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The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction;

(a Case Study of Bunna International Bank Share Company Head office )




A Thesis Submitted to
The Department of Business Administration
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master
of Business Administration

JULY, 2023





The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction; a Case Study

of Bunna International Bank Share Company Head office



ID: GSR/0140/13


______________________________________ _________________

Dean, Graduate Studies Signature & Date

Dr.Getie Andualem 6/7/2022

Advisor Signature & Date

___________________________ _____________

External Examiner Signature & Date

______________________________________ __________________

Internal Examiner Signature & Date


I declare that this thesis is my original work, prepared under the guidance of Dr.
Getie Andualem /PhD/. All sources of materials used for the thesis have been duly
acknowledged. I further confirm that the thesis has not been submitted either in part
or in full to any other higher learning institution for the purpose of earning any

______________________________ ––––––––––––––––––––––

Name Signature

Lunar international college, Addis Ababa June 07, 2022


List of Tables and Figures vii

List of Acronyms x
Abstract xi
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.1.1 Customer Satisfaction 2
1.1.2 The Ethiopian Banking Industry 3
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Research Questions 5
1.4 Objectives of the Study 5
1.4.1 General Objective of the Study 5
1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study 5
1.5 Hypotheses of the Study 6
1.6 Significance of the Study 6
1.7 Scope of the Study 6
1.7.1Geographical scope 7
1.7.2 Conceptual scope 7
1.7.3 Methodological scope 7
1.8 Limitation of the Study 7
1.9 Operational Definition of the Terms 7
2. Introduction 9
2.1 Theoretical Literature Review 9
2.1.1 Effect of Reliability on Customer Satisfaction 9 Service as promised provided 10 Dependability in handling customer service problems 11 Performance service right at the first time 11 Maintaining error-free records 12
2.2.1 Effect of responsiveness on customer satisfaction 12 Keeping customers as to when services will be performed 13 Prompt service to customers 13 Willingness to help customers 14 Readiness to respond to customer requests 15
2.3.1 Effect of Empathy on customer Satisfactions 16 Giving customers’ individual attention 16

iv Employees who deal with customers in a caring fashion 17 Employees who understand the needs of their customers 18
2.4.1 Effect of Tangibility on customer Satisfactions 19
2.5.1 Effect of Assurance on customer Satisfactions 19
2.2 Service quality model 20
2.3 Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 21
2.4 Empirical Literature Review 21
2.5 Conceptual Framework of Study 23
3. Introduction 24
3.1 Research Design 24
3.3. Sampling Design 25
3.3.1 Target Populations 25
3.3.2 Sampling Frame 25
3.4 Sample of the Study 25
3.4.2 Sample Size 26
3.5 Source of Data 26
3.5.1 Primary Data 26
3.5.2 Secondary Data 26
3.6 Data Collection Techniques and Tools 27
3.6.1 Data Collection Techniques 27
3.7 Data Analysis 27
3.8 Validity and Reliability 28
3.8.1 Validity 28
3.8.2 Reliability 28
Source:2022 29
3.9 Ethical Considerations 29
4. Data Interpretation and Analysis 30
4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents 30
4.2 Reliability Test 33
4.3 Descriptive of Service Quality Dimensions 34
4.4 Correlation Analysis 36
4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis 38
4.5.1 Diagnostic Tests 38
4.5.2 Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction 39
4.6 Discussion of Results 41

Summary of Finding; Conclusion and Recommendation 46
5. Summary of Finding 46
5.1 Conclusion 46
5.2 Recommendation 47
5.3 Recommendation for Future Research 48
Appendix 55
A Research Questionnaire 55
Related to Service Quality in Bunna Bank 55

List of Tables and Figures

Table 2.1Empirical Researches with Result-----------------------------------------------------------21

Table 3.1Sampling frame results ------------------------------------------------------------------------24

Table 3.2 Reliability Analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------------------27

Table 4.1 Demographic characteristics of the respondent------------------------------------------28

Table 4.2 Free Test of Reliability-------------------------------------------------------------------------


Table 4.3 Reliability Test of Customer satisfaction--------------------------------------------------32

Table 4.4 Descriptive Statics -----------------------------------------------------------------------------35

Table 4.5 Correlation coefficient for all service quality dimensions with customer

Table 4.6 Linearity assumption test---------------------------------------------------------------------38

Table 4.7 Model Summary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------38

Table 4.8 Regression Result-------------------------------------------------------------------------------39

Table 4.9 Summery of Hypothesis-----------------------------------------------------------------------43

List of Figure Page No

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework of the study-------------------------------------------------------22

Figure 4.1 Sex of respondents of Bunna international bank Share Company------------------29

Figure 4.2 Age of respondents of Bunna international bank Share Company------------------29

Figure 4.3 Educational of respondents of Bunna International Bank Share Company -----30

Figure 4.5 Stay period of at the Bank-------------------------------------------------------------------31

Figure 4.6 Normality Assumption Test-----------------------------------------------------------------37


First of all, I would like to thank the almighty God who gave me endurance and strength in all my
life. Next, my most sincere and deepest thanks go to Doctor Getie Andulem my thesis advisor, for
his unreserved and timely support in checking and giving constructive suggestions. Also, I would
like to thank my families who have continuous support in my life. I would like to thank my
friends Aman Dekebi and Tessema Genetu for all the help and encouragement.

I would also like to thank Bunna International Bank share company head office staff, for their
welcoming approach and hospitality. I also want to thank my dearest parents for their inestimable

Finally, I want to extend my regards to all my friends whose names could not be mentioned, for
their corporation and healthy interaction. Thank you so much for your support.

List of Acronyms

● NBE – National Bank of Ethiopia

● BIB – Bunna International Bank

● S.C – Share Company

● SERVQUAL – Service Quality

● WOM – Word of Mouth

● MS – Mean Score

● SD – Standard deviation

● SPSS –Statically Package for Social science

The purpose of this research was examined the effect of service quality on customer
satisfaction in Bunna International Bank S.C Head Office.
To achieve the objectives of this study, data was collected through a questionnaire
from a Sample of 200 customers. These respondents were selected using a
convenient sampling method. The data collected from the questionnaire were
analyzed using Statistical tools such as Mean, Descriptive statistics, and Posterior
Correlation and Regression analysis. The finding shows that all the five service
quality dimensions (Empathy, Assurance, Reliability, Responsiveness, and
Tangibility) are highly correlated with customer satisfaction. The finding of this
study indicates that, except for Assurance, the four service quality dimensions
(Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Empathy) have a positive and
significant relationship with customer satisfaction. The finding also indicates that
customers were most satisfied with the responsiveness dimensions of service
quality. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher forwards some
recommendations to the bank's management that should measure customers’
satisfaction and service quality to keep the services’ correspond with customers’
opinions and suggestions for others.


Key Words: Customer Satisfaction, Quality service, Service Quality Dimensions/
Service quality dimension/Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness Assurance,

This chapter deals with an overview of the background of the study; the statement of the problem;
research questions; the objective of the study; the hypothesis of the study; the significance of the
study; limitation of study; scope of the study; operational definition and Organizations of the paper.

1.1 Background of the Study

A bank is a business enterprise that deals with providing simple deposit accounts, loans, guarantees,
and Letters of Credit for importers that have been the traditional service offerings. Almost all banks
offer important services such as accepting and safeguarding money deposits with them, transferring
money payments made by cheque, and making loans to individuals, businesses, and governments.
In the banking industry, success and sustainability depend on various factors such as accountability,
quality service, and changes in technology (Hossan, 2012). The banks should be able to minimize
and eliminate the gap between the perceived service quality of customers and the actual service
provided. Therefore banks should keep in mind not to focus on shareholders alone but also on the
customers and the quality of service they offer them. The important feature of service firms like
banks is to focus on quality, the way it is produced, and being offered to the final customer. It is seen
that continuous improvements in the quality of services perceived according to the consumer
expectations positively affect the satisfaction level and customer’s perceptions about the company
because Customers’ satisfaction affects the overall performance of the banks in the long run.
Today’s economy is about maintaining old customers and attracting new customers to thrive in the
market (Ramzi, 2010). More specifically in service provider businesses like banks, this principle is
essential for generating a high profit and satisfying customers’ demands.
According to Hossan (2012), customer satisfaction is a key factor in positioning a firm’s
performance. This can be measured in different ways. One of the ways of measuring the customers’
satisfaction is by understanding the benefits and costs relationship of the customers’ expectations.
This can depend on their past experiences. Another way is through the life cycle of the relationship
of the customer (Ojo, 2010).
In the past, quality was seen as a measurable aspect for tangible products only. This is due to the
inferiority of the service sector in the economy. Due to the increasing importance of the service
sector in the economy, the measurement of service quality began to be of interest to individuals in
this field (Ghost &Gnanadhas, 2011). Quality of service is not only a vital factor of customer
satisfaction in manufacturing industries but also in service firms today that is developing (Karim&
Chowdhury, 2014).

Today’s service provider industry is all about creating customer value in terms of satisfaction and
building profitable customer relationships. It starts with understanding consumer needs and wants,
determining which target markets the organization can serve best, and developing a compelling
value proposition by which the organization can attract and grow valued consumers. If the
organization does to be full fill the above things well, it will earn the rewards in terms of market
share, profits, and customer equity.
Research indicates that customer satisfaction plays a very important role in customer loyalty and
retention although it does not ensure repeat purchases (Mohsan et al., 2011). Firms in the service
sector need to strive for service quality. One of the major factors which influence customer
satisfaction is the quality of service (Timothy, 2012). Measurement of service quality enables firms
to compare before and after changes, identify quality-related problems, and establish clear standards
for service delivery. High service quality will improve customer satisfaction, give a firm an edge in
the market share, and attract profit (Hossan, 2012).
Conceptualization and measurement of service quality began in the marketing literature in the 1980s.
Parasuraman et al., (1994) explained quality as a gap between what customers feel to be offered and
what is provided. In his model, he measured the gap between expected and perception of service
among the customers (Ghost &Gnanadhas, 2011). Later it was refined to the SERVQUAL scale; a
twenty-two-item scale for measuring service quality along five dimensions. Parasuraman et al.,
(1994) contend that the SERVQUAL scale using the expectations/performance gaps method is an
acceptable and richer way of measuring service quality. It is a model that is often used for measuring
customer service and perceived satisfaction in industries that are more service-oriented in their daily
tasks (Timothy, 2012).
The SERVQUAL model is used to measure consumers’ perceptions of the identified five dimensions
of tangibles, empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and reliability relative to consumers’ expectations.
Some businesses may measure two or three of the dimensions depending on the nature of their
business (Taiwo et al., 2012). It is easier to measure product quality as compared to service quality.
This is because service quality is made up of unique characteristics (Messay, 2012).

1.1.1 Customer Satisfaction

Service companies have since recently focused on customers in order to improve competitiveness.
Customer satisfaction is one of the important outcomes of marketing activity (Mick and Fournier;
1999).In the competitive banking industry, customer satisfaction is considered fundamental to
success. Satisfying customers is one of the main objectives of every business. Businesses recognize
that keeping current customers is more profitable than having to win new ones to replace those lost.
Good customer satisfaction has an effect on the profitability of nearly every business. However,

customers who receive poor service will typically relate their dissatisfaction to between fifteen and
twenty others (Naik: 2010). Anderson and Zemke; 1998) stated that “Satisfied customers improve
business and dissatisfied customers impair business”. Therefore, customer satisfaction is an asset
that should be monitored and managed just like any physical asset.

