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1. What can you say about Rizal during his travels?

Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, embarked on extensive travels during his lifetime.
Aside from he was advised to leave the country, there are also threats to his family's life because
of his image as rabble rouser. He left the in 1888 for Hong Kong. During his time in Hong Kong
Rizal has visited the theater, casino, cathedral and churches. Then after that he left the Macau
for Japan. Rizal had seen the beauty and cleanliness of Japanese people. He was able to
experience the charm of Japanese. Although he didn't stay for a long time in Japan. Still, it
helped him to learn more about other country's culture. He did not limit himself in just one
country instead he travelled to learn and acquire new knowledge. As he travelled in United
States, he realized that it is also a great country however only for the white people. When he
traveled in England he wrote more about history-related studies. His travel played a crucial role
in shaping his perspective on colonial issues, and his writings and actions to continue to inspire
Filipinos in their quest for independence and freedom. I can say that Rizal studied about the
culture of the countries he went to. He learned from them and applied it on his works.

2. Which nation did you like during that time in Rizal?

Base on Rizal's perspective the nation that I liked the most is Japan. He described Japan as a
beautiful and clean country. He also mentioned that not only the country is great but the people
living on it as well. Rizal called Japanese people an industrious and stylish people. After I heard
those description on our discussion I came up with a question in mind, Who wouldn't want to
live in a country like that? It's my dream to go to Japan and see the beauty of their culture and
after hearing these about them, I think I'd want to live there.

3. What was significant to Rizal in each nation?

To Rizal the most important thing that he considers during his travel is the knowledge. He used
his time wisely to learn the culture and traditions of every country he went to. He also observe
what people there is like. He didn't waste the opportunity to get learn and improve for his works

4. What country did Rizal like, if you were him? Then why? Explain.

If I will be given a chance to be on same shoes as Rizal the country that I would like would be
Japan because the way he described it through his own experience is already enough to consider
Japan as a great country. Unlike the other countries that he went too, Japan is like an almost
perfect country. Like him I also love beautiful things and cleanliness so if I were him I would
probably choose Japan. Not only that but the people I know that is currently living in Japan told
me that it really is a great country to live with.

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