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My sister and I never got along well.

We always fought, I thought she was weird

and bossy. There was this one fight that, out of all the discussions we had, I

remember the most. When she was helping me prepare for the audition to this

school. It was difficult for me, she was strict, I felt overwhelmed, and always

came at her with an attitude. One time we even yelled at each other. There was

no electricity, and she wanted me to practice piano either way, but it was an

electric piano. She told me: “You’re supposed to know how to touch the

musical piece without the sound, that’s what I do”. I was so mad, I had just

started piano after a really long break, “who did she think she is” was the only

thing going through my head. After that I searched for my father, and after he

took my side she left me alone with look of disbelief on her face, and I felt so

sly… The thing that made us stop fighting was actually kind of dumb. One day I

accidentaly heard a conversation between my parents. They were talking about

leaving the Church that I was raised going to. I didn't know what to do, so on

impulse I talked with my sister, Natisha. She listened to me and gave me advice

but never pushed me to do what she thought was right. She said: “It isn’t your

fault that you heard, and you can do what you want with what you know, is in

your hands, and either way if they really meant it you were gonna figure it out

sooner or later”. I felt so relieved, and surprised that her immediate response

wasn’t telling them that I heard what they were talking about”. After that, I

started trusting her with everything. I told her what I felt and she alway gave

me advice, she was my sister and my dearest friend. Natcha trusted me too, we

always talked about her problems, and mine too, no matter how personal they
were, and i felt like the luckiest person in the world. Who could understand me

better than a person that lived with me and had the same struggles that I had

at home? I felt at peace, like I wasn’t dealing with everything all on my own, I

was like 10 or 11.

One day she told me something that changed everything. She took her time,

sat with me and said: “I’m going away, God has been giving clear signs and I

have to go, things have been too heavy in here, aunt Iris told me I can stay in

her house, dad doesn’t know this, and I won’t tell him where I will go”. When

she told me that the first thing that came into my mind was that now dad

would have more time to focus on me and torment me more. I felt abandoned,

we both had issues at home, how could she go but not me? But I put Myself in

her position. If I was in her shoes I would’ve done the same thing, I wouldn’t

even take my time to speak with God and see if the decision was right. I

would’ve taken a plane and flied to the furthest corner of the world just so they

couldn’t find me. So I told her to do it, and when she stood her ground and

said: “I’m going away because I’m an adult and that is the way of things by

god’s words.” I felt so proud of her. My father didn’t take the news well, he had

said nasty things before, but I was surprised by how nasty and God-awful he

was being with her. I didn’t understand at the moment, he was just afraid to

lose his daughter. But I despised him for it. She didn’t hate him, but I did.

Wasn’t he supposed to love her more than me, because he was her father?

When she was gone everything felt so empty. I was torn between both sides,

but everything I snitched my father said about everything thing he said about
Natisha. She was really loving though. Even when he did all of this to her she

always told me not to hate him, cause he was just blind to his own mistakes.

She was right. Nothing ever was the same, she grew up, having problems way

different than mine. While I was worried about a person ignoring she was

thinking about how she was going to make everything work out. The

communication died a little on her side, but I never stopped asking her for

advise, and she always helped me. In moments where I thought I didn’t have an

exit, and did things I shouldn’t have done, she got me out of there alive and

well. A friend can come from where you least expect it, and there is always

someone, even if you can’t see them, that will help you. That person is, was,

and will always be my sister. For that I’m completely grateful.

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