1.1.2 The Ethiopian Banking Industry

Banking in Ethiopia is a sector with many contrasting forms and features, the sector is dominated by
a government-owned entity .it is one of the most genuinely ‘capitalist’ segments of the economy as
showing intense competition for customers, high executive compensation, activist shareholders
closely tracking dividend pay-outs.
The economic liberalization of the financial sector started in 1991 and laid a foundation for the
formation and expansion of private banks in Ethiopia (Hansson, 1995). This coupled with rapid
technological advancement and improved communication systems, have contributed to the
increasing integration and resemblance amongst banks in the financial sector. As a result, banks are
now faced with very high and intense competition (Harvey, 2010).
Bunna International Bank S.C. (BIB) has joined as the private Banking industry of Ethiopia
following the favorable economic developments witnessed in the country during the last decade and
the incessantly growing need for Financial Services. The bank obtained its license from the National
Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) on June 25, 2009, in accordance with Licensing & Supervision of Banking
Business Proclamation No. 592/2008 and the 1960‟s Commercial Code of Ethiopia”. The Bank
officially commenced its operation on October 10, 2009, with subscribed & paid-up capital of 308
Million Birr and 156 Million Birr, respectively. The industry consists of 22 commercial banks that
offer similar financial services, mostly differentiated by the product name or extra features.
Currently, BIB is among one of the 22 private largest commercial banks in Ethiopia.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Service provider companies are the key to Business existence and success lies in their ability to
provide effective service and satisfy the customer. It is the quality of service that brings new
customers and holds on to existing customers as a result, customers buy more and influence others to
buy. A key challenge for any Service provider company is to provide satisfactory outcomes to its
customers in ways that are cost and time effective for the company. “If customers are dissatisfied
with the quality of the service they would not be willing to pay very much for it or even to buy it, at
all if the competitor offers better”(Lovelock and Wirtz; 2004: 408).

In the Ethiopian banking industry, customers perceive very little difference in the banking products
offered by banks dealing in services as any new offering is quickly matched by competitors. There

are disappointments of customers over the service offered and the available services don’t match the
expectation of the customer (Mesay et. al, 2012).

Currently, the Ethiopian financial sector is becoming strong from time to time and competition has
increased through branch expansion in main towns and rural areas. Therefore, delivering quality
service and creating customer satisfaction is a window for success as well as winning the
competition. So, it becomes very important for banks to meet or exceed the target customers’
satisfaction with the quality of services expected by them.

Customers’ satisfaction and service quality are interlinked and this creates value for customers. If
customers are offered services that they expect or that exceed their expectations, they have a positive
view of a firm. On the other hand, if customers feel they got less value than what they expected,
their attitude towards a given firm is negative and they may pass this attitude to potential customers
(Chau& Kao, 2009). If satisfaction is there, then customers will become loyal but if customers are
dissatisfied their loyalty is not guaranteed. Hence management should pay special focus on
satisfaction and this starts with offering quality service (Mohsan et al., 2011).

In the present markets, customers are not that loyal to one particular bank. Hence, major banks in
Ethiopia are forced to consider how to create a solid customer foundation that is not threatened even
in the face of aggressive competition (Ojo, 2010). Numerous competitors have entered this sector to
gather the advantages of this developing sector. This has created a situation of intense competition
among the banks in Ethiopia. So, every bank is now striving hard to launch attractive and innovative
products and services in order to attract new customers (Onditi et al., 2012). Those banks with a pool
of customers are trying to retain their customers for a longer period of time. In addition, attracting
new customers and earning huge profits is still a goal to be achieved. This is only possible when the
customers are satisfied the service offered (Kariru&Aloo, 2014).

Many times, especially in the service industry, business is won or lost based on the quality of
service provided (Ahmed, 2010). In Ethiopia, many studies about service quality in banks showed
inefficiency and lack of quality. As stated by Abreha (2015), some of the major problems that are
possible found in private banks of Ethiopia are

•Lack of good information providers and lack of different service access (Network).

•Inadequate facilities and equipment required to provide modern banking services.

•Absence of frequent training programs for the staff to shape up their attitude toward Customers.

•Not doing what had been promised.

Above mentioned studies did not assess the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in
Bunna International Bank. Therefore, insufficient studies have been conducted on service quality of
customer satisfaction in the case Bunna International Bank. The study was fulfilled the theoretical
and empirical gaps on effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the case Buna
International Banks.

1.3 Research Questions

This study investigated the following questions:

The researcher attempted to get answers to the following research questions regarding the
perceived service quality by the customers and the effect on customers’ satisfaction:
1. What are the customers’ perceptions of the Bunna International Bank (BIB) service quality in
terms of the five service quality dimensions?
2. What are the current levels of customer satisfaction in the service they accept?
3. What is the relationship between the service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in
Bunna International Bank BIB?
4. What is the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction?
5. Which dimensions of service quality need improvement in Bunna International Bank share
company (BIB)?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective of the Study

The main purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of service quality on customer
satisfaction in Bunna international Bank.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of the study were:
1. To identify customers’ perceptions using reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and
tangibility dimensions in the case of Bunna International Bank.
2. To measure the current level of customer satisfaction at Bunna International Bank.
3. To measure the effect of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and the tangible
dimension of service quality on customer satisfaction at Bunna International Bank.
4. To identify the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction at Bunna International Bank.
5. To investigate the most dimension of service quality that needs improvement in Bunna
International Bank Share Company.

1.5 Hypotheses of the Study

H1: Reliability has a positive and a significant effect on the customer satisfaction in Bunna internati
onal bank.

H2: Assurance has a positive anda significant effect on the customer satisfaction in Bunna internatio
nal bank.

H3:Responsiveness’has a positive and a significant effect on the customer satisfaction in Bunna inte
rnational bank.

H4: Empathy has a positive and a significant effect on the customer satisfaction in Bunna international bank.

H5.Tangibility has a positive and significant effect on the customer satisfaction in Bunna internation
al bank.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Findings from this study were also used by Bunna international bank's top managers for making the
appropriate decision regarding customer satisfaction and also help them to satisfaction considering
the high costs of acquiring new customers and the high competition in banks, it was very important
to study the determinants of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the key factor for the
success of the company; therefore it was very important to measure it. The study has the following

 The study is expected to provide knowledge on the importance of quality service on

customer satisfaction.
 The finding also enables the banks to understand the relationship between service quality
delivery and customer satisfaction and helps them to know the most important dimension
used to satisfy customers. This enables the company executive managers to meet customers

1.7 Scope of the Study

The research paper was focused on assessing the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the
case of Bunna international bank. In order to meet this research study, it was delaminated by
geographical, conceptual, and methodological scope to be discussed as follows.

1.7.1Geographical scope

Even though Bunna international bank has different branches, this study was focused on only the
head office located in Addis Ababa bole sub-city, therefore the geographical scope is Addis Ababa,
head office.

1.7.2 Conceptual scope

The Conceptual scope of this paper was the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction as a
result of the independent variable to be satisfied including customer service dimensions of tangibles,
empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and reliability of the sample study, services where the
dependent variable of the study was customers satisfaction from the sample study.

1.7.3 Methodological scope

To examine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction the study used both qualitative and
quantitative data and also the analysis of this study used an explanatory research design. To examine
the effect and relationships between the dependent and independent variables and the research study
to be used a simple regression model with the help of SPSS.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

The findings of this study were not giving a general picture of the service quality and customer
satisfaction in the banking sector in Ethiopia. This was difficult, costly, and time-consuming to gain
relevant information about the Bank and not have enough time for providing data and service for the

1.9 Operational Definition of the Terms

● Service Quality The difference between customers’ expectations and their perception of the

service offered to them (Ouyung, 2010).

● Customer Satisfaction Personal feelings either good or bad result from the evaluation

services provided in relation to customers’ expectations (Taiwo et al., 2011).

● Quality Combined features of a service that is able to bring satisfaction (Akbar &Parvez,


● Reliability Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately (Armstrong,


● Responsiveness Willingness to assist customers and offer quick service (Armstrong, 2012).

● Empathy Caring, individualized attention a firm offers its customers (Armstrong, 2012

1.10 Organization of the Paper

This part of the research provides the background of the study, the statement of the problem,
Objective of the study, general objective, and specific objective. Research questions, the hypothesis
of the study, the significance of the study, the scope of the study, the limitation of the study, and the
operational definition of terms are also indicated out. Chapter two presents the literature review. The
research methodologies for this study were to be presented in chapter three and the analysis of the
study findings is to be discussed in chapter four. Finally, chapter five to be discussed the findings,
and conclusions and give recommendations for improvement and new direction for future research.

2. Introduction

This chapter gives an overview of theoretical literature, the concept of the service quality model, the
relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, and service quality dimensions
empirical literature and conceptual framework were introduced in order to give a clear idea about the
research area.

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

2.1.1 Effect of Reliability on Customer Satisfaction

Safwan et al. (2010) argued that reliability shows the service provider’s ability to perform services in
a dependable and accurate manner. Furthermore, it involves doing it right the first time and it is a
crucial service component for customers (Messay, 2012). It is noted that being reliable is an
exceptionally important quality to have, especially in the banking industry (Ghost &Gnanadhas,

Now a time, Banks are aggressively competing to attract and retain their customer by providing a
convenient service to the customers and one way of doing this is by adopting reliability service
dimensions to their services because reliability improvement is key in service quality enhancement
efforts to address customer satisfaction. This is because when a firm is unreliable, they communicate
less concern about what customers care about. Customers may form a negative perception about the
firm and will switch to a competitor without second thoughts (Sakhaei et al., 2014).

It is not easy for many types of service businesses to maintain a higher level of reliability day in and
day out. Customers view, experience, and judge mishaps in the service sector immediately after they
interact with the firm (Mudassar et al., 2013). In the banking sector, variability occurs largely when
services are being offered. As a result, the bank managers should need to understand what the
customer wants and how they assess the banking service's quality in reliability and create facilities
for a good employee –customer’s relationship that enhances customer satisfaction. It is difficult for
service providers to control such variations since each employee is somewhat different from the
others in personality, skills, and attitudes (Mohammad &Alhamadani, 2011). The key aspects of
reliability include providing service as promised, dependability in handling customer service
problems, performing services right at the first time, and maintaining error-free records (Armstrong,

9 Service as promised provided
According to Klemz and Boshof (2011), the major reason for customers to choose banks for
investment funds is because of the reliability and reputation of banks. Banks usually give their word
to customers about security during transactions. If the desired service is offered to customers by
employees, customers will have more confidence and trust (Dado et al., 2012).
Ramzi (2010) pointed out that providing services as promised is one of the important factors of
customer satisfaction. A good way of impressing customers is by doing what you promised and
doing it right at the first time experience. This will enhance repeat business. Research has shown that
delivery is the most important factor for customers and is one of the main causes of account
abandonment if not achieved (Messay, 2012). Providing service as promised is hence fundamental in
any business. This will build a firm’s reputation and with a good reputation, there are high chances
of repeat business. In addition, a new business will be generated by word of mouth and it will set a
firm apart from its competitors as well. This is because they may sell similar products but their
company could lack in delivery as promised (Armstrong, 2012).
According to (Lau et al., 2013) providing services as promised is also important at the bank because
if a customer is expecting the bank to do something for them, they should be able to rely on them to
do it on the day that they want it done. Consequently, if they don’t then the reputation of the bank
may be affected and customers will not believe that they are reliable. They may lose trust and decide
to open another account in another bank if trust is lost (Atlik, 2009). A reliable service may not
drastically affect customer satisfaction in a good manner. However, a company that is seen to offer
unreliable products or services will highly be viewed as incompetent hence a negative effect on
customer satisfaction. Reliability is viewed as one of the prerequisites for customer satisfaction
(Chau&Kau, 2009).
A major problem faced by consumers in the banking industry is the timings allocated for services
offered. They are not flexible (Lau et al., 2013). Usually, most banks operating hours are from
Mondays to Fridays –beginning operation from 8.30 am - 4.30 pm but due to consumer demand, the
trend changed, with the banks beginning services an hour earlier. Some operate on weekends.
Besides the banking hours, queuing up at some banks while the banks promised quicker services
becomes annoying to consumers. Standing in line for a long time at the banks is non-productive and
a pure waste of time (Ouyung, 2010).
Even though most banks have introduced seats, no consumer wants to wait longer than required in a
banking hall. As such, most banks now have developed a way to address consumer problems
Instead, they occur due to a relationship that is created when a firm offers service as they had
promised (Abdullah &Ariokiasamy, 2013). Building relationship in business is therefore of great

importance. However, that relationship isn’t based on trust; it will never amount to anything
(Armstrong, 2012). Dependability in handling customer service problems

According to (Lau et al., 2013) complaints offer banks a chance to solve immediate problems.
Handling problems in a professional manner can turn frustrated customers into loyal customers. This
is needed for a good reputation (Toosi&Kohonali, 2011).
Additionally, Karim and Chowdhury (2014) argued that banks are competing in every way to retain
current accounts and to sign on new ones to prove that they are dependable. Customers’ perceptions
about the services they will get in banks are usually higher than their expectations. Bank customers
frequently look to any signs that may be used as pointers of dependability. These enable them to
judge the services of the banks and the bank’s employees (Mohammad &Alhamadani, 2011). The
front-line employees use their discretion while handling customers’ problems as they occur
(Dharmalingam&Kannan, 2011). Responding effectively and efficiently to customers’
dissatisfaction has been found to be beneficial in banks. Firms that practice and teach their
employees complaint management have an advantage over their competitors and look dependable
(Angelova&Zekir, 2011). Performance service right at the first time

In a service firm, the most efficient method for minimizing mistakes is ensuring activities are done
right the first time. This involves ensuring that all tasks are done in the required manner first and
every other time in a firm (Toosi&Kohonali, 2011). The first step to completing service processes
right the first time is to measure the current level of performance. Employees can start by measuring
the number of transactions that meet this goal and comparing this to the total number of transactions.
Any process that receives input from another internal process should be measured. Employees can
then approach the problem in a logical manner and find the reasons behind poor performance in
service (Onditi et al., 2012). Whereas, Ghost and Gnanadhas (2011) go further to add that
measuring the first-time right performance of service personnel might be a change for many firms.
Bank managers may be used to judging their staff by the time it takes them to resolve a customer
query. Thus it is essential to link an employee’s performance with the tasks that are completed
correctly the first time (Abdullah &Ariokiasamy, 2013).

