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7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) Estudiar

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I)

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Términos de la unidad (2000)

abandonar to abandon - abandoned - abandoned

rebajar to abase - abased - abased

abreviar to abbreviate - abbreviated - abbreviated

abdicar to abdicate - abdicated - abdicated

aberrar to aberrate - aberrated - aberrated

incitar to abet - abetted - abetted

aborrecer to abhor - abhorred - abhorred

cumplir to abide - abode / abided - abode / abided

abjurar to abjure - abjured - abjured

abnegar to abnegate - abnegated - abnegated

abolir to abolish - abolished - abolished

abominar to abominate - abominated - abominated

abundar to abound - abounded - abounded

resumir to abridge - abridged - abridged

abrogar to abrogate - abrogated - abrogated 1/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

fugarse (Vocabulario
to abscond - abscondedI)- absconded

absolver to absolve - absolved - absolved

absorber to absorb - absorbed - absorbed

abstenerse to abstain - abstained - abstained

abstenerse to abstain - abstained - abstained

abstraer to abstract - abstracted - abstracted

abusar to abuse - abused - abused

acelerar to accelerate - accelerated - accelerated

aceptar to accept - accepted - accepted

aclamar to acclaim - acclaimed - acclaimed

aclimatarse to acclimatise - acclimatised - acclimatised

aclimatarse to acclimatize - acclimatized - acclimatized

para acomodar to accommodate - accommodated - accommodated

para acompañar to accompany - accompanied - accompanied

cumplir to accomplish - accomplished - accomplished

abordar to accost - accosted - accosted

a la cuenta to account - accounted - accounted

acreditar to accredit - accredited - accredited

acumular to accrue - accrued - accrued 2/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

acumular (Vocabulario
to accumulate I) - accumulated
- accumulated

Acusar to accuse - accused - accused

acostumbrar to accustom - accustomed - accustomed

a doler to ache - ached - ached

conseguir to achieve - achieved - achieved

para lograr to achromatize - achromatized - achromatized

acidificar to acidify - acidified - acidified

acidular to acidulate - acidulated - acidulated

reconocer to acknowledge - acknowledged - acknowledged

consentir to acquiesce - acquiesced - acquiesced

adquirir to acquire - acquired - acquired

absolver to acquit - acquitted - acquitted

actuar to act - acted - acted

Activar to activate - activated - activated

actualizar to actualise - actualised - actualised

actualizar to actualize - actualized - actualized

para actuar to actuate - actuated - actuated

adaptar to adapt - adapted - adapted

para agregar to add - added - added 3/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

dirigirse (Vocabulario
to address - addressed -I)addressed

aducir to adduce - adduced - adduced

para unir to adjoin - adjoined - adjoined

aplazar to adjourn - adjourned - adjourned

ajustar to adjust - adjusted - adjusted

para administrar to administer - administered - administered

admirar to admire - admired - admired

admitir to admit - admitted - admitted

adoptar to adopt - adopted - adopted

adorar to adore - adored - adored

para adornar to adorn - adorned - adorned

adular to adulate - adulated - adulated

adulterar to adulterate - adulterated - adulterated

para avanzar to advance - advanced - advanced

anunciar to advertise - advertised - advertised

anunciar to advertise - advertised - advertised

aconsejar to advise - advised - advised

airear to aerate - aerated - aerated

afectar to affect - affected - affected 4/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

afiliarse (Vocabulario
to affiliate I)
- affiliated - affiliated

afirmar to affirm - affirmed - affirmed

colocar to affix - affixed - affixed

afligir to afflict - afflicted - afflicted

a la selva to afforest - afforested - afforested

africanizar to africanise - africanised - africanised

africanizar to africanize - africanized - africanized

envejecer to age - aged - aged

aglomerar to agglomerate - agglomerated - agglomerated

agravar to aggravate - aggravated - aggravated

agregar to aggregate - aggregated - aggregated

agitar to agitate - agitated - agitated

agonizar to agonize - agonized - agonized

llegar a un acuerdo to agree - agreed - agreed

para apuntar to aim - aimed - aimed

al aire to air - aired - aired

para alarmar to alarm - alarmed - alarmed

Alcholise to alcholise - alcholised - alcholised

Alcholise to alcholise - alcholised - alcholised 5/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
alertar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to alert I)
- alerted - alerted

para alienar to alienate - alienated - alienated

alinear to align - aligned - aligned

alcalinizar to alkalinise - alkalinised - alkalinised

alcalinizar to alkalinise - alkalinised - alkalinised

para alegar to allege - alleged - alleged

alegorizar to allegorise - allegorised - allegorised

alegorizar to allegorize - allegorized - allegorized

para aliviar to alleviate - alleviated - alleviated

ubicar to allocate - allocated - allocated

para asignar to allot - allotted - allotted

permitir to allow - allowed - allowed

alear to alloy - alloyed - alloyed

aludir to allude - alluded - alluded

para seducir to allure - allured - allured

aliarse to ally - allied - allied

alterar to alter - altered - altered

alternar to alternate - alternated - alternated

amalgamar to amalgamate - amalgamated - amalgamated 6/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

amasar (Vocabulario
to amass I)
- amassed - amassed

sorprender to amaze - amazed - amazed

deambular to amble - ambled - ambled

emboscar to ambush - ambushed - ambushed

para mejorar to ameliorate - ameliorated - ameliorated

modificar to amend - amended - amended

americanizar to americanise - americanised - americanised

americanizar to americanize - americanized - americanized

a la amnistía to amnesty - amnestied - amnestied

para amortizar to amortize - amortized - amortized

al monto to amount - amounted - amounted

para amplificar to amplify - amplified - amplified

amputar to amputate - amputated - amputated

para divertir to amuse - amused - amused

anestesiar to anaesthetise - anaesthetised - anaesthetised

anestesiar to anaesthetise - anaesthetised - anaesthetised

analizar to analyse - analysed - analysed

analizar to analyze - analyzed - analyzed

anatematizar to anathematise - anathematised - anathematised 7/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

anatematizar (Vocabulario
to anathematize I)
- anathematized - anathematized

para anclar to anchor - anchored - anchored

enojar to anger - angered - angered

en ángulo to angle - angled - angled

anglicizar to anglicise - anglicised - anglicised

anglicizar to anglicize - anglicized - anglicized

animalizar to animalise - animalised - animalised

animalizar to animalize - animalized - animalized

animar to animate - animated - animated

anexar to annex - annexed - annexed

aniquilar to annihilate - annihilated - annihilated

anotar to annotate - annotated - annotated

para anunciar to announce - announced - announced

molestar to annoy - annoyed - annoyed

anular to annul - annulled - annulled

ungir to anoint - anointed - anointed

contestar to answer - answered - answered

antagonizar to antagonise - antagonised - antagonised

antagonizar to antagonize - antagonized - antagonized 8/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

anteceder (Vocabulario
to antedate - antedated I)
- antedated

to anthropomorphise - anthropomorphised -

to anthropomorphize - anthropomorphized -

anticiparse to anticipate - anticipated - anticipated

simular to ape - aped - aped

para disculparse to apologise - apologised - apologised

pedir disculpas to apologize - apologized - apologized

apostatar to apostatise - apostatised - apostatised

apostatar to apostatize - apostatized - apostatized

apostrofar to apostrophise - apostrophised - apostrophised

apostrofizar to apostrophize - apostrophized - apostrophized

appal to appal - appalled - appalled

apelar to appeal - appealed - appealed

a aparecer to appear - appeared - appeared

apaciguar to appease - appeased - appeased

para anexar to append - appended - appended

aplaudir to applaud - applauded - applauded

Aplicar to apply - applied - applied

de nombrar to appoint - appointed - appointed 9/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

prorratear (Vocabulario
to apportion I) - apportioned
- apportioned

para evaluar to appraise - appraised - appraised

para evaluar to appraise - appraised - appraised

apreciar to appreciate - appreciated - appreciated

para aprehender to apprehend - apprehended - apprehended

acercarse to approach - approached - approached

apropiarse to appropriate - appropriated - appropriated

aprobar to approve - approved - approved

arbitrar to arbitrate - arbitrated - arbitrated

arquear to arch - arched - arched

argumentar to argue - argued - argued

surgir to arise - arose - arisen

para armar to arm - armed - armed

armadura to armourplate - armourplated - armourplated

para despertar to arouse - aroused - aroused

para acusar to arraign - arraigned - arraigned

arreglar to arrange - arranged - arranged

arreglar to arrange - arranged - arranged

para arrestar to arrest - arrested - arrested 10/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
llegar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to arrive I)
- arrived - arrived

a la flecha to arrow - arrowed - arrowed

articular to articulate - articulated - articulated

para determinar to ascertain - ascertained - ascertained

atribuir to ascribe - ascribed - ascribed

preguntar to ask - asked - asked

al asfalto to asphalt - asphalted - asphalted

aspirar to aspire - aspired - aspired

asesinar to assassinate - assassinated - assassinated

asaltar to assault - assaulted - assaulted

armar to assemble - assembled - assembled

acertar to assert - asserted - asserted

para evaluar to assess - assessed - assessed

asignar to assign - assigned - assigned

Asimilar to assimilate - assimilated - assimilated

para asistir to assist - assisted - assisted

para asociar to associate - associated - associated

para calmar to assuage - assuaged - assuaged

asumir to assume - assumed - assumed 11/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para asegurar (Vocabulario
to assure I)
- assured - assured

asombrar to astonish - astonished - astonished

asombrar to astound - astounded - astounded

atomizar to atomise - atomised - atomised

atomizar to atomize - atomized - atomized

para expiar to atone - atoned - atoned

atrofiarse to atrophy - atrophied - atrophied

adjuntar to attach - attached - attached

atacar to attack - attacked - attacked

para alcanzar to attain - attained - attained

intentar to attempt - attempted - attempted

para asistir to attend - attended - attended

atenuar to attenuate - attenuated - attenuated

para atraer to attract - attracted - attracted

atribuir to attribute - attributed - attributed

sintonizar to attune - attuned - attuned

para subastar to auction - auctioned - auctioned

realizar una auditoria to audit - audited - audited

auscultar to auscultate - auscultated - auscultated 12/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

autenticar (Vocabulario
to authenticate I)
- authenticated - authenticated

autorizar to authorise - authorised - authorised

autorizar to authorize - authorized - authorized

autografiar to autograph - autographed - autographed

automatizar to automate - automated - automated

vengar to avenge - avenged - avenged

para evitar to avert - averted - averted

para evitar to avoid - avoided - avoided

para despertarse to awake - awoke - awoken

para despertar to awaken - awakened - awakened

para adjudicar to award - awarded - awarded

balbucear to babble - babbled - babbled

volver to back - backed - backed

contraproducente to backfire - backfired - backfired

retroceder to backslide - backslid - backslid / backslidden

a la bolsa to bag - bagged - bagged

rescatar to bail - bailed - bailed

cebar to bait - baited - baited

para hornear to bake - baked - baked 13/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para equilibrar (Vocabulario
to balance - balanced - I)

