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Breeding and calf rearing management practices followed inVaranasi district of

Uttar Pradesh, India

Article in Indian Journal of Animal Research · April 2016

DOI: 10.18805/ijar.9643

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4 authors, including:

V K Paswan Pushkraj Sawant

Banaras Hindu University Banaras Hindu University


Basant Kumar Bhinchhar

Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University Jobner


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Indian J. Anim. Res., 50 (5) 2016 : 799-803 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE
Print ISSN:0367-6722 / Online ISSN:0976-0555

Breeding and calf rearing management practices followed in

Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh, India
Satya Prakash Yadav, Vinod Kumar Paswan*, Pushkraj Sawant and Basant Kumar Bhinchhar
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, India.
Received: 14-10-2015 Accepted: 08-02-2016 DOI:10.18805/ijar.9643
A study on breeding and calf rearing management practices of Varanasi district in Uttar Pradesh was carried on by collecting
data from 250 dairy farmers of 5 different block viz. Sewapuri, Kashi Vidyapeeth, Arajiline, Rohaniya and Chiriagoan of
Varanasi district. The study revealed that almost all the respondents relayed only on symptoms of estrus and particularly
mucus discharge alone (33.6%) or in combination of other symptoms of estrus like bellowing (45.2%) and restlessness
(21.2%) for heat detection in their animals. Respondents were breeding their animals by AI (26.8%), natural service
(26.8%) and by both (46.4%). Mostly (73.2%) respondents mate their animals after 18 hrs of heat detection, while maximum
(41.6%) number of respondents bred their animals between 3-5 months after calving. In case of calf rearing management
practices, study revealed that 70% of respondents attended their animals during calving, while only 30.4% of respondents
practiced ligation, cutting and disinfection of navel cord. Only 32% respondents fed their calves colostrum within 2 hrs of
birth. 66.4% of respondents weaned their calves at 3 months of age, rest never weaned their calves. Majority 57.6% of
farmers provided calf starter to their calves, while 42.4% didn’t provided calf starter and 68.4% of respondents fed fodder
to their calves around 2 months of age. Only 38% respondents were dehorning their calves and 33.2% castrating their male
calves in the study area.
Key words: Breeding practices, Calf rearing management, Reproduction.
INTRODUCTION Thus, keeping these things in view, the present study
Livestock sector in India has emerged as an was designed to gather information on different aspects of
important sector for employment generation and providing breeding and calf rearing management practices under field
a stable source of income to rural as well as urban farmers. condition of Varanasi district located in Eastern region of
Though India is first in milk production with annual Uttar Pradesh, India
production of over 133 million tonnes during 2012-2013 MATERIALS AND METHODS
(BAHFS 2013), but still the average milk production per The present study was carried out during summer
animal is very low of 1,284 kg per lactation per animal, while period i.e. April to June, in five different blocks, viz.
that of European Union and US is 6,212 kg and 9,117 kg Sewapuri, Kashi Vidyapeeth, Arajiline, Rohaniya and
respectively. The reason for this is mainly due to poor Chiraigoan. The selected blocks covered each direction of
production potential of dairy animals, inadequate nutrition Varanasi city. Further from each block five villages were
as well as management practices including breeding and calf selected on random basis distributed evenly in their block.
rearing practices (Ahirwar et al., 2011). From each selected village, 10 representative dairy farmers
Considering the above facts there is a vast scope having at least one dairy animal were selected randomly.
for increased productivity through improved management Altogether 250 dairy farmers were selected for the survey
practices including breeding and calf rearing practices in using random sampling technique. While selecting
order to get maximum profits (Singh et al., 2012). The respondents, due care was taken to ensure that they were
efficient breeding practice can be attained by adopting proper evenly distributed in the village and truly represented animal
method of heat detection, mating the females with fertile management practices prevailing in the area. The selected
males or artificially inseminating it at proper time, following farmers were interviewed and the desired information was
proper pregnancy diagnosis system and maintaining proper collected with help of predesigned and pretested
calving interval for utilizing maximum productive period of questionnaire by on the spot observation visiting each farmer.
the animals, etc (Sinha et al., 2009). Proper management The pretesting and validation of the prepared questionnaire
and constant attention is required for calves, as they form was done by using it for gathering information from
the future dairy herd. 25 respondents, each 5 respondents belonged to 5 different
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
blocks and were selected randomly. The data obtained from parturition or not, ligation/cutting and disinfection of the
respondents was analyzed using SPSS 16 software to obtain navel cord, feeding of colostrums to the new born calf before
frequency and percentage of each type of information. expulsion of placenta, age of weaning of calves, number of
Information pertaining breeding management practices: teats allowed for suckling, provision of calf starter and age
For collecting information pertaining breeding management at which fodder was given to the calves, dehorning and
practices adopted by respondents, questions were included castration of calves, provision of protection (like jacketing
in the Performa regarding methods and symptoms of heat and bedding etc.) during winter season etc.
detection, breeding of females (A.I. versus natural service), RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
insemination or mating of females after heat detection at Breeds of the animals under study: During the study, it
optimum time of estrus or not, duration of next breeding was observed that the cattle population were both indigenous
(insemination or mating) after calving, adoption of pregnancy (Gangatiri, Sahiwal, Haryana and non-descript) and
diagnosis by veterinarians, calving intervals for different crossbred (crossbred of the indigenous population with
categories of animals. Jersey and Holstein Friesian). Buffalo population were
Information pertaining calf rearing practices: For mostly Murrah and non-descript and their crosses.
collecting information pertaining calf rearing management Breeding management practices: The results of the study
practices adopted by respondents, questions were included regarding breeding management practices adopted by
in the Performa regarding whether respondents were farmers for their dairy animals are presented in Table 1. About
attending calving and taking care of the calves after all respondents (98.4%) followed heat detection practice
Table 1: Breeding management practices adopted by dairy farmers of Varanasi district