Abdullah and Arikiasamy (2013) also asserted that delivering high service quality right the first time
demands the use of modern equipment that can perform the required service. There should be a
standard of excellence and a direction to attain customer satisfaction by providing the necessary
equipment, tools, and proper freedom to achieve the tasks. Firms should believe in investing in

people by listening to their concerns and providing training. Moreover teaching them how to use
modern equipment will improve the firm’s productivity and quality standards. Current and potential
customers expect collaboration and flexibility brought about by technology (Angelova&Zekir,
2011). Maintaining error-free records

Capturing and retaining customers is a fundamental factor in a company’s ability to instill
confidence. This communicates reliability, that their representatives and agents are ready to support
them when needed, and that customer' records are error-free (Safwan et al., 2010). According to
Atlik and Arslan (2009), proper record-keeping enables a firm to run more efficiently. This in return
may lead to profitability. Having records that are accurate allow the business to have a completely
updated list of its income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. With this information, banks are able to
know where their strengths and weakness are in their operations (Siddiqi, 2011). It is a legal
requirement for banks to have error-free records. It is therefore important for banks to keep records
accurately in a professional manner and adhere to the banking legal standards (Taiwo et al., 2011).

A business that fails to keep complete and accurate financial records puts its success and
sustainability in jeopardy. Providing accurate records of contact with the customer will help in the
continuity of the relationship between the firm and the customers (Ouyung, 2010). Business records
can be maintained manually, computerized on a spreadsheet, or kept online. A firm should ensure
the system it uses is easy to operate and complements the business for employees to keep records as
required (Abdullah & Arikiasamy, 2013).

Though, keeping business records can be overwhelming at first. The key is to break things down
activities and workloads into simplified, manageable tasks. This will later enable an employee to
have the records up to date and can access them easily. It is much easier to do this than to let
paperwork pile causing difficulty in retrieving while information is required by the customer
(Gbadeyan&Gbonda, 2011). It is difficult for a customer to see how business processes have
improved if the records of that company are questionable (Timothy, 2012).

2.2.1 Effect of responsiveness on customer satisfaction

Providing service in a timely manner is highly appreciated by customers. Good service providers
understand this aspect (Iqbal et al., 2010). Furthermore, firms that value efficiency pays attention to
the services that they offer so that they can have an advantage and use this to keep off competitors
(Karim&Chowdhury, 2014). Customer satisfaction may be achieved in the banking sector when the
service provider is willing to assist its customers when required Akbaba (2009) also stated that
“responsiveness is positively related to customer satisfaction and customers can refer others if

satisfied”. Therefore, word of mouth (WOM) advertisements are important for banks. Key aspects
under responsiveness include keeping customers informed as to when services will be performed;
prompt service to customers, willingness to help customers, and Readiness to respond to customer's
requests (Armstrong, 2012). Keeping customers as to when services will be performed

According to Timothy (2012) the steps taken to keep customers informed when problems occur can
strengthen or harm the relationship. Keeping customers well informed of what is going on can have
lasting effects on the relationship. By letting customers work out their problems and not being
proactive, firms miss an opportunity to strengthen customer relationships (Armstrong, 2012). If the
customer gets the understanding that you’re working hard trying to fix the problem, then the
customer will feel well taken care of and feels that he is getting his money's worth (Ramzi,2010).

Besides being trained on how to deal with customers, employees should give the freedom to enable
them to use discretion in informing customers of the progress of their demand and a platform for
asking when they are not sure (Saghier& Nathan, 2013). Additionally, a greater understanding of
their requirements and informing them through feedback from customer communications increases
customer satisfaction (Lau et al., 2013).

In today’s economy, customers are more aware and have a pool of choices as to where to spend their
money and time. Letting customers know when services will be performed increases a firm’s chance
of retaining current customers as well as gaining new ones (Armstrong, 2012). The firm should be
able to develop a progress and development plan. Moreover, it should be able to link the employee’s
performance with the firm’s goals so that it can offer services that will satisfy customers (Ojo,

According to Sakhaei et al. (2014) support, that important knowledge or skills that relate to the
customers should not be possessed by just a few people in the firm. This slows down an employee
when they need to respond to a customer if they don’t have the required information. This will be
widely used and its value and effectiveness are likely to be maximized. Creating a knowledgeable
environment in a bank may be beneficial when it comes to informing customers (Munusamy et al.,
2010). Prompt service to customers

Mudassar et al., (2013) argued that however skilled you are at the workplace; always provide
customers with exceptional service as desired. Failure to do so can result in lost business or damage
a firm reputation (Kariru&Aloo, 2014). The most common customer complaint is being kept
waiting. Being reluctant to return calls or fulfill orders may lead to a loss of customers. The

customers may be pushed to switch to another company. They may also engage in negative word of
mouth due to the dissatisfaction felt (Armstrong, 2012).

In addition, Dharmalingam et al. (2011) assert that customers expect firms to treat them in a
consistent way and that they will do what they say they will do promptly. By acting in accordance
with these wants, a firm provides the customer with a sense of viewing it as a company that gives
customers a priority.This builds loyalty. Customers will view the service provider as competent
enough to offer the service. The customer will not be satisfied if he or she does feel that the services
offered are mostly delayed. It brings doubt about the competence of the service provider (Ramzi,
2010). The service that the employees provide and the relationships they build are vital to the
success of customer satisfaction. The employees need to understand, believe in, and be proud of the
firm they are a part of. This will lead them to serve their customers promptly (Al-Rousan&
Mohamed, 2010).

Inconvenient response to customer requests is one of the stamps of poor customer service.
Customers want to feel valued. They want to know their presence and input to the business are
appreciated. However, when customers feel neglected and unappreciated, there are high chances that
they will move to the next competitor (Klemz&Boshoff, 2011). Moreover, they will swiftly do so if
they have an immediate need for a service that a firm is failing to deliver, or if they simply do not
see work ethics. Poor response time, especially if done repeatedly, results in loss of customers and
revenue (Armstrong 2012). The key to generating loyal customers is to provide them with efficient
service within the required time frame. The employees should have adequate knowledge to enable
them quickly respond to customers (Mudassar et al., 2013). Willingness to help customers

First impressions have a great impact. Specifically, how firms respond to and treat customers for the
first time determines whether they will come back. If well served they may recommend the firm to
others (Messay, 2012). Warm Greetings, asking probing questions to understand what they need,
and responding promptly and accurately to inquiries demonstrates dedication and willingness to
help. For customers to have a tip of satisfaction, willingness should always be maximized
(Jayanthy&Umaran, 2012). By voluntarily asking direct questions of the customers, and having
information on the customers’ records and their progress, the firm will convey a message of wanting
to assist the customers bringing about some sense of satisfaction (Abdullah &Arokiasamy, 2013).

Willingness to help makes the customer feel understood and appreciated. Customers want firms to
focus on helping those (Mohsan et al., 2011). Attitude will always have an upper hand compared to

aptitude. Most firms will choose the ones with a willingness to go the extra mile or show sacrifice
over some with greater technical skills when hiring. It is often easy to increase the technical skills of
an employee than change reluctant behavior. Employees who thrive in the service industry have a
natural desire to serve and express willingness when dealing with customers. This is because their
free spirit nature to help the customers helps them in retaining and attracting new customers
(Ouyung, 2010).

Taiwo et al. (2011) state that many customers have problems that need to be solved. It is important
for firms to have creative problem solvers as employees. They should always make sure they
understand the problem clearly, and offer them possible solutions. Often employees need to think of
solutions that fit the needs of a specific customer as they occur (Ramzi, 2010). If an employee
cannot find a solution that works for the customer, it is valuable to help them locate additional help.
Following up with the customer to make sure the issue has been resolved can change customers'
perceptions. Customers will appreciate it if they see the firm staff has an interest in their problem,
and their willing to help, in whatever way possible (Timothy, 2012). Dharmalingam et al. (2011)
pointed out that the level of a firm's customer service will make or break a business. Proving to
customers that you are willing to assist them at their point of need is one of the most vital aspects of
customer retention and satisfaction (Atlik&Arslan, 2009). Readiness to respond to customer requests

According to Toosi and Kohonali (2011) customers expect timely responses to requests. Therefore,
they should not be disregarded or delayed simply because there are underlying issues. Some
companies offer online support that provides customers with an immediate resolution to their
inquiries. Email requests and phone calls should be examined on a case-by-case basis and responded
to Accordingly (Sakhaei et al., 2014). Customers are relationships and they take effort to earn and
keep. A business opportunity is lost by losing customers. Most businesses put emphasis on earning
or gaining customers but are reluctant on following up to retain customers (Al-Rousan& Mohamed,

As a good service provider, a company and its staff should be ready to respond to customers’ queries
about products and services offered (Ojo, 2010). Customers expect to interact with business people
who are willing to respond promptly about the product or service they are promoting or offering.
This provides a bank a competitive advantage compared to others of retaining customers. It reflects
the readiness of employees and their ability to serve the customers as soon as required (Hossan,

Increasing employee engagement is a necessary way to make them be ready to respond to customers.
In addition, if the customers are more involved and informed by the employees, they become long-
term customers, and increasing customer loyalty will significantly lower the costs of recruiting new
ones. They will more often refer others to your business for proven readiness to serve those (Dado et
al., 2012). Providing exceptional service and support to customers will add value to a product or
service and a firm’s reputation. Choosing wisely when hiring front-line support employees and
providing them with the tools they need to be successful will help them be swift and ready in
offering services (Sakhaei et al., 2014).

As a result, Banks can instill feelings of readiness in their customers if they handle their customers
in a professional and competent way (Kadir et al., 2011). Customers trust the readiness of firms to
respond to their requests based on historical references. If a firm consistently responds readily to
customers' queries, customers feel reasonably assured that their next request will be responded to as
well as. It costs five times more to get a new client than it does to keep an existing one (Messay,
2012). Readily responding to customers makes them feel welcome. This is an important component
of a positive customer experience (Mudassar et al., 2013).

