audio: up to 3 minutes
• Moving image: up to 3 minutes
• Still image: up to 4 media artwork/s

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Sue Pritchard 3452 5333

QCAA Page 109

Senior Subject Guide July 2023
Visual Arts in Practice
Applied senior subject

All Applied subjects are under review in including design, styling, decorating,
2023 and units and assessment will be illustrating, drafting, visual merchandising,
confirmed by December. This is only a make-up artistry, advertising, game design,
guide to the subject. Visual Arts in Practice photography, animation or ceramics.
focuses on students engaging in art-making
processes and making virtual or physical Objectives
visual artworks. Visual artworks are created
By the conclusion of the course of study,
for a purpose and in response to individual,
students should:
group or community needs.
• recall terminology and explain art-
Students explore and apply the materials,
making processes
technologies and techniques used in art-
making. They use information about design • interpret information about concepts and
elements and principles to influence their ideas for a purpose
own aesthetic and guide how they view
• demonstrate art-making processes
others’ works. They also investigate
required for visual artworks
information about artists, art movements and
theories, and use the lens of a context to • apply art-making processes, concepts
examine influences on art-making. and ideas
Students reflect on both their own and • analyse visual art-making processes for
others’ art-making processes. They integrate particular purposes
skills to create artworks and evaluate
• use language conventions and features
aesthetic choices. Students decide on the
to achieve particular purposes
best way to convey meaning through
communications and artworks. They learn • generate plans and ideas and make
and apply safe visual art practices. decisions
• create communications that convey
Pathways meaning to audiences
A course of study in Visual Arts in Practice • evaluate art-making processes,
can establish a basis for further education concepts and ideas.
and employment in a range of fields,

The Visual Arts in Practice course is designed around core and elective topics.

Core Electives

• Visual mediums, technologies, • 2D – may include photography, printmaking,

techniques drawing and painting.
• Visual literacies and contexts • 3D – may include ceramic and sculptural
• Artwork realisation works
• Digital - may include photography, digital
editing and Adobe Photoshop
• Design – may include drawing, textiles and
• Craft – may include ceramics and textiles

QCAA Page 110

Senior Subject Guide July 2023
For Visual Arts in Practice, assessment from Units 3 and 4 is used to determine the student’s exit
result, and consists of four instruments, including:
• at least two projects, with at least one project arising from community connections
• at least one product (composition), separate to an assessable component of a project.

Project Product Extended response Investigation

A response to a single task, A technique A technique that A response that

situation and/or scenario. that assesses assesses the includes locating and
the interpretation, using information
application of analysis/examination beyond students’ own
identified and/or evaluation of knowledge and the data
skills to the ideas and information in they have been given.
production of provided stimulus
artworks. materials.

A project consists of: • variable Presented in one of the Presented in one of the
• a product component: conditions following modes: following modes:
variable conditions • written: 600–1000 • written: 600–1000
• at least one different words words
component from the • multimodal • multimodal
following o non- o non-
o written: 500–900 presentation: presentation:
words 10 A4 pages 10 A4 pages
o multimodal max (or max (or
▪ non- presentation: 8 equivalent) equivalent)
A4 pages max (or o presentation: o presentation:
equivalent) 4–7 minutes. 4–7 minutes.
▪ presentation: 3–6

Prerequisites Recommendations
Nil C in Preparatory English

Head of Department Email address Phone number
Sue Pritchard 3452 5333

QCAA Page 111

Senior Subject Guide July 2023

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