Aspects Category Dairy farmers (n = 250)

Frequency Percent
Methods of heat detection
Symptoms 246 98.4
Teaser 4 1.6
Symptoms of heat detection
Mucus discharge 84 33.6
Mucus discharge + bellowing 113 45.2
Mucus discharge + restlessness 53 21.2
Breeding of females
A.I. 67 26.8
N.S. 67 26.8
A.I. + N.S. 116 46.4
Insemination or mating of females
after heat detection
Within 12-18 hrs. 67 26.8
After 18 hrs. 183 73.2
Breeding after calving
2-3 months 93 37.2
3-5 months 104 41.6
After 5 months 53 21.2
Pregnancy diagnosis
No 148 59.2
Yes 102 40.8
Veterinarian/LEO 26 25.5
Unauthorised practitioners 76 74.5
Calving interval
(for crossbred cow)
12 - 13 months 30 12
13 - 15 months 114 45.6
More than15 months 106 42.4
Calving interval
(for indigenous cow)
13 - 15 months 99 39.6
More than15 months 151 60.4
16 - 18 months 121 48.4
More than 18 months 129 51.6
Volume 50 Issue 5 (2016) 801
based upon behavioural signs of estrus only, except for few proportion of animals undergoing early breeding after
respondents (1.6%) with large herd, who adopted teaser bulls calving, thus lowering calving interval in all categories of
for heat detection. About 33.6% respondents only relied on animals.
symptom of mucus discharge for heat detection, while 45.2% Calf rearing management practices: Majority (70%) of
relied on symptom of mucus discharge in combination with the respondents attended their animals while calving and took
bellowing, whereas 21.2% relied on mucus along with care of calves after parturition. Only 30.4% respondents were
restlessness. The results are similar to those reported by practicing ligation and cutting the navel cord followed by
Yadav et al. (2009), who reported 42.5% farmers relied on disinfection. These results were in contrast to finding of
symptoms of mucus discharge in combination with bellowing Rathore et al. (2010), who reported 100% attendance of
for detection of heat. Majority of respondents (46.4%) used respondents during calving, while somewhat similarity was
scientific method of artificial insemination (AI) in found in his finding in case of practicing ligation, where
combination with natural services by bulls for breeding their 35.75% respondents cut and disinfect the navel cord. These
dairy animals. However, 26.8% of respondents bred their observations were encouraging than the findings of Kumar
animals only by AI, while another 26.8% respondents et al. (2006) and Malik and Nagpaul (1999); they reported
completely bred their animals by natural service with bulls. lower rate of attending parturition and ligating naval cord of
The present results are in contrast to results reported by calves. During present study it was seen that only 32% of
Sabapara et al. (2010), who reported 96.5% of respondents respondents were feeding colostrums to the new born calf
adopted AI for breeding their animals in North Gujarat. This before expulsion of placenta, while majority (68%) of
might be due to the unavailability of optimum infrastructure respondents waited for the expulsion of placenta for feeding
facilities for the preservation of frozen semen and also colostrums. However, the present observations are
unavailability of timely AI services from veterinarians and improvement over the earlier results reported by Dhiman et
AI workers in villages of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. During the al. (1990); Malik and Nagpaul (1999), Singh et al. (2008);
study it was found that the respondents possessing crossbred Tiwari et al. (2009) and Sinha et al. (2010) in several parts
animals mostly preferred AI, while respondents with of country. It was observed that none of the respondents in
buffaloes preferred natural service by bulls. Similar the present area of study adopted weaning system for their
observations were reported by Chowdary et al. (2006) and calves just after its birth, while 66.4% respondents weaned
Sohal (1985) in North Gujarat villages and Kurukshetra their calves at the age of 3 months. The remaining 33.6%
district of Harayana, respectively. Only 26.8% of respondents respondents never weaned their calves and let them suckle