2.3.1 Effect of Empathy on customer Satisfactions

The heart of empathy is rooted in understanding the needs of customers and giving them individual
attention. Employee and customer interactions are reflected through the empathy dimension
(Armstrong, 2012). Service customers have an expectation of how the service provider should
understand and be concerned about their individual needs and wants. As a service provider, trying to
understand the situation from the customer’s point of view gives a clearer picture of what is
happening (Toosi&Kohonali, 2011). Showing an understanding and having the knowledge to solve
customers’ problems are key factors in the banking industry. The key aspects of empathy include
giving customers individual attention, employees who deal with customers in a caring fashion, and
employees who understand the needs of their customers (Armstrong, 2012). Giving customers’ individual attention

Saghier and Nathan (2013) argued that customer satisfaction increases if customers feel that they
have been served in a way that considers their own personal needs. When delivering customer
service, firms frequently deal with a large number of customers who seem to be the same, but it is
important to remember that each customer is an individual. Anything that can be done to make each
customer feel that they have had the firm's complete attention and have been dealt with personally
increases their sense of satisfaction (Boon-itt&Rompho, 2012). Creating a two-way communication

between customers and the business, tracking customer activities, and providing tailored information
to customers makes them have a sense of belonging to a given brand or company (Messay, 2012).

In today's competitive business world, any positive change is likely to create a competitive
advantage. Employees who pay attention to their customers certainly provide a positive impression
in the mind of a customer (Siddiqi, 2011). Customers appreciate a company that offers them options
and alternatives, especially when the company representatives make them feel like they would like
their customers to have the best interests by giving them individual attention. This technique makes
customers feel important and that they are provided special treatment (Kariru&Aloo, 2014). It is
important not only to understand what a customer says but how a customer feels so as to give them
the desired attention. A required skill to assist in offering this is being able to recognize and
understand the customer’s emotional state (Mohsan et al., 2011). Employees who deal with customers in a caring fashion

Gbadeyan and Gbonda (2011) pointed out that employees are the frontline of a business,
communicating with the customers and representing the firm on a day-to-day basis. Customers if
mistreated or neglected by the employees, they don't always complain about what they feel is
impersonal service. Instead, they will never return and this is something that definitely no business
wants (Klemz&Boshoff, 2011). Instead, for a firm to have an edge and stand above the rest, it can
start by caring for its’ customers. A business that employs people who like what they do attracts
customers and gives them a positive impression. Customers would want to do business when they
receive genuine and caring service from the company’s representatives (Angelova&Zekir, 2011).

If consumers perceive rejection, vulnerability or avoidance, they will either not complete
transactions or move to a competitor (Ouyung, 2010). Firms can help put apprehensive customers at
ease with a marketing campaign that shows them that they are thought of. Taking the initiative and
helping them with their own private security could be a positive start (Taiwo et al., 2011). It has to
be reliable in how it works with them so as to result in customer satisfaction in the long run (Akbar
&Parvez, 2009).

Gbadeyan and Gbonda (2011) suggest that a key determinant of attracting customers through caring
is offering a diversity of features of service products that will meet their needs and wants in the
marketplace. This can be done via different technology mediums. It is important for banks to offer
convenient types of financial products, such as 24 hours ATM self-service, phone, and internet
banking. These features provide customers with unlimited access to financial service products
showing more concern than ever before (Kadir et al., 2011). Sometimes customers are forced to
queue up in the banking hall during business hours. They have to make personal contact with the

banks’ staff when their ATMs and cards have issues or services such as loan processing (Chau&
Kao2009). Humans expect care and respect in banks when services are being offered to them since
there is an element of personal contact. This can complement direct marketing in the banking sector
(Ramzi, 2010).

A good approach in determining how to show care is to mentally or physically take the customer
role. Knowing what is expected and demanded from customer service personnel from the customers’
point of view reveals unnoticed information (Iqbal et al., 2010). Employees who are approachable
and caring not only let customers know that their comfort is a priority, but also that the firm is
efficient and that they can trust them with their business. Employees who neglect customers
announce to others that the firm does not care; it is an attitude that will not attract any customers
(Hossan, 2012). Employees who understand the needs of their customers

Jayanthy&Umaran (2012) suggested that knowing and understanding customer needs is at the heart
of every successful business, whether it sells directly to individuals or other businesses. Every
business needs a reason for their customers to buy from them and not their competitors. Companies
like Argos and Cadburys have exceptional levels of customer satisfaction. It is not surprising
because these companies emphasize market research and marketing as the tools for finding out what
customers want and need (Kariru&Aloo, 2014). Knowing what customers want and making it
possible to direct actions to fulfill their needs will bring loyalty (Ilyas et al., 2011).

According to Gbadeyan and Gbonda (2011) when dealing with a customer, a true professional
should always respond in a way that will show they understand customers’ needs. The most
successful business relationships also have that idea reciprocated in their operations. Mudassar et al.
(2013) argued that customers who are satisfied tell others about their experiences. Consequently, this
will increases positive WOM advertising. Existing customers are often an untapped source of wealth
that can produce savings of time and money for businesses through referrals. It makes sense to keep
them around as long as possible. To win in today’s competitive market, a company must ensure that
more of its customers are loyal., emotionally engaged customers who not only continue to spend
with you but who also generate income by advocating for the company to others In this way, banks
can increase customers by being proactive by understanding the needs of their customers and
bringing satisfaction (Hossan, 2012).

Employees in firms should have flexible, stress-free workplaces that will enable them to deal with
customers to provide services in a cost-effective way without harming the firm reputation or chasing
away the customer (Hossan, 2012). The compatibility of the materials used for the service will

improve overall employee productivity and mission performance. This can be achieved by
leveraging modern technologies to help address customers’ demands in the work environment
(Taiwo et al., 2011). Banks’ commitment to understanding the needs of their customer is important,
as customers may save a large sum of money in banks. For complicated products such as insurance,
funds, and margins, employees must really understand their clients’ needs and provide a clear
explanation of each product to customers. When these customers are offered the services that they
want, they will have a sense of belonging that can result in them being loyal to a particular firm
(Chau&Kau 2009).

According to Kadir (2011), machines used by firms have a shorter response time compared to
human beings. They are programmed to automatically understand what the customer wants and they
are improved with evolving technology. However, employees’ level of understanding sometimes can
be affected by emotion, which may cause low productivity and misunderstanding with the
customers. This will lead to dissatisfaction (Messay, 2012). There the bank should focus on these
parameters keep concisely.

2.4.1 Effect of Tangibility on customer Satisfactions

The Bank uses those attributes pertaining to physical items such as the latest equipment,
buildings, neat and disciplined employees, the room is clean and provides adequate space, Easy to
handle and attractive Printed materials, well-organized staff adequate support facilities (Parking lot,
toilet, gust chairs and etc.), establish effective relationships with customers and the devices utilized
to communicate to the consumer. For instance, the customers can assess the premises of the banks,
or perhaps the appearance of the bank’s staff to be satisfied in order to gain such service quality

2.5.1 Effect of Assurance on customer Satisfactions

Assurance is the degree of trust and confidence of customers to feel that the service providers are
competent to provide the services the customer will not be satisfied if they did not feel assured about
the competence of the service provider. The banks should build the confidence of the public in order
to get higher rates of customer satisfaction and to increase the professionalism in their
services, especially the assurance they promise to customers i.e. to be competent in their roles and
responsibilities. Thus, the banks should always re-examine their assurance whether they fulfill the
customers’ expectations. This is a way to retain the customers and would become significant to that
particular bank in public. Parasuraman, et al (1991) included actions by employees such as always
courteous behavior instilling confidence and knowledge as prime elements of assurance.

2.2 Service quality model
Among the models for measuring service quality, the most acknowledged and applied model in the
diversity of industries is the SERVQUAL (service quality) model developed by Parasuraman et. The
SERVQUAL model of Parasuraman et al. (1988) proposed a five-dimensional construct of
perceived service quality tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy as the
instruments for measuring service quality (Parasuramanet et al., 1988; Zeithamlet et al., 1990).

The tangibles dimension refers to the assessment of a company’s ability to manage its physical
environment, which is composed of various elements, such as interior design, furniture, wall colors,
equipment, lighting, stationery, promotional materials, and personnel appearance as well as other

The reliability dimension compares customers’ expectations and a company’s performance with
regard to the consistency and dependability of its operations. The firm is considered reliable when its
promises are kept, service is performed correctly, and problems are resolved quickly.


The responsiveness dimension reflects a company’s ability to provide service in a timely manner.
Employees who are responsive inform customers when service will be performed deliver prompt and
accurate service and are eager to help customers and resolve their problems.


The assurance dimension refers to a company’s commitment to performing service professionally in

terms of competence, courtesy to customers, and security of its operations. Employees of an
excellent company are competent, knowledgeable, polite, and friendly, so customers trust them and
feel safe there.


The empathy dimension reflects a company’s ability to understand customers’ needs and feelings.
Empathetic firms give their customers individualized attention, tailor their offerings to specific
customers’ needs, and have operating hours convenient to all customers.

2.3 Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction and service quality are very important concepts that companies must
understand in order to compete in the business and hence grow. It is very important for companies to
know how to measure the qualities from customers‟ perspectives so as to better understand their
needs and satisfy them. Service quality is considered very important since it leads to higher customer
satisfaction, profitability, reduced cost, customer loyalty and retention (Zeithmal & Berry, 1994).

Quality and customer satisfaction have long been recognized as playing a crucial role for success and
survival in today's competitive market. Regarding the relationship between customer satisfaction and
service quality, Oliver (1993) first suggested that service quality would be antecedent to customer
satisfaction regardless of whether these constructs were cumulative or transaction-specific. In
relating customer satisfaction and service quality, researchers have been more precise about the
meaning and measurements of satisfaction and service quality. Satisfaction and service quality have
certain things in common, but satisfaction generally is a broader concept, whereas service quality
focuses specifically on dimensions of service (Wilson et al., 2008). Although it is stated that other
factors such as price and product quality can affect customer satisfaction, perceived service quality is
a component of customer satisfaction (Zeithaml & Bitner, 2003). As said by Wilson et al. (2008),
service quality is a focused evaluation that reflects the customer’s perception of reliability,
assurance, responsiveness, empathy and tangibility while satisfaction is more inclusive and it is
influenced by perceptions of service quality, product price and quality, also situational factors and
personal factors. The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is becoming
crucial with the increased level of awareness among bank customers Demographic characteristics
should be considered by the bank managers to understand their customers (Sureshchander et al.

2.4 Empirical Literature Review

Companies rendering service into day’s stiff competition developing a new marketing strategy that
is quality service delivery in connection to this, Research on quality of service currently has received
special attention from marketing researchers. Below is a summary of the results of previous studies
regarding service quality and its influence on satisfaction, published in various scientific journals.

Table 2.1; Empirical research with results

No Author Antecedents Result


1 Tizazu 5 dimensions of SERVQUAL (tangibility, Except Responsiveness, The four

Kassa reliability, service quality dimensions including
(et al responsiveness, assurance and empathy) Tangibility, reliability, assurance and
2012) empathy have
positive and significant effect on custo
mer satisfaction.

2 Rashed 5 dimensions of SERVQUAL(tangibility, The study also established that the

Al reliability, responsiveness, assurance and combination of tangibility, reliability,
Karim( empathy) responsiveness, assurance and
British empathy together have significant
2014 ) effect on customer satisfaction.
Tangible is having a high Mean score
and the bank should concentrate on
Responsiveness as it has the least
mean score.

