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VANZUELA jurisdiction over the subject matter and over the person
of the accused, and the crime was committed within its
Veneranda is the wife of the late Dionisio Paler, Sr. 3 who territorial jurisdiction, the court necessarily exercises
is the registered owner of a parcel of irrigated Riceland. jurisdiction over all issues that the law requires the court
1 hectare of this riceland was cultivated by the to resolve.
respondents as agricultural tenants. The respondents
allegedly failed to pay the rentals. Initially, Veneranda Thus, based on the law and material allegations of the
brought the matter to the (DAR) Office, but no amicable information filed, the RTC erroneously concluded that it
settlement was reached. Thus, Veneranda filed a lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter on the premise
criminal complaint for estafa against the respondents. that the case before it is purely an agrarian dispute.

RTC dismissed the criminal case since the controversy while RTC has criminal jurisdiction conferred on it by
in this case involves an agrarian dispute which falls law, DARAB has no authority to try criminal cases at
under the primary and exclusive original jurisdiction of all.
the (DARAB), pursuant to DARAB New Rules of
Procedure. RTC opined that it had no jurisdiction over For agrarian reform cases, jurisdiction is vested in the
the subject matter of the case because the controversy (DAR); more specifically, in (DARAB).
had the character of an "agrarian dispute."
Executive Order 229 vested the DAR with (1) quasi-
ISSUE: W/N TC has jurisdiction over the charge for judicial powers to determine and adjudicate agrarian
estafa even if it involves agricultural tenants of the reform matters; and (2) jurisdiction over all matters
private complainant? involving the implementation of agrarian reform, except
those falling under the exclusive original jurisdiction of
RULING: The three important requisites in order that a the DENR. This law divested the regional trial courts of
court may acquire criminal jurisdiction are (1) the court their general jurisdiction to try agrarian reform matters.
must have jurisdiction over the subject matter; (2) the
court must have jurisdiction over the territory where the Under Republic Act 6657, the DAR retains jurisdiction
offense was committed; and (3) the court must have over all agrarian reform matters.
jurisdiction over the person of the accused.15
Subsequently, in the process of reorganizing and
First. It is a well-entrenched doctrine that the jurisdiction strengthening the DAR, Executive Order No. 129-A24
of a tribunal over the subject matter of an action is was issued; it created the DARAB to assume the
conferred by law. It is determined by the material adjudicatory powers and functions of the DAR.
allegations of the complaint or information and the law
at the time the action was commenced. Jurisdiction of Section 3(d) of RA 6657, or the CARL, defines an
the court over the nature of the action and the subject "agrarian dispute" over which the DARAB has exclusive
matter thereof cannot be made to depend upon the original jurisdiction as: (d) refer[ing] to any controversy
defenses set up in the court or upon a motion to dismiss; relating to tenurial arrangements, whether leasehold, tenancy,
otherwise, the question of jurisdiction would depend stewardship or otherwise, over lands devoted to agriculture,
almost entirely on the defendant. including disputes concerning farmworkers associations or
representation of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
Here, the RTC has jurisdiction over the subject matter changing or seeking to arrange terms or conditions of such
tenurial arrangements including any controversy relating to
because the law (RPC) confers on it the power to hear
compensation of lands acquired under this Act and other terms
and decide cases involving estafa. and conditions of transfer of ownership from landowners to
farmworkers, tenants and other agrarian reform beneficiaries,
The allegations in the Information in the whether the disputants stand in the proximate relation of farm
involves alleged misappropriation of money. operator and beneficiary, landowner and tenant, or lessor and
Second. The RTC also has jurisdiction over the offense
charged since the crime was committed within its Clearly, the law and DARAB Rules are silent on the
territorial jurisdiction. conferment of any criminal jurisdiction in favor of the
DARAB. It is worth stressing that even the jurisdiction
Third. The RTC likewise acquired jurisdiction over the over the prosecution of criminal offenses in violation of
persons of the respondents because they voluntarily RA 6657 per se is lodged with the SACs and not with
submitted to the RTC's authority. Where the court has the DARAB.

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