mate their female animals within 12 to 18 hrs of heat during entire lactation. The present results were encouraging
detection, while rest 73.2% respondents mated their animals than the findings of Rathore et al. (2010); Mathur (2001)
after 18 hrs of heat detection. In contrast to present results, and Kumar et al. (2006), where none of the respondents
Sabapara et al. (2010) reported 98% of respondents in North practiced weaning system in their respective study areas.
Gujarat mate their animals between 12 to 18 hrs after heat About 70.4% of the respondents allowed only one teat for
detection. About 37.2, 41.6 and 21.2 % of respondents rebred suckling to their calves, while 29.6% respondents allowed
their dairy animals after 2-3 months, 3-5 months and after 5 two teats for suckling. The present results are higher than
months of calving, respectively. Similar result of 41% those reported by Rathore et al. (2010). A total of 57.6% of
respondents rebreeding their animals in between 3-5 months respondents provided calf starter to their calves, while 42.4%
was reported by Sabapara et al. (2010). Majority (59.2%) respondents didn’t provided calf starter. Majority (68.4%)
of respondents did not follow pregnancy diagnosis practice respondents provided fodder to their calves at around 2
for their dairy animals; they rather relied on self assessment months of age, while 31.6% respondents provided fodder
for confirming pregnancy of their animals. Even among the only after 3 months of age. Only 38% respondents were
respondents who adopted pregnancy diagnosis practices, performing dehorning of their calves, while remaining
74.5% respondents have done the pregnancy diagnosis for majority of the farmers preferred not to dehorn. However,
their animals by unauthorized private practitioners, while the results are better than findings reported by Sabapara et
only 25.5% respondents have done the pregnancy diagnosis al. (2010) and Rathore et al. (2010) who reported 10 and
by veterinarian or livestock extension officer for their 9.5% dehorning, respectively. About 33.2% of respondents
animals. Calving interval was 12-13 months, 13-15 months practiced castration in male calves. The observations are high
and more than 15 months in 12, 45.6 and 42.4% of as compared to findings of Sheikh and Parmar (2015), who
crossbred cows respectively, whereas majority (60.4%) of reported 20% respondents adopting castration in male calves.
indigenous cows had more than 15 months calving interval. Majority (77.2%) of respondents had provision for protection
In buffaloes, 48.4 and 51.6% of animals had 16-18 months of their calves during winter by jacketing of gunny bags or
and more than 18 months calving interval, respectively. The some other materials, bedding of straw, etc. These findings
results are in contrast to those reported by Modi and Patel are in accordance with the observation reported by Yadav et
(2010) and Sabapara et al. (2010); they reported better al. (1990), Rao et al. (1992) and Sinha et al. (2010).
Table 2: Calf rearing management practices adopted by dairy farmers of Varanasi district

Aspects Category Dairy farmers (n = 250)

Frequency Percent
Attended calving and took care of the calves after parturition
Yes 175 70
No 75 30
Ligation / cutting and disinfection of the navel cord
Yes 76 30.4
No 174 69.6
Feeding of colostrums to the new born calf before expulsion of placenta
Yes 80 32
No 170 68
Weaning of calves just after birth
Yes 0 0.0
No 250 100
Weaning age of calves
None 84 33.6
3 months 166 66.4
Number of teats allowed for suckling
One teat 176 70.4
Two teats 74 29.6
Provision of calf starter
Yes 144 57.6
No 106 42.4
Age at which fodder was given to the calves
2 month 171 68.4
3 month 79 31.6
Dehorning of calves
Yes 95 38
No 155 62
Castration of male calves
Yes 83 33.2
No 167 66.8
Provision of protection (like jacketing and bedding etc.) during winter season
Yes 193 77.2
No 57 22.8
Mortality of calves within 3 Months
Yes 80 32
No 170 68
Yes 155 62
No 95 38