3 Niveen 5 dimensions of The four dimensions of service quality

SERVQUAL(tangibility, reliability ,responsi (Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness
veness, assurance and empathy) and Assurance) have a significant and
positive effect on customer
However, the rest service quality dime
nsions (tangibility) have positive
relation and no significance impact on
customer satisfaction

Source: compiled by the researcher 2016

2.5 Conceptual Framework of Study

This concept looks at the antecedents of customer satisfaction which are service quality delivery,
quality perception as moderated by service expectation, and communication. Service quality is
perceived services a customer actually receives from an organization that must meet or exceed
expected services from the customer’s previous experience or overall perception of the service. It is
judged from the service: excellence, value, conformance to specifications, and meeting and/or
exceeding expectations.In this Conceptual Framework, external communication to the customers is
often the basis that customers derive their service expectations which would determine their
satisfaction with service delivery. It can affect the customers’ perceptions of delivered service and
also their expectations about the service. The gap model is used to demonstrate the integrated view
of the perception gap and contributory factors. That is, expected service is a function of
communication, personal need, and past experience, and perceived service is a product of service
delivery and external communications to consumers. From the conceptual model, perceived service
is resultant of service quality delivery by a firm. The customer satisfaction level is predicated on the
service quality delivery as perceived by the customer based on their service expectations. When the
perceptions meet expectations then the customers are satisfied. When the perceptions exceed
expectations then the customers become highly satisfied. When the perceptions are lower than
expectations, the customers become dissatisfied. However, service expectations are derived from
the firms’ external communication to the customers about their.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework the study
Independent variable Dependent variable




Source: The researcher

3. Introduction
This chapter discusses and validates the choice of the methodology used in the paper, which has
guided the researcher in how the researcher approach the subject, as well as how the researcher
collects and processes the required information. Such as research design, research approach
population, sampling design, Sample of the Study, Source of data, data collection, Data Analysis,
Validity and Reliability, and Ethical Considerations.

3.1 Research Design

Descriptive explanatory survey research design was selected for the study. Because, explanatory
research design helps to identify the relationship between independent and dependents variables and
enable the researcher determine and explain the characteristics of the variables (Creswell, J.W.
2003). And, it is also used to obtain information concerning the status of the phenomena by merely
explaining what people say, think and do. Descriptive survey research design was selected for the
study. Descriptive research survey aims to accurately and systematically describe a population,
situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why
questions. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate
one or more variables (Kothari, 2005). Under descriptive survey a cross-sectional study type was
applied that can be conducted at a given point in time. Thus, cross – sectional survey research design
was used in the study to collect information from the respondents at a single period in time about
what is happening in current to collect data using questionnaire (Creswell, 2012) to examine the
relationship between variables of interest. This study used descriptive research design in regarding
to the researcher objective that is describing the views of the respondents with regard to the Bunna
International Bank service quality dimensions.

3.2 Research Approach

Mixed methods research was applied in this study. The qualitative research approach is used to
examine, explore and deeply describe the effect of service quality dimensions and customer
satisfaction and the quantitative approach is also employed to present and describe the pattern of
relationships and trends that exist among elements of service quality dimensions and satisfaction
practices using quantitative measures or numeric units using questionnaire. In doing so, employing
both approaches or data types was helped the researcher to understand the effect or relationships
between the research variables through data triangulation

3.3. Sampling Design
3.3.1 Target Populations
The target populations of the study were all customers of Bunna International Bank Share Company,
specifically under head office customers. Services at Bunna International Bank such as saving
accounts, Current Accounts, Fixed time Accounts, international Banking, Forex Services, Unique
Services, Loans, Other Services, and Electronic Banking and other bank service are provided. So,
the customer has been exposed to the same banking service from any branch of the Bunna
International Bank. As result, the researcher believes that all the customers of the bank knew or
experienced the banking service of Bunna International Bank Share Company. In addition, to this
due to organizational duties of the researcher has been customer more than four years in this district
and it will able easily understand the problem arises with regarding service quality in the context of
the district. This helps to collect reliable data and produce reliable finding.

3.3.2 Sampling Frame

In order to select a probability sample, researchers must be able to create a list of all population
members(Jackson, 2009),Thus the sample frame for this particular study comprised list of customers
of branches of Bunna International Bank Share Company within the head office, a listing from
which the sample frame was obtained from Bunna International Bank headquarters.

Table 3.1; Sampling Frame with Results

Bunna International Bank share company Strata Population Sample size

Head office customers 400 200

3.4 Sample of the Study

3.4.1 Sampling Procedure

Structured questionnaires are distributed to the sample population. A pilot test is conducted to 20
respondents randomly and I was removed 5 questions which is vague. Thereafter, the questionnaires
are distributed to the rest of the sample population. The researcher was using non probability
sampling technique among this probability to receiving their tickets for service the researcher uses
convenient sampling techniques, the respondents were given to fill the questionnaires as they waited
for their turn in the seats at the banking. This is from 12th to 19th May 2022 from the head office
branches from to 10.00 pm. This is a faster means of getting feedback from the respondents
on the spot.

3.4.2 Sample Size

The size of the population of was 400 determined by using the convenience sampling method, due to
limitations in budget, time and human resources, this population is identified after receiving list of
customers from the Bank by considering the secrecy of the customer from Addis Ababa head office.
With the total population of BIB customers within this particular study used a sample size of 200.
When the population (N) is beyond 400, the population size is almost irrelevant meaning researchers
were getting exact response from many respondents. The formula was developed by Taro Yamane
(1967). It is calculated as follows:

n = N /1+ N ¿

Where ‘n’ is the sample size,

N is the population size, and

e is the level of precision or sampling error = ( 0.05)


N = 400e = 0.05

n= 400 /1+ 400 ¿

n= 200

3.5 Source of Data

3.5.1 Primary Data

To collect the primary data, questionnaires were conducted with help of questionnaires planned but
due to different time zones. The researcher prepared closed ended question to customers of the BIB
by five Likert scale.

3.5.2 Secondary Data

Secondary data were also collect through scholarly articles for the literature review. The information
was mainly gathered from academic articles. The database of the Bunna International Bank was
relied upon extensively. Employed key works area for example ‘service quality’, ‘customer
satisfaction, ‘BIB’. The company webpage and different official pages of BIB such as the YouTube
channel and Facebook page helped to get the secondary data.

3.6 Data Collection Techniques and Tools

3.6.1 Data Collection Techniques

The researcher instrument consisted of structured questionnaires. Thus, a written 34 questions of
which 27 were service quality questioners and the rest seven are for customer satisfaction
questioners. Four of those service quality questioners are Empathy, four for Assurance, six
questioners or responsiveness, six reliability questioners and seven are tangibility questions
representing SERVQUAL dimensions which were employed.

Each response is composed of five Likert – type scales ranging from “strongly disagree” marked as
1, “disagree” marked as 2, “neutral” as 3,” agree” marked as 4, and “strongly agree” marked as 5.
The questionnaires are developed in English and translated to Amharic for data collection purposes.
The questionnaire had two major classes

1. Demographic data about the customers

2. Customer satisfaction measurement part

2.1. Customer level of satisfaction with Bunna International Bank Share company services provided
by Addis Ababa branches.

2.2. Customer level of satisfaction with Bunna International Bank SC services.

2.3. Customer level of satisfaction with service quality dimensions Bunna International Bank SC
which include (Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy).

In the first demographic part of the questionnaire, participants were expected to answer basic
questions of demographic records of age, gender, Educational Background, and Work Experience
with Bunna International Bank Share Company from the respondent made. In the second part, the
questioner was asked to reflect on their level of satisfaction with the respective quality service
provided by Bunna International Bank Share Company that had five scales (Likert Scale) strongly
dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, and strongly satisfied. This Likert’s scale was selected
because of its systematical nature that can avoid biases and continuity of response of questions was

3.7 Data Analysis

Data analysis is important in interpreting the results so that the information can be put into use in
decision-making. After reviewing the related literature in order to understand the effect of service
quality on customer satisfaction at Bunna International Bank share company the study analyses were

collected data through questioners by using SPSS version 26 with descriptive statistics:, mean and
standard deviation and inferential statistics: correlation, regression, and ANOVA.

3.8 Validity and Reliability

3.8.1 Validity
Validity is concerned with the accuracy of findings. Morse, Barrett, Mayan, Olson &Spiers (2002)
Gulliksen&wilks (1950) claimed that the validity of a measurement cannot exceed the square root of
its reliability in any qualitative studies. The face validity in order to do this research the question is
prepared in the questionnaires are short and understands on the customer’s satisfactions by the
respondents. The content validity expresses questions in the questionnaire are prepared on
conceptual frame work that considers the research questions and specific objectives to the five
Service Quality Dimensions strongly relates to on customers satisfactions. The researcher used

3.8.2 Reliability

Reliability is the consistency of a set of measurements or measuring instruments, often used to

describe a test. According to Nunnally (1978) reliability is used to check measurements are reliable
to the extent that they are reputable and that random influence which tends to make measurements
different from occasion to occasion or circumstance to circumstance is a source of measurement
error. Cronbach’s Alpha is most commonly used to assess the internal consistency of a questionnaire
made up of multiple Likert type’s scales and items Cronbach (1990). Cronbach’s alpha ranges from
0.00 to 1.00, a negative alpha means you probably need to reverse some items. Reliability coefficient
of 0.70 or higher is considered or acceptable in most social science research situations. Cronbach’s is
often used in assessing the reliability of tests with questions that have more than two possible
responses Sapp and Jensen (1997). The alpha value is ranges from a maximum of 1.0 for a perfect
score to minimum of zero, good measure of the alpha should be 0.70 or higher Neumann (2007).
According to William and Berry (2010) exhibiting a coefficient of alpha between 0.80 and 0.96 are
considered to have very good reliability, between 0.70 and 0.80 are considered to have good
reliability and alpha value between 0.60 and 0.70 indicated fair reliability and when the coefficient
of alpha is below 0.60, the scale has poor reliability.

No Service quality Dimensions No. of item Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient

1 Tangibility 7 0.880

2 Reliability 6 0. 862

3 Responsiveness 6 0. 927

4 Assurance 4 0.873

5 Empathy 4 0.882


3.9 Ethical Considerations

Since the researcher was using the data from customers which were collected through a
questionnaire, permission is obtained from the customers. To maintain the confidentiality of the
information provided by the respondents, the respondents will instruct not to write their names on
the questionnaire and assured that the responses would be used only for academic purposes and kept
confidential. A brief description of the central objectives or purpose of the study was clearly in the
introductory part of the questionnaire so as to motivate them and participate in the study and provide
pertinent information about the company under study. Finally, respondents were included in the
study based on their free will.

4. Data Interpretation and Analysis

This chapter consists of the data presentation and analysis of data gathered through a structured
questionnaire. The collected data demographic characteristics & background information of
respondents also frequency, mean and standard were presented in descriptive statistics manner. After
that correlation & multiple linear regressions analysis of the reply to the questionnaire was presented
in inferential statistics by using SPSS 2026 version.

4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

The total structured questionnaires distributed to the customers of Bunna International Bank were
200 copies. Out of these distributed questionnaires 189 of them were collected with a response rate
of 95% .However; 11questionnaires were not filled properly.
The demographic information of the respondents was presented as follows Table 4.1
Variable Category Frequency Percentage
Female 91 48
Sex Male 98 52
Total 189 100.00
18-35 91 48
36-55 84 45
Above 55 14 7
Total 189 100.00
Below Grade 12 14 7
Diploma 42 22
Educational Level Undergraduate 84 45
Master’s degree and above 49 26
Total 189 100.00
Less than 1year 35 19
How long have you
1-2 years 28 15
been using the Bank
3-4 years 84 44
service from Bunna
More than 5 years 42 22
International Bank SC
Total 189 100.00
Source: Own Survey, 2022
As presented in Table 4.1 above, the respondents for this research have the following demographic
characteristics made up regarding sex, it shows that 48% of the respondents were female and the

remaining 52% of the respondents were male, which indicates that the majority of the respondents
were male.
Figure 4.1: Sex of the Respondents Bunna international bank SC

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

Regarding the age of respondents is found that 48 % of the respondents were in the age range of 18-
35 years, 45 % of the respondents were in the range of 36-55 years, and 7 % of the respondents were
in the age range of above 55 years. Most of the respondent was under the age range of 36-55 years.

Figure 4.2: Age of the Respondents Bunna international bank SC


91(48.15%) 2
84(44.44%) 3

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

Also regarding the demographic data educational background, 7 % of respondents were up to below
grade 12, 22 % of the respondents were Diploma and 45% of the respondents were having an

undergraduate degree and the rest 26% of the respondent were have Master’s degree and above. This
indicates that the respondents have the well educational background to understand the questions they
are asked through a structured questionnaire rose to study the subject.