a la bola to ball - balled - balled

lastre to ballast - ballasted - ballasted

a bamboozle to bamboozle - bamboozled - bamboozled

para prohibir to ban - banned - banned

vendar to bandage - bandaged - bandaged

golpear to bang - banged - banged

desaparecer to banish - banished - banished

al Banco to bank - banked - banked

bromear to banter - bantered - bantered

bautizar to baptise - baptised - baptised

bautizar to baptize - baptized - baptized

bautizar to baptize - baptized - baptized

al bar to bar - barred - barred

bardo to bard - barded - barded

regatear to bargain - bargained - bargained

ladrar to bark - barked - barked

acuartelar to barrack - barracked - barracked

a barricada to barricade - barricaded - barricaded 14/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

carretillar (Vocabulario
to barrow I)
- barrowed - barrowed

Trueque to barter - bartered - bartered

a la base to base - based - based

golpear to bash - bashed - bashed

tomar el sol to bask - basked - basked

rociar to baste - basted - basted

Batear to bat - batted - batted

bañarse to bathe - bathed - bathed

batir to batter - battered - battered

a la batalla to battle - battled - battled

gritar to bawl - bawled - bawled

ser to be - were - been

rebordear to bead - beaded - beaded

sonreir to beam - beamed - beamed

soportar to bear - bore - born / borne

vencer to beat - beat - beaten

beatificar to beatify - beatified - beatified

convertirse to become - became - become

a la cama to bed - bedded - bedded 15/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

embellecer (Vocabulario
to bedeck - bedecked - I)

atormentar to bedevil - bedevilled - bedevilled

rogar to beg - begged - begged

engendrar to beget - begot - begot / begotten (u)

empezar to begin - began - begun

a comportarse to behave - behaved - behaved

a comportarse to behave - behaved - behaved

decapitar to behead - beheaded - beheaded

Bejewel to bejewel - bejeweled - bejeweled

eructar to belch - belched - belched

creer to believe - believed - believed

menospreciar to belittle - belittled - belittled

gritar to bellow - bellowed - bellowed

pertenecer to belong - belonged - belonged

a cinturón to belt - belted - belted

desconcertar to bemuse - bemused - bemused

para doblar to bend - bent - bent

entumecer to benumb - benumbed - benumbed

legar to bequeath - bequeathed - bequeathed 16/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

afligirse (Vocabulario
to bereave - bereaved - I)

atracar to berth - berthed - berthed

suplicar to beseech - besought - besought

asediar to besiege - besieged - besieged

enredar to bespangle - bespangled - bespangled

otorgar to bestow - bestowed - bestowed

apostar to bet - bet - bet

traicionar to betray - betrayed - betrayed

desposar to betroth - betrothed - betrothed

a mejor to better - bettered - bettered

biselar to bevel - bevelled / bevelled - bevelled

desconcertar to bewilder - bewildered - bewildered

hechizar to bewitch - bewitched - bewitched

pelear to bicker - bickered - bickered

ofertar to bid - bid - bid

atar to bind - bound - bound

bisecar to bisect - bisected - bisected

morder to bite - bit - bitten

a vivaque to bivouac - bivouacked - bivouacked 17/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
blab - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to blab I)
- blabbed - blabbed

a negro to black - blacked - blacked

ennegrecer to blacken - blackened - blackened

chantajear to blackmail - blackmailed - blackmailed

culpar to blame - blamed - blamed

blanquear to blanch - blanched - blanched

en blanco to blank - blanked - blanked

reñir to blare - blared - blared

blasfemar to blaspheme - blasphemed - blasphemed

a la explosión to blast - blasted - blasted

quemar to blaze - blazed - blazed

a blasón to blazon - blazoned - blazoned

para blanquear to bleach - bleached - bleached

bañar to bleat - bleated - bleated

sangrar to bleed - bled - bled

manchar to blemish - blemished - blemished

mezclar to blend - blended - blended

bendecir to bless - blessed - blessed

arruinar to blight - blighted - blighted 18/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
cegar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to blind I)
- blinded - blinded

parpadear to blink - blinked - blinked

bloquear to block - blocked - blocked

bloquear to blockade - blockaded - blockaded

a florecer to bloom - bloomed - bloomed

florecer to blossom - blossomed - blossomed

soplar to blow - blew - blown

lloriquear to blubber - blubbered - blubbered

golpear to bludgeon - bludgeoned - bludgeoned

a azul to blue - blued - blued

farolear to bluff - bluffed - bluffed

equivocarse to blunder - blundered - blundered

a despuntar to blunt - blunted - blunted

nublar to blur - blurred - blurred

soltar to blurt - blurted - blurted

ruborizarse to blush - blushed - blushed

para abordar to board - boarded - boarded

alardear to boast - boasted - boasted

al barco to boat - boated - boated 19/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

pantano (Vocabulario
to bog I)
- bogged - bogged

hervir to boil - boiled - boiled

reafirmar to bolster - bolstered - bolstered

Para atornillar to bolt - bolted - bolted

bombardear to bomb - bombed - bombed

bombardear to bombard - bombarded - bombarded

el hueso to bone - boned - boned

abuchear to boo - booed - booed

reservar to book - booked - booked

arrancar to boot - booted - booted

beber to booze - boozed - boozed

a la frontera to border - bordered - bordered

aburrir to bore - bored - bored

pedir prestado to borrow - borrowed - borrowed

al jefe to boss - bossed - bossed

para botanizar to botanise - botanised - botanised

botanizar to botanize - botanized - botanized

arruinar to botch - botched - botched

molestar to bother - bothered - bothered 20/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para embotellar (Vocabulario
to bottle I)
- bottled - bottled

Hacia abajo to bottom - bottomed - bottomed

rebotar to bounce - bounced - bounced

al límite to bound - bounded - bounded

boya to bouy - bouyed - bouyed

inclinarse to bow - bowed - bowed

jugar a los bolos to bowl - bowled - bowled

empacar to box - boxed - boxed

boicotear to boycott - boycotted - boycotted

que se preparen to brace - braced - braced

alardear to brag - bragged - bragged

trenzar to braid - braided - braided

lavar el cerebro to brainwash - brainwashed - brainwashed

estofar to braise - braised - braised

frenar to brake - braked - braked

ramificarse to branch - branched - branched

blandir to brandish - brandished - brandished

envalentonarse to brave - braved - braved

rebuznar to bray - brayed - brayed 21/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

romper (Vocabulario
to break I)
- broke - broken

A desayunar to breakfast - breakfasted - breakfasted

respirar to breathe - breathed - breathed

criar to breed - bred - bred

a la brisa to breeze - breezed - breezed

hornear to brew - brewed - brewed

sobornar to bribe - bribed - bribed

a ladrillo to brick - bricked - bricked

frenar to bridle - bridled - bridled

Para aclarar to brighten - brightened - brightened

rebosar to brim - brimmed - brimmed

traer to bring - brought - brought

erizar to bristle - bristled - bristled

para transmitir to broadcast - broadcast - broadcast

brocado to brocade - brocaded - brocaded

a bronce to bronze - bronzed - bronzed

criar to brood - brooded - brooded

ceñir to browbeat - browbeat - browbeaten

dorar to brown - browned - browned 22/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para navegar (Vocabulario
to browse I)
- browsed - browsed

para navegar to browse - browsed - browsed

magullar to bruise - bruised - bruised

magullar to bruise - bruised - bruised

cepillar to brush - brushed - brushed

brutalizar to brutalise - brutalised - brutalised

brutalizar to brutalize - brutalized - brutalized

burbujear to bubble - bubbled - bubbled

al bucanero to bucaneer - bucaneered - bucaneered

a corcovear to buck - bucked - bucked

abrocharse to buckle - buckled - buckled

brotar to bud - budded - budded

ceder to budge - budged - budged

para pulir to buff - buffed - buffed

molestar to bug - bugged - bugged

para construir to build - built - built

a granel to bulk - bulked - bulked

a granel to bulk - bulked - bulked

acosar to bully - bullied - bullied 23/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

golpear (Vocabulario
to bump I)
- bumped - bumped

agrupar to bunch - bunched - bunched

para agrupar to bundle - bundled - bundled

a la selva to bungle - bungled - bungled

litera to bunk - bunked - bunked

boya to buoy - buoyed - buoyed

cargar to burden - burdened - burdened

Robar to burgle - burgled - burgled

para quemar to burn - burned / burnt - burned / burnt

para pulir to burnish - burnished - burnished

burow to burow - burowed - burowed

a punto de estallar to burst - burst - burst

enterrar to bury - buried - buried

a busk to busk - busked - busked

reventar to bust - bust - bust

a tope to butt - butted - butted

a la mantequilla to butter - buttered - buttered

abotonar to button - buttoned - buttoned

para apuntalar to buttress - buttressed - buttressed 24/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

comprar (Vocabulario
to buy - bought - boughtI)

zumbar to buzz - buzzed - buzzed

evitar to bypass - bypassed - bypassed

para cablear to cable - cabled - cabled

reírse to cackle - cackled - cackled

a cadge to cadge - cadged - cadged

a la jaula to cage - caged - caged

engatusar to cajole - cajoled - cajoled

calcificar to calcify - calcified - calcified

calcificar to calcify - calcified - calcified

calcular to calculate - calculated - calculated

para calibrar to calibrate - calibrated - calibrated

llamar to call - called - called

a la caligrafía to calligraph - calligraphed - calligraphed

calmar to calm - calmed - calmed

parir to calve - calved - calved

doblar to camber - cambered - cambered

para camuflar to camouflage - camouflaged - camouflaged

acampar to camp - camped - camped 25/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

cancelar (Vocabulario
to cancel I)
- cancelled - cancelled

a la caña to cane - caned - caned

a cañonear to cannonade - cannonaded - cannonaded

canonizar to canonise - canonised - canonised

canonizar to canonize - canonized - canonized

a lonas to canvass - canvassed - canvassed

para colmo to cap - capped - capped

a caparison to caparison - caparisoned - caparisoned

para alcaparras to caper - capered - capered

capitalizar to capitalise - capitalised - capitalised

capitalizar to capitalize - capitalized - capitalized

capitular to capitulate - capitulated - capitulated

volcar to capsize - capsized - capsized

cautivar to captivate - captivated - captivated

capturar to capture - captured - captured

carbonizar to carbonise - carbonised - carbonised

carbonizar to carbonize - carbonized - carbonized

a carburador to carburet - carbureted - carbureted

a la tarjeta to card - carded - carded 26/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

importar (Vocabulario
to care - cared - cared I)

careen to careen - careened - careened

acariciar to caress - caressed - caressed

a la caricatura to caricature - caricatured - caricatured

llevar to carry - carried - carried

a la cesta to cart - carted - carted

tallar to carve - carved - carved

a la cascada to cascade - cascaded - cascaded

al caso to case - cased - cased

pagar to cash - cashed - cashed

para lanzar to cast - cast - cast

castrar to castrate - castrated - castrated

catalizar to catalyse - catalysed - catalysed

atrapar to catch - caught - caught

para categorizar to categorise - categorised - categorised

para categorizar to categorize - categorized - categorized

proveer to cater - catered - catered

calafatear to caulk - caulked - caulked

causar to cause - caused - caused 27/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