The mortality of male calves was higher as farmers in the study area were taking milk from animals
compared to female calves as the male calves were given whose milk let down was adapted on their calves and in
poor attention and care after birth as compared to female eventual calf mortality use of dummy prevented them from
calves by the farmers. In fact, farmers considered male calves the complete loss of milk from their dairy animals.
as liability and thought them as useless in future as the
traditional practices of taking work from them has gone due CONCLUSION
to mechanization and modernization. Further, due to religious From the present study it can be concluded that
considerations Hindu Farmers considered it not appropriate farmers were not following scientific management practices
to sell the cattle calf grown by themselves to butchers or due to lack of knowledge and awareness. There is need to
middleman, in order to prevent attrition. Many a times, make the farmers of Varanasi district aware about importance
farmers used dummy by filling straw in the skin of calf in of scientific breeding and calf rearing management practices
order to get milk let down after calf mortality. Almost all the through extension education programme and make available
Volume 50 Issue 5 (2016) 803
necessary essential veterinary services and other input makeup, health and productivity and thereby improve their
facilities at their door step to improve their animals genetic socioeconomic condition and living standard.

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NPM :200610220012

Judul : “Breeding and calf rearing management practices followed in Varanasi district of Uttar
Pradesh, India” (Praktik Manajemen Pembiakan Dan Pemeliharaan Anak Sapi Yang diikuti
Distrik Varansi ,Uttar Pradesh India)


Volume & Halaman : Indian J. Anim. Res., 50 (5) : 799-803

Tahun : 2016
Penulis : Satya Prakash Yadav , dkk

Abstrak: Pada bagian abstrak ini Para penulis membahas tentang studi mengenai praktik pembiakan
dan pemeliharaan anak sapi perah di distrik Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Studi ini menemukan
bahwa sebagian besar responden mengandalkan pengamatan gejala estrus, seperti keluarnya lendir,
untuk mendeteksi birahi pada hewan mereka. Mereka menggunakan inseminasi buatan dan layanan
alami untuk pembiakan, dengan sebagian besar responden mengawinkan hewan mereka setelah 18
jam deteksi birahi. Dalam hal praktik pemeliharaan anak sapi, studi ini menemukan bahwa hanya
sebagian kecil responden yang memberikan perawatan yang tepat, seperti mengikat dan
membersihkan tali pusar, memberikan kolostrum dalam 2 jam setelah lahir, dan menyapih anak sapi
pada usia 3 bulan. Studi ini menyoroti perlunya peningkatan praktik pembiakan dan pemeliharaan
untuk meningkatkan produktivitas susu di wilayah tersebut.

Pendahuluan : Pendahuluan pada jurnal ini memberikan gambaran tentang studi yang dilakukan
mengenai praktik pembiakan dan pemeliharaan anak sapi perah di distrik Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh,
India . Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengenai praktik-praktik yang saat ini
dilakukan oleh peternak sapi perah di distrik tersebut. Pendahuluan juga menekankan pentingnya
praktik pembiakan dan pemeliharaan yang tepat dalam meningkatkan kesehatan genetik dan
produktivitas hewan ternak, yang pada gilirannya dapat meningkatkan kondisi sosial-ekonomi dan
standar hidup peternak .

Isi dari pendahuluan juga menyebutkan perlunya akses terhadap layanan kesehatan hewan yang
penting dan fasilitas input lainnya untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan produktivitas hewan .
Pendahuluan juga mengutip laporan Statistik Dasar Peternakan dan Perikanan yang menyediakan data
statistik tentang peternakan dan perikanan di India . Pendahuluan juga mengacu pada penelitian
sebelumnya yang dilakukan tentang praktik pemberian pakan dan pembiakan di berbagai wilayah
India, seperti penelitian tentang praktik pemberian pakan dan pembiakan sapi Sahiwal di Punjab dan
penelitian tentang praktik perkandangan dan pemberian pakan kerbau Murrah di wilayah asal mereka
di Haryana.
Metodologi : Pada bagian Metodologi dijelaskan bahwa penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
mengumpulkan data dari 250 peternak sapi perah di 5 blok yang berbeda di distrik Varanasi, Uttar
Pradesh, India . Responden dipilih secara acak dari setiap blok dan diwawancarai menggunakan
kuesioner yang telah dirancang sebelumnya dan telah diuji coba melalui observasi langsung ke setiap
peternak . Uji coba dan validasi kuesioner dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner tersebut untuk
mengumpulkan informasi dari 25 responden, masing-masing 5 responden dari 5 kelompok peternak
yang berbeda .