Figure 4.3: Educational Level of Respondents Bunna international bank SC

educational level
educational level

4 49

3 84

2 42

1 14

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
1 2 3 4
educational level 14 42 84 49

Source: Own survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

Regarding the responses to the question that was how long you have been using the Bank service
from Bunna International Bank SC, as indicated in the above table 4.1 and Figure 4.3 depicted
below, 19% of customers used the service for Less than 1 year, 15% of customers used the service 1-
2 years, 44% knows the bank with the bank service for 3-4 years and 22% which is the majority of
the customers used the bank for more than 3-4 years. From this data, we conclude that more than
44% of the sample respondents have been using the banking service from Bunna international bank
for more than 3-4 years, which is also good for this study since they have better knowledge to
describe the service quality for Bunna

Figure 4.4: Period of Time from Bank of Bunna International Bank SC

stay from bank

4 1
22% 19%

2 1
15% 2

Source: Own survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.2 Reliability Test

Reliability is an indication of how items prepared are reliable and consistent. The most common
method for testing the internal consistency of items for reliability is the Cronbach alpha coefficient
(Hair, 1998). This is also supported by (Zikmund, 2010) scale with a coefficient alpha greater than
or equal to 0.701 indicates fair reliability. As shown in tables 4.1and 4.2 below, the consistency of
service dimensions/independent variables namely tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
empathy, and customer satisfaction /dependent variable is tested. The result of the Cronbach’s alpha
arranged in the acceptance range which is greater than 0.701.

Table 4.2: Free Test of Reliability

No Service quality Dimensions No. of item Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient

1 Tangibility 7 0.880

2 Reliability 6 0. 862

3 Responsiveness 6 0. 927

4 Assurance 4 0.873

5 Empathy 4 0.882

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

Table 4.3: Reliability Test of Customer satisfaction

No Dependent Variable No. of item Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient

1 Customer satisfaction 7 0. .866

Source: Own Survey, Computed with SPSS, 2022

4.3 Descriptive of Service Quality Dimensions

In section discussed descriptive statistics that were the mean and standard deviation of the data.
Descriptive statistics help describe and understand the features of a specific data set by giving short
summaries of the sample and measures of the data. According to Peck, et al, (2008), the mean value
represents in this study the average of all customer’s responses on certain dimensions while, the
standard deviation shows how diverse the responses of the respondents are which means if the
standard deviation shows a smaller number, it indicates that the response of the respondents shows
close opinions and when the standard deviation is high, it indicates the response of the respondents
show high variation. And they define the Comparison of the mean values based on the mean score
for the Likert Scale as if the mean value is < 2.99 that is low if the mean score from 3.00 to 3.49 is
moderate and if the mean score is > 3.50 consider high mean value. Considering the results for the
individual question of variables are discussed below individual.

Table 4.4 Descriptive Statics

Frequency Mea Std.

Description N In % n
strongly disagree 7.00 0.00
disagree 21.00 7.41

Neutral 161.00 14.82

4.12 0.638
agree 672.00 44.44
Strongly agree 462.00 33.33

Total 132 100 %

strongly disagree 0.00 0.00
Reliability disagree 35 3.70
Neutral 217 19.1
4.00 0.7629
agree 581 51.24

Strongly agree 301 25.93
Total 113 100 %
strongly disagree 21 1.19

disagree 63 5.7 4.00 0.88633

Neutral 126 11.11

agree 553 49

Strongly agree 371 33

113 100
4 %
strongly disagree 28 3.7

disagree 42 5.56
Neutral 70 9.26
3.8796 0.8815
agree 469 62.00

Strongly agree 147 19.4

Total 756 100

strongly disagree 7 0.93
Empathy 3.95 0.54864
disagree 14 1.85

Neutral 161 21.30

agree 399 52.80

Strongly agree 175 23.10

756 100

Source: survey data (2022)

As shown in above Table 4.4, The questions raised for describing the tangibility that was the
availability of the modern equipment, visually appealing facilities, Employees who have a neat,
professional appearance, and visually appealing materials associated with the service at Bunna
International Bank SC were satisfied & consider it's modern-looking & fit for the service for the
sample respondent of this study. Since the mean value of Tangibility as shown in table 4.4 above
was 4.1214 with standard variation (SD= 0.638). Regarding the mean values of Reliability statistics
as indicated in above table 4.4 the mean score was 4.00 with standard variations (SD = 0.7629) this
implies that the statements which were used in this study to describe the reliability of the Bunna
International bank for customers were scoring high mean values this means the banking service of
Bunna international bank & its products, timely delivery of services, every information is
communicated on the right time and also keeps the information of the customers and delivers service
what they have promised. Regarding Table 4.4 Respondents reply for responsiveness questions
raised for the studies shows the mean value was 4.00 with standard value (SD=0.88633). this implies
that the statements which were put under the questioner to describe the responsiveness that is the
dimensions of service quality in the study was high range means they are highly satisfied with the
responsiveness of employees of Bunna international bank for the sample respondent of the study.

Regarding Table 4.4 respondents reply for the Assurance mean value of assurance was 3.8796 with
standard deviation value of (SD=0.8815), this value implies that, majority of the respondents
respond on the statements of assurance dimension questions that were the behavior of employees of
the bank helps build the confidence of the customers, employees of the Bunna international Bank SC
are consistently well-mannered with customers, they makes customer to feel safe in transactions, and
also they have the knowledge to answer customers' questions on average 3.8796, which means the
sample respondent have been satisfied or agree on that considered as the dimension of the service
quality was assurance. Table 4.4 on the above shows that the mean values of Empathy was 3.95 with
standard value (SD=0.54864), this implies that respondents reply for questions that were Bunna
International Bank gives customers individual attention, has operating hours convenient to all of its
customers, the Bank has an employees who gave customers personal attention, the employees of
Bunna International Bank have their customers’ ‟best interest at heart” & they understand the
specific needs of their customers was high range means they were agreed with regarding the
statements which were described the Empathy at Bunna International Bank.

4.4 Correlation Analysis

The correlation is a statistical measure of the strength of the relationship between the relative
movements of two variables. The values range between -1.0 and 1.0. A correlation of -1.0 shows a

perfect negative correlation, while a correlation of 1.0 shows a perfect positive correlation. A
correlation of 0.0 shows no linear relationship between the movements of the two variables
(Creswell J., 2014)

Table 4.5 Correlation Coefficient for all Service Quality Dimensions with Customer

Tangibilit Reliabilit Responsive Empath Satisfactio
Description y y ness Assurance y n

Correlation 1


Tangibility N 189

Correlation .944** 1

Variance .000 .000

Reliability N 189 189

Correlation .944** .965** 1

Variance .000 .000 .000

ness N 189 189 189

Correlation .912** . 927** . 953** 1

Variance .000 .000 .000 .000

Assurance N 189 189 189 89

Empathy Posterior .917** . 971** .934** .918* 1


Variance .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

N 189 189 189 189 189

Correlation .915** .921** .941** .848** 901** 1

Variance .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

Satisfaction N 189 189 189 189 189 189

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

To measure and evaluate the strength of the two variables dependent and independent the following
correlation analysis was performed. From the analysis the result in table 4.5 above shows, in general,
all the service quality dimensions Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Assurance &
Empathy have shown a strong positive relationship with customer satisfaction. Therefore, we can
conclude that there is a positive and strong correlation or relationship between service quality
dimensions and customer satisfaction so that any improvement in any of service quality dimensions
will positively contribute to improving customer satisfaction.

4.5 Multiple Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a set of statistical methods used for the estimation of relationships between a
dependent variable and one or more independent variables. More specifically, regression analysis
helps one understand how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when any of one of
the independent variables is varied, while the other independent variables remain constant
(Bhattacherjee , 2012).

4.5.1 Diagnostic Tests

In this section presented the following classical linear regression model assumptions in order to
maintain the data validity and robustness of the result of the research.

I. The Errors Have Zero Mean (E (e) = 0) According to Creswell, (2014), if a constant term is
included in the regression equation, Thus, the regression model used in this study was include a
constant term. Therefore, the assumption of the errors Have Zero Mean (E (e) = 0) is fulfilled.

II. Normality Test Normality Test the most commonly applied test for normality is tested
graphically using histogram and k density normal test and the normality assumption test of the study
was presented in the following figure 4.5

Figure 4.5 Normality Assumption Test

Source: survey data, 2022

According to Gujarati, et al, (2011), normality of data can be tested using either graphical or
statistical method, Normality assumes that mean of residuals is zero and it can be tested either by
graphical methods. The condition of the graphical test is the shape of the histogram is exactly bell

shaped and that confirming that residuals are normally distributed about its mean, which is zero. The
normality assumption test of the study as depicted in the above figure 4.5 exactly bell shaped thus,
fulfilled the normality assumption in this study.

III Linear Assumption test

In linear regression analysis it is assumed that there is a linear relation between the predictors and
the dependent variable. This study measured the linearity by testing the goodness of fit of the model
by conducting ANOVA test. The test hypothesis is: H0: The model is not a good fit.H1: The model
is a good fit = 0.00

The test hypothesis is: H0: The model is not a good fit

H1: The model is a good fit

Table 4.6 Linearity assumption test

Model Sum of Squares df Mean F Sig

Regression 3229.687 5 645.937 460.250 .000
Residual 256.831 183 1.403
Total 3486.519 188

a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction

b. Predictors: (Constant), Empathy, Assurance, Tangibility, Responsiveness, Reliability

Source: Survey Data (2022)

4.5.2 Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction

The model summary of the study describes the customer satisfaction dependent variable. Whereas, empathy,
tangibility, assurance, reliability, and responsiveness as predictors or independent variables. The following
table 4.6 presented the model summary of the study.

Table 4.7 Model Summary

Model Summary
Std. Error of
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square the Estimate
1 .962a .926 .924 1.18467
a. Predictors: (Constant), empathy, tangibility, assurance, reliability, responsiveness

Source: Survey Data (2026)

The above data indicates R, R Square, Adjusted R Square, and standard error of the estimate?
Further, it lists the independent variables that are entered into the regression model. R (.962) is the
correlation of independent variables with the dependent variable. R square captures the percent of
deviation from the mean in the independent variable that could be explained by the model. The
model’s degree of explaining the variance in the criterion variable was found to be adjusted
R2=0.926. This tells us how much of the variance in the dependent variable (Bunna International
Bank sc. On customer satisfaction in Addis Ababa head office) is explained by the independent
variables (as tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy). This means that our model

(independent variables) explains 92.4% of the variance in customer satisfaction (dependent
variable). The regression result is presented in the following table 4.8

Table 4.8 Regression Result

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 9.299 1.525 6.100 .0000
Tangibility .000 .119 .000 .002 .0999
Reliability .072 .117 .072 .614 .0540
Responsiveness .547 .053 1.222 10.339 .0000
Assurance -.788 .089 -.628 -8.830 .0000
Empathy .426 .140 .269 3.034 .0030
a. Dependent Variable: customer satisfaction

Source: Survey Data (2026)

As indicate the above Table 4.8, tangibility, reliability, statistically significant responsiveness,
assurance & empathy have statistically significant at 5% to explain the customer Satisfaction at
Bunna International Bank SC since the P<0.05 and also all these independent variables have a
positive relationship with the satisfaction of customer at Bunna international bank SC .

The Regression analysis result to show how each service quality dimensions’ effects or influences
customer satisfaction will be discussed as the following regression model equation:

Y= β0 + β1X1 + β2X2+ β3X3 + β4X4+ ε................................................................ (I)


Y= Customer satisfaction

β0= Represents the constant.

X1 = Tangibility.

X2 = Reliability

X3= Responsiveness

X4= Assurance

X5= Empathy + e

β= Coefficient of X (change in the dependent variable due to a unit change in X)

ε =Epsilon (Error term that caters for other variables not included in the equation)

β1, 2, 3, 4 &5 are regression coefficients

Therefore, the optimal model for the study is:

Customer Satisfaction =9.299+0.000X1 + 0.072X2+ 0.547x3-0.788x4 +0 .426 x5+ e

4.6 Discussion of Results

To assess the service quality performance, the five dimensions of service quality were used. Among
the five dimensions, the banks were found to be superior in providing appealing service
environment. The banks are good in tangibility, reliability and responsiveness and empathy
dimensions. The mean score values are lowest for assurance indicating inferior performance of
Bunna International Banks Share Company (BIB) in this dimensions of service quality. These are
the area where banks need to work to improve customer perception of service quality. Counter staff
need to be continuously trained their employees knowledge and courtesy and their ability to inspire
trust and confidence. Moreover, staff that are committed in implementing quality services and
gained recognitions from customers should be given better rewards to satisfy customers in trust and
confidence. The results of this study show all service quality dimensions are positively correlated
with customer satisfaction indicating quality banking service as a prerequisite for establishing and
having a satisfied customer.