cauterizar (Vocabulario
to cauterise - cauterisedI)
- cauterised

cauterizar to cauterize - cauterized - cauterized

cavar to cave - caved - caved

graznar to caw - cawed - cawed

Cesar to cease - ceased - ceased

a techo to ceil - ceiled - ceiled

celebrar to celebrate - celebrated - celebrated

cementar to cement - cemented - cemented

para censurar to censor - censored - censored

censurar to censure - censured - censured

para centralizar to centralise - centralised - centralised

para centralizar to centralize - centralized - centralized

al centro to centre - centred - centred

centuplicar to centuplicate - centuplicated - centuplicated

para certificar to certify - certified - certified

tiza to chalk - chalked - chalked

desafiar to challenge - challenged - challenged

al azar to chance - chanced - chanced

cambiar to change - changed - changed 28/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

al canal (Vocabulario
to channel - channelled I)
/ channelled - channelled

corear to chant - chanted - chanted

cap to chap - chapped - chapped

acompañar to chaperone - chaperoned - chaperoned

a char to char - charred - charred

caracterizar to characterise - characterised - characterised

para caracterizar to characterize - characterized - characterized

para caracterizar to characterize - characterized - characterized

para cargar to charge - charged - charged

encantar to charm - charmed - charmed

fletar to charter - chartered - chartered

para perseguir to chase - chased - chased

castigar to chastise - chastised - chastised

castigar to chastise - chastised - chastised

para charlar to chat - chatted - chatted

a charlar to chatter - chattered - chattered

abaratar to cheapen - cheapened - cheapened

hacer trampa to cheat - cheated - cheated

verificar, checar, comprobar to check - checked - checked 29/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
piar - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to cheep I)
- cheeped - cheeped

animar to cheer - cheered - cheered

apreciar to cherish - cherished - cherished

masticar to chew - chewed - chewed

reprender to chide - chid (e) / chided (u) -

relajarse to chill - chilled - chilled

a sonar to chime - chimed - chimed

de chips to chip - chipped - chipped

piar to chirp - chirped - chirped

chirr to chirr - chirred - chirred

cincelar to chisel - chiselled / chiselled - chiselled

al cloroformo to chloroform - chloroformed - chloroformed

ahogarse to choke - choked - choked

elegir to choose - chose - chosen

para picar to chop - chopped - chopped

bautizar to christen - christened - christened

cristianizar to christianise - christianised - christianised

cristianizar to christianize - christianized - christianized

tirar to chuck - chucked - chucked 30/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
reír - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to chuckle I)
- chuckled - chuckled

para batir to churn - churned - churned

Circular to circulate - circulated - circulated

circuncidar to circumcise - circumcised - circumcised

circuncidar to circumcise - circumcised - circumcised

circunscribir to circumscribe - circumscribed - circumscribed

citar to cite - cited - cited

civilizar to civilise - civilised - civilised

civilizar to civilize - civilized - civilized

civilizar to civilize - civilized - civilized

reclamar to claim - claimed - claimed

almejar to clam - clammed - clammed

para sujetar to clamp - clamped - clamped

Aplaudir to clap - clapped - clapped

aplaudir to clapper - clappered - clappered

para aclarar to clarify - clarified - clarified

afrontar to clash - clashed - clashed

abrochar to clasp - clasped - clasped

clasificar to classify - classified - classified 31/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
arañar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to claw I)
- clawed - clawed

limpiar to clean - cleaned - cleaned

para limpiar to cleanse - cleansed - cleansed

limpiar to clear - cleared - cleared

cortar to cleave - cleaved - cleaved

hacer click to click - clicked - clicked

escalar to climb - climbed - climbed

pegarse to cling - clung - clung

tintinear to clink - clinked - clinked

a obstruir to clog - clogged - clogged

al claustro to cloister - cloistered - cloistered

cerrar to close - closed - closed

coagular to clot - clotted - clotted

vestir to clothe - clothed / clad - clothed / clad

a la nube to cloud - clouded - clouded

payaso to clown - clowned - clowned

empalagar to cloy - cloyed - cloyed

Al club to club - clubbed - clubbed

cloquear to cluck - clucked - clucked 32/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

agarrar (Vocabulario
to clutch I)
- clutched - clutched

entrenar to coach - coached - coached

coagular to coagulate - coagulated - coagulated

engrosar to coarsen - coarsened - coarsened

a la costa to coast - coasted - coasted

cubrir to coat - coated - coated

para convencer to coax - coaxed - coaxed

adoquinar to cobble - cobbled - cobbled

a la polla to cock - cocked - cocked

mimar to coddle - coddled - coddled

codificar to code - coded - coded

codificar to codify - codified - codified

coaccionar to coerce - coerced - coerced

coexistir to coexist - coexisted - coexisted

cofrear to coffer - coffered - coffered

para meditar to cogitate - cogitated - cogitated

cohabitar to cohabit - cohabited - cohabited

contraerse to coil - coiled - coiled

acuñar to coin - coined - coined 33/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

coincidir (Vocabulario
to coincide - coincided -I)coincided

colaborar to collaborate - collaborated - collaborated

Colapsar to collapse - collapsed - collapsed

al collar to collar - collared - collared

para cotejar to collate - collated - collated

para recoger to collect - collected - collected

colectivizar to collectivise - collectivised - collectivised

colectivizar to collectivise - collectivised - collectivised

chocar to collide - collided - collided

colonizar to colonise - colonised - colonised

colonizar to colonize - colonized - colonized

colonizar to colonize - colonized - colonized

colorear to colour - coloured - coloured

peinar to comb - combed - combed

combatir to combat - combated - combated

combinar to combine - combined - combined

venir to come - came - come

confortar to comfort - comforted - comforted

ordenar to command - commanded - commanded 34/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para conmemorar (Vocabulario
to commemorate I)
- commemorated - commemorated

Para comenzar to commence - commenced - commenced

comentar to comment - commented - commented

a comisión to commission - commissioned - commissioned

comprometerse to commit - committed - committed

comunicar to communicate - communicated - communicated

viajar to commute - commuted - commuted

comparar to compare - compared - compared

para obligar to compel - compelled / compelled - compelled

para compensar to compensate - compensated - compensated

competir to compete - competed - competed

compilar to compile - compiled - compiled

quejarse to complain - complained - complained

completar to complete - completed - completed

complicar to complicate - complicated - complicated

halagar to compliment - complimented - complimented

para cumplir to comply - complied - complied

Para componer to compose - composed - composed

Combinar to compound - compounded - compounded 35/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para comprender (Vocabulario
to comprehend I)
- comprehended - comprehended

comprimir to compress - compressed - compressed

comprometerse to compromise - compromised - compromised

comprometerse to compromise - compromised - compromised

computar to compute - computed - computed

informatizar to computerize - computerized - computerized

concatenar to concatenate - concatenated - concatenated

ocultar to conceal - concealed - concealed

conceder to concede - conceded - conceded

concebir to conceive - conceived - conceived

concentrarse to concentrate - concentrated - concentrated

conceptualizar to conceptualise - conceptualised - conceptualised

conceptualizar to conceptualise - conceptualised - conceptualised

a la preocupación to concern - concerned - concerned

conciliar to conciliate - conciliated - conciliated

para concluir to conclude - concluded - concluded

condenar to condemn - condemned - condemned

condensar to condense - condensed - condensed

condescender to condescend - condescended - condescended 36/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

condicionar (Vocabulario
to condition I) - conditioned
- conditioned

condole to condole - condoled - condoled

para conducir to conduce - conduced - conduced

conducir to conduct - conducted - conducted

conferir to confer - conferred - conferred

confesar to confess - confessed - confessed

confiar to confide - confided - confided

para configurar to configure - configured - configured

confinar to confine - confined - confined

para confirmar to confirm - confirmed - confirmed

confiscar to confiscate - confiscated - confiscated

para conformar to conform - conformed - conformed

confundir to confound - confounded - confounded

confrontar to confront - confronted - confronted

confundir to confuse - confused - confused

congelar to congeal - congealed - congealed

congestionar to congest - congested - congested

conglomerar to conglomerate - conglomerated - conglomerated

conglutinar to conglutinate - conglutinated - conglutinated 37/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

felicitar (Vocabulario
to congratulate I)
- congratulated - congratulated

conjeturar to conjecture - conjectured - conjectured

conjugar to conjugate - conjugated - conjugated

Conjurar to conjure - conjured - conjured

para conectar to connect - connected - connected

connotar to connote - connoted - connoted

conquistar to conquer - conquered - conquered

consagrar to consecrate - consecrated - consecrated

para conservar to conserve - conserved - conserved

considerar to consider - considered - considered

consistir to consist - consisted - consisted

para consolar to console - consoled - consoled

consolidar to consolidate - consolidated - consolidated

para conspirar to conspire - conspired - conspired

estreñir to constipate - constipated - constipated

Para constituir to constitute - constituted - constituted

constitucionalizar to constitutionalise - constitutionalised - constitutionalised

constitucionalizar to constitutionalise - constitutionalised - constitutionalised

para limitar to constrain - constrained - constrained 38/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para construir (Vocabulario
to construct I) - constructed
- constructed

consultar to consult - consulted - consulted

consumir to consume - consumed - consumed

consumir to consume - consumed - consumed

contactar to contact - contacted - contacted

contener to contain - contained - contained

contaminar to contaminate - contaminated - contaminated

contemplar to contemplate - contemplated - contemplated

contender to contend - contended - contended

concursar to contest - contested - contested

continuar to continue - continued - continued

contorsionar to contort - contorted - contorted

contratar to contract - contracted - contracted

Para contradecir to contradict - contradicted - contradicted

contrastar to contrast - contrasted - contrasted

contravenir to contravene - contravened - contravened

contribuir to contribute - contributed - contributed

idear to contrive - contrived - contrived

al control to control - controlled - controlled 39/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

convalecer (Vocabulario
to convalesce I) - convalesced
- convalesced

convenir to convene - convened - convened

para converger to converge - converged - converged

conversar to converse - conversed - conversed

para convertir to convert - converted - converted

para transmitir to convey - conveyed - conveyed

declarar culpable to convict - convicted - convicted

convencer to convince - convinced - convinced

convulsionar to convulse - convulsed - convulsed

a coo to coo - cooed - cooed

cocinar to cook - cooked - cooked

enfriar to cool - cooled - cooled

cooperar to coop - cooped - cooped

cooperar to cooperate - cooperated - cooperated

coordinar to coordinate - coordinated - coordinated

a la placa de cobre to copperplate - copperplated - copperplated

copular to copulate - copulated - copulated

copiar to copy - copied - copied

corcho to cork - corked - corked 40/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