Selama periode musim panas, yaitu bulan April hingga Juni, penelitian ini dilakukan di lima blok
yang berbeda, yaitu Sewapuri, Kashi Vidyapeeth, Arajiline, Rohaniya, dan Chiraigoan . Dari setiap
blok, lima desa dipilih secara acak yang didistribusikan secara merata di blok tersebut. Dari setiap
desa yang dipilih, 10 peternak sapi perah yang memiliki setidaknya satu ekor sapi perah dipilih secara
acak . Totalnya, 250 peternak sapi perah dipilih untuk survei dengan menggunakan teknik
pengambilan sampel secara acak .

Pembahasan : Pembahasan jurnal ini menyoroti temuan-temuan dari penelitian mengenai praktik
pembiakan dan pemeliharaan anak sapi perah di distrik Varanasi, India . Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas peternak hanya mengandalkan pengamatan gejala estrus untuk
mendeteksi birahi pada hewan mereka. Mereka menggunakan inseminasi buatan dan layanan alami
untuk pembiakan, dengan sebagian besar peternak mengawinkan hewan mereka setelah 18 jam
deteksi birahi. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam menentukan waktu yang tepat untuk
inseminasi atau perkawinan, yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan pembiakan .

Dalam hal praktik pemeliharaan anak sapi, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hanya sebagian kecil
peternak yang memberikan perawatan yang tepat. Misalnya, hanya sebagian kecil peternak yang
mengikat dan membersihkan tali pusar, memberikan kolostrum dalam 2 jam setelah lahir, dan
menyapih anak sapi pada usia 3 bulan . Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masih ada kekurangan dalam
praktik pemeliharaan anak sapi perah di distrik Varanasi.

Pentingnya praktik pembiakan dan pemeliharaan yang tepat dalam meningkatkan produktivitas susu
juga ditekankan dalam pembahasan ini. Praktik pembiakan yang efisien, seperti deteksi birahi yang
akurat, penggunaan pejantan yang subur atau inseminasi buatan pada waktu yang tepat, dan adopsi
diagnosis kebuntingan oleh dokter hewan, dapat membantu meningkatkan produktivitas hewan .
Selain itu, praktik pemeliharaan yang baik, seperti perawatan tali pusar, pemberian kolostrum, dan
penyapihan anak sapi pada usia yang tepat, juga penting untuk memastikan pertumbuhan dan
kesehatan yang optimal pada anak sapi .

Dalam konteks ini, peningkatan praktik pembiakan dan pemeliharaan anak sapi perah di distrik
Varanasi sangat diperlukan. Peningkatan kesadaran peternak tentang pentingnya praktik yang tepat,
serta akses yang lebih baik terhadap layanan kesehatan hewan dan fasilitas input lainnya, seperti
vaksinasi dan pakan yang berkualitas, dapat membantu meningkatkan praktik pembiakan dan
pemeliharaan yang optimal .

Pelatihan dan penyuluhan yang lebih intensif juga dapat membantu peternak memahami pentingnya
metode deteksi birahi yang akurat, pemilihan pejantan yang subur, dan praktik pemeliharaan yang
baik untuk anak sapi . Selain itu, perlu adanya kerjasama antara peternak, pemerintah, dan lembaga
terkait untuk menyediakan akses yang lebih baik terhadap sumber daya dan informasi yang diperlukan
untuk meningkatkan praktik pembiakan dan pemeliharaan anak sapi perah .

Dengan meningkatkan praktik pembiakan dan pemeliharaan anak sapi perah, diharapkan dapat
meningkatkan produktivitas susu dan kesejahteraan peternak di distrik Varanasi . Selain itu,
peningkatan praktik ini juga dapat berkontribusi pada peningkatan ekonomi peternak dan peningkatan
kualitas hidup mereka .

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