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1.How do certain television programs perpetuate racial or ethnic stereotypes? 2.What should be done to eliminate salary disparities between men and women?

3.What should be done to create equity in executive positions for women in particular corporations and industries?

4.Should women be allowed in military combat? To what extent? 5.Should homosexual couples in Florida be legally allowed to adopt? 6.How do certain kinds of advertising perpetuate racial stereotypes? 7.How do certain kinds of advertising make claims of patriotic values? 8.How does mass marketing and manufacturing affect originality and creativity in the arts and other fields? 9.Does the American consumerist society conflict with democratic values? In what ways? 10.Should tobacco and liquor advertising be allowed on television?

11.Should all billboard advertising of alcohol be banned? 12.Why are alcohol companies now allowed to advertise on television under certain conditions (after prime time, with responsible drinking messages in some ads, etc)? 13.Should the local sales tax be increased/decreased?

14.Should "sin taxes" on alcohol and tobacco be increased to help pay for the increasing costs of medical care?

15.Should the state increase the use of toll roads to pay for local road improvements? 16.Do local power and utility companies operate as monopolies? Should purchases made over the Internet be taxable? 17.Large corporations, such as Walmart and Barnes & Noble bookstores, have been criticized for driving mom-and-pop shops out of business. Is this a valid criticism when considering the nature of supply and demand? 18.Should recycling be mandatory?

19.Should fines for littering and dumping be stronger? 20.Do cable companies represent a monopoly? 21.Should parental locks be optional or mandatory on televisions? 22.Should music-sharing programs on the Internet be outlawed? Should websites that allow the free download of bootlegged movies be shut down? Do production companies have the right to shut down websites that allow the free download of sound or video clips from their media? 23.Is there a double standard regarding nudity, sex, and ratings on television? 24.Should consumers be able to purchase viewing rights to TV channels in an a la carte fashion (for example, paying $40 a month for 40 channels individually chosen by the consumer)?

25.How has the television as an invention changed the American household and family life?

26.Why is the TV and Film industry considered so hard to break into?

27.Because celebrities are so often in the public spotlight, do they have ethical responsibilities to set good examples for young people? 28.In World Cup soccer matches that end in ties, should penalty kicks be discarded for some other method of determining a winner?

29.Do sports stars or celebrities bear any responsibility for being role models for children?

30.Should the instant replay remain in effect in the NFL? Should it be extended to other sports as well?

31.Should teams with potentially offensive logos and nicknames (like the Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins) change their names to be more racially sensitive?

32.To what level should collegiate sports be funded? What is their relationship to academics?

33.Should college athletes be exempt from taking classes?

34.Should college athletes be paid to play? 35.What kind of performance-enhancing drugs should be allowed in different sports? Should creatine be banned from Major League Baseball? 36.Should certain non-violent crimes be punishable by fines rather than jail time? 37.Why are lawyers stereotyped as sharks? Is this a fair representation, and if not, why is it so prevalent?

38.Many consider today's justice system to be too slow. What improvements could be made to expedite the system without sacrificing due process?

39.Many states have harsher penalties than others for drunk driving. Consider the policies of a particular state and argue for a change in the penalties. 40.Consider the benefits and drawbacks of a home-school education vs. a public school education. 41.Should people between the ages of 18 and 20 be allowed to drink adult beverages that contain a lowered alcohol content?

42.Proponents of a lowered drinking age sometimes note the disparity between the draft age (eighteen) and the legal-drinking age (twenty-one). Argue for or against the validity of this comparison. 43.Should people under eighteen years of age be required to have parental permission to get tattoos and piercings? 44.Should the minimum age for attaining a driver's license be increased? Should this be a national standard? 45.Should a curfew be enforced for anyone under 18 after certain hours? 46.Should students be able to choose their own topics for reading before a semester begins, or should you read what is given to you, even though the interest is not high? What recommendations would you choose? 47.The NFL has incorporated the use of instant replay during questionable calls,should all sports have this privilege included,would this be more of a distraction and time consuming? 48.If college athletes are not paid, should they at least be sponsored by a major company like Nike,Reebok etc.? 49.What are the benefits or consequences of being your childs best friend? Establish your arguments 50.Do you believe that everything youve learned to this point has been relevant in your educational growth or do you believe you could have learned more? Establish your argument 51.What is the impact of automation on American culture and lifestyles? 52.Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources? 53.Should parents and other interested citizens censor textbooks and other literature for children in schools? 54.Where and how, if at all, should sex education be conducted? Is it important? 55.Should laws regarding minimum wage (or the forty-hour work week) be revised? 56.Should mandatory (or voluntary) prayer be permitted in public schools?

57.Should the government provide child day care centers for working parents? 58.Should donors or their families be compensated for organ donations? How should people be selected to receive donor organs? 59.Should genetic engineering be controlled by law? 60.What impact on the family (or the workplace) have changes in gender roles had? 61.Have the large salaries of professional athletes had a negative impact on the athletes or the sports? 62.How should colleges manage their athletic programs in relation to their academic goals? 63.Do certain children's toys create social or emotional or other problems? 64.Should public servants (like school teachers, hospital workers, trash collectors) have the right to strike? 65.Should imports of foreign cars or other foreign products be limited or restricted by law? 66.Should academic freedom for teachers and students be limited by law? 67.Does society have an obligation to protect privacy as a basic individual right? 68.Should sex and violence on television or in the movies be restricted? 69.Should divorce laws be changed in ways that will be more equitable or just for all the parties? 70.Should controversial speakers (on whatever subject) be allowed on college campuses? 71.What types of regulations of smoking in public places should the legal system impose? 72.Do "beauty" contests (Mr. America, Miss America, etc.) serve any purpose in society? 73.Should "victimless crimes" such as prostitution and other sexual activity between consenting adults be free from governmental interference? 74.What techniques should the public schools use to strengthen literacy at all grade levels? 75.Should children be required to attend school past the age of sixteen?

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