As shown on table 4.8, the results of regression indicated that there is a statistical significant and
positive relationship between tangibility and Customer Satisfaction. The coefficient of tangibility is
0.000. This implies that other things remain constant the average increase of tangibility, it will lead
to increase the satisfaction of the customer Bunna International Bank SC by 0.00 %. Thus, from the
results it could be conclude that tangibility has significant effect on customer satisfaction. This result
similar with the finding of the previous study of Akalu, (2015) and Abrham, (2015), were examined
the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction and they provide the evidence that tangibility
has effect on the customer satisfaction. Therefore, the bank should give emphasis on its physical
facilities latest equipment, and technology, and The Bank has neat and disciplined employees to
satisfy its customers.


From table 4.8 above, we can see that reliability has a significant effect on customer satisfaction
since the P-value is ≤ 0.05, and also there is a positive relationship between reliability and Customer
Satisfaction. The coefficient of reliability is 0.072. This implies that other things remain constant the
average increase of reliability will lead to an increase in the satisfaction of the consumer Bunna
International Bank SC by 7.2%. Thus, from the results, it can be concluded that reliability has a
significant effect on customer satisfaction. This result is similar to the finding of the previous study
by Timothy, (2012), he was examined Banking Services and Customer Satisfaction in the Nigerian
Banking Industry and he provides evidence that reliability has an effect on customer satisfaction
with bank services. Thus, the bank should invest more to enhance its ability to perform the promised
service dependably and accurately so that the satisfaction level of its customers increases.
Specifically, the bank should focus on customer complaints effectively and consistently politeness to
serve their customers, Service as promised provide, Dependability in handling customer service
problems, Performance service right at the first time and maintaining errors free records.


From the regression analysis table 4.8, we can see that the P-value of responsiveness is ≤ 0.05 and
also the coefficient of responsiveness indicates that there is a positive relationship between
responsiveness and customer satisfaction. The coefficient of responsiveness is 0.547. This implies
that other tinges remain constant the average increase of responsiveness will lead to an increase in
the satisfaction of the consumer Bunna international bank SC by 54.7%. Thus, from the results, it
can be concluded that responsiveness has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. This result is
in alliance with the finding of Bahia & Nantel, (2014), who has studied under the title ‘’A reliable
and valid measurement scale for the perceived service quality of banks’’ and they found out that
responsiveness was an important factor in the bank to establish good relationships with customers.
Therefore, the more the bank invests in enhancing its employee’s ability to help customers and be
responsive to customers’ inquiries, the more the customer is satisfied too. Specifically, quick
response to customer response, serve the customers in line with the customer interest to make them
happy. Keeping customers as to when services will be performed, prompt service to customers,
Willingness to help customers, and Readiness to respond to customer requests .so, employees are
responsive to the problems faced by the customers.


From the regression analysis in above table 4.8, we can see that there is a negative and statistical
relationship between assurance and customer satisfaction since the P-value of assurance is ≤ 0.05.
The coefficient of assurance is -0.788. This implies that other tinges remain constant the average

decrease of assurance will lead to an increase in the satisfaction of the consumer Bunna international
bank SC by -78.8%. Thus, from the results, it can be concluded that assurance has a significant
effect on customer satisfaction. This result is not similar to the finding of Abrham, (2015), who
examined the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction and he concludes that assurance has
an effect on customer satisfaction. Therefore, the less the bank invests in enhancing its employee’s
knowledge, and skills, and their ability to instill confidence to serve customers, the Bank employees
make the customers confident working with the Bank, and the more customer satisfaction could be


Regarding the regression result of empathy indicated on the above table 4.8 there is a positive and
statistical relationship between empathy and customer satisfaction since, the P value of empathy is ≤
0.05. When we see the coefficient of empathy is 0.426. This indicates that if other things remain
constant the average increase of empathy lead to an increase the satisfaction of the consumer Bunna
International Bank SC by 42.6%. Thus, from the results it can be concluded that empathy has
significant effect on customer satisfaction. This study result was similar with the finding of the
previous researcher such that Bahia & Nantel, (2014) and Akalu, (2015), those who were conducted
the research to examine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and they concluded that
empathy was one of the determinant factor on the customer satisfaction of the company. Therefore,
the more the bank gives care and individualized attention to customers, the more the customer is
satisfied, giving customers’ individual attention, Employees who deal with customers in a caring
fashion and Employees who understand the needs of their customers.

Table 4-9: Summary of Hypothesis

Hypothesis of the Study Reason Decision

Β -value T- Value P - Value

H-1: Reliability has a positive and a 0.072 0.614 0.0540 accepted

significant effect on the customer satisfaction
in Bunna international bank.

H-2: Assurance has a positive and a -0.788 -8.830 0.0000 Not accepted
significant effect on the customer satisfaction
in Bunna international bank.

H-3: Responsiveness has a positive and a 0.547 10.339 0.0000 Accepted

significant effect on the customer satisfaction
in Bunna international bank.

H-4: Empathy has a positive and a significant 0.426 3.034 0.0000 Accepted
effect on the customer satisfaction in Bunna
international bank.

H-5:.Tangibility has a positive and a 0.000 0.002 0.0999 Accepted

significant effect on the customer satisfaction
in Bunna international bank

Summary of Finding; Conclusion and Recommendation
5. Summary of Finding
This research paper is conducted to study the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the
case of Bunna International Bank Share Company. It is undertaken to know the effect of service
quality on customer satisfaction and to identify the relationship between service quality dimensions
and customer satisfaction. The study used SERVQUAL model with structured questionnaire that
contained 34 statements related to the five service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. The
data is analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 26 through
descriptive and inferential statistics.

In order to undertake the study, 200 questionnaires were distributed out of these 189 questioners has
been completely filled and returned. The demographic data showed that 48% of the respondents are
Female and the rest 52 % is Male. The descriptive analysis shows almost all the five variables under
service quality dimensions’ customers reply show they are moderately satisfied with the four
variables except for the tangibility which customers of Bunna International Bank Share Company.

In general, from the correlation analysis it is found that, all the five service quality dimensions were
positively correlated with customer satisfaction.

The regression analysis shows that all the five service quality dimensions on customer satisfactions
that were tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, & empathy has positive statistical significant but ass
urance has negative statistical significant effect on Customer Satisfaction.

5.1 Conclusion
The primary objective of the study is to determine the effects of service quality dimensions on
customer satisfaction at Bunna International Bank Share Company by using the SERVQUAL model.
The findings of the study demonstrate that there is a positive and strong relationship between all
service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. Based on the data analysis and discussion of
the results the following conclusions are drawn:

The data finding revealed that Tangibility has the p-value is less than 0.05. This implies that,
tangibility statistically significant, which means it, has significant effect on the customer
satisfaction. The physical facilities, effective relationships with customers & atmosphere of
Bunna International Bank Share Company were significant effect on the customer’s satisfaction.
And also the regression result revealed that the p-value of the banks Reliability in this study is
less than 0.05. This implies that, reliability is statistically significant, and it has effect on
customer’s satisfaction since p-value is less than 0.05. Reliability service quality dimensions
describe in this study timely delivery of services or products like ATM, Employees follow
through rules and Regulations of the Bank & every information is communicated on the right

time & keeping promise and delivers service, Employees are consistently polite, The employees
handled customer’s complaints effectively, Employees provide accurate information to

Customers, Employees show dependability in handling Service Problem, and Employees have
positive contribution to my Business were has effect on the customer satisfaction.
The regression result revealed that Responsiveness has effect on customer satisfaction since its
p-value was less than 0.05. This implies that, responsiveness has effect on the customer

satisfaction at Bunna International Bank Share Company. This shows Customer of Bunna
International Bank Share Company satisfied by the employees of the bank are responsiveness to
help a customer receives.
The data analysis reveals that Assurance has the p-value less than 0.05. This implies that,
assurance statistically significant, however, has negative significant effect on the customer
satisfaction. This implies that the bank is less assurance to their customers' a result
the bank should focused on the assurance of service quality dimension.
The regression result revealed that Empathy has effect on customer satisfaction since its p-value
was less than 0.05. This implies that, Empathy has effect on the customer satisfaction at Bunna
International Bank Share Company. This shows that Bunna International Bank Share Company
gives attention to the need for individual customers of the bank to maintain the customer

5.2 Recommendation
Based on the above conclusions of the study the researcher’s forwarded the following
recommendations for each of service quality dimensions;
Since the Tangibility has significant effect on the customer satisfaction. From the questions
response which raised on Tangibility dimensions indicates that office equipment, parking and
location of the branch were some of determinate to customer satisfaction should be modified & fit
for the service, Therefore, the bank should be making physical facilities & atmosphere of the bank
to be visually appealing will increase their customer’s satisfaction.
The finding of study indicate that Reliability has significant effect on the customer satisfaction
Thus, the bank should be to improve their ,Service as promised provide, Dependability in handling
customer service problems, Performance service right at the first time , Maintaining errors free
records and thoroughly communicate the status of the customer service or product request. Since
product requested by the customers like ATM, produced at the center, it’s difficult to decide the
delivery time due to different factors, so they have to keep their promise as much as possible or
communicate the status with customers if there is delay and give individual attention.
The findings of study conclude that the Responsiveness has significant effect on the customer
satisfaction. As result banks should be Keeping customers as to when services will be performed,
Prompt service to customers, Willingness to help customers. Readiness to respond to customer
request its responsiveness to the customers but it has to improve, how information should be kept
or communicated in a way to be easily obtainable or understandable by a customer at any time.
The regression result of the study revealed that Assurance has significant effect on customer
satisfaction. Therefore, the researcher recommends to the bank should give attention specially to

give training to its employees in accordance with invests on enhancing its employee’s
knowledge, skill and on their ability to instill confidence to serve customers, the Bank employees
make the customer’s confident working with the Bank, the more the customer is satisfied could
be determined. In order to build trust and confidence the bank should make ready with
knowledge required & update throughout accordingly.
The finding of the study revealed that Empathy has significant effect on the customer
satisfaction. Bank should be encouraging and give customers individual attention and time, non-
cash transaction, Employees who deal with customers in a caring fashion and understand the
needs of their customers to those who are gain to have service at the bank & understand the
specific needs of the customers it will helps to the bank to have loyal customers.
In general, the finding of the study that service quality dimension has significant effects on
customer satisfaction at Bunna International Bank Share Company. Therefore, the manager and
staff of the bank should give properly attention for all the dimensions of service quality in order
to meet their customer’s expectation & to be them loyal customers to the bank.
Future studies need to examine in this topic from banking industry should be considering
additional other variables which are affects the customer satisfaction. Moreover, future
researches will be done with large number of respondents to enhance the research findings.

5.3 Recommendation for Future Research

Customer satisfaction is very important for the survival of financial institution in today’s stiff
competitive environment. Now a day’s customers are becoming an expected factor in companies’
management with the power to change short-term and long-term policies and strategies. Therefore,
enough knowledge of environment, expectation of customers and their desire are very important to
find the best solution for facing up-expected be good in such a way that to change the mind of
customers in the direction of companies’ profit.
It is recommendable for future research to develop the core concepts of further service quality
dimensions such as Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy in context of
customer satisfaction. The data of this research is consisted only from Addis Ababa head office of
Bunna International Bank customers, so there is limitation of thinking towards the research and any
concerned body who have to do this type of research; he or she is doing the quality of serviced
dimensions in relation to customer satisfaction. Apart of that, it is recommended to develop a
research that not only Addis Ababa in head office of Bunna International Bank customers but also
includes outside of Addis Ababa and head office. Since service quality dimensions have significant

influence on customer satisfaction, it is important to satisfy customer requests as part of
organizational plans in achieving organizational objectives.

