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EN 110 Moslow Seeing & Writing 4 Descriptive Assignments Descriptive Unit: Sharpening our observation skills by focusing on objects

and places. Fri. 9/9 (due in class) Objects: OBSERVING THE ORDINARY READ : INTRO p. 27-29, take notes Composition Tool Kit p. 16-23 p. 44-45 My Laptop p. 111-113 including Ode to Things and Unknown Keys p. 114-121 The Uncommon Life of Common Objects SEEING #1 p. 127 ** Choose an ordinary object that has significance to you and bring it to class for todays journal activity. It could be anything from lipstick, a necklace, a tattoo you wear every day, I-pod, ring, etc. Observing Ordinary Objects Ode to an Orange p. 48-51 p. 51 SEEING #1 & 2 for discussion


Mon. 9/12 READ: RESPOND:

Wed. 9/14 READ: RESPOND:

Objects cont. Joyas Volardores p. 81-83 p. 84 WRITING #1 * Be sure to bring a picture of the animal or object you selected. Places: COMING TO TERMS WITH PLACE INTRO p. 129-131 In-Class Writing Activity Place cont. The Little Store p.146-155 p. 154 SEEING #1, 2 for discussion Neighbors p. 198-200 p. 201 SEEING #1 for discussion

Fri. 9/16 READ:


Wed. 9/21

Print ANGEL handouts in descriptive folder

RESPOND: Fri. 9/23 Mon. 9/26 Wed. 9/28

Frolicking on the Beach in Canada with Friends note the essays dominant impression and use of five senses Once Again to the Lake by E.B. White. to circled questions for discussion. UNIT WRAP-UP and Drafting PEER EDIT: Bring typed draft of descriptive essay for peer edit Final descriptive essay due. Staple first draft and peer edit sheet or you will suffer a full letter grade deduction.

DESCRIPTIVE ASSIGNMENT: Select a special place, this could be a magical place from childhood, OR an object as the topic of a descriptive essay. I prefer you to zoom in and be precise. Make inferences based on your observations rather than glossing over vast amounts of territory. Any of the in-class journals or homework questions may serve as prewriting for your draft. For instance, considering developing your Ode to Fruit as your essay. Your essay must include reference to all five senses. Be creative and precise. Use vivid details to paint a picture with your words. You may include the narrative technique of dialogue in your essay. Consider using alliteration, metaphors and similes. Strive to vary the lengths of your sentences and include at least one semi-colon. Ultimately, your description should make a point or create dominant impression. Don't just describe for the sake of describing. Include a thought-provoking title! Minimum length: 3 pages (750 words) Format: typed, double-spaced, 12 point font standard 1 inch margins all sides use white paper only last name and page number on upper right hand corner, half inch from top MLA Heading: upper-left hand Name Professor Moslow En. 110 28 September 2011

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