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Title: “Hamilton’s Legacy”


1. Alexander Hamilton (AH) – EARL

2. George Washington (GW) - IAN

3. Aaron Burr (AB) – LESTER

4. Eliza Schuyler (ES) – TRISHA

5. Thomas Jefferson (TJ) - IAN

6. Angelica Schuyler (AS) – LEI

7. James Madison (JM) – JERUH

8. John Adams (JA) – EARL

9. Philip Hamilton (PH) – JULIUS

10. Hercules Mulligan (HM) – LESTER

11. John Laurens (JL) – JERUH

12. Narrator (N) – NICOLE

Scene 1: Exposition

Setting: New York City, 1776. The American Revolution is in full swing.

N: (Narrating) In the heart of the revolution, Alexander Hamilton emerges, driven by an unyielding spirit.

AH: (to audience) I’m not throwing away my shot.

N: (Narrating) His brilliance catches the eye of General Washington, a meeting that would shape history.

GW: Hamilton, your mind is a weapon. We need it in this fight.

AH: I’m ready to make history, General.

N: (Narrating) Alongside him, Angelica Schuyler, a kindred spirit, stirs an intellectual connection.

AS: Hamilton, you are a mind at work.

(Enter HM and JL, AH’s fellow revolutionaries.)

HM: Hamilton, our time has come.

JL: Let’s rise up for our cause!

Scene 2: Rising Action

Setting: Constitutional Convention, 1787.

N: (Narrating) The Constitutional Convention, a crucible of ideas, where Hamilton clashes with Jefferson
over the future of the nation.

TJ: Your ideas are radical, Hamilton.

AH: We must forge a system that stands the test of time.

JM: (to audience) Their debates echoed through history.

N: (Narrating) Ambition ignites friction with Aaron Burr, a rivalry that simmers beneath the surface.

AB: Your ambition knows no bounds, Hamilton. It’ll be your downfall.

AH: Ambition is what drives progress, Burr.

(Enter JA, observing the heated debates.)

JA: These men shape our future.

Scene 3: Climax

Setting: The infamous duel, 1804.

N: (Narrating) The fateful duel, where pride and enmity collide, altering the course of lives.

AB: This is how it ends, Hamilton.

AH: So be it.

(AS watches, torn between the two, her heart heavy with the impending tragedy.)

ES: (rushing to his side) No!

(She cradles him in her arms, tears streaming down her face.)

ES: (to audience, voice trembling) He was gone, but his legacy endured. A flame that would not be

(AB, haunted by the consequences of his actions, watches from a distance, a mix of regret and sorrow in
his eyes.)
Scene 4: Falling Action

Setting: Eliza’s home, years later.

N: (Narrating) In the quiet moments that followed, Eliza grapples with her loss, holding tight to the
words he left behind.

ES: He wrote like he was running out of time.

AS: His words are a beacon in the darkness.

ES: (to audience) I’ll tell his story.

N: (Narrating) A fragile truce forms between Aaron Burr and Eliza, a testament to the complexities of
their shared history.

AB: I misjudged him, Eliza.

ES: He was complex, Aaron, as are we all.

(JL and HM reappear, reflecting on their fallen comrade.)

JL: His spirit lives on in our fight for justice.

HM: We carry his torch forward.

Scene 5: Resolution

Setting: The 1830s, New York City.

N: (Narrating) The years pass, but the impact of Alexander Hamilton remains etched in history.

ES: Alexander’s legacy lives on, in the ideas and systems he built.

AS: And in the hearts of those he inspired.

GW: He was a true visionary.

(TJ nods in agreement, acknowledging AH’s contributions.)

JM: His financial system laid the foundation for our prosperity.

JA: And his writings shaped the very soul of our nation.

(Philip Hamilton, now a young man, steps forward.)

PH: I’ll make him proud, Mother.

(Characters join hands, symbolizing unity and Hamilton’s enduring influence.)

End of Role Play. The narrator’s voice fades, leaving the legacy of Alexander Hamilton echoing in the
minds of the audience.

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