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The choice in order of preference for each Preferential Voting

of the candidates listed on the ballot

The title the Queen’s representative in Governor General
A voting system which requires a majority of Double Majority
votes according to two separate criteria.
This house is made up of members who House of Representatives
represent the people of their state
A system of government where there is still Constitutional Monarchy
a sovereign serving as the head of the
government in some way
Also known as the lower house Senate

The house's representative or spokesman Speaker

and the person who chairs its meetings
A process which is used to gauge people’s Referendum
opinion on changing the constitution
07HUMS Civics and Citizenship Revision Name: Madeleine
1. Place the correct term from the list below next to the best definition

Referendum, Governor General, Senate, Preferential voting, House of Representatives,

Speaker, Constitutional Monarchy, Double Majority

2. What are the four main roles of the houses of Parliament?

I. Making and changing federal laws

II. Representing the people of Australia
III. Providing a place where government is formed
IV. Keeping a check on the work of the government

3. What are four values that are considered the rights of Australians?

I. Freedom
II. Respect
III. Fairness
IV. Equality of opportunity

4. Why do you think Australia is called the “lucky country?”

I think that Australia is called the lucky country because we have equal rights between all races and
our community is kind and multi-cultural. We have strict laws that prevent civil wars from breaking
5. Discuss the Australian Government’s policy to detain some asylum seekers in detentions
centres and if you think it is in line with the values of Australia?

I don’t think that the government locking up asylum seekers is in line with our values because one
of the values is freedom and by locking up people who have fled their country because of war of
fear of death or prosecution to come to a safe country to find refuge.

Draw an infographic to illustrate the separation of power explaining the roles of each of the three
groups. Explain why this system is beneficial for responsible government.

Federal Government State Government Local Government

The federal Federal Government Federal Government

government oversees,
foreign affairs

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