Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Activity

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Instructions for the Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Activity

Dear Students,

To better comprehend the complexities of mergers and acquisitions, and to enhance

your presentation and collaboration skills, you will engage in a group activity outlined
below. Please follow these steps diligently and engage actively to make the most of this
learning opportunity.

Forming Groups:

Divide yourselves into small teams, with each group having 3-4 members.

Research & Selection:

 Each group is required to identify and select two instances of recent mergers or
 One of these should pertain to our home country, while the other should be of
international relevance.

Slide Creation:
Utilize a presentation platform of your preference (like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or
Prezi) to design your presentation. Ensure it comprises:

a. Introduction: A concise background of each involved company.

b. Rationale: Emphasize the main reasons for the merger or acquisition, and consider
using infographics for better clarity

c. Classification: Ascertain and elucidate if your chosen examples fall under

horizontal, vertical, congeneric, or conglomerate mergers/acquisitions. Incorporate
suitable images/icons to aid understanding.

d. Pros & Cons: Design a slide juxtaposing the potential advantages against the
disadvantages of the merger or acquisition. Visual aids like T-charts can be beneficial

e. Outcomes: Present the immediate after-effects using tools like graphs for stock values,
pie charts for market share distribution, or representative images of noteworthy events.

Teams will sequentially present their findings.

Your presentation should not exceed a duration of 7-10 minutes.
Post-presentation, there will be a 3-5 minute window allocated for a Q&A session.

Feedback Session:
After all groups have presented, we'll engage in a feedback session. This is an
opportunity for each group to share insights gleaned from other presentations and to
discuss the broader implications of the topic.

Your presentations will be evaluated on:

Research Quality: Depth and authenticity of information.

Slide Design: Aesthetic appeal, clarity, and structure.

Oral Presentation: Eloquence, audience engagement, and adherence to time


Response to Questions: Caliber of replies during the Q&A.

Scoring Breakdown:
Research and Selection: 10 marks
Slide Creation: 20 marks
Presentation: 15 marks
Q&A: 5 marks
Total Available Marks: 50

Please ensure that you cite all your sources appropriately. This is a great
opportunity to delve deep into the world of mergers and acquisitions, and I am
excited to see your presentations!

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