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Should the use of AI be allowed in the music business?

Rut M. Muñoz



Jan Carlo Irizarry

The AI is something scary for humans. Let’s begin by explaining what AI means. AI, or

Artificial Intelligence, is the simulation of the human intelligence in technology to complete

tasks that would normally require the logic and complex way of the mind of a human. Artificial

Intelligence aims to create intelligent machines capable of simulating human cognition,

reasoning, learning, and problem-solving. There are different types of AI, Narrow AI, General

AI, Artificial Superintelligence. The capacity of each type of AI goes in crescendo letting us be

guided by the order in which I wrote them.

There has been a lot of conflicts surrounding the AI, because people are scared of its

efficiency. Even though we created it, can we say we control it? People is scared about losing

their jobs to a thing that isn’t even alive. But if we are completely honest, is obvious that the AI

is better than us in everything. Though I’d say is a little different in music. Music is something

that ponders a lot with our feelings, how can something that doesn’t have feelings produce good

music? Some people even question how ethical and legal this is.

The AI is far more advanced than us. It can work faster, and it can be a lot more specific

and straightforward with what we ask of it. It can be a great tool for our creativity. It could do

Ariana Grande sing an Ed Sheeran song, giving small artists the opportunity to make the

collaborations of their dreams. Without a doubt, if used well by all, it could be an irreplaceable

tool in music. AI knows everything about the internet, so it could create something that has never

been out, the ultimate sound. It can also teach us music better and much faster, accommodating
to our way and pace of learning. The integration of AI into music brings an easier accessibility,

creativity, and efficiency.

The AI does not have the feelings of a human. AI could create the most amazing and

complex musical pieces, but nothing will ever replace the sentiment in which artists soak

themselves in when they make music. We listen to music because of how relatable we feel from

it, the connection it has with our lives. It brings memories, makes everything more intense,

sometimes it even makes something have meaning. What would dramatic movies and TV shows

be if it weren’t for the music that is in them?

Every popular song or musical piece has a deep, or not so deep, connection to the way we

humans perceive the world by the loupe of our feelings. And all of this without considering the

amount of people that would lose the opportunity to make a successful way of life with the

undeniable need to use creativity to express what we do, what we think, and everything that

implies the way we feel the world. Be it because of our cultures, that varies with every country,

city, and household. Or maybe because of our religion, sexuality, health problems, mental or

physic, school, work, passion, and way more, we all make different things with it, and we all

perceive it form distinctives points of view. Music is just a way of expressing what is in our

minds, and listening to it can be a way to understand, organize or ignite memories and feelings

buried in some deep part or our brains. We cannot get that form something that doesn’t have the

capacity to feel.
In conclusion, the AI can be an irreplaceable tool in music for humans if it doesn’t get out

of our control. By this I mean taking our place with lyrics, the voices, the instruments, the tracks.

If we know how and when it is adequate to use it, by example, bringing ideas of something new,

it could more helpful than harmful. I would personally definitely use AI in the music I make and

produce. Some people might be scared by the capacity and extended efficiency of it, but the truth

is that it could bring us to a glory we didn’t even knew that was possible. The best is to embrace

that times are changing, just as humans change with every generation that comes with time. The

important lesson of this new way of technology is the use we give it. Humans damage everything

they touch, so we should be careful, because if we don’t do anything bad from it, nothing bad

will come from it.


Bowens, D. (2023, May 25). Artificial intelligence and the music industry: Harmonious

or harmful? FOX 5 New York.


Burns, E., Laskowski, N., & Tucci, L. (2023). artificial intelligence (AI). Enterprise AI.

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