a la esquina (Vocabulario
to corner I)
- cornered - cornered

corregir to correct - corrected - corrected

correlacionar to correlate - correlated - correlated

corresponder to correspond - corresponded - corresponded

corroborar to corroborate - corroborated - corroborated

corroer to corrode - corroded - corroded

corromper to corrupt - corrupted - corrupted

corsé to corset - corseted - corseted

Costar to cost - cost - cost

al algodón to cotton - cottoned - cottoned

toser to cough - coughed - coughed

para contar to count - counted - counted

para contrarrestar to counter - countered - countered

para contrarrestar to counteract - counteracted - counteracted

contrarrestar to counterbalance - counterbalanced - counterbalanced

falsificar to counterfeit - counterfeited - counterfeited

contramarcar to countermark - countermarked - countermarked

refrendar to countersign - countersigned - countersigned

poner en pares to couple - coupled - coupled 41/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

a los tribunales (Vocabulario
to court I)
- courted - courted

cubrir to cover - covered - covered

desear to covet - coveted - coveted

acobardarse to cower - cowered - cowered

romper to crack - cracked - cracked

crujir to crackle - crackled - crackled

abarrotar to cram - crammed - crammed

para arrancar to crank - cranked - cranked

chocar to crash - crashed - crashed

arrastrarse to crawl - crawled - crawled

crujir to creak - creaked - creaked

a la crema to cream - creamed - creamed

arrugar to crease - creased - creased

crear to create - created - created

al crédito to credit - credited - credited

arrastrarse to creep - crept - crept

para incinerar to cremate - cremated - cremated

para almenar to crenelate - crenelated - crenelated

a la cuna to crib - cribbed - cribbed 42/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

prensar (Vocabulario
to crimp I)
- crimped - crimped

encogerse to cringe - cringed - cringed

arrugarse to crinkle - crinkled - crinkled

paralizar to cripple - crippled - crippled

entrecruzar to crisscross - crisscrossed - crisscrossed

criticar to criticise - criticised - criticised

criticar to criticize - criticized - criticized

croar to croak - croaked - croaked

crochet to crochet - crocheted - crocheted

cortar to crop - cropped - cropped

para cruzar to cross - crossed - crossed

cruzar to crossbreed - crossbred - crossbred

verificar to crosscheck - crosschecked - crosschecked

cruzar to crossrule - crossruled - crossruled

para cantar to crow - crowed / crowed (u) - crowed

coronar to crown - crowned - crowned

crucificar to crucify - crucified - crucified

para navegar to cruise - cruised - cruised

para navegar to cruise - cruised - cruised 43/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

desmenuzar (Vocabulario
to crumb I)
- crumbed - crumbed

desmoronarse to crumble - crumbled - crumbled

arrugar to crumple - crumpled - crumpled

crujir to crunch - crunched - crunched

aplastar to crush - crushed - crushed

llorar to cry - cried - cried

cristalizar to crystallise - crystallised - crystallised

cristalizar to crystallize - crystallized - crystallized

al cubo to cube - cubed - cubed

cornudo to cuckold - cuckolded - cuckolded

acurrucarse to cuddle - cuddled - cuddled

abrazar to cudgel - cudgelled / cudgelled - cudgelled

esposar to cuff - cuffed - cuffed

culminar to culminate - culminated - culminated

cultivar to cultivate - cultivated - cultivated

a la taza to cup - cupped - cupped

para frenar to curb - curbed - curbed

cuajar to curdle - curdled - curdled

curar to cure - cured - cured 44/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
curvar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to curl - curled - curled I)

maldecir to curse - cursed - cursed

para reducir to curtail - curtailed - curtailed

curvar to curve - curved - curved

cortar to cut - cut - cut

frotar to dab - dabbed - dabbed

incursionar to dabble - dabbled - dabbled

presa to dam - dammed - dammed

dañar to damage - damaged - damaged

al damasceno to damascene - damascened - damascened

maldita sea to damn - damned - damned

humedecer to dampen - dampened - dampened

bailar to dance - danced - danced

deslumbrar to dandle - dandled - dandled

colgar to dangle - dangled - dangled

atreverse to dare - dared - dared

oscurecer to darken - darkened - darkened

para lanzarse to dash - dashed - dashed

hasta la fecha to date - dated - dated 45/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

embadurnarse (Vocabulario
to daub I)
- daubed - daubed

perder el tiempo to dawdle - dawdled - dawdled

Amanecer to dawn - dawned - dawned

soñar despierto to daydream - daydreamed - daydreamed

deslumbrar to dazzle - dazzled - dazzled

deslumbrar to dazzle - dazzled - dazzled

amortiguar to deaden - deadened - deadened

ensordecer to deafen - deafened - deafened

para tratar to deal - dealt - dealt

degradar to debase - debased - debased

debatir to debate - debated - debated

debatir to debauch - debauched - debauched

debilitar to debilitate - debilitated - debilitated

a debitar to debit - debited - debited

desacreditar to debunk - debunked - debunked

para acampar to decamp - decamped - decamped

decantar to decant - decanted - decanted

decapitar to decapitate - decapitated - decapitated

decaer to decay - decayed - decayed 46/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para fallecer (Vocabulario
to decease - deceased -I)deceased

para engañar to deceive - deceived - deceived

descentralizar to decentralise - decentralised - decentralised

descentralizar to decentralize - decentralized - decentralized

descristianizar to dechristianise - dechristianised - dechristianised

descristianizar to dechristianize - dechristianized - dechristianized

para decidir to decide - decided - decided

para decimalizar to decimalize - decimalized - decimalized

diezmar to decimate - decimated - decimated

Descifrar to decipher - deciphered - deciphered

declamar to declaim - declaimed - declaimed

declarar to declare - declared - declared

desistir to decline - declined - declined

desembarcar to declutch - declutched - declutched

para decodificar to decode - decoded - decoded

descomponer to decompose - decomposed - decomposed

descomprimir to decompress - decompressed - decompressed

descongestionar to decongest - decongested - decongested

para decorar to decorate - decorated - decorated 47/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

disminuir (Vocabulario
to decrease - decreasedI)- decreased

decretar to decree - decreed - decreed

descifrar to decrest - decrested - decrested

denunciar to decry - decried - decried

dedicar to dedicate - dedicated - dedicated

deducir to deduce - deduced - deduced

deducir to deduct - deducted - deducted

profundizar to deepen - deepened - deepened

profundizar to deepen - deepened - deepened

difamar to defame - defamed - defamed

derrotar to defeat - defeated - defeated

defecar to defecate - defecated - defecated

defectar to defect - defected - defected

defender to defend - defended - defended

aplazar to defer - deferred - deferred

definir to define - defined - defined

deflagrar to deflagrate - deflagrated - deflagrated

desinflar to deflate - deflated - deflated

desviar to deflect - deflected - deflected 48/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

desflorar (Vocabulario
to deflower I)- deflowered
- deflowered

para defoliar to defoliate - defoliated - defoliated

deforestar to deforest - deforested - deforested

deformar to deform - deformed - deformed

defraudar to defraud - defrauded - defrauded

sufragar to defray - defrayed - defrayed

para descongelar to defreeze - defreezed - defreezed

desafiar to defy - defied - defied

degenerar to degenerate - degenerated - degenerated

degradar to degrade - degraded - degraded

descortezar to dehorn - dehorned - dehorned

deshumanizar to dehumanise - dehumanised - dehumanised

deshumanizar to dehumanize - dehumanized - dehumanized

deshidratar to dehydrate - dehydrated - dehydrated

deificar to deify - deified - deified

para dignarse to deign - deigned - deigned

retrasar to delay - delayed - delayed

delegar to delegate - delegated - delegated

borrar to delete - deleted - deleted 49/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

deliberar (Vocabulario
to deliberate I) - deliberated
- deliberated

para deleite to delight - delighted - delighted

delimitar to delimit - delimited - delimited

delinear to delineate - delineated - delineated

para entregar to deliver - delivered - delivered

despistar to delouse - deloused - deloused

engañar to delude - deluded - deluded

indagar to delve - delved - delved

desmagnetizar to demagnetise - demagnetised - demagnetised

desmagnetizar to demagnetize - demagnetized - demagnetized

para demandar to demand - demanded - demanded

desmaterializar to dematerialise - dematerialised - dematerialised

desmaterializar to dematerialize - dematerialized - dematerialized

desmovilizar to demobilise - demobilised - demobilised

desmovilizar to demobilize - demobilized - demobilized

democratizar to democratise - democratised - democratised

democratizar to democratize - democratized - democratized

demoler to demolish - demolished - demolished

demostrar to demonstrate - demonstrated - demonstrated 50/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

desmoralizar (Vocabulario
to demoralise I) - demoralised
- demoralised

desmoralizar to demoralize - demoralized - demoralized

degradar to demote - demoted - demoted

desmitificar to demystify - demystified - demystified

desnacionalizar to denationalise - denationalised - denationalised

desnacionalizar to denationalize - denationalized - denationalized

desnaturalizar to denature - denatured - denatured

denigrar to denigrate - denigrated - denigrated

denominar to denominate - denominated - denominated

para denotar to denote - denoted - denoted

denunciar to denouce - denouced - denouced

denunciar to denounce - denounced - denounced

abollar to dent - dented - dented

desnudar to denude - denuded - denuded

denegar to deny - denied - denied

desoxidar to deoxidize - deoxidized - deoxidized

partir to depart - departed - departed

depender to depend - depended - depended

despersonalizar to depersonalise - depersonalised - depersonalised 51/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

despersonalizar (Vocabulario
to depersonalise I)
- depersonalised - depersonalised

representar to depict - depicted - depicted

depilar to depilate - depilated - depilated

agotar to deplete - depleted - depleted

para deplorar to deplore - deplored - deplored

desplegar to deploy - deployed - deployed

despoblar to depopulate - depopulated - depopulated

deportar to deport - deported - deported

deponer to depose - deposed - deposed

depositar to deposit - deposited - deposited

depravar to deprave - depraved - depraved

depreciar to depreciate - depreciated - depreciated

deprimir to depress - depressed - depressed

Privar to deprive - deprived - deprived

descarrilar to derail - derailed - derailed

para derivar to derive - derived - derived

derogar to derogate - derogated - derogated

Para descender to descend - descended - descended

para describir to describe - described - described 52/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

profanar (Vocabulario
to desecrate I) - desecrated
- desecrated

al desierto to desert - deserted - deserted

para merecer to deserve - deserved - deserved

para diseñar to design - designed - designed

desear to desire - desired - desired

para despachar to despatch - despatched - despatched

despreciar to despise - despised - despised

despojar to despoil - despoiled - despoiled

abatir to despond - desponded - desponded

desestabilizar to destabilise - destabilised - destabilised

desestabilizar to destabilise - destabilised - destabilised

para destruir to destroy - destroyed - destroyed

para destruir to destruct - destructed - destructed

despegar to detach - detached - detached

detallar to detail - detailed - detailed

para detener to detain - detained - detained

detectar to detect - detected - detected

deteriorarse to deteriorate - deteriorated - deteriorated

para determinar to determine - determined - determined 53/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

detestar (Vocabulario
to detest I)
- detested - detested

destronar to dethrone - dethroned - dethroned

detonar to detonate - detonated - detonated

para desintoxicar to detoxicate - detoxicated - detoxicated

devaluar to devalue - devalued - devalued

devastar to devastate - devastated - devastated

desarrollar to develop - developed - developed

desviarse to deviate - deviated - deviated

idear to devise - devised - devised

idear to devise - devised - devised

desvitalizar to devitalise - devitalised - devitalised

desvitalizar to devitalize - devitalized - devitalized

delegar to devolve - devolved - devolved

dedicar to devote - devoted - devoted

devorar to devour - devoured - devoured

diagnosticar to diagnose - diagnosed - diagnosed

Marcar to dial - dialled / dialled - dialled

para dialogar to dialogue - dialogued - dialogued

para dializar to dialyse - dialysed - dialysed 54/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
dictar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to dictate I)
- dictated - dictated

diddle to diddle - diddled - diddled

morir to die - died - died

diferir to differ - differed - differed

para diferenciar to differentiate - differentiated - differentiated

difractarse to diffract - diffracted - diffracted

para difundir to diffuse - diffused - diffused

cavar to dig - dug - dug

digerir to digest - digested - digested

dignificar to dignify - dignified - dignified

divagar to digress - digressed - digressed

dilapidarse to dilapidate - dilapidated - dilapidated

dilatar to dilate - dilated - dilated

diluir to dilute - diluted - diluted

para atenuar to dim - dimmed - dimmed

para disminuir to diminish - diminished - diminished

cenar to dine - dined - dined

sumergir to dip - dipped - dipped

dirigir to direct - directed - directed 55/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

a sucio (Vocabulario
to dirty - dirtied - dirtiedI)

deshabilitar to disable - disabled - disabled

desengañar to disabuse - disabused - disabused

en desacuerdo to disagree - disagreed - disagreed

desaparecer to disappear - disappeared - disappeared

Decepcionar to disappoint - disappointed - disappointed

desaprobar to disapprove - disapproved - disapproved

desarmar to disarm - disarmed - disarmed

desarticular to disarticulate - disarticulated - disarticulated

disolver to disband - disbanded - disbanded

desembolsar to disburse - disbursed - disbursed

descartar to discard - discarded - discarded

discernir to discern - discerned - discerned

para descargar to discharge - discharged - discharged

para disciplinar to discipline - disciplined - disciplined

negar to disclaim - disclaimed - disclaimed

a revelar to disclose - disclosed - disclosed

decolorar to discolor - discolored - discolored

descomponer to discompose - discomposed - discomposed 56/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

desconcertar (Vocabulario
to disconcert I) - disconcerted
- disconcerted

para desconectar to disconnect - disconnected - disconnected

descontinuar to discontinue - discontinued - discontinued

descontar to discount - discounted - discounted

para desalentar to discourage - discouraged - discouraged

hablar to discourse - discoursed - discoursed

para descubrir to discover - discovered - discovered

desacreditar to discredit - discredited - discredited

para discriminar to discriminate - discriminated - discriminated

desacreditar to discrown - discrowned - discrowned

para discutir to discuss - discussed - discussed

despreciar to disdain - disdained - disdained

desembarcar to disembark - disembarked - disembarked

destripar to disembowel - disemboweled - disemboweled

desencantar to disenchant - disenchanted - disenchanted

para desconectarse to disengage - disengaged - disengaged

desenredar to disentagle - disentagled - disentagled

desenredar to disentangle - disentangled - disentangled

desfigurar to disfigure - disfigured - disfigured 57/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

vomitar (Vocabulario
to disgorge - disgorged I)
- disgorged

deshonrar to disgrace - disgraced - disgraced

disfrazar to disguise - disguised - disguised

disfrazar to disguise - disguised - disguised

asco to disgust - disgusted - disgusted

al plato to dish - dished - dished

despeinar to dishevel - disheveled - disheveled

deshonrar to dishonour - dishonoured - dishonoured

a la desilusión to disillusion - disillusioned - disillusioned

desinfectar to disinfect - disinfected - disinfected

desheredar to disinherit - disinherited - disinherited

desintegrarse to disintegrate - disintegrated - disintegrated

desunir to disjoint - disjointed - disjointed

dislocar to dislocate - dislocated - dislocated

desmantelar to dismantle - dismantled - dismantled

desmayar to dismast - dismasted - dismasted

desmayar to dismay - dismayed - dismayed

desmembrar to dismember - dismembered - dismembered

despedir to dismiss - dismissed - dismissed 58/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

desmontar (Vocabulario
to dismount I) - dismounted
- dismounted

desobedecer to disobey - disobeyed - disobeyed

desorganizar to disorganise - disorganised - disorganised

desorganizar to disorganize - disorganized - disorganized

desorientar to disorient - disoriented - disoriented

desorientar to disorientate - disorientated - disorientated

renegar to disown - disowned - disowned

menospreciar to disparage - disparaged - disparaged

para el despacho to dispatch - dispatched - dispatched

dispensar to dispense - dispensed - dispensed

Dispersarse to disperse - dispersed - dispersed

para desplazar to displace - displaced - displaced

desplazar to displant - displanted - displanted

para mostrar to display - displayed - displayed

desagradar to displease - displeased - displeased

disponer to dispose - disposed - disposed

desposeer to dispossess - dispossessed - dispossessed

para refutar to disprove - disproved - disproved

a disputar to dispute - disputed - disputed 59/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

descalificar (Vocabulario
to disqualify I) - disqualified
- disqualified

ser indiferente to disregard - disregarded - disregarded

para interrumpir to disrupt - disrupted - disrupted

insatisfecho to dissatisfy - dissatisfied - dissatisfied

diseccionar to dissect - dissected - dissected

difundir to disseminate - disseminated - disseminated

disentir to dissent - dissented - dissented

disipar to dissipate - dissipated - dissipated

disociar to dissociate - dissociated - dissociated

disolver to dissolve - dissolved - dissolved

disuadir to dissuade - dissuaded - dissuaded

distender to distend - distended - distended

destilar to distil - distilled - distilled

destilar to distill - distilled - distilled

distinguir to distinguish - distinguished - distinguished

distorsionar to distort - distorted - distorted

distraer to distract - distracted - distracted

afligirse to distress - distressed - distressed

para distribuir to distribute - distributed - distributed 60/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

desconfiar (Vocabulario
to distrust I)
- distrusted - distrusted

Molestar to disturb - disturbed - disturbed

desunir to disunite - disunited - disunited

bucear to dive - dived - dived

divergir to diverge - diverged - diverged

diversificar to diversify - diversified - diversified

para desviar to divert - diverted - diverted

para dividir to divide - divided - divided

divorciarse to divorce - divorced - divorced

divulgar to divulge - divulged - divulged

que hacer to do - did - done

documentar to document - documented - documented

esquivar to dodder - doddered - doddered

esquivar to dodge - dodged - dodged

dogmatizar to dogmatise - dogmatised - dogmatised

dogmatizar to dogmatize - dogmatized - dogmatized

repartir to dole - doled - doled

domesticar to domesticate - domesticated - domesticated

dominar to dominate - dominated - dominated 61/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para Don (Vocabulario
to don I)
- donned - donned

para donar to donate - donated - donated

dopar to dope - doped - doped

marcar to dot - dotted - dotted

para adorar to dote - doted - doted

para duplicar to double - doubled - doubled

a dudar to doubt - doubted - doubted

descargar to download - downloaded - downloaded

quedarse dormido to doze - dozed - dozed

hacer un boceto to draft - drafted - drafted

arrastrar to drag - dragged - dragged

drenar to drain - drained - drained

dramatizar to dramatise - dramatised - dramatised

dramatizar to dramatize - dramatized - dramatized

para cubrir to drape - draped - draped

dibujar to draw - drew - drawn

temer to dread - dreaded - dreaded

soñar to dream - dreamt / dreamed - dreamt / dreamed

dragar to dredge - dredged - dredged 62/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

empapar (Vocabulario
to drench I)
- drenched - drenched

para vestir to dress - dressed - dressed

driblar to dribble - dribbled - dribbled

a la deriva to drift - drifted - drifted

taladrar to drill - drilled - drilled

beber to drink - drank - drunk

a gotear to drip - dripped - dripped

conducir to drive - drove - driven

conducir to drivel - drivelled / drivelled - drivelled

a lloviznar to drizzle - drizzled - drizzled

drone to drone - droned - droned

Inclinarse to droop - drooped - drooped

dejar caer to drop - dropped - dropped

ahogar to drown - drowned - drowned

ahogarse to drowse - drowsed - drowsed

drogarse to drug - drugged - drugged

tamborilear to drum - drummed - drummed

Secar to dry - dried - dried

agacharse to duck - ducked - ducked 63/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

aburrirse (Vocabulario
to dull - dulled - dulled I)

tonto to dumb - dumbed - dumbed

quedar atónito to dumbfound - dumbfounded - dumbfounded

volcar to dump - dumped - dumped

engañar to dupe - duped - duped

duplicar to duplicate - duplicated - duplicated

al polvo to dust - dusted - dusted

habitar to dwell - dwelt / dwelled - dwelt / dwelled

teñir to dye - dyed - dyed

ganar to earn - earned - earned

facilitar to ease - eased - eased

comer to eat - ate - eaten

menguar to ebb - ebbed - ebbed

hacer eco to echo - echoed - echoed

eclipsar to eclipse - eclipsed - eclipsed

economizar to economise - economised - economised

economizar to economize - economized - economized

al borde to edge - edged - edged

Para editar to edit - edited - edited 64/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

educar (Vocabulario
to educate - educated -I)

borrar to efface - effaced - effaced

para efectuar to effect - effected - effected

al huevo to egg - egged - egged

eyacular to ejaculate - ejaculated - ejaculated

expulsar to eject - ejected - ejected

eke to eke - eked - eked

elaborar to elaborate - elaborated - elaborated

al codo to elbow - elbowed - elbowed

para elegir to elect - elected - elected

electrificar to electrify - electrified - electrified

electrificar to electrify - electrified - electrified

electrocutar to electrocute - electrocuted - electrocuted

elevar to elevate - elevated - elevated

para eliminar to eliminate - eliminated - eliminated

dilucidar to elucidate - elucidated - elucidated

para eludir to elude - eluded - eluded

demacrar to emaciate - emaciated - emaciated

emanar to emanate - emanated - emanated 65/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

emancipar (Vocabulario
to emancipate I) - emancipated
- emancipated

castrar to emasculate - emasculated - emasculated

embalsamar to embalm - embalmed - embalmed

embarcar to embark - embarked - embarked

avergonzarse to embarrass - embarrassed - embarrassed

para incrustar to embed - embeded - embeded

para embellecer to embellish - embellished - embellished

desfalcar to embezzle - embezzled - embezzled

desfalcar to embezzle - embezzled - embezzled

amargar to embitter - embittered - embittered

para estampar to emblazon - emblazoned - emblazoned

encarnar to embody - embodied - embodied

envalentonar to embolden - emboldened - emboldened

para realzar to emboss - embossed - embossed

abrazar to embrace - embraced - embraced

bordar to embroider - embroidered - embroidered

para emerger to emerge - emerged - emerged

emigrar to emigrate - emigrated - emigrated

emitir to emit - emitted - emitted 66/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

enfatizar (Vocabulario
to emphasize I) - emphasized
- emphasized

emplear to employ - emploied - employed

empoderar to empower - empowered - empowered

para vaciar to empty - emptied - emptied

emular to emulate - emulated - emulated

emulsionar to emulsion - emulsioned - emulsioned

para permitir to enable - enabled - enabled

para promulgar to enact - enacted - enacted

esmaltar to enamel - enamelled / enamelled - enamelled

encapsular to encase - encased - encased

encantar to enchant - enchanted - enchanted

rodear to encircle - encircled - encircled

enclave to enclave - enclaved - enclaved

incluir to enclose - enclosed - enclosed

para abarcar to encompass - encompassed - encompassed

encontrar to encounter - encountered - encountered

para fomentar to encourage - encouraged - encouraged

invadir to encroach - encroached - encroached

incrustar to encrust - encrusted - encrusted 67/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
gravar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to encumber I) - encumbered
- encumbered

para terminar to end - ended - ended

respaldar to endorse - endorsed - endorsed

dotar to endow - endowed - endowed

endurar to endue - endued - endued

para soportar to endure - endured - endured

enervar to enervate - enervated - enervated

debilitar to enfeeble - enfeebled - enfeebled

hacer cumplir to enforce - enforced - enforced

comprometerse to engage - engaged - engaged

engendrar to engender - engendered - engendered

grabar to engrave - engraved - engraved

absorber to engross - engrossed - engrossed

envolver to engulf - engulfed - engulfed

para mejorar to enhance - enhanced - enhanced

disfrutar to enjoy - enjoyed - enjoyed

alargar to enlarge - enlarged - enlarged

para iluminar to enlighten - enlightened - enlightened

Enlistarse to enlist - enlisted - enlisted 68/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
animar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to enliven I)
- enlivened - enlivened

ennoblecer to ennoble - ennobled - ennobled

preguntar to enquire - enquired - enquired

enfurecer to enrage - enraged - enraged

extasiarse to enrapture - enraptured - enraptured

Enriquecer to enrich - enriched - enriched

para inscribirse to enrol - enrolled - enrolled

para inscribirse to enroll - enrolled - enrolled

para consagrar to enshrine - enshrined - enshrined

Esclavizar to enslave - enslaved - enslaved

atrapar to ensnare - ensnared - ensnared

sobrevenir to ensue - ensued - ensued

entrar to enter - entered - entered

para entretener to entertain - entertained - entertained

cautivar to enthral - enthralled - enthralled

entronizar to enthrone - enthroned - enthroned

entusiasmar to enthuse - enthused - enthused

para atraer to entice - enticed - enticed

al derecho to entitle - entitled - entitled 69/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

sepultar (Vocabulario
to entomb - entombed -I)entombed

atrapar to entrap - entrapped - entrapped

suplicar to entreat - entreated - entreated

afianzar to entrench - entrenched - entrenched

confiar to entrust - entrusted - entrusted

para entrelazar to entwine - entwined - entwined

enuclear to enucleate - enucleated - enucleated

enumerar to enumerate - enumerated - enumerated

envolver to envelop - enveloped - enveloped

para prever to envisage - envisaged - envisaged

envidiar to envy - envied - envied

A igual to equal - equalled / equalled - equalled

igualar to equalize - equalized - equalized

equipar to equip - equipped - equipped

Para erradicar to eradicate - eradicated - eradicated

borrar to erase - erased - erased

erigir to erect - erected - erected

erosionar to erode - eroded - eroded

equivocarse to err - erred - erred 70/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

erupciónar (Vocabulario
to erupt I)
- erupted - erupted

escapar to escape - escaped - escaped

acompañar to escort - escorted - escorted

para establecer to establish - established - established

estimar to esteem - esteemed - esteemed

para estimar to estimate - estimated - estimated

extrañar to estrange - estranged - estranged

a Eurpeanise to Eurpeanise - eurpeanised - eurpeanised

a Eurpeanise to Eurpeanise - eurpeanised - eurpeanised

evacuar to evacuate - evacuated - evacuated

evadir to evade - evaded - evaded

para evaluar to evaluate - evaluated - evaluated

evaporarse to evaporate - evaporated - evaporated

incluso to even - evened - evened

desalojar to evict - evicted - evicted

evocar to evoke - evoked - evoked

evolucionar to evolve - evolved - evolved

exacerbar to exacerbate - exacerbated - exacerbated

exagerar to exaggerate - exaggerated - exaggerated 71/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
exaltar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to exalt I)
- exalted - exalted

examinar to examine - examined - examined

exasperar to exasperate - exasperated - exasperated

excavar to excavate - excavated - excavated

exceder to exceed - exceeded - exceeded

para sobresalir to excel - excelled / excelled - excelled

exceptuar to except - excepted - excepted

a cambio to exchange - exchanged - exchanged

escindir to excise - excised - excised

escindir to excise - excised - excised

excitar to excite - excited - excited

exclamar to exclaim - exclaimed - exclaimed

excluir to exclude - excluded - excluded

excomulgar to excommunicate - excommunicated - excommunicated

excretar to excrete - excreted - excreted

excusarse to excuse - excused - excused

para ejecutar to execrate - execrated - execrated

ejecutar to execute - executed - executed

Para ejemplificar to exemplify - exemplified - exemplified 72/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
eximir- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to exempt - exempted - I)

ejercitar to exercise - exercised - exercised

para ejercer to exert - exerted - exerted

exfoliar to exfoliate - exfoliated - exfoliated

exhalar to exhale - exhaled - exhaled

cansarse to exhaust - exhausted - exhausted

exhibir to exhibit - exhibited - exhibited

exhortar to exhort - exhorted - exhorted

exhumar to exhume - exhumed - exhumed

al exilio to exile - exiled - exiled

existir to exist - existed - existed

salir to exit - exited - exited

exonerar to exonerate - exonerated - exonerated

exorcizar to exorcise - exorcised - exorcised

exorcizar to exorcise - exorcised - exorcised

expandir to expand - expanded - expanded

a expatriado to expatriate - expatriated - expatriated

esperar to expect - expected - expected

expectorar to expectorate - expectorated - expectorated 73/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

acelerar (Vocabulario
to expedite - expedited I)
- expedited

para expulsar to expel - expelled / expelled - expelled

gastar to expend - expended - expended

experimentar to experience - experienced - experienced

para experimentar to experiment - experimented - experimented

expiar to expiate - expiated - expiated

Expirar to expire - expired - expired

para explicar to explain - explained - explained

explotar to explode - exploded - exploded

explotar to exploit - exploited - exploited

para explorar to explore - explored - explored

exportar to export - exported - exported

para exponer to expose - exposed - exposed

para expresar to express - expressed - expressed

expropiar to expropriate - expropriated - expropriated

expurgar to expurgate - expurgated - expurgated

extender to extend - extended - extended

atenuar to extenuate - extenuated - extenuated

exterminar to exterminate - exterminated - exterminated 74/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para extinguir (Vocabulario
to extinguish I) - extinguished
- extinguished

extirpar to extirpate - extirpated - extirpated

ensalzar to extol - extolled / extolled - extolled

extorsionar to extort - extorted - extorted

extraer to extract - extracted - extracted

extraditar to extradite - extradited - extradited

extrapolar to extrapolate - extrapolated - extrapolated

sacar to extricate - extricated - extricated

exudar to exude - exuded - exuded

exultarse to exult - exulted - exulted

a la vista to eye - eyed - eyed

para fabricar to fabricate - fabricated - fabricated

enfrentar to face - faced - faced

facilitar to facilitate - facilitated - facilitated

desvanecerse to fade - faded - faded

fallar to fail - failed - failed

desmayarse to faint - fainted - fainted

falsificar to fake - faked - faked

caer to fall - fell - fallen 75/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

falsificar (Vocabulario
to falsify I)
- falsified - falsified

a fallar to falter - faltered - faltered

familiarizarse to familiarise - familiarised - familiarised

familiarizarse to familiarize - familiarized - familiarized

abanicar to fan - fanned - fanned

a la fantasía to fancy - fancied - fancied

cosechar to farm - farmed - farmed

pedo to fart - farted - farted

fascinar to fascinate - fascinated - fascinated

A la moda to fashion - fashioned - fashioned

ayunar to fast - fasted - fasted

abrochar to fasten - fastened - fastened

comprender to fathom - fathomed - fathomed

engordar to fatten - fattened - fattened

para favorecer to favor - favored - favored

para favorecer to favour - favoured - favoured

adular to fawn - fawned - fawned

temer to fear - feared - feared

a banquete to feast - feasted - feasted 76/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

emplumar (Vocabulario
to feather I)
- feathered - feathered

federar to federate - federated - federated

alimentar to feed - fed - fed

Sentir to feel - felt - felt

fingir to feign - feigned - feigned

fintar to feint - feinted - feinted

feminizar to feminise - feminised - feminised

feminizar to feminize - feminized - feminized

cercar to fence - fenced - fenced

para defenderse to fend - fended - fended

fermentar to ferment - fermented - fermented

hurgar to ferret - ferreted - ferreted

fertilizar to fertilise - fertilised - fertilised

fertilizar to fertilize - fertilized - fertilized

festón to festoon - festooned - festooned

buscar to fetch - fetched - fetched

tocar el violín to fiddle - fiddled - fiddled

inquietarse to fidget - fidgeted - fidgeted

luchar to fight - fought - fought 77/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para imaginar (Vocabulario
to figure I)
- figured - figured

para filetear to filch - filched - filched

archivar to file - filed - filed

llenar to fill - filled - filled

filmar to film - filmed - filmed

para filetear to filtch - filtched - filtched

Filtrar to filter - filtered - filtered

financiar to finance - financed - financed

encontrar to find - found - found

multar to fine - fined - fined

al dedo to finger - fingered - fingered

para terminar to finish - finished - finished

para disparar to fire - fired - fired

Firmar to firm - firmed - firmed

para los peces to fish - fished - fished

fisurarse to fissure - fissured - fissured

caber to fit - fitted - fitted

arreglar to fix - fixed - fixed

chisporrotear to fizzle - fizzled - fizzled 78/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

Flabberghast (Vocabulario
to flabberghast I)
- flabberghasted - flabberghasted

a bandera to flag - flagged - flagged

desmenuzar to flake - flaked - flaked

a la llama to flame - flamed - flamed

flanquear to flank - flanked - flanked

estallar to flare - flared - flared

destellar to flash - flashed - flashed

Aplanar to flatten - flattened - flattened

para halagar to flatter - flattered - flattered

para dar sabor to flavour - flavoured - flavoured

desollar to flay - flayed - flayed

manchar to fleck - flecked - flecked

a huir to flee - fled - fled

vellón to fleece - fleeced - fleeced

a la carne to flesh - fleshed - fleshed

flexionar to flex - flexed - flexed

para mover to flick - flicked - flicked

parpadear to flicker - flickered - flickered

estremecerse to flinch - flinched - flinched 79/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
arrojar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to fling - flung - flung I)

voltear to flip - flipped - flipped

coquetear to flirt - flirted - flirted

flotar to float - floated - floated

azotar to flog - flogged - flogged

inundar to flood - flooded - flooded

al suelo to floor - floored - floored

volar to flounce - flounced - flounced

platija to flounder - floundered - floundered

a la harina to flour - floured - floured

floreciendo to flourish - flourished - flourished

burlarse to flout - flouted - flouted

fluir to flow - flowed - flowed

florecer to flower - flowered - flowered

fluctuar to fluctuate - fluctuated - fluctuated

para fluidificar to fluidify - fluidified - fluidified

flauta to flute - fluted - fluted

revolotear to flutter - fluttered - fluttered

para volar to fly - flew - flown 80/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para parir (Vocabulario
to foal - foaled - foaled I)

hacer espuma to foam - foamed - foamed

engañar to fob - fobbed - fobbed

centrarse to focus - focused - focused

para frustrar to foil - foiled - foiled

para imponer to foist - foisted - foisted

doblar to fold - folded - folded

foliar to foliate - foliated - foliated

seguir to follow - followed - followed

fomentar to foment - fomented - fomented

acariciar to fondle - fondled - fondled

engañar to fool - fooled - fooled

prohibir to forbid - forbade - forbidden

para forzar to force - forced - forced

para forzar la alimentación to forcefeed - forcefeeded - forcefeeded

presagiar to forebode - foreboded - foreboded

para pronosticar to forecast - forecast - forecast

preordenar to foreordain - foreordained - foreordained

preordenar to foreordain - foreordained - foreordained 81/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
prever- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to foresee I)
- foresaw - foreseen

presagiar to foreshadow - foreshadowed - foreshadowed

para prevenir to forestall - forestalled - forestalled

a renunciar to forfeit - forfeited - forfeited

perder to forfend - forfended - forfended

para forjar to forge - forged - forged

olvidar to forget - forgot - forgotten

perdonar to forgive - forgave - forgiven

bifurcar to fork - forked - forked

formar to form - formed - formed

formalizar to formalise - formalised - formalised

formalizar to formalize - formalized - formalized

formular to formulate - formulated - formulated

a abandonar to forsake - forsook - forsaken

para fortificar to fortify - fortified - fortified

reenviar to forward - forwarded - forwarded

fosilizar to fossilize - fossilized - fossilized

para fomentar to foster - fostered - fostered

cometer una falta to foul - fouled - fouled 82/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para encontrar (Vocabulario
to found I)
- founded - founded

para fracturar to fracture - fractured - fractured

enmarcar to frame - framed - framed

fraternizar to fraternize - fraternized - fraternized

deshilachar to fray - frayed - frayed

muy raro to freak - freaked - freaked

liberar to free - freed - freed

congelar to freeze - froze - frozen

Frenchify to Frenchify - frenchified - frenchified

frecuentar to frequent - frequented - frequented

refrescar to freshen - freshened - freshened

al traste to fret - fretted - fretted

asustar to frighten - frightened - frightened

con volantes to frill - frilled - frilled

marginar to fringe - fringed - fringed

buñuelo to fritter - frittered - frittered

frizz to frizz - frizzed - frizzed

divertirse to frolic - frolicked - frolicked

al frente to front - fronted - fronted 83/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
helar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to frost I)
- frosted - frosted

hacer espuma to froth - frothed - frothed

fruncir el ceño to frown - frowned - frowned

fructificar to fructify - fructified - fructified

frustrar to frustrate - frustrated - frustrated

freir to fry - fried - fried

cargar to fuel - fuelled / fuelled - fuelled

para cumplir to fulfil - fulfilled - fulfilled

para fulminar to fulminate - fulminated - fulminated

hurgar to fumble - fumbled - fumbled

echar humo to fume - fumed - fumed

fumigar to fumigate - fumigated - fumigated

funcionar to function - functioned - functioned

para restaurar to furbish - furbished - furbished

a furl to furl - furled - furled

para amueblar to furnish - furnished - furnished

surcar to furrow - furrowed - furrowed

a gab to gab - gabbed - gabbed

a gad to gad - gadded - gadded 84/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

amordazar (Vocabulario
to gag I)
- gagged - gagged

ganar to gain - gained - gained

en contra to gainsay - gainsayed / gainsaid - gainsayed / gainsaid

a gallivant to gallivant - gallivanted - gallivanted

galopar to gallop - galloped - galloped

galvanizar to galvanize - galvanized - galvanized

para apostar to gamble - gambled - gambled

a la pandilla to gang - ganged - ganged

a gangrena to gangrene - gangrened - gangrened

a garble to garble - garbled - garbled

al jardín to garden - gardened - gardened

hacer gárgaras to gargle - gargled - gargled

guirnalda to garland - garlanded - garlanded

para cosechar to garner - garnered - garnered

adornar to garnish - garnished - garnished

garrote to garrote - garroted - garroted

cortar to gash - gashed - gashed

jadear to gasp - gasped - gasped

reunir to gather - gathered - gathered 85/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

calibrar (Vocabulario
to gauge I)
- gauged - gauged

a las artes to gear - geared - geared

generalizar to generalize - generalized - generalized

generalizar to generalize - generalized - generalized

para generar to generate - generated - generated

germinar to germinate - germinated - germinated

gesticular to gesticulate - gesticulated - gesticulated

Llegar to get - got - got / gotten

al fantasma to ghost - ghosted - ghosted

dorar to gild - gilded - gilded

desmotar to gin - ginned - ginned

ceñir to gird - girded - girded

dar to give - gave - given

glasear to glaze - glazed - glazed

brillar to gleam - gleamed - gleamed

espigar to glean - gleaned - gleaned

vislumbrar to glimpse - glimpsed - glimpsed

brillar to glisten - glistened - glistened

brillar to glitter - glittered - glittered 86/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

regodearse (Vocabulario
to gloat I)
- gloated - gloated

para globalizar to globalize - globalized - globalized

glorificar to glorify - glorified - glorified

para brillar to gloss - glossed - glossed

guante to glove - gloved - gloved

brillar to glow - glowed - glowed

para pegar to glue - glued - glued

roer to gnaw - gnawed - gnawed

ir to go - went - gone

aguijonear to goad - goaded - goaded

engullir to gobble - gobbled - gobbled

Chismear to gossip - gossiped - gossiped

gobernar to govern - governed - governed

agarrar to grab - grabbed - grabbed

para calificar to grade - graded - graded

graduarse to graduate - graduated - graduated

injertar to graft - grafted - grafted

a grano to grain - grained - grained

conceder to grant - granted - granted 87/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

granular (Vocabulario
to granulate - granulatedI)- granulated

para captar to grasp - grasped - grasped

a la hierba to grass - grassed - grassed

Para agradecer to grate - grated - grated

para gratificar to gratify - gratified - gratified

grava to gravel - gravelled / gravelled - gravelled

para gravitar to gravitate - gravitated - gravitated

apacentar to graze - grazed - grazed

engrasar to grease - greased - greased

saludar to greet - greeted - greeted

afligirse to grieve - grieved - grieved

asar a la parrilla to grill - grilled - grilled

hacer una mueca to grimace - grimaced - grimaced

para moler to grind - ground - ground

agarrar to grip - gripped - gripped

apretar to grit - gritted - gritted

gemir to groan - groaned - groaned

acicalarse to groom - groomed - groomed

surcar to groove - grooved - grooved 88/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

andar a tientas (Vocabulario
to grope I)
- groped - groped

al suelo to ground - grounded - grounded

agrupar to group - grouped - grouped

quejarse to grouse - groused - groused

arrastrarse to grovel - grovelled / grovelled - grovelled

crecer to grow - grew - grown

a gruñir to growl - growled - growled

quejarse to grumble - grumbled - grumbled

gruñir to grunt - grunted - grunted

garantizar to guarantee - guaranteed - guaranteed

proteger to guard - guarded - guarded

adivinar to guess - guessed - guessed

para el huesped to guest - guested - guested

guiar to guide - guided - guided

a la guillotina to guillotine - guillotined - guillotined

tragar to gulp - gulped - gulped

disparar to gun - gunned - gunned

gorgotear to gurgle - gurgled - gurgled

destripar to gut - gutted - gutted 89/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para engullir (Vocabulario
to guzzle I)
- guzzled - guzzled

girar to gyrate - gyrated - gyrated

hackear to hack - hacked - hacked

para hackear to hackle - hackled - hackled

regatear to haggle - haggled - haggled

Aclamar to hail - hailed - hailed

alucinar to hallucinate - hallucinated - hallucinated

a detenerse to halt - halted - halted

reducir a la mitad to halve - halved - halved

martillar to hammer - hammered - hammered

obstaculizar, impedir to hamper - hampered - hampered

a mano to hand - handed - handed

esposar to handcuff - handcuffed - handcuffed

perjudicar to handicap - handicapped - handicapped

manejar to handle - handled - handled

colgar to hang - hung / hanged - hung / hanged

anhelar to hanker - hankered - hankered

anhelar to hanker - hankered - hankered

suceder to happen - happened - happened 90/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

arengar (Vocabulario
to harangue - haranguedI)- harangued

para hostigar to harass - harassed - harassed

para endurecer to harden - hardened - hardened

para endurecer to harden - hardened - hardened

escuchar to hark - harked - harked

herir to harm - harmed - harmed

armonizar to harmonize - harmonized - harmonized

para enganchar to harness - harnessed - harnessed

arpa to harp - harped - harped

arpón to harpoon - harpooned - harpooned

desgarrar to harrow - harrowed - harrowed

harry to harry - harried - harried

cosechar to harvest - harvested - harvested

hacer picadillo to hash - hashed - hashed

acelerar to hasten - hastened - hastened

para salir del cascarón to hatch - hatched - hatched

odiar to hate - hated - hated

arrastrar to haul - hauled - hauled

perseguir to haunt - haunted - haunted 91/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
tener- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to have - had - had I)

halcón to hawk - hawked - hawked

a la cabeza to head - headed - headed

para sanar to heal - healed - healed

escuchar to hear - heard - heard

calentar to heat - heated - heated

para aumentar to heighten - heightened - heightened

Hellenizar to Hellenize - hellenized - hellenized

ayudar to help - helped - helped

doblar to hem - hemmed - hemmed

dudar to hesitate - hesitated - hesitated

hibernar to hibernate - hibernated - hibernated

esconder to hide - hid - hidden

obstaculizar to hinder - hindered - hindered

bisagra to hinge - hinged - hinged

contratar to hire - hired - hired

silbar to hiss - hissed - hissed

golpear to hit - hit - hit

colmena to hive - hived - hived 92/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

acumular (Vocabulario
to hoard I)
- hoarded - hoarded

engañar to hoax - hoaxed - hoaxed

cojear to hobble - hobbled - hobbled

hobnob to hobnob - hobnobbed - hobnobbed

azada to hoe - hoed - hoed

para izar to hoist - hoisted - hoisted

sostener to hold - held - held

al agujero to hole - holed - holed

ahuecar to hollow - hollowed - hollowed

para homogeneizar to homogenize - homogenized - homogenized

afilar to hone - honed - honed

al honor to honor - honored - honored

para encapuchar to hood - hooded - hooded

engañar to hoodwink - hoodwinked - hoodwinked

enganchar to hook - hooked - hooked

ulular to hoot - hooted - hooted

saltar to hop - hopped - hopped

a la esperanza to hope - hoped - hoped

horrorizar to horrify - horrified - horrified 93/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

a caballo (Vocabulario
to horse I)
- horsed - horsed

a látigo to horsewhip - horsewhipped - horsewhipped

hospitalizar to hospitalize - hospitalized - hospitalized

perseguir to hound - hounded - hounded

a casa to house - housed - housed

flotar to hover - hovered - hovered

aullar to howl - howled - howled

Acurrucarse to huddle - huddled - huddled

resoplar to huff - huffed - huffed

abrazarlo to hug - hugged - hugged

a tararear to hum - hummed - hummed

humanizar to humanize - humanized - humanized

humilde to humble - humbled - humbled

humillar to humiliate - humiliated - humiliated

a cazar to hunt - hunted - hunted

para lanzar to hurl - hurled - hurled

darse prisa to hurry - hurried - hurried

lastimar to hurt - hurt - hurt

al marido to husband - husbanded - husbanded 94/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
callar- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to hush I)
- hushed - hushed

hibridar to hybridize - hybridized - hybridized

hipnotizar to hypnotize - hypnotized - hypnotized

enfatizar to hypostasize - hypostasized - hypostasized

a hielo to ice - iced - iced

idealizar to idealize - idealized - idealized

identificar to identify - identified - identified

a ralentí to idle - idled - idled

idolatrar to idolize - idolized - idolized

iniciar to ignite - ignited - ignited

ignorar to ignore - ignored - ignored

maltratar to illtreat - illtreated - illtreated

iluminar to illuminate - illuminated - illuminated

para ilustrar to illustrate - illustrated - illustrated

imaginar to imagine - imagined - imagined

imitar to imitate - imitated - imitated

inmaterializar to immaterialize - immaterialized - immaterialized

sumergirse to immerge - immerged - immerged

inmigrar to immigrate - immigrated - immigrated 95/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

inmovilizar (Vocabulario
to immobilize I) - immobilized
- immobilized

inmolar to immolate - immolated - immolated

inmortalizar to immortalize - immortalized - immortalized

inmunizar to immunize - immunized - immunized

inmovilizar to immure - immured - immured

empalar to impale - impaled - impaled

Impartir to impart - imparted - imparted

hacerse pasar por to impersonate - impersonated - impersonated

implantar to implant - implanted - implanted

para implementar to implement - implemented - implemented

implorar to implore - implored - implored

implicar to imply - implied - implied

importar to import - imported - imported

imponer to impose - imposed - imposed

empobrecer to impoverish - impoverished - impoverished

impregnar to impregnate - impregnated - impregnated

impresionar to impress - impressed - impressed

para imprimir to imprint - imprinted - imprinted

encarcelar to imprison - imprisoned - imprisoned 96/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

mejorar (Vocabulario
to improve - improved - I)

para improvisar to improvise - improvised - improvised

para improvisar to improvise - improvised - improvised

imputar to impute - imputed - imputed

inaugurar to inaugurate - inaugurated - inaugurated

incapacitar to incapacitate - incapacitated - incapacitated

encarcelar to incarcerate - incarcerated - incarcerated

encarnar to incarnate - incarnated - incarnated

al incienso to incense - incensed - incensed

incinerar to incinerate - incinerated - incinerated

incidir to incise - incised - incised

incitar to incite - incited - incited

inclinarse to incline - inclined - inclined

para incluir to include - included - included

para incomodar to inconvenience - inconvenienced - inconvenienced

incorporar to incorporate - incorporated - incorporated

para aumentar to increase - increased - increased

incriminar to incriminate - incriminated - incriminated

incubar to incubate - incubated - incubated 97/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

incurrir (Vocabulario
to incur I) - incurred
- incurred / incurred

indemnizar to indemnify - indemnified - indemnified

sangrar to indent - indented - indented

al Indice to index - indexed - indexed

indicar to indicate - indicated - indicated

individualizar to individualize - individualized - individualized

adoctrinar to indoctrinate - indoctrinated - indoctrinated

inducir to induce - induced - induced

industrializar to industrialize - industrialized - industrialized

infectar to infect - infected - infected

inferir to infer - inferred / inferred - inferred

infestar to infest - infested - infested

infiltrarse to infiltrate - infiltrated - infiltrated

para inflamar to inflame - inflamed - inflamed

para inflar to inflate - inflated - inflated

inflexionar to inflect - inflected - inflected

infligir to inflict - inflicted - inflicted

influenciar to influence - influenced - influenced

para informar to inform - informed - informed 98/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

infringir (Vocabulario
to infringe I)
- infringed - infringed

enfurecer to infuriate - infuriated - infuriated

infundir to infuse - infused - infused

ingerir to ingest - ingested - ingested

para felicitar to ingratiate - ingratiated - ingratiated

habitar to inhabit - inhabited - inhabited

inhalar to inhale - inhaled - inhaled

heredar to inherit - inherited - inherited

Inhibir to inhibit - inhibited - inhibited

inicial to initial - initialed - initialed

para iniciar to initiate - initiated - initiated

inyectar to inject - injected - injected

lesionar to injure - injured - injured

para embutir to inlay - inlaid - inlaid

inervar to innervate - innervated - innervated

innovar to innovate - innovated - innovated

inocular to inoculate - inoculated - inoculated

para inquirir to inquire - inquired - inquired

inseminar to inseminate - inseminated - inseminated 99/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para insertar (Vocabulario
to insert I)
- inserted - inserted

insinuar to insinuate - insinuated - insinuated

insistir to insist - insisted - insisted

inspeccionar to inspect - inspected - inspected

para inspirar to inspire - inspired - inspired

instalar to install - installed - installed

instigar to instigate - instigated - instigated

inculcar to instil - instilled - instilled

inculcar to instill - instilled - instilled

institucionalizar to institute - instituted - instituted

institucionalizar to institutionalize - institutionalized - institutionalized

instruir to instruct - instructed - instructed

aislar to insulate - insulated - insulated

insultar to insult - insulted - insulted

asegurar to insure - insured - insured

integrar to integrate - integrated - integrated

intelectualizar to intellectualize - intellectualized - intellectualized

pretender to intend - intended - intended

para intensificar to intensify - intensified - intensified 100/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para inter (Vocabulario
to inter I)
- interred - interred

interactuar to interact - interacted - interacted

interceder to intercede - interceded - interceded

interceptar to intercept - intercepted - intercepted

to intercommunicate - intercommunicated -
para intercomunicarse

para interconectar to interconnect - interconnected - interconnected

de interes to interest - interested - interested

interferir to interfere - interfered - interfered

para entrelazar to interlace - interlaced - interlaced

a intermedio to intermediate - intermediated - intermediated

mezclarse to intermingle - intermingled - intermingled

Internar to intern - interned - interned

internalizar to internalize - internalized - internalized

internacionalizar to internationalize - internationalized - internationalized

interpolar to interpolate - interpolated - interpolated

interponer to interpose - interposed - interposed

interpretar to interpret - interpreted - interpreted

Interrogar to interrogate - interrogated - interrogated

interrumpir to interrupt - interrupted - interrupted 101/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para cruzarse (Vocabulario
to intersect - intersectedI)- intersected

para entrelazar to intertwine - intertwined - intertwined

intervenir to intervene - intervened - intervened

entrevistar to interview - interviewed - interviewed

entretejer to interweave - interwove - interwoven

intimar to intimate - intimated - intimated

intimidar to intimidate - intimidated - intimidated

entonar to intone - intoned - intoned

intoxicarse to intoxicate - intoxicated - intoxicated

intrigar to intrigue - intrigued - intrigued

presentar to introduce - introduced - introduced

entrometerse to intrude - intruded - intruded

inundar to inundate - inundated - inundated

invadir to invade - invaded - invaded

invalidar to invalidate - invalidated - invalidated

inventar to invent - invented - invented

para invertir to invert - inverted - inverted

para invertir to invest - invested - invested

investigar to investigate - investigated - investigated 102/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

para vigorizar (Vocabulario
to invigorate I) - invigorated
- invigorated

invitar to invite - invited - invited

facturar to invoice - invoiced - invoiced

invocar to invoke - invoked - invoked

involucrar to involve - involved - involved

yodar to iodize - iodized - iodized

planchar to iron - ironed - ironed

irradiar to irradiate - irradiated - irradiated

regar to irrigate - irrigated - irrigated

irritar to irritate - irritated - irritated

aislar to isolate - isolated - isolated

para emitir to issue - issued - issued

italianoizar to italianize - italianized - italianized

Picar to itch - itched - itched

para detallar to itemize - itemized - itemized

iterar to iterate - iterated - iterated

parlotear to jabber - jabbered - jabbered

a la toma to jack - jacked - jacked

afilar to jag - jagged - jagged 103/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

atorarse (Vocabulario
to jam I)
- jammed - jammed

para jar to jar - jarred - jarred

a la mandíbula to jaw - jawed - jawed

burlarse to jeer - jeered - jeered

sacudir to jerk - jerked - jerked

bromear to jest - jested - jested

jib to jib - jibbed - jibbed

tintinear to jingle - jingled - jingled

jockey to jockey - jockeyed - jockeyed

unir to join - joined - joined

para articular to joint - jointed - jointed

bromear to joke - joked - joked

sacudirse to jolt - jolted - jolted

empujar to jostle - jostled - jostled

anotar to jot - jotted - jotted

para justa to joust - jousted - jousted

jubilar to jubilate - jubilated - jubilated

juzgar to judge - judged - judged

hacer malabares to juggle - juggled - juggled 104/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos
al jugo- Ingles - Español (Vocabulario
to juice - juiced - juiced I)

revolver to jumble - jumbled - jumbled

saltar to jump - jumped - jumped

para justificar to justify - justified - justified

yuxtaponer to juxtapose - juxtaposed - juxtaposed

quillarse to keel - keeled - keeled

mantener to keep - kept - kept

a clave to key - keyed - keyed

patear to kick - kicked - kicked

secuestrar to kidnap - kidnapped - kidnapped

matar to kill - killed - killed

para encender to kindle - kindled - kindled

besar to kiss - kissed - kissed

amasar to knead - kneaded - kneaded

arrodillarse to kneel - knelt / kneeled - knelt / kneeled

tejer to knit - knitted / knit - knitted / knit

golpear to knock - knocked - knocked

anudar to knot - knotted - knotted

saber to know - knew - known 105/106
7/10/23, 22:58 Fichas de aprendizaje 2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español (Vocabulario I) | Quizlet

2000 Verbos - Ingles - Español

a nudillo (Vocabulario
to knuckle I)
- knuckled - knuckled

a nudillo to knuckle - knuckled - knuckled

para etiquetar to label - labelled / labelled - labelled

a encaje to lace - laced - laced

lacerar to lacerate - lacerated - lacerated

carecer to lack - lacked - lacked

para lacar to lacquer - lacquered - lacquered

ralentizar to lag - lagged - lagged

al cordero to lamb - lambed - lambed 106/106

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