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ENCI 412

Traffic Planning

Traffic Signal Design 1

(Ch t 20 off
Study Guide)
Lecture Outline

 Introduction
 Basic Model and Definitions
 Cycles, Movements and Phases
 Analysis Procedure
 Critical Movements
 Capacity and Degree of Saturation
 Lost Time
 Cycle Times
 Saturation Flow
 Opposed Turns
Question to Ponder...

How many cars go through traffic signals

ft th li
the light
ht changes
h to
t amber?
b ?
Introduction (Ch.20 p.107)

 Many methods for estimating capacity &

operating characteristics of signal inters
 Substantial differences between countries

 NZ practice is to use Austroads method

 Akcelik
Ak lik (1981),
(1981) Traffic
T ffi SiSigs: Capacity
C it & Timing
Ti i
Analysis, ARRB Research Rpt #123
 Austroads GTEP Guides based on this
 SIDRA software uses similar approach
Some Definitions (Ch.20 p.107-8)

 Movement
 Each separate queue leading to an intersection
 Characterised by direction, lane usage, r-o-w

 Phase
 Signal state during which one or more
movements receive right-of-way
 ≥1 movements gain r-o-w at the start
 ≥1 movements lose r-o-w at end

 Cycle
 A complete sequence of signal phases
Basic Traffic Model (Ch.20 p.107)

 Based on the following behaviour:

 Vehs arriving at stop
line when their signal is
red or green will stop or continue, respectively

 When
Wh signal
i l turns
t amber,
b some drivers
d i will
stop while others will continue through inters'n
 Flow
Flo ac
oss stop-line
stop line will
ill dec
ease rapidly
apidl to 0
before signal turns red and next phase starts
 Vehs waiting in a queue will take some time to
start & accelerate to normal running speed
 When signal turns green, flow across stop-line
will increase rapidly to steady rate
Ratte of discharge of qu
in a fu
ully saturated green period
Basic Traffic Model
(Ch.20 p.108)
Sample Intersection
Phasing (Ch.20 p.109)

 4 movements
Phase Movement Matrix
Phase-Movement (Ch.20 p.109)

 A movement that
receives right
of way
during more than
one phase is called
an overlap
Starting Terminating
e.g. Movement 1 Movement
Phase Phase
1 A C
2 A B
3 B C
4 C A
Cycle Diagram (Ch.20 p.109)



Green Time

B Inter-Green
IC Time
C IB (= Amber +
All Red)
(Ch.20 p.109)

Timing Diagram

Cycle Time c

Time (s)


Number g4
Critical Movements (Ch.20 p.108-10)

 For each phase there is a critical movement

 Movement that governs the length of the phase

 If a phase has only 1 movement,

this is the critical movement
 If a phase has >1 movement,
determine required time for each one
 Movement having the largest required time is
the critical movement for that phase

Easy to determine if no overlap movements

Critical Movement
Search Diagram (Ch.20 p.110)

 Where there is 1 overlap movements

 Determine required time for each movement
 Compare required time for each overlap
movement with sum of required times for
critical non-overlap movements
((Include inter-green
g time between phases)
p )

 Critical Movement Search diagram can help



2 3
Movement Capacity (Ch.20 p.110)

 Capacity of a movement i depends on

 Maximum sustainable rate at which vehicles
can cross the stop-line for movement i
i.e. the saturation flow rate si (defined later)

 Proportion of the cycle time that is

effectively green for movement i

 The capacity (Qi) of movement i is

Qi = si (gi / c) (veh/hr)

 gi = effective green time for movement i (sec)

 c = cycle time (sec)
Green Time Ratio &
Flow Ratio (Ch.20 p.110)

 Green time ratio (ui) for movement i is

ui = gi / c
 Can be considered as representing supply

 Flow ratio (yi) for movement i is

yi = qi / si
 qi = arrival flow rate for movement i (veh/hr)

 Can be considered as representing demand

Degree of Saturation (Ch.20 p.111)

 The ratio of demand to supply is termed the

degree of saturation (xi) for movement i
xi = yi / ui (demand / supply)
= q i / Qi (arrival rate / capacity)

 For adequate capacity for movement i,

it is necessary that
xi < 1 (or some practical max xp)
OR q i < Qi OR ui > yi
Intersection Capacity (Ch.20 p.111)

 Ints’n capacity will be adequate only with

adequate capacity for each critical movem
 The intersection green time ratio (U)
and intersection flow ratio (Y) are:
U = Σi ui δi Y = Σi yi δi
 δi = 1 if movement i is critical
= 0 if movement i is non

 Condition for adequate

q intersection capacity
p y
U>Y (supply > demand)
Degree of Saturation (Ch.20 p.111)

 The intersection degree of saturation

(X) is defined as the largest individual
movement degree of saturation:

X = max (x1, x2, ..., xi, ...)

