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Report #2
Evelin Izaguirre (1115657)
March 19, 2023
In the first discussion post I decided to talk about activity 7.1 (Mentoring). I did this
because I feel like lots of us have many people who could we reach up to regarding any concerns
we are facing. Mentoring is a good way to enhance your ideas and the way you think to decide
what is best for you. Through this contribution, many of us could ask ourselves, who could be
the best people to reach out to, to give us tips and directions.

In the second discussion post I chose to talk about ‘startup – linkedIn’. I did this because
I know how successful and beneficial LinkedIn for everyone is. It’s an app where we are able to
communicate with professionals and even find jobs opportunities. In this discussion, I was able
to understand how important communication and networking could be.

In the third discussion post I decided to talk about ‘kickstar – Biigloo’. I chose to do this
because It caught my attention. Biigloo seems very convenient and useful for those who love
camping in extreme weather, those who love to go for hiking trips and is much easier to pack.
This is able to keep you warm. Through this contribution, I was able to see that many products
have their own kind of benefits. In this case, if this product was not made, people would struggle
to set up a tent while in the extreme weather.

From the first post, I learned that in order to succeed, we should always try to reach out to
elders or people who already have experience in the outside world. Having a guidance could lead
you to succeed and reach out your goals.
From the second post, I learned that social media is very beneficial depending on what
we are looking for. It is always good to find the positive aspect of social media in order to reach
our goals and communicate with others. In this case, LinkedIn is a great platform to reach out to
anyone who could give us advice and even find any jobs opportunities with professionals.
From the third post, I learned that there are many things out there that are very beneficial
for everyone. In this case, the Aerogel sleeping bags, could probably not be beneficial for me at
the moment, but I know for sure there are other people out there who is having a great use out of
Overall, this three-discussion post taught me many things on how everything has its own benefit
in life.

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