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Test Bank for Wellness Concepts and Applications 8th Edition David Anspaugh Download

Test Bank for Wellness Concepts and Applications

8th Edition David Anspaugh Download

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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. From a wellness standpoint, which of the following statements describes the attitude that people should have
toward stress?
A. People should try to structure their lives in such a way as to avoid stress as much as possible.
B. People cannot avoid stress, but they can learn to cope with it.
C. People should seek medical assistance for stress with the same sense of urgency that would be appropriate if
they were exposed to a communicable disease.
D. People need to accept the fact that stress is a self-induced phenomenon influenced, in large part, by heredity.

2. The type of stress that has a positive effect on health and wellness is called
A. eustress.
B. distress.
C. prostress.
D. synergistic stress

3. The type of stress that is most strongly associated with disease or disability is called
A. eustress.
B. distress.
C. prostress
D. synergistic stress.

4. The Inverted-U theory of stress hypothesizes that stress

A. is the leading cause of death and disability in today's society.
B. is, for the most part, influenced by genetic factors beyond an individual's control.
C. can enhance and improve an individual's level of performance.
D. increases during adolescence, decreases in young adulthood, and increases during retirement.

5. How are the stressors of guilt and moral conflicts classified?

A. Social stressors
B. Emotional stressors
C. Intellectual stressors
D. Spiritual stressors
6. Which of the following are classified as environmental stressors?
A. Uncontrolled anger, lack of love
B. Overcrowding, poverty
C. Embarrassment, argument
D. Mental fatigue, poor self-esteem

7. What is the first phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome?

A. Alarm phase
B. Resistance phase
C. Exhaustion phase
D. Disease/sickness phase

8. According to the General Adaptation Syndrome, what is the sequence of responses the body typically has to
A. Resistance, alarm, exhaustion
B. Resistance, alarm, disease/sickness
C. Alarm, exhaustion, disease/sickness
D. Alarm, resistance, exhaustion

9. During what phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome does the fight-or-flight reaction usually occur?
A. Resistance phase
B. Alarm phase
C. Disease/sickness phase
D. Exhaustion phase

10. When all of the body's systems are responding to the stresses of everyday life in a balanced and healthy
manner, the body is said to be in a state of
A. homeostasis.
B. eustress.
C. adaptation.
D. synergism.

11. In what category of stress does an event such as getting married belong?
A. Harm-and-loss
B. Threat
C. Infirmity
D. Challenge
12. In what category of stress does an experience that causes a severe loss of self-esteem belong?
A. Harm-and-loss
B. Threat
C. Infirmity
D. Challenge

13. Which of the following are classified as long-term physical effects of distress?
A. Ulcers, allergies, shortness of breath
B. Hypertension, migraine headache, stroke
C. Cold hands, dry mouth, acid stomach
D. Drug abuse, excessive smoking, overweight

14. The inability to concentrate is a good example of what type of distress?

A. Short-term emotional distress
B. Long-term emotional distress
C. Short-term mental distress
D. Long-term mental distress

15. According to the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience, which of the following is classified as an
antecedent to stress?
A. Home relationships
B. Role conflict
C. Biochemical
D. Self-esteem

16. In which broad category of the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience is locus of control located?
A. Antecedents to stress
B. Stress mediators
C. Life stressors
D. Personal qualities

17. What percent of college students indicate that stress has a negative influence on their academic
A. Less than 10 percent
B. About 33%
C. About 50%
D. More than 75%
18. Which of the following actions are recommended to college students as ways to alleviate the stress
associated with tests?
I. Study class notes daily
II. Plan "cramming sessions" 24-hours prior to the test
III. Exercise daily
IV. Get 7-9 hours sleep each night
V. Limit "study parties" to one or two other people
VI. Devote at least two hours of study outside class for every hour spent in class
VII. Limit study sessions to dorm rooms
A. I, VI, and VII only
B. I, II, IV, and VI only
C. I, III, IV, V, and VI only
D. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII

19. Which of the following organs is considered a part of the limbic system?
A. Adrenal gland
B. Thyroid gland
C. Pituitary gland
D. Olfactory gland

20. What is the major effect of endorphins on the body?

A. They increase oxygen consumption.
B. They decrease blood pressure.
C. They accelerate heart rate.
D. They decrease pain sensations.