Eff ti l d
Effectively defines
fi th
the ““pinchpoint”
i h i t” off the
Lost Time (Ch.20 p.111)

 Basic model of traffic behaviour assumes:

 a start loss (actual flow rate doesn
doesn'tt increase
instantaneously to saturation flow rate)
 an end gain (actual flow rate doesn
doesn'tt decrease
instantaneously to zero)
 an intergreen
g p
(to ensure sufficient
clearance time
b t
between phases)
h )
Lost Time cont’d (Ch.20 p.111)

 Convenient to define for each movement i:

Start lag ai = Ii + (start loss)i
End lag bi = (end gain)i
 Ii = intergreen time (at start) for movement i

 Movement lost time (ℓi) is defined as

ℓi = ai - bi (sec)

 Intersection lost time (L) is the sum of

critical movement lost times
L = Σi ℓi δi (sec)
Green Times and
Lost Times (Ch.20 p.108)

ully saturated green period

Ratte of discharge of qu

Lost Time =
intergreen +
start-loss –
end gain
in a fu

Displayed vs Effective
Green Times (Ch.20 p.112)

 For movement i, relationship between

displayed green time Gi and
effective green time gi is
Gi = gi + ℓi – Ii

 For movement i, i Required time

(effective green + lost time) is
gi + ℓi = ui c + ℓ i ui = gi / c
AND gi + ℓi ≥ Gi(min) + Ii
 Gi(min)
( i ) = minimum
i i di
l d green ti
(NZS5431 recommends 6 seconds)
Cyclists at Wide
I t
Recap so far…

 Movement Capacity Qi = si (gi / c)

 Green
G Ti
Time R
i (Supply)
(S l ) ui = gi / c
 Intersection Green Time Ratio U = Σi ui δi

 Flow Ratio (Demand) yi = qi / si

 Intersection Flow Ratio Y = Σi yi δi

 Lost Time ℓi = Ii + (start loss)i – (end gain)i

 Intersection Lost Time L = Σi ℓi δi

 Want Deg.
Deg Of Saturat
n xi ( = yi / ui ) ≤ 1
OR qi ≤ Qi OR ui ≥ yi
Cycle Time (Ch.20 p.112)

 Cycle time (c) is defined in terms of

critical movement parameters as follows:
c = Σi [(gi + ℓi) δi
ui = gi / c
= Σi [c ui δi] + Σi [ℓi δi]
=cU+L OR c = L/(1–U)

 Intersection green time ratio (supply) is

U = (c - L) / c
i.e. U increases as cycle time increases
Minimum Cycle Time (Ch.20 p.112)

 Cycle time that is just long enough to

enable all traffic to pass through the
intersection is given by the condition
U=Y (supply = demand)
 Since c = L / (1 - U)
the minimum cycle time (cmin) is
cmin = L / (1 - Y)

 Also usually set a cmax e.g. 120 secs

Saturation Flow (Ch.20 p.113)

 Maximum constant (sustainable) departure

rate from the queue during green period
 Most important parameter in signals capacity

 The saturation flow rate (s) is influenced by

a number of factors
 Environment
 Lane type
 Lane width
 Gradient
 Traffic composition
Saturation Flow Factors (Ch.20 p.113)

 Environment
 Class A: good conditions (for free movement
of vehicles), few pedestrians
 Class B: average conditions, moderate
pedestrian activity, typically industrial/comm’l
 Class C: ppoor conditions,, considerable
pedestrian activity, high parking turnover

 Lane type
 Type 1: through lane
 Type 2: turning lane (exclusive or shared)
 Type 3: restricted turning lane
Saturation Flow Rate (Ch.20 p.113)

 Saturation flow rate (s) may be

estimated as follows

s = (fw fg / fc) sb (veh/hr)

 sb = base saturation flow rate

(see ttable
bl on nextt slide)
lid )
 fw = lane width factor
 fg = gradient factor
 fc = traffic composition
p factor
Base Saturation
Flow Rate (Ch.20 p.113)

s = (fw fg / fc) sb
 Typical values for sb
Environment Lane Type
Class 1 2 3
A 1850 1810 1700
B 1700 1670 1570
C 1580 1550 1270
 Through-car units (tcu) per hour

 fw increases with
h lane
l width
d h (0
89 - 1.06)
0 )
 fg is 1
0 for level road
 +/-0.005 for each 1% of down/upgrade
Traffic Composition
Adjustment Factor (fc) (Ch.20 p.114)

s = (fw fg / fc) sb
 Converts saturation flow rate
from through
car units (tcu)/hr to veh/hr
 fc determined by the proportions of
 Cars and heavy vehicles in the traffic flow
 Turning and through vehicles

fc = Σj (ej qj) / Σj qj
 qj = flow (veh/hr) for vehicle-turn type j
 ej = through-car equivalent (tcu/veh) for
vehicle-turn type j
(see table on next slide)
Through car Equivalents
Through-car (Ch.20 p.114)

