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Learning Outcomes: At the end of the section, students should be able to: 1. explain the significance of certain types of patterns; 2. discuss how prediction is done by examining certain types of patterns; and 3. demonstrate how certain Patterns can be Controlled to achieve desired results, Systemizing Patterns through Mathematics Patterns that make up the entire universe and everything in it (both static and dynamic forms) should be the subject of inquiry of every mathematician. Over time, mathematics successfully organized these patterns, thus allowing an individual to understand the order and system by which the world operates, and to predict the behavior of nature and other phenomena. But more than understanding these patterns, mathematics, through the arms of applied and allied sciences, allows people to manipulate and control such patterns either to disrupt what can be detrimental occurrences in nature or to hasten those that can be beneficial to the human race. This is another nature of mathematics; it sets the systems and Processes by which people can understand and predict the behavior of the natural world, thereby controlling the predicted results in their favor, PLC ue : If you think the statement is correct, write s not correct, write DISAGREE. ____ 1. Predictions which are based on patterns do not necessarily yield precise results. | Instructiot AGREE. If 2. Mathematical models are simulations of patterns and are subject to error. _______ 3. Mathematical models are not absolute truths. 4. Patterns allow mathematicians and scientists to control the natural world. 5. Natural occurrences are random events and cannot be modelled by certain designs. The universe is made up of a myriad of patterns, each seemingly concealing a mystery about life and the entire creation. Patterns in the natural world continue to challenge the human intellect for them to be understood and manipulated for life’s preservation and development. Arguably, mathematics has been ‘SRR? . _ and utilized. The study of patterns dates back to as early as the first known human civilization, when “number” was still a totally strange concept. For example, by taking records of the moon’s shape and color, people then could determine the best time to start a new “roping season. The concepts of numbers and shapes may have Aihara over time. But the investigation of a pattern ee i 'y benefitting from it has always been man’s retort ural as well as man-made phenomena. Perhaps the golden rato 1s ‘one of the biggest breakthroughs - Consider a line segment of length L. According t¢ in his book Elements, itis always possible to divide the segment into two pants. with corresponding lengths L, and L,, where L, > L, (specifically, L, and L, are called the golden sections of L), such that the following equation holds: L_h Ly The common value, which in this case is an irrational constant, is what is considered as the golden ratio, denoted by ® (phi). It is approximately equal to 1.618. To show this, rewrite the equation as bth A Zr If the common ratio cn = ©, then 2 o-4+4_,,4_,,1 L, Lo Consequently, ® --1=0. Using the quadratic formula, w= 145 2 Therefore, @ ~ 1.618 or ® ~ 0.618, Using only the positive value of ®, the equation nerates the “continued” fraction form gener w= —_— In addition, the equation ©’ -—1 = 0 can be expressed as op =1+0 O=VI+0 resulting in the “infinite” radical O=yl+yl+vl+vi+... The most intriguing occurrence of the golden ratio is with the Fibonacci numbers. Formalize the notation of the Fibonacci numbers as F, = 1, F, = 1, F, = 2, F,=3, F,=5, F,=8, F, = 13, F,=21, F, = 34, F,,=55, ...- Observe that F, “> @, F, _ 34 a, Fo _ 55 For example, + = — = 1.619 while —* =— ~ 1.618. Thi ip! Fi ile F734 his result io 9 allows for the determination of any Fibonacci number without using the classical recursive formula F,=F,_, + F,, , Another way to find F. is by using ” r==. v5 S ; ©, what has ® now got to do with nature and the world? Th i i ae © geometric construction that initiated the conception of the golden ratio inen:, e N ratio inspired similar constructions, which led to the me value of , Module 1: Mathematics in Our World 19 In human anatomy, ® is exhibited in both the human physique and facial dimensions. Some examples are the following: (i) the width of the face forms a golden section of the length of the face; (ii) the width of the nose is a golden section of the length of the mouth; (iii) the little finger is a golden section of the middle finger; (iv) the human lung is divided into sections based on the golden ratio; (v) the eardrum consists of chambers that are located at approximately golden ratio to optimize sound regulation and vibration; (vi) the ratio of