21. Stress has been linked to all of the following health conditions except
A. cirrhosis of the liver.
B. asthma.
C. high blood pressure.
D. skin rashes.

22. What is considered the most influential factor in determining how someone responds to stress?
A. Personality type
B. Heredity
C. Self-perception
D. Social support system
23. The medical field that specializes in the study of the brain, nervous system, and the body's response to
infection and abnormal cell division is called
A. endocrinology.
B. psychoneuroimmunology.
C. psychosomatic medicine.
D. neonatology.

24. Which of the following health conditions were cited in the text as being linked to stress?
I. Infertility V. Headaches
II. Common cold VI. Diarrhea
III. Cancer VII. Acne
IV. Hypertension VIII. Atherosclerosis
A. III, IV, and VIII only
B. II, IV, V, and VIII only
C. II, III, IV, V, and VIII only

25. With reference to the discussion on attitude and stress, which of the following statements best reflects the
intent of the advice to "Go digging for silver"?
A. "When you're low, think of someone less fortunate than you."
B. "Seek the bright side of things."
C. "Force yourself to think positive thoughts."
D. "Treat yourself to the things you love."

26. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the theme of the presentation in the text entitled:
"The Time of Our Lives?"
A. The social and family life changes associated with the "empty nest" experience of the middle age years make
this the most stressful time of people's lives.
B. For most people, the middle age years are a rewarding time of life.
C. The middle-age years are marked by health problems that are exacerbated by the proverbial mid-life crisis.
D. Poor health and long-term illness, lack of financial security, and loss of independence are the dominating
fears among people in their mid-life years.

27. The overexposure and overuse of PDAs, face book, twitter, online chats, texting, computer games, and
online communications often leads to a type of stress referred to in the text as
A. technostress.
B. cyberstress.
C. social media stress.
D. All of the above
28. Which of the following statements best describes the difference, if any, that exists when comparing the
mortality of people who are classified as optimistic with those who are pessimistic?
A. Mortality is not affected by attitude; optimists and pessimists have about the same mortality.
B. People classified as optimists are more likely to live longer than pessimists.
C. People classified as pessimists are more likely to live longer than optimists.
D. Differences in the mortality of optimists and pessimists are negligible and occur primarily in the presence of
a chronic disease

29. In the discussion on attitude, stress, and health, what was identified as the fundamental difference between a
pessimist and an optimist?
A. The number of close friends
B. Ability to be in control of their lives
C. Satisfaction with careers and/or jobs
D. Spiritual awareness

30. What effect does stress have on the nutritional needs of the body?
A. Stress lowers the body's need for calories.
B. Stress decreases the body's need for protein.
C. Stress increases the body's need for vitamins.
D. Stress decreases the production of fatty acids.

31. What type of personality is described as being impatient, competitive, and unable to relax?
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

32. What type of personality is most likely to experience negative effects from excessive exposure to short-term
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

33. What personality type is described as unhurried and less likely to get upset at not attaining a goal?
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D
34. What personality type is described as socially inhibited, excessively dependent on others, constantly
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

35. What personality type is most likely to possess a negative view on life situations?
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

36. People with a strong tendency to exhibit traits associated with Personality Type D are at increased risk for
A. migraine headaches and esophageal reflux disease.
B. low back pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
C. heart attacks and depression.
D. cancer and gastrointestinal disorders.

37. Which of the following best describes a person who has a "hardy personality type?"
A. Person who is compulsively nervous and/or tense.
B. Person who has a sense of control over his/her life.
C. Person who is by nature relaxed.
D. Person who is especially vulnerable to stress-induced disorders.

