The Flight From Conversation

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Ayes, Lance Lot S.

Purposive Communication


In This article Sherry Turkle explores the idea that in today's digital age, conversations are
becoming increasingly scarce. She argues that the constant presence of technology has led us to
avoid face-to-face interactions and replace them with digital communication, such as texting,
social media, and emails. This shift, she argues, has had significant consequences on our ability
to connect with others and truly understand one another.

Turkle presents several thought-provoking examples and anecdotes throughout the article to
support her claims. She mentions instances where individuals prefer to text rather than engage in
a real conversation, even when they are physically present with others. This behavior, she argues,
diminishes our empathy and understanding of one another, as nonverbal cues and nuances are
lost in digital exchanges.

Furthermore, Turkle highlights how our addiction to technology has affected our ability to be
alone with our thoughts. She explains how we constantly seek distractions through our
smartphones or other devices, rather than embracing solitude and reflection. This constant need
for stimulation, she suggests, hinders our creativity and prevents us from exploring our own
inner selves.

While reading the article, I couldn't help but reflect on my own experiences and observe how
technology has influenced my interactions with others. I realized that I, too, have fallen victim to
the allure of constant digital connectivity. Whether it's scrolling through social media or
mindlessly replying to text messages, I often find myself distracted by technology instead of
being fully present in the moment.

However, Turkle's article has given me a renewed sense of awareness. It serves as a reminder of
the importance of genuine human connection and the value of meaningful conversations. It has
encouraged me to be more mindful of my technology usage and to actively seek out
opportunities for face-to-face interactions.

In conclusion, Sherry Turkle's article, "The Flight from conversation," sheds light on the
diminishing art of conversation in our digital age. It serves as a wake-up call, urging us to
reevaluate our priorities and make a conscious effort to engage in meaningful, in-person
interactions. By doing so, we can foster genuine human connections and rediscover the beauty of

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