systolic and diastolic pressure in the blood pressure is ideally 1.6, a close approximation of the golden ratio; and (vii) the helix spirals of the DNA molecule is configured at 34 angstroms and 21 angstroms, two consecutive Fibonacci numbers whose ratio is close to a. seventeen Shes mime In architecture and design, the golden ratio is used not only for aesthetic and visual impression but also for Structural stability in the construction of tall buildings and large edifices. Examples of these are the Pyramids of the ancient Egyptians, the Parthenon temple of the Greeks, the Notre Dame in Paris, and the CN Tower in Toronto, Phi also paved the way for two- and three-dimensional Spaces to be filled by two shapes using five-fold symmetry or the so-called . This rare configuration ushered in more advanced discoveries in crystal formations like those in sugar, salt, and diamonds. In particular, the idea of the five-fold symmetry, facilitated the discovery of quasicrystals usually found in aluminum-manganese alloy. The golden ratio is just one of the countless proofs that mathematics is all around us, and it has shaped the way people understand nature as well as man-made phenomena. In 2013, mathematician and science author fan Stewart published 17 Egiiations That Changed the World, which admittedly changed the way people look at mathematics. The first equation is the Pythagorean Theorem which lays down the foundation in the study of geometry. The theorem states that in a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two shorter legs is equal to the square of the length of the longest side. This drew the line between Euclidean (flat-surface) geometry and non-Euclidean (curved-surface) geometries. For example, right triangles drawn on the surface of a sphere do not necessarily follow the Pythagorean theorem. Then, there was the Gonceptiof logarithm, commonly defined as the reverse process of exponentials. That is, log, N= x if and only if b* = N. This concept facilitated an easy way to shift multiplication into addition and division into subtraction using the property log, MN = log, M + log, N. Similarly, log, a =log,M —log,N. This concept of logarithm is extensively and comprehensively used in the areas of physics, astronomy, and engineering. Calculus, Differential and Integral, focuses on studying the pattems of how quantities change in relation to other factors. The derivative, for example, measures how one quantity changes as a related factor changes, like velocity being the derivative of position with respect to time. Undoubtedly, calculus has become a powerful tool in supplementing the tools of basic geometric and algebraic processes. For example, the concept of slope defined only for lines in analytic geometry has been extended to slope of any curve using the derivative, while the computation of areas originally applied to regions bounded by straight lines has been extended to areas bounded by curves using the concept of integrals. In the allied field of physics, the most celebrated discovery is the equation F = Gx”, known as the Law of Gravity by r “Newton Here, Fis the force of gravity between the two objects; Gis a universal constant; m, and m, are the masses of the objects; and ris the distance between the two objects. This equation serves as a model for understanding the solar — system, the orbit a the planets as well as other motion patterns influenced by gravity, It took 200 years for another theory to come out, thanks to yet another brilliant physicist, ATBGRREIASteiny through his ThEOFy of Relativity whi his which takes the form E = mc? where E is for energy; m is for mass; and @is for the speed of light. As the other fields progress along with new theories in mathematics, mathematicians continue to pursue and achieve new and greater results. Perhaps the most unprecedented finding is the discovery of complex numbers. Inspired by the solution of the equation x* + 1 = 0, the imaginary number i is defined as the square root of —1. That is, i= V=-1 or ? =-1.In general, a complex number takes the form a + bi,where a is called the real part, while b is the imaginary part. The complex numbers 2 + i and 2 —i (aptly called conjugates) comprise the roots of the quadratic equation x* — 4x + 5 = 0. When used in calculus, the complex numbers form an essential system in the areas of electronics and signal processing. In statistics, the ideal model to use in describing the normal distribution, also known as the bell-shape distribution or (GGU8Siandistuibutiom, The normal curve is typically used to model experiments in both social and scientific researches. The readers are encouraged to study the other equations which are not mentioned in this section.

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