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A Research Questionnaire

Related to Service Quality in Bunna Bank

Dear Respondents,

This questionnaires is designed to collect data on a research in titled “The effect of service
quality on customer satisfaction in Bunna bank” The information will be used exclusively for
academic purpose your participation is purely voluntary and THERE IS NO NEED TO
WRITE YOUR NAME The student researcher strongly believes that the outcomes of this
study will highly depends you’re your cooperation. Therefore, I kindly request you to fill the
questioners objectively and honestly .I would like to thank you in advance and would like you
to know that I am very grateful and appreciative for sharing your valuable time. You may
contact the researcher using the below address.

 Zenaw H/Mariam
 Telephone ᎓+251 -924-14-81-84.
 E-mail᎓
Part I. Demographic data

Direction᎓ you are kindly requested to circle your answer for the question provided below

1. Sex 1. Female 2.Male

2. Age 1.18-35 2. 36 3 Above 55

3. Educational Background Illiterate 1.Below grade 12 2.Diploma 3. Undergraduate

Degree 4.Master and above

4. How many years you are working with Buna Bank Share Company?

1. Less than 1years 2. 1-2 years 3.3-4 years 4.5-6 years

Part II. Service Quality Dimensions

Direction please shows the extent to which you agree or dis agree with the following
statements related to Service Quality Dimensions by encircling the appropriate number
against each statement. Where 1=strongly Disagree (SDA); 2=Disagree; 3=Neutral (N);
4=Agree (A); 5=Strongly Agree (SA


Item Statements

1 Tangibility 1 2 3 4 5

TA-1 The Bank uses latest equipment. 1 2 3 4 5

TA-2 The bank has neat and 1 2 3 4 5

disciplined employees.

TA-3 Room is clean and provides 1 2 3 4 5

adequate of space.

TA-4 Easy to handle and attractive 1 2 3 4 5

Printed materials

TA-5 The bank has Well organized 1 2 3 4 5


TA-6 The bank has adequate support 1 2 3 4 5

facilities. (Parking lot, toilet,
gust chairs and etc.).

TA-7 Employees establish effective 1 2 3 4 5

relationships with customers

2 Reliability

RE-1 Employees follow through rules 1 2 3 4 5

and Regulations of the Bank.

RE-2 Employees are consistently 1 2 3 4 5


RE-3 The employees handled 1 2 3 4 5

customer’s complaints

RE-4 Employees provide accurate 1 2 3 4 5

information to Customers.

RE-5 Employees show dependability 1 2 3 4 5

in handling Service Problem.

RE-6 13.Employees have positive 1 2 3 4 5

contribution to my Business

3 Responsiveness

RS-1 Employees are happy and willing 1 2 3 4 5

to serve the Customer

RS-2 The bank provides diversified 1 2 3 4 5

service to the customers.

RS-3 The bank gives prompt service 1 2 3 4 5

RS-4 The bank gives quick response to 1 2 3 4 5

customer requests.

RS-5 The Bank employees are working 1 2 3 4 5


RS-6 Employees are responsive to the 1 2 3 4 5

problems faced by customers

4 Assurance

AS-1 The employee has the required 1 2 3 4 5

skill in providing Services

AS-2 Bank employees are trustworthy. 1 2 3 4 5

AS-3 The employees make customers 1 2 3 4 5
feel safe in their transactions

AS-4 The employees make the 1 2 3 4 5

customer’s confident working
with the Bank.

5 Empathy

EM-1 Employees understand 1 2 3 4 5

customers' specific needs

EM-2 Employees treat customer with 1 2 3 4 5

great respect.

EM-3 Employees give individual 1 2 3 4 5

attention to customers.

EM-4 Employees give advice for your 1 2 3 4 5


Part-III Customer Satisfaction

Direction please shows the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following
statements related to Service Quality Dimensions by encircling the appropriate number
against each statement. Where 1=strongly Disagree (SDA); 2=Disagree; 3=Neutral (N);
4=Agree (A); 5=Strongly Agree (SA)


Item No. Statements

I am satisfied with the bank’s complete range 1 2 3 4 5

CS-1 of Services

CS-2 I am satisfied with the performance of the 1 2 3 4 5
CS-3 I am satisfied of being a client of this bank. 1 2 3 4 5
CS-4 I am satisfied with the bank employees’ 1 2 3 4 5
Professional competence
CS-5 I am satisfied with the quick service of this 1 2 3 4 5
CS-6 . I am satisfied with the respectful behavior 1 2 3 4 5
of employees
CS-7 I recommend Buna Bank to friend or 1 2 3 4 5

You’re Reason





የጥናት መጠይቅ

በቡና ባንክ የአገልግሎት ጥራትጋር የተያያዘ

ጥናታዊ መጠይቅ በአማረኛ

ውድ ምላሽ ሰጪዎች፣

ይህ መጠይቆች የተዘጋጀው “የአገልግሎት ጥራት በቡና ባንክ የደንበኞች እርካታ ላይ የሚያሳድረው ተጽእኖ” በሚል

ርዕስ በተደረገ ጥናት ላይ መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ ነው መረጃው ለአካዳሚክ ዓላማ ብቻ የሚውል የእርስዎ ተሳትፎ

በፈቃደኝነት ብቻ ነው እና ተመራማሪው ስምዎን መጻፍ አያስፈልገውም ተመራማሪው የዚህ ጥናት ውጤት በእርስዎ

ትብብር ላይ የተመሰረተ እንደሚሆን አጥብቆ ያምናል። ስለሆነም ጥያቂዎችን በቅንነት እና በታማኝነት እንድትሞሉ

በአክብሮት እጠይቃለሁ ። በቅድሚያ ላመሰግናችሁ እወዳለሁ እናም ጠቃሚ ጊዜያችሁን ስላካፈላችሁ በጣም

አመስግለሁ እና አድናቆት እንዳለኝ እንድታውቁ እወዳለሁ ። ከዚህ በታች ያለውን አድራሻ በመጠቀም ተመራማሪውን

ማግኘት ይችላሉ ።

● ዜናው ኃ/ማርያም

● ስልክ ቁጥር ᎓+251 -924-14-81-84.

● E-mail ᎓

ክፍል I. የደንበኞች የግል መረጃ

1. ጾታ 1. ሴት 2.ወንድ

2. እድሜ 1.18-35 ዓመት 2. 36-55 ዓመት 3.ከ 55 ዓመት በላይ

3. የትምህርት ደረጃ 1 12 ተኛ ክፍል 2 ዲፐሎማ 3. ዲግሪ 4.ማስተርስና ከዛበላይ

4. ከቡና ባንክ አክሲዮን ማህበር ጋር ለምን ያክል ዓመት ደንበኛነዎት?

1. 0-1 ዓመት 2. 1-2 ዓመት 3. 3-4 ዓመት 4.5-6 ዓመት

ክፍል II. የአገልግሎት ጥራት ልኬቶች

መመሪያ እባክዎን ከእያንዳንዱ መግለጫ ጋር ተገቢውን ቁጥር በመክበብ ከአገልግሎት ጥራት ልኬቶች ጋር በተያያዙ

መግለጫዎች የተስማሙበትን ወይም የማይስማሙበትን መጠን ያሳያል። 1=በጽኑ አልስማማም (ኤስዲኤ)፤

2¬=አልስማማም; 3=ገለልተኛ (N); 4= እስማማለሁ (ሀ); 5=በጣም እስማማለሁ (ኤስ.ኤ)

የአገልገሎት 1 2 3 4 5

መግለጫዎች በጣም አልስማማም ገለልተኛ እስማማለሁ በጣም
አልስማማም እስማማለሁ

1 ተጨባጭነት

TA-1 ባንኩ አዳዲስ እና 1 2 3 4 5




TA-2 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ጽዱ እና መልካም


TA-3 ባንኩ 1 2 3 4 5


ድ አመችቦታ


TA-4 ከባንኩ የሚሰጡ 1 2 3 4 5

ደረሰኞች ማራኪ

እና ለአያያዝ ምቹ


TA-5 በባንኩ ውስጥ 1 2 3 4 5

መልካም የ ሆነ


አደረጃጀት አለ?

TA-6 ባንኩ ለደንበኞች የ 1 2 3 4 5

ሚያገ ለግሉ የ

መኪና ማቆሚያ፤

የደንበኛ ወንበሮች

መጸዳጃ እና



TA-7 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ከደንበኞች ጋር

መልካም ግንኙነ ት


2 አስተማማኝነት

RE-1 ሰራተኞች በባንኩ 1 2 3 4 5

ህግና መመሪያ

ሁሉንም እኩል


የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

RE-2 ሁልጊዜም ትሁት


RE-3 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5


የደንበኞችን ቅሬታ


RE-4 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ትክክለኛ እና በቂ

መረጃ ለባንኩ
ደንበኛ ይሰጣሉ?

RE-5 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

የአገልግሎት ችግር



RE-6 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ለስራዬ አዎንታዊ

አስተዋጾ አላቸው?

3 ምላሽ ሰጪነት

RS-1 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ደንበኛን ለማገ ልገ

ል ደስተኛና

ፈቃደኛ ናቸው.?

RS-2 የባንኩ ባንኩ 1 2 3 4 5

የተለያዩ ዘርፍ



RS-3 የባንኩ ባንኩ 1 2 3 4 5

ቀልጣፋ አገልግሎት


RS-4 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ለደንበኞች ጥያቄ

ቀልጣፋ መልስ


RS-5 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

በጥንቃቄ ደንበኛን


RS-6 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5


ለሚፈጠረው ችግር

ሃላፊነ ትን


4 ዋስትና

AS-1 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5




ክህሎት አላቸው?

AS-2 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ታማኝ ናቸው?

AS-3 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5


አገልግሎት በሚያገ

ኙበት ጊዜ

የደህንነት ስሜት



AS-4 የባንኩ ሰራተኞቹ 1 2 3 4 5

ደንበኞች በራስ




5 ርህራሄ ወይም


ለመረዳት መሞከር

EM-1 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

የባንኩ ደንበኞች

የግል ፍላጎት


EM-2 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5




EM-3 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5


ደንበኛ ትኩረት


EM-4 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች 1 2 3 4 5

ለደንበኞች ሙያዊ

ምክር ይሰጣሉ?

ክፍል-III የደንበኛ እርካታ

መመሪያ እባክዎን ከእያንዳንዱ መግለጫ ጋር ተገቢውን ቁጥር በመክበብ ከአገልግሎት ጥራት ልኬቶች ጋር በተያያዙ

መግለጫዎች የተስማሙበትን ወይም የማይስማሙበትን መጠን ያሳያል። 1=በጽኑ አልስማማም (ኤስዲኤ)፤

2¬=አልስማማም; 3=ገለልተኛ (N); 4= እስማማለሁ (ሀ); 5=በጣም እስማማለሁ

1 2 3 4 5
በጣም አልስማማ ገለልተኛ እስማማለ በጣም
የአገልገሎት መግለጫዎች አልስማማ ም ሁ እስማማለሁ
መለኪያና ም

CS-1 በባንኩ አገልግሎት አሰጣጥ 1 2 3 4 5

CS-2 በባንኩ ሰራተኞች የአገለልግሎት 1 2 3 4 5

ብቃት ደስተኛ ነኝ?

CS-3 የባንኩ ደንበኛ በመሆኔ ደስተኛ ነኝ? 1 2 3 4 5

CS-4 በባንኩ ሰራተኞች ሙያዊ ክህሎት 1 2 3 4 5


CS-5 በባንኩ ፈጣን ምላሽ መስጠት 1 2 3 4 5

አሰራር እረክቻለሁ?
CS-6 በባንኩ ሰራተኞች የደንበኛ 1 2 3 4 5

አክብሮት እረክቻለሁ?
CS-7 በባንኩ ደንበኞች እንዲጠቀሙ 1 2 3 4 5


ተጨማሪ አስተያየት ካለዎት




ለሰጡኝ ጊዜ ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ!!!!


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