2010PSY Assignment Information & Marking Criteria

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2010PSY Psychology: Health Psychology

Assignment: Health Promotion Project

Weighting: 60% in total

Length: 2500 words

Assignment Guidelines

Based on your readings of health behaviour, models adopted to predict and explain health
behaviour, and interventions designed to change people’s health behaviour, develop a
question for a significant health-enhancing or health-risk behaviour you want to address and
then design a health promotion project to address the issue.

First, identify a significant health behaviour that is of interest to you. Second, review the
relevant literature to provide a comprehensive review of the significance of the behaviour to
people’s health, research that has been applied to understand and change the behaviour, and
relevant theory adopted to better understand the behaviour. Finally, develop and design an
intervention to address the behaviour of interest.

The project should address the following subheadings. Use the template provide as a guide in
designing your health promotion project.

Background. Provide a comprehensive review of the literature related to the health issue and
a rationale for the proposed health promotion project. Include in this review relevant and
current literature that has addressed the issue as well as theory that has been applied to better
understand and change the behaviour.
Project Aims & Hypotheses. Outline the specific aims of the proposed health promotion
project which reflect the literature presented on the topic. Present clear hypotheses to test
your predictions and achieve the project aims.

Discuss the methodology of the proposed health promotion including: participants,
procedure, and measures/materials.

Outcomes and Implications:

Describe the expected outcomes, associated implications, and significance of the health
promotion project you have proposed to undertake. For example, how do the outcomes
inform practice, policy, and/or further scientific enquiry?

Learning Objectives

This assessment piece is designed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their

knowledge of Health Psychology and how it is applied to understand, explain, and intervene
to change people’s health behaviour.

This assessment item is aligned with Student Learning Objectives 1, 2, and 4, as follows:
 Describe the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical
trends in Health Psychology.
 Explain the psychological processes underlying health behaviour and health behaviour
 Apply concepts of Health Psychology to health-related issues.

Assignment Submission

All assignments are to be submitted via the Turnitin submission point on the 2010PSY
Learning@Griffith site. The submission point can be accessed by clicking the Assessment
folder and then the Health Promotion Project folder. In that folder, the final copy of your
assignment should be submitted to the submission point entitled “Submit Health Promotion
Project.” Turnitin conducts text-matching to assist in maintaining academic integrity. You
can submit a draft of your project to the submission point entitled “Draft” in order to view a
text-matching report prior to your final submission.


As we encourage evidence-based practice, you will be required to reference appropriate

literature including, but not limited to, any readings posted on L@G. Format is APA 7th
 Describe the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in Health Psychology. Health Promotion Project - Proposal Marking Criteria
 Explain the psychological processes underlying health behaviour and health behaviour change.
(2500 words, 60% weighting in final grade)
 Apply concepts of Health Psychology to health-related issues.

Grade 7 6 5 4 2 1
Mark 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
 Fluent, clear, concise description of  The aim and method are clearly  The aim and method are evident, but  The aim and method are somewhat  The aim and method are very unclear

the project and its expected findings, described, there may be some lack of several aspects may lack clarity and unclear, and there are missing details or missing.
1. Abstract including relevant information on aims, conciseness or clarity on a limited some details may be missing. (e.g., aims, sample, design, procedure).
(5 marks) sample, design and procedure. number of aspects.

2. Description  The relevant literature is clearly and  The relevant literature is clearly  The literature is described relatively  Important details are missing, or  The literature review is very unclear, it
of health concisely described. described, but there is some omission. clearly, but there is some omission or irrelevant details are included, and there lacks important details and includes many
behaviour irrelevant detail. is some lack of focus. irrelevant details.
(10 marks)
3. Relation of  Consistently demonstrates application  Clear relation of the literature to the  Demonstrates application of the  The literature is somewhat related to  Little or no relation of the literature to
the of the literature to the topic and critical topic. Critical analysis is clearly displayed. literature to the topic with some evidence the research topic, critical analysis is the topic, critical analysis is lacking.

theoretical analysis is well integrated. of critical analysis. lacking.

literature to
(10 marks)
 Aims are clearly stated and clearly  Aims are stated and reflect the  Aims somewhat reflect the literature  Aims and their link to the literature  Aims are unclear and do not reflect the
reflect the literature presented on the literature presented on the topic with only presented on the topic but there is some presented are somewhat unclear. literature presented on the topic.
4. Aims and topic. Hypotheses clearly reflect the a minor lack of clarity. Hypotheses reflect lack of clarity. Hypotheses somewhat Hypotheses and variables being tested is Hypotheses and variables being tested
Hypotheses research aim/s and the variables being the research aim/s and the variables reflect the variables being tested but tenuous. are unclear.
(5 marks) tested. being tested with only minor lack of there is some lack of clarity.

 There is a clear, concise description  The sample is described with only  The sample is described, but there are  Significant omissions or irrelevant  Significant omissions and lack of
5. and rationale of the sample, with minor omissions or irrelevant detail in one significant omissions or irrelevant detail in detail in one or two aspects make clarity make replication impossible.
sufficient detail to permit replication. aspect. The procedure is described with one aspect. The procedure is described, replication difficult. Significant omissions Significant omissions and lack of clarity
Participants /
There is a clear, concise description of only minor omissions or irrelevant detail but there are significant omissions or or irrelevant detail in one or two aspects make replication impossible.
Procedure the procedure, with sufficient detail to in one aspect. irrelevant detail in one aspect. make replication difficult.
(10 marks) permit replication.

 There is a clear, concise description of  The materials and/or measures are  The materials and/or measures are  Significant omissions or irrelevant  Significant omissions and lack of
the materials and/or measures with described with only minor omissions or described, but there are significant detail in one or two aspects make clarity make replication impossible.
Measures sufficient detail to permit replication. irrelevant detail in one aspect. omissions or irrelevant detail in one replication difficult.
(10 marks) aspect.
 The implications are clearly and  The implications are clearly described,  The implications are described  Important details are missing, or  The implications are very unclear, it
7.Implications concisely described. but there is some omission. relatively clearly, but there is some irrelevant details are included, and there lacks important details and includes many
(5 marks) omission or irrelevant detail. is some lack of focus. irrelevant details.

8.  Very fluent writing style; grammar,  Language fluent, grammar, spelling,  Language mainly fluent, grammar,  Meaning apparent, but language is not  Meaning unclear, grammar and

Presentation spelling, formatting and referencing formatting and referencing mostly spelling and referencing mainly accurate. always fluent, grammar and/or spelling spelling contain frequent errors. Minimal
and accurate. Originality of the proposed accurate. Originality of the proposed Minor errors in the format of the contain errors. Some substantial errors in attempt to format the assignment

project is clearly evident. project is evident. assignment. Some evidence of originality the format of the assignment. Originality appropriately. Referencing is absent
of the proposed project. is somewhat lacking. and/or unsystematic. Originality not
(5 marks) demonstrated.

Mark: /60
Less ___ mark/s (late day/s) /60

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