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DAILY LESSON PLAN-Energy-Resources

Senior High School (Bohol Island State University)

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Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester
I. OBJECTIVES Title: Energy resources
The learner demonstrate understanding the various sources of energy (fossil, geothermal, hydroelectric,
A. Content Standards
nuclear, solar, wind)
The learners shall be able to make a plan that the community may use to conserve and protect its
B. Performance Standards
resources for the future generation
1. Explain how heat from inside the Earth is tapped as a source of energy (geothermal) for human use
2. Cite ways to address the different environmental concerns related to the use of fossil fuels,
C. Learning Competencies/ geothermal energy, and hydroelectric energy. S11/12ES-Ie-f-13
Write the LC code for At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
each 1. Define the energy.
2. Identify and explain the process of each energy sources.
3. Explain different environmental concerns related to sources of energy.
4. Discuss conventional and non-conventional source of energy.
A. References
Teaching Guide for Senior High School (Earth Science)
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
Textbook: (1) Carlson, D.H., Carlson, Plummer, C.C., and Hammersley, L., 2011. Physical Geology:
2. Learner’s Materials pages Students Activity sheet per group
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) 2008. Earth – An Introduction to Physical Geology. 9th Edition Pearson Prentice Hall, 703 p
Internet resource: (1) 2012-2030-PEP.pdf
B. Other Learning
(2) 2012-2030-PEP-Executive-

Dazzle and Puzzle

The teacher will show a simple crossword puzzle and then, the students will identify the first
word that they will notice. The student will go in front and encircle the word in the puzzle and
will explain and discuss the chosen word briefly to class. This will set as their review to the
past lesson.
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson

The teacher will show a simple video presentation about the Earth’s rapid loss of its
natural habitat. The student will assess the causes and effects of human activity that
has a great impact to the biodiversity of the environment. They will also evaluate the
causes and effects of such activities and try other ways on how to conserve our
environment to the future.

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Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester


1. What happened to the video presented?

2. Is there any causes of this phenomenon?
3. How human activity greatly affects the environment?
4. How can we help our environment to conserve it in the future?
5. Is renewable source of energy will help the environment from massive deterioration?

The teacher will shows 3 months of electricity bill consumption of Mr. Beljan. The
students will identify the difference of these 3 months consumption of Mr. Beljan
and analyze the reason why Mr. Beljan has different consumption on the given
electric bill.
C. Presenting
examples/instances of
Mr. Erick Beljan’s electric bill.
the new lesson
(Kilowatt-Hour) ELECTRIC BILL
January 2019 240 KWH 1, 343.352
May 2019 381 KWH 2,132.5713
August 2019 282 KWH 1, 578.4386

Guide Questions:

1. Do they have difference between the consumption of electric bill of Mr. Beljan
within the month of January, May and August?
2. Based on the given table of electric bill consumption of Mr. Beljan. How will you
determine the amount cost of electric bill consumption per kilowatt-hour?
3. How much will be the electric bill per kilowatt-hour of Mr. Beljan?
4. How much is the difference between January 2019 consumptions to May 2019?
5. How much is the difference between May 2019 consumptions to August 2019?
6. How will you explain the sudden change of electric bill consumption of Mr.
Beljan for the given month of January, May and August?


- The teacher will give the materials each group such as, different models of
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills energy resources made from indigenous materials, cartolina, manila paper,
#1 (EXPLORE) coloring materials, scissors, scotch tape and different outline information about
Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida (

- Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019
- Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
- Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester
- energy resources (nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal
energy and hydroelectric energy).

- The students will make model made from shoeboxes and other materials to
demonstrate the simple internal process of converting from different energy
source to electricity..

- Each group will be given for at least 15 minutes to finish their work and another
3 minutes to perform and present the given output per group.

GROUP 1 - Nuclear Energy Resources

I. Objectives:
- Discuss the importance of using nuclear energy resources
- Show the sample model of nuclear power plant and explain the simple
process of energy flow converting to electricity using shoeboxes and other
given materials.

II. Materials:
Manila Paper Scotch tape Model unit of energy source
Cartolina Double-sided tape Coloring materials
Bond paper Permanent Marker 3pcs. Scissors 3pcs


1. What are the importance of using nuclear power plant in the country?
2. What are the disadvantages of this source of energy?
3. How does Bataan Nuclear power plant cannot generated since the day of being
4. How much will be the energy source of a standard nuclear power plant in providing
electricity to the country?