 Suitable values for ej

Un-opposed Turn Opposed

Normal Restricted Turn
Car 1 1 1.25 eo
Heavy vehicle 2 2 25
2.5 eo+1

 e0 = opposed turn equivalent

 Need to determine e0 by trial and error

Opposed Turns (Ch.20 p.114)

 For opposed turning manoeuvres,

essentially 3 distinct stages:
1. Period gs: opposing manoeuvre is saturated
 ii.e.
e flowing at saturation flow rate s* and
no opposed turning manoeuvres are possible
2 Period gu: during which opposing manoeuvre
arrival flow rate (q*) < saturation rate (s*)
 i e vehicles making the opposed turn can
filter through the opposing flow at rate su
3 Period after the end of the green period
 A few vehicles (nf) turn as the phase changes
Opposed/Opposing *

Flow Rates (Ch.20 p.115)

Opposing (Priority) Flow
s* nf



Opposed Turning Flow

gs gu Time
Green Time g
Opposed Turn *

Capacity (Ch.20 p.114)

s* nf
 The opposed turn capacity is q*

su g u + n f ( h/
l )
gs gu

 su = opposed turn saturation flow rate (filtered)

 nf = number of turning vehicles (per cycle) that
depart after the end of the green period
 Assume a basic lane saturation flow rate of
~1800 tcu/hr
/ = 0.5 tcu/sec
 Maximum possible vehicles through in a cycle
= 0.5g
0 5g tcu / cycle
 g = green time for opposed turn movement
Opposed Turn *

Equivalent Factor (Ch.20 p.114)

s* nf
 Actual capacity available q*

= su gu + nf (veh/cycle)
gs gu

 Maximum saturation capacity

p y
= 0.5g (tcu/cycle)

 Equivalent factor e0
= max. possible vehs / actual vehs

eo = (0.5 g) / (su gu + nf) (tcu/veh)

Opposed Turns *

Filter Flow Period gu (Ch.20 p.114)

eo = (0.5 g) / (su gu + nf)

 Opposing flow constantly arriving at rate q*
 But can only go during green time g (=gs+gu)

 Considering opposing flow during cycle c:

q * c = s* g s + q * g u (demand = supply)
s* nf

 Since gs = (g - gu) then q*


gu = (s* g - q* c) / (s* - q*) gs gu

Green Time g
Cycle Time c
Opposed Turns *

Saturation Flow Rate su (Ch.20 p.115)

eo = (0.5 g) / (su gu + nf)

 Need to find gaps in opposing flow rate q*

 Value of su (from queuing theory) is
su = q* exp(-αq*) / [1 - exp(-βq*)]
 α = critical gap (usually ~5 s)
 β = minimum departure headway for
opposed turners (usually ~3 s) s* nf

 nf ttypically
i ll b between
t su

1.5 – 2.0 vehs gs gu

Analysis Procedure (Ch.20 p.122)

1. Choose design period and design flows

2. Choose trial intersection layout
y (geometry
(g y&
lane arrangements) and signal phasing
3. Identify movements/phase arrangements
4. Determine inter-green and min. green times
5. Choose ppractical deg
g of satur'tn xp for movements
6. Assume initial values for
opposed turn equivalent eo and cycle time c
7. Estimate saturation flow rate s and lost time ℓ
for each movement
8. Determine flow ratio y, green time ratio u and
required time t (= c u + ℓ) for each movement
Analysis Procedure cont'd (Ch.20 p.122)

9. Determine critical movements

10. Calculate intersection lost time L,, intersection
flow ratio Y and intersection green time ratio U
11. Calculate eff. green time g for each movement
12. Calculate optimum cycle time co and practical
cycle time cp, choose cycle time c between co & cp
if sig. different from previous, return to Step (7)
13. If any opposed turns, calculate appropriate eo
if sig.
i diff
differentt from
f previous,
i return
t to
t Step
St (7)
14. Calc performance stats (delays, stops, queues)
15 If necessary, revise
15. i intersection
i i llayout andd
phasing arrangement and return to Step (3)

 Traffic signal analysis is complicated!

 Study course notes/examples carefully

 Critical movements determine overall

performance of intersection
 Want to minimise amount of lost time in cycle

 Saturation flow rate is most important

parameter in signals capacity
 Greatly affected by environment / layout
 Opposed turns
t ns may
ma require
eq i e significant time to
provide for gaps
Question to Ponder
for Next Time...

Is it better to have longer

or shorter cycle times?

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