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Aribungos Elementary School 3.

The resulting compound word has a

1st Quarter Summative Test/Quiz ___________________________________meaning.
4. To figure out meaning of an unfamiliar word,
Subject: English ________________________ clues may be used.
5. Words that have the same meaning are
Section: Grade 5-Vanda B. Directions: Give the meaning of the underlined
Date:________________ words using context clues. Encircle only the letter
which corresponds to your answer.

QUIZ 1 1. I still can’t believe that I do act childish

Directions: You have a savings bank account and
a. good-looking b. clueless c. immature
you want to put an amount of 2, 000 pesos into it,
with the following cash breakdown: two five
2. Window cleaners on high-rise buildings can’t be
hundred-peso bills and ten one hundred-peso bills.
careless or they might fall.
Using the bank account number 0344- 5555- 22,
a. daring b. negligent c. sleepy
complete a cash deposit slip. Fill out the form
provided to you. (10 points)
3. It is irresponsible for us to share unverified
information because it still needs
a. unconfirmed b. unknown c. untrue

4. To say that the movie “Once Upon a Time” was

good is an understatement. In
fact, it was great!
a. information that intentionally hides the truth
b. statement that makes something less than what
it is
c. words that are designed to insult and belittle

5. Renz Angelo was a generally unpopular choice to

be the basketball team captain and I don’t like him
a. not liked b. unknown c. confusing

A. Directions: Use the subordinating conjunctions
although, if, when, because, unless, before, and
after to make complex sentences out of the clauses
below. Write your answers in the blanks provided.

1. I’m going to the bank ______________ I will withdraw

some money.

2. I made lunch ___________________I got home.

A. Directions: Complete each statement by inferring and 3. Submit the project ________________ the day is
supplying the missing word. over.
Choose your answer on the box and write it on the
blanks. 4. I really enjoyed the concert ____________the
music was too loud.
Two hyphenated new/different
5. _______________ you fix your bike, you won’t be
synonyms context able to join us.
1. Compound words are words formed by joining
__________ different words
2. There are three types of compound words: open,
closed, and ________________________________.
B. Directions: Let’s check your understanding of the lesson B. Directions: Read the statements carefully and supply
by doing this activity. On the space provided before each the correct conjunction that best suits each sentence.
number, write T if the statement is TRUE, and write F if it is Choose your answer from the box.
So if but for although
___1. A compound sentence can be used to show a cause
and effect relationship.
6. I cooked fast ________ you can eat right away.
___2. A compound sentence can be used to show a problem-
solution relationship. 7. I will buy a mansion ________ I get rich.

___3. The coordinating conjunction and is used in a 8. The landowner divided his land among the people
compound sentence to show problem-solution relationships. ________ they had been disrespectful.

___4. The problem-solution relationship is a special type of a 9. He got the grand prize ______he is not happy.
cause and effect relationship.
10. He did a philanthropic act ________ he has a big heart.
___5. A cause is the result of an event.

A. Directions: Identify the inverted sentences in the items
below. Encircle the letter which corresponds to your choice.

1. A. Who is responsible for submitting a complete report?

B. The flowering plants in our garden blossom well.
C. The doctor studies cautiously her medical records.
D. Beyond the meadow flies a colorful butterfly.

2. A. Over the horizon lies a beautiful scenery of mountains

and rivers.
B. A dog is a man’s best friend.
C. People should follow and adhere to the IATF guidelines
on COVID-19.
D. The whole team is happy for her victory.

3. A. All the children are sweaty and thirsty.

B. Five little ducks are swimming in the river.
C. Two examinees are certain of their answers.
D. At the city plaza are energetic zumba dancers.

4. A. The pupils are excited for the next lesson.

B. There are prizes and certificates in the program.
C. They like to go on a party.
D. Jojo wants to be on top of his class.

5. A. The organizer makes the party successful.

B. She turns off the light and go to bed.
C. On the stage sings a girl with a powerful voice.
D. Palawan is one of the beautiful tourist spots in the

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