GROUP 2 - Solar Power Energy Resources

I. Objective:
- Discuss the process and importance of using solar energy resources
- Show the sample model of solar power plant and explain the simple
process of energy flow converting to electricity using shoeboxes and other
given materials .

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida (


Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester

II. Materials:
Manila Paper Scotch tape Model unit of energy source
Cartolina Double-sided tape Coloring materials
Bond paper Permanent Marker 3pcs. Shoebox 3-4 pcs.
Scissors 3pcs.


1. What is the importance of using solar power energy?

2. What are the limitations of this source of energy?
3. How do you compare this energy source to other sources of electricity?
4. How much stored energy will take per panel within a day of sunlight?

GROUP 3 - Geothermal Energy Resources

I. Objectives:
- Discuss the process and importance of using geothermal energy
- Show the sample model of geothermal power plant and explain the
simple process of energy flow converting to electricity using shoeboxes
and other given materials.

II. Materials:
Manila Paper Scotch tape Model unit of energy source
Cartolina Double-sided tape Coloring materials
Bond paper Permanent Marker 3pcs. Scissors 3pcs

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida (


Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester


1. What is the importance of using geothermal power plant as one of the energy
source to the community?
2. How much energy can provide electricity to the household using this energy
3. What are the implications/disadvantages of using this kind of energy resources?
4. How efficient is this source to provide electricity in the community?

GROUP 4 - Wind Energy Resources

I. Objective:
- Discuss the importance of using wind energy resources
- Show the sample model of wind energy source and explain the simple
process of energy flow converting to electricity using shoeboxes and
other given materials.

II. Materials:
Manila Paper Scotch tape Model unit of energy source
Cartolina Double-sided tape Coloring materials
Bond paper Permanent Marker 3pcs. Scissors 3pcs

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida (


Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester


1. What are the importance of using wind energy?

2. What are the limitations of this source of energy?
3. How will the engineer consider the location of this energy source?
4. How much is the electricity by means of this source of energy will be provided
to the community?

GROUP 5 - Hydroelectric Energy Resources

I. Objective:
- Discuss the importance of using hydroelectric energy resources
- Show the sample model of hydroelectric power plant and explain the
simple process of energy flow converting to electricity using
shoeboxes and other
given materials.

II. Materials:
Manila Paper Scotch tape Model unit of energy source
Cartolina Double-sided tape Coloring materials
Bond paper Permanent Marker 3pcs.

Downloaded by Darlen May Dalida (


Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester


1. What are the importance of using hydroelectric power energy?

2. What are the limitations of this source of energy?
3. How much is the stored energy of this source in providing the community?
4. Is there any other unique and simple example of using hydroelectric energy?

The students will present the result of differentiated activities in front of the class.
They have at least 3 minutes to discuss their output and answer the following guide
questions given in the activity.

Processing Questions: (Follow-up questions, after each presentation for


E. Discussing new concepts GUIDE QUESTIONS:
and practicing new skills
1. What are the importance of using nuclear power plant in the country?
2. What are the disadvantages of this source of energy?
3. How does Bataan Nuclear power plant cannot generated since the day of being
4. How much will be the energy source of a standard nuclear power plant in providing
electricity to the country?


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1. What is the importance of using solar power energy?

2. What
Teacherare the limitations
Mr. Vergel of this source of energy?
L. Jandayan Date August 2019
3. How
Schooldo you compare
Mataas this energy
na Paaralang Neptalisource to other
A. Gonzales sources of1:00pm
Time electricity?
to 2:00pm
4. How muchEarth
Subject stored energy will take per panel within
Science a day of 1sunlight?
Quarter Semester



1. What is the importance of using geothermal power plant as one of the energy
source to the community?
2. How much energy can provide electricity to the household using this energy source?
3. What are the implications/disadvantages of using this kind of energy resources?
4. How efficient is this source to provide electricity in the community?



1. What are the importance of using wind energy?

2. What are the limitations of this source of energy?
3. How will the engineer consider the location of this energy source?
4. How much is the electricity by means of this source of energy will be provided to
the community?



1. What are the importance of using hydroelectric power energy?

2. What are the limitations of this source of energy?
3. How much is the stored energy of this source in providing the community?
4. Is there any other unique and simple example of using hydroelectric energy?

Processing Question: What is energy?

Energy – A fundamental entity of nature that transferred between parts of a system

in the production physical change within the system and usually regarded as the
capacity for doing work.
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Processing Question: 1.What are the two sources of energy?
Assessment 3)
2. How will you differentiate
conventional to non-conventional
sources of energy?

Sources of energy :-
There are two main sources of energy. They are conventional and non-conventional
sources of energy.
1. Conventional sources of energy :- refers to the traditional sources of power like
wood, uranium and fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas).

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2. Non conventional sources of energy :- are sources of energy that recently

Teacher from solar energy,
Mr. Vergel wind energy, oceanDate
L. Jandayan energy (tidalAugust
wave energy,
ocean thermal
School energy),
Mataas geothermal
na Paaralang Neptalienergy
A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester

Processing Question: 1. How will you classify the renewable and non-
renewable sources of energy from the conventional
and nonconventional energy source?
2. What are examples of conventional sources of


A) Fossil fuels :- are fuels formed inside the earth from the remains of plants and
animals after millions of years. The fossil fuels are coal, petroleum and natural gas.
Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy so they should be conserved and
used judiciously.

B) Thermal power plants - In thermal power plants the heat energy produced by
burning fossil fuels like coal, petroleum or natural gas is used to heat water and
change it into steam which rotates the turbines of generators to produce electricity.

C) Nuclear energy is the energy released by a chain reaction, especially by fission or

fusion. Practically speaking, nuclear energy uses fuel made from mined and
processed uranium to make steam and generate electricity.

Nuclear energy is a nonrenewable resource because once the uranium is used,

it is gone!

Processing Question: 1. If nonrenewable resources are resources that

cannot be re-made at a scale comparable to its
consumption, what are renewable resources?

2. What are the kinds of non-conventional sources of



A) Solar energy :-
Solar energy is the energy obtained from the sun in the form of heat and light.
B) Energy from the Sea
Energy from the sea obtained in three different forms. They are Tidal energy,
Sea wave energy and Ocean thermal energy.

I. Tidal energy :-
The periodic rise and fall of sea level due to gravitational attraction of the moon
causes tides.
II. Sea wave energy :-
When strong wind blows over the sea it produces huge waves. The kinetic
energy of the moving waves can be used to rotate the turbines of generators to
produce electricity.

III. Ocean thermal energy :-

There is a temperature difference between the warm surface water and the cold
water at the bottom of the oceans.

C) Geothermal energy . The underground water in contact with hot spot gets heated into
steam at high pressure. By drilling holes into hot spots the steam coming out can be used to rotate
turbines of generators to produce electricity.

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D) Wind energy - Wind energy is used in wind mills which converts the kinetic
energy of theMr.
Teacher wind intoL. mechanical
Vergel Jandayan or electrical energy.
Date August 2019
School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
E) Hydro
Subject power
Earth plants
Science :- Quarter 1st Semester
In hydro power plants water from rivers are stored by constructing dams. The
water from the dam flows down through pipes and rotates the turbines of generators
to produce electricity.

F) Biomass energy - The waste materials and dead parts of living things are
called biomass.

Processing Question: 1. How will you differentiate the renewable to non-

renewable sources of energy?

The teacher will show the video about the other unique and futuristic idea of
renewable sources of energy and then the students will make insights about the video that
can be an idea to consider in their future science investigatory project or research.

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living

1. What kind of energy source given in the video presented?
2. What is the concepts of this futuristic solar panel?
3. How does the community benefits this kind of energy source?

The teacher will discuss and elaborate the whole concepts about the sources of energy down to
the types and example to the students as generalization to the lesson.

H. Making generalizations ENERGY

and abstractions about the

- COAL by Darlen May Dalida (
Downloaded - WIND POWER

Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester

Directions: The teacher will post the conventional and non-conventional source
together with its characteristics in a jumbled order. The students will choose at least 1
characteristics of energy sources and then locate whether it will fit the chosen
characteristics to the conventional or non-conventional sources of energy.


-Not renewable -Renewable

-Cause different types of pollution -Cause very less pollution

-Low initial setup cost. -Moderate initial setup cost.

-Very expansive per unit -Very cheap per unit

-Limited reserves -Unlimited reserves.

The teacher will show the video presentation about the different futuristic idea
of energy resources to give more ideas and example about today’s lesson.
This video will lead to the students to analyze the concepts of these ideas and to create
their own futuristic idea that could possible utilize as energy source here in the

DIRECTIONS: The students will prepare at least 1 whole bond paper each group. They will have a
gallery walk to all of the energy resources model-output. Each model consist of at least 3 special
questions and then choose only the letter of the correct answer. Make sure to label each model
before answering the given questions on the folder. There will be allotted at least 2 minutes each
group to answer the model.

Nuclear Energy
I. Evaluating learning
(EVALUATE) 1. What is the abundant element in creating nuclear energy?
A. Einsteinium B. Neptunium C. Uranium D. Thorium
2. Which of the following statement states the nuclear fission?
A. It is a kind of nuclear reaction that deals with splitting of atom into smaller atoms.
B. The process of making a single heavy nucleus (part of an atom) from two lighter nuclei.
C. It is a kind of nuclear reaction that deals with splitting of atom into bigger atoms.
D. The process of making a single heavy nucleus (part of an atom) from single lighter nuclei.

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Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester

3. Which of the following statement is best describe why uranium is the best fuel for nuclear reactors.
A. Uranium is standard source of metal and abundant to the market.
B. It is because it decays naturally by a process known as alpha radiation
C. It has high-density materials that can react to cold water.
D. This is the only naturally-occuring material, which can sustain a fission chain reaction,
releasing large amounts of energy.

Wind Energy
1. What is wind energy?
A. It is the flow of gases on a large scale, and consist of the bulk movement of the air.
B. It refers to the process of creating electricity using wind or air flows that occur naturally in
the Earth’s atmosphere.
C. It is a wind circulation of northeast and southwest monsoon
D. It is an energy generated and stored in the Earth.
2. What kind of non-conventional energy source is used to general electricity by wind farm?
A. Molecules B. Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide D. Wind source
3. What is the main reason why the tower of wind turbine should be strategically tall?
A. Because the wind are stronger, higher from the ground and there is less of buffeting effect.
B. The wind are weaker in the higher places
C. It is because the land breeze is not too strong for the wind to generate.
D. It is viable depends on the entirely wind resource in the area that the wind can’t help the

Solar Energy

1. What is the device that absorb the sunlight as a source of energy to generate direct current
A. Stream device B. Photovoltaic shield C. Solar Flair D. Solar panels

2. If the location strategy of solar power plant place where in abundant in direct ray of sunlight.
What is the best location of this power plant that geographically receives high amount of sunlight?
A. Low lying areas B. High mountains C. Buildings D. Swimming pool

3. What is the best way to define the advantages of the solar energy in the community?
A. Renewable, cost, weather dependent, diverse application
B. Cost, reduces electricity bills, uses a lot of space, diverse application
C. Renewable reduces electricity bills, diverse application, low maintenance cost.
D. Associated of pollution, weather dependent, conserve huge amount of electricity cost.

Geothermal Energy
1. Why geothermal power considered a sustainable, renewable source of energy?
A. Heat extract is the same as the Earth’s heat content
B. Heat extract is large relative to Earth’s heat content
C. Heat extract is small compared to Earth’s heat content
D. Heat extract may be smaller or larger as compared to the Earth’s heat content.

2. Which of the following is best described the geothermal energy

A. It is the energy of the Earth’s crust originates from the original formation of the planet
and from radioactive decay of materials.
B. This is renewable source of water streams that produce electricity
C. It is the hot surface layer of the earth that deals with radioactive isotopes.
D. This is hot and condensed surface of the earth’s crust dealing with air and wind.

3. What is the correct process in geothermal power plant?

A. Hot water – stream – solar generator – wind turbine – cooling tower – injection well
B. Hot water – cooling tower – nuclear turbine – generator – solar steam – injection well
C. Hot water – steam – cooling tower – turbine – Transportation – injection well
D. Hot water – steam – turbine – generator – cooling tower – injection well

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Teacher Mr. Vergel L. Jandayan