38. What is considered a prerequisite to developing successful strategies for coping with stress?
A. Medical checkup
B. Relaxation training
C. Awareness of stressor
D. Social support system

39. What is the National Sleep Foundation's recommendation for the amount of sleep adults need?
A. 4 to 6 hours each night
B. 5 to 7 hours each night
C. 6 to 8 hours each night
D. 7 to 9 hours each night
40. What relaxation technique is considered the most basic and common element of other relaxation methods?
A. Muscle relaxation
B. Meditation
C. Deep breathing
D. Imagery

41. Which of the following best represents the 3-step sequence of actions to take in applying the relaxation
technique called progressive muscle relaxation?
A. First do an awareness check, then contract muscles, then relax muscles
B. First do an awareness check, then relax muscles, then contract muscles
C. First relax muscles, then do an awareness check, then contract muscles
D. First contract muscles, then relax muscles, then do an awareness check

42. The type of stress that promotes emotional and psychological growth is called eustress.
True False

43. The type of stress that is associated with disease or disability is called antagonistic stress.
True False

44. Stressors such as embarrassment, teasing, rejection, and arguments are classified as emotional stressors.
True False

45. Spiritual stressors include such things as uncontrolled anger, inability to love, and unexpressed anger.
True False

46. The theory that stress can channeled to enhance an individual's level of performance is called the Inverted-U
True False

47. The stages of the body's response to stress is referred to as the Inverted-U Model of stress.
True False
48. The first phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome is the alarm phase.
True False

49. The phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome in which chronic conditions are most likely to develop is the
resistance phase.
True False

50. The last phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome is the resistance phase.
True False

51. According to the General Adaptation Syndrome, the fight-or-flight reaction to stress usually occurs in the
alarm phase.
True False

52. Poor memory, low creativity, and poor self-control are all classified as short-term effects of excessive
True False

53. According to the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience, an example of an antecedent to stress is
cultural expectations.
True False

54. According to the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience, an example of a stress mediator is health
True False

55. To reduce the stress associated with the preparation for tests it is recommended that college students get 7 to
9 hours sleep each night.
True False

56. In preparing for a test, college students are encouraged to schedule "study parties" that include 4 to 6 other
True False
57. Intense study sessions scheduled within 24-hours of a test are more effective than studying daily over a long
period of time.
True False

58. The hormone that helps to anesthetize the body to pain in response to stress is epinephrine.
True False

59. Health problems thought to be related to stress include high blood pressure, headache, stomachache,
heartburn, gastritis, diarrhea, and acne.
True False

60. The most significant factor that influences how a person responds to stress is heredity.
True False

61. The personality type that is characterized by an urgent sense of time, insecurity over status, and inability to
relax is Type A.
True False

62. People with "hardy personalities" are more prone to stress-related health problems than are people with type
A personalities.
True False

63. The personality type that is described as being excessively dependent on others and constantly worrying is
Type D.
True False

64. The one relaxation technique that serves as the foundation for most other relaxation techniques is
True False

65. If a person induces a feeling of relaxation by repeating the phrase "I feel relaxed," he or she is using a
technique called autogenics.
True False
66. Biofeedback works as a relaxation technique by providing low-voltage electrical stimulation to tense
True False

67. The relaxation technique that involves the use of imagination is meditation.
True False

68. The relaxation technique discussed in the text that requires the use of equipment is visualization.
True False

69. The coping technique that is recommended in the text as an effective strategy for coping with the problem of
procrastination is time management.
True False

70. In applying the principles of progressive muscle relaxation, the first step is to do an awareness check of
muscle tension.
True False

71. The relaxation technique that is described as a form of self-hypnosis is autogenics.

True False

72. The relaxation technique that is associated with the use of a mantra is meditation.
True False

73. Match the first three phases of the General Adaptation Syndrome listed on the right with the correct
sequence on the left.

1. Phase II Alarm ____

2. Phase III Resistance ____
3. Phase I Exhaustion ____
74. Match the appropriate classification of distress listed in the right column to the stressors in the left column.

1. Exposure to bacteria Environmental stress ____

2. Poor self-esteem Physical stress ____
3. Poverty Social stress ____
4. Sedentary lifestyle Intellectual stress ____
5. Noise Physical stress ____
6. Embarrassment Environmental stress ____

75. Match the appropriate classification of distress listed in the right column to the stressors in the left column.

1. Uncontrolled anger Spiritual stress ____

2. Moral conflict Emotional stress ____
3. Feelings of guilt Spiritual stress ____
4. Lack of love Emotional stress ____

76. Classify each of the negative results of distress in the left column according to the classification system
listed in the right column.

1. Ulcers Long-term physical ____

2. Poor self-control Long-term mental ____
3. Migraine headaches Short-term physical ____
4. Dry mouth Short-term mental ____
5. Depression Short-term mental ____
6. Inability to make decisions Long-term mental ____
7. Inability to concentrate Long-term physical ____

77. Classify each of the negative results of distress in the left column according to the classification system
listed in the right column.

1. Overweight Short-term emotional ____

2. Sleep difficulty Short-term emotional ____
3. Irritability Long-term emotional ____
78. Listed on the right are selected components of the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience. Listed
on the left are examples of these components. Match the given examples with the appropriate component.

1. Self esteem Response to Stress ____

2. Family support Antecedents to stress ____
3. Anxiety Personal Qualities that Influence Stress ____
4. Anger Personal Qualities that Influence Stress ____
5. Cultural expectations Stress Mediators ____
6. Personality type Response to Stress ____
7. Arguments Antecedents to stress ____
8. Faith, religion Personal Qualities that Influence Stress ____
9. Home relationships Stress Mediators ____
10. Job satisfaction Response to Stress ____
11. Self-esteem Personal Qualities that Influence Stress ____
12. Locus of control Response to Stress ____

79. Distinguish between the terms stress, stressor, distress, and eustress.

80. Explain how one person's stressor may be another person's relaxation.Give an example.

81. Identify and discuss the stressors that are unique to college/university life.
82. Explain how the body's response to stress is holistic.

83. Distinguish personality types A, B. What is the relationship between personality types and stress?

84. Describe the characteristics of a "hardy personality."

85. Refer back to Chapter 1 for the discussion on locus-of-control and determine which locus-of-control is more
helpful in coping with stress. Explain your answer.
c9 Key

1. (p. 308) From a wellness standpoint, which of the following statements describes the attitude that people should
have toward stress?
A. People should try to structure their lives in such a way as to avoid stress as much as possible.
B. People cannot avoid stress, but they can learn to cope with it.
C. People should seek medical assistance for stress with the same sense of urgency that would be appropriate if
they were exposed to a communicable disease.
D. People need to accept the fact that stress is a self-induced phenomenon influenced, in large part, by heredity.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #1
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

2. (p. 308) The type of stress that has a positive effect on health and wellness is called
A. eustress.
B. distress.
C. prostress.
D. synergistic stress

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #2
Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

3. (p. 308) The type of stress that is most strongly associated with disease or disability is called
A. eustress.
B. distress.
C. prostress
D. synergistic stress.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #3
Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge
4. (p. 308) The Inverted-U theory of stress hypothesizes that stress
A. is the leading cause of death and disability in today's society.
B. is, for the most part, influenced by genetic factors beyond an individual's control.
C. can enhance and improve an individual's level of performance.
D. increases during adolescence, decreases in young adulthood, and increases during retirement.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #4
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

5. (p. 308) How are the stressors of guilt and moral conflicts classified?
A. Social stressors
B. Emotional stressors
C. Intellectual stressors
D. Spiritual stressors

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #5
Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

6. (p. 308) Which of the following are classified as environmental stressors?

A. Uncontrolled anger, lack of love
B. Overcrowding, poverty
C. Embarrassment, argument
D. Mental fatigue, poor self-esteem

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #6
Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

7. (p. 309) What is the first phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome?
A. Alarm phase
B. Resistance phase
C. Exhaustion phase
D. Disease/sickness phase

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #7
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Knowledge
8. (p. 309) According to the General Adaptation Syndrome, what is the sequence of responses the body typically
has to stress?
A. Resistance, alarm, exhaustion
B. Resistance, alarm, disease/sickness
C. Alarm, exhaustion, disease/sickness
D. Alarm, resistance, exhaustion

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #8
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

9. (p. 309) During what phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome does the fight-or-flight reaction usually occur?
A. Resistance phase
B. Alarm phase
C. Disease/sickness phase
D. Exhaustion phase

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #9
Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

10. (p. 309) When all of the body's systems are responding to the stresses of everyday life in a balanced and
healthy manner, the body is said to be in a state of
A. homeostasis.
B. eustress.
C. adaptation.
D. synergism.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #10

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

11. (p. 310) In what category of stress does an event such as getting married belong?
A. Harm-and-loss
B. Threat
C. Infirmity
D. Challenge

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #11

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension
12. (p. 309) In what category of stress does an experience that causes a severe loss of self-esteem belong?
A. Harm-and-loss
B. Threat
C. Infirmity
D. Challenge

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #12

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

13. (p. 311) Which of the following are classified as long-term physical effects of distress?
A. Ulcers, allergies, shortness of breath
B. Hypertension, migraine headache, stroke
C. Cold hands, dry mouth, acid stomach
D. Drug abuse, excessive smoking, overweight

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #13

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

14. (p. 311) The inability to concentrate is a good example of what type of distress?
A. Short-term emotional distress
B. Long-term emotional distress
C. Short-term mental distress
D. Long-term mental distress

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #14

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

15. (p. 311) According to the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience, which of the following is classified
as an antecedent to stress?
A. Home relationships
B. Role conflict
C. Biochemical
D. Self-esteem

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #15

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension
16. (p. 311) In which broad category of the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience is locus of control
A. Antecedents to stress
B. Stress mediators
C. Life stressors
D. Personal qualities

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #16

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

17. (p. 312) What percent of college students indicate that stress has a negative influence on their academic
A. Less than 10 percent
B. About 33%
C. About 50%
D. More than 75%

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #17

Difficulty: Difficult
Level of Learning: Knowledge

18. (p. 312) Which of the following actions are recommended to college students as ways to alleviate the stress
associated with tests?
I. Study class notes daily
II. Plan "cramming sessions" 24-hours prior to the test
III. Exercise daily
IV. Get 7-9 hours sleep each night
V. Limit "study parties" to one or two other people
VI. Devote at least two hours of study outside class for every hour spent in class
VII. Limit study sessions to dorm rooms
A. I, VI, and VII only
B. I, II, IV, and VI only
C. I, III, IV, V, and VI only
D. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #18

Difficulty: Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension
19. (p. 312) Which of the following organs is considered a part of the limbic system?
A. Adrenal gland
B. Thyroid gland
C. Pituitary gland
D. Olfactory gland

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #19

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

20. (p. 313) What is the major effect of endorphins on the body?
A. They increase oxygen consumption.
B. They decrease blood pressure.
C. They accelerate heart rate.
D. They decrease pain sensations.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #20

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

21. (p. 314) Stress has been linked to all of the following health conditions except
A. cirrhosis of the liver.
B. asthma.
C. high blood pressure.
D. skin rashes.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #21

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

22. (p. 315) What is considered the most influential factor in determining how someone responds to stress?
A. Personality type
B. Heredity
C. Self-perception
D. Social support system

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #22

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension
23. (p. 314) The medical field that specializes in the study of the brain, nervous system, and the body's response to
infection and abnormal cell division is called
A. endocrinology.
B. psychoneuroimmunology.
C. psychosomatic medicine.
D. neonatology.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #23

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

24. (p. 314) Which of the following health conditions were cited in the text as being linked to stress?
I. Infertility V. Headaches
II. Common cold VI. Diarrhea
III. Cancer VII. Acne
IV. Hypertension VIII. Atherosclerosis
A. III, IV, and VIII only
B. II, IV, V, and VIII only
C. II, III, IV, V, and VIII only

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #24

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

25. (p. 315) With reference to the discussion on attitude and stress, which of the following statements best reflects
the intent of the advice to "Go digging for silver"?
A. "When you're low, think of someone less fortunate than you."
B. "Seek the bright side of things."
C. "Force yourself to think positive thoughts."
D. "Treat yourself to the things you love."

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #25

Difficulty: Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension
26. (p. 316) Which of the following statements is most consistent with the theme of the presentation in the text
entitled: "The Time of Our Lives?"
A. The social and family life changes associated with the "empty nest" experience of the middle age years make
this the most stressful time of people's lives.
B. For most people, the middle age years are a rewarding time of life.
C. The middle-age years are marked by health problems that are exacerbated by the proverbial mid-life crisis.
D. Poor health and long-term illness, lack of financial security, and loss of independence are the dominating
fears among people in their mid-life years.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #26

Difficulty: Difficult
Level of Learning: Application

27. (p. 318) The overexposure and overuse of PDAs, face book, twitter, online chats, texting, computer games, and
online communications often leads to a type of stress referred to in the text as
A. technostress.
B. cyberstress.
C. social media stress.
D. All of the above

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #27

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

28. (p. 315) Which of the following statements best describes the difference, if any, that exists when comparing the
mortality of people who are classified as optimistic with those who are pessimistic?
A. Mortality is not affected by attitude; optimists and pessimists have about the same mortality.
B. People classified as optimists are more likely to live longer than pessimists.
C. People classified as pessimists are more likely to live longer than optimists.
D. Differences in the mortality of optimists and pessimists are negligible and occur primarily in the presence of
a chronic disease

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #28

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

29. (p. 315) In the discussion on attitude, stress, and health, what was identified as the fundamental difference
between a pessimist and an optimist?
A. The number of close friends
B. Ability to be in control of their lives
C. Satisfaction with careers and/or jobs
D. Spiritual awareness

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #29

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension
30. (p. 315) What effect does stress have on the nutritional needs of the body?
A. Stress lowers the body's need for calories.
B. Stress decreases the body's need for protein.
C. Stress increases the body's need for vitamins.
D. Stress decreases the production of fatty acids.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #30

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

31. (p. 316) What type of personality is described as being impatient, competitive, and unable to relax?
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #31

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

32. (p. 316) What type of personality is most likely to experience negative effects from excessive exposure to
short-term stress?
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #32

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

33. (p. 316) What personality type is described as unhurried and less likely to get upset at not attaining a goal?
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #33

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge
34. (p. 316) What personality type is described as socially inhibited, excessively dependent on others, constantly
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #34

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

35. (p. 316) What personality type is most likely to possess a negative view on life situations?
A. Personality Type A
B. Personality Type B
C. Personality Type C
D. Personality Type D

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #35

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

36. (p. 316) People with a strong tendency to exhibit traits associated with Personality Type D are at increased risk
A. migraine headaches and esophageal reflux disease.
B. low back pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
C. heart attacks and depression.
D. cancer and gastrointestinal disorders.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #36

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension

37. (p. 317) Which of the following best describes a person who has a "hardy personality type?"
A. Person who is compulsively nervous and/or tense.
B. Person who has a sense of control over his/her life.
C. Person who is by nature relaxed.
D. Person who is especially vulnerable to stress-induced disorders.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #37

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Comprehension
38. (p. 317) What is considered a prerequisite to developing successful strategies for coping with stress?
A. Medical checkup
B. Relaxation training
C. Awareness of stressor
D. Social support system

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #38

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

39. (p. 319) What is the National Sleep Foundation's recommendation for the amount of sleep adults need?
A. 4 to 6 hours each night
B. 5 to 7 hours each night
C. 6 to 8 hours each night
D. 7 to 9 hours each night

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #39

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Level of Learning: Knowledge

40. (p. 318) What relaxation technique is considered the most basic and common element of other relaxation
A. Muscle relaxation
B. Meditation
C. Deep breathing
D. Imagery

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #40

Difficulty: Easy
Level of Learning: Knowledge

41. (p. 320) Which of the following best represents the 3-step sequence of actions to take in applying the relaxation
technique called progressive muscle relaxation?
A. First do an awareness check, then contract muscles, then relax muscles
B. First do an awareness check, then relax muscles, then contract muscles
C. First relax muscles, then do an awareness check, then contract muscles
D. First contract muscles, then relax muscles, then do an awareness check

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #41

Difficulty: Difficult
Level of Learning: Knowledge
42. (p. 308) The type of stress that promotes emotional and psychological growth is called eustress.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #42

43. (p. 308) The type of stress that is associated with disease or disability is called antagonistic stress.


Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #43

44. (p. 308) Stressors such as embarrassment, teasing, rejection, and arguments are classified as emotional


Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #44

45. (p. 308) Spiritual stressors include such things as uncontrolled anger, inability to love, and unexpressed anger.

Guilt, moral conflicts, a sense of lack of purpose in life

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #45

46. (p. 308) The theory that stress can channeled to enhance an individual's level of performance is called the
Inverted-U theory.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #46

47. (p. 308) The stages of the body's response to stress is referred to as the Inverted-U Model of stress.

The General Adaptation Syndrome

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #47

48. (p. 309) The first phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome is the alarm phase.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #48

49. (p. 309) The phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome in which chronic conditions are most likely to develop
is the resistance phase.


Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #49

50. (p. 309) The last phase in the General Adaptation Syndrome is the resistance phase.

Death and/or recovery phase

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #50

51. (p. 309) According to the General Adaptation Syndrome, the fight-or-flight reaction to stress usually occurs in
the alarm phase.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #51

52. (p. 311) Poor memory, low creativity, and poor self-control are all classified as short-term effects of excessive

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #52

53. (p. 311) According to the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience, an example of an antecedent to
stress is cultural expectations.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #53

54. (p. 311) According to the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience, an example of a stress mediator is
health habits.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #54

55. (p. 312) To reduce the stress associated with the preparation for tests it is recommended that college students
get 7 to 9 hours sleep each night.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #55

56. (p. 312) In preparing for a test, college students are encouraged to schedule "study parties" that include 4 to 6
other people.

Limit study parties to one or two people

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #56

57. (p. 312) Intense study sessions scheduled within 24-hours of a test are more effective than studying daily over
a long period of time.

Studying daily over long periods of time is recommended over short "cramming" sessions

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #57

58. (p. 312) The hormone that helps to anesthetize the body to pain in response to stress is epinephrine.


Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #58

59. (p. 314) Health problems thought to be related to stress include high blood pressure, headache, stomachache,
heartburn, gastritis, diarrhea, and acne.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #59

60. (p. 314) The most significant factor that influences how a person responds to stress is heredity.

Self perception

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #60

61. (p. 316) The personality type that is characterized by an urgent sense of time, insecurity over status, and
inability to relax is Type A.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #61

62. (p. 316) People with "hardy personalities" are more prone to stress-related health problems than are people
with type A personalities.

Less prone to stress-related health problems

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #62

63. (p. 316) The personality type that is described as being excessively dependent on others and constantly
worrying is Type D.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #63

64. (p. 319) The one relaxation technique that serves as the foundation for most other relaxation techniques is

Deep breathing

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #64

65. (p. 319) If a person induces a feeling of relaxation by repeating the phrase "I feel relaxed," he or she is using a
technique called autogenics.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #65

66. (p. 320) Biofeedback works as a relaxation technique by providing low-voltage electrical stimulation to tense

Monitors the amount of tension in muscles

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #66

67. (p. 319) The relaxation technique that involves the use of imagination is meditation.


Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #67

68. (p. 319) The relaxation technique discussed in the text that requires the use of equipment is visualization.


Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #68

69. (p. 321) The coping technique that is recommended in the text as an effective strategy for coping with the
problem of procrastination is time management.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #69

70. (p. 320) In applying the principles of progressive muscle relaxation, the first step is to do an awareness check
of muscle tension.

Contract, tense muscles

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #70

71. (p. 319) The relaxation technique that is described as a form of self-hypnosis is autogenics.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #71

72. (p. 319) The relaxation technique that is associated with the use of a mantra is meditation.

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #72

73. Match the first three phases of the General Adaptation Syndrome listed on the right with the correct
sequence on the left.

1. Phase II Alarm 3
2. Phase III Resistance 1
3. Phase I Exhaustion 2

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #73

74. Match the appropriate classification of distress listed in the right column to the stressors in the left column.

1. Exposure to bacteria Environmental stress 5

2. Poor self-esteem Physical stress 1
3. Poverty Social stress 6
4. Sedentary lifestyle Intellectual stress 2
5. Noise Physical stress 4
6. Embarrassment Environmental stress 3

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #74

75. Match the appropriate classification of distress listed in the right column to the stressors in the left column.

1. Uncontrolled anger Spiritual stress 3

2. Moral conflict Emotional stress 4
3. Feelings of guilt Spiritual stress 2
4. Lack of love Emotional stress 1

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #75

76. Classify each of the negative results of distress in the left column according to the classification system
listed in the right column.

1. Ulcers Long-term physical 1

2. Poor self-control Long-term mental 6
3. Migraine headaches Short-term physical 4
4. Dry mouth Short-term mental 7
5. Depression Short-term mental 2
6. Inability to make decisions Long-term mental 5
7. Inability to concentrate Long-term physical 3

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #76

77. Classify each of the negative results of distress in the left column according to the classification system
listed in the right column.

1. Overweight Short-term emotional 3

2. Sleep difficulty Short-term emotional 2
3. Irritability Long-term emotional 1

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #77

78. Listed on the right are selected components of the Theoretical Framework of the Stress Experience. Listed
on the left are examples of these components. Match the given examples with the appropriate component.

1. Self esteem Response to Stress 4

2. Family support Antecedents to stress 5
3. Anxiety Personal Qualities that Influence Stress 1
4. Anger Personal Qualities that Influence Stress 12
5. Cultural expectations Stress Mediators 8
6. Personality type Response to Stress 7
7. Arguments Antecedents to stress 9
8. Faith, religion Personal Qualities that Influence Stress 6
9. Home relationships Stress Mediators 2
10. Job satisfaction Response to Stress 3
11. Self-esteem Personal Qualities that Influence Stress 11
12. Locus of control Response to Stress 10

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #78

79. Distinguish between the terms stress, stressor, distress, and eustress.

Answers will vary

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #79

80. Explain how one person's stressor may be another person's relaxation.Give an example.

Answers will vary

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #80

81. Identify and discuss the stressors that are unique to college/university life.

Answers will vary

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #81

82. Explain how the body's response to stress is holistic.

Answers will vary

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #82

83. Distinguish personality types A, B. What is the relationship between personality types and stress?

Answers will vary

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #83

84. Describe the characteristics of a "hardy personality."

Answers will vary

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #84

85. Refer back to Chapter 1 for the discussion on locus-of-control and determine which locus-of-control is more
helpful in coping with stress. Explain your answer.

Answers will vary

Anspaugh - Chapter 09 #85

Test Bank for Wellness Concepts and Applications 8th Edition David Anspaugh Download

c9 Summary

Category # of Questions
Anspaugh - Chapter 09 85
Difficulty: Difficult 5
Difficulty: Easy 16
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult 20
Level of Learning: Application 1
Level of Learning: Comprehension 20
Level of Learning: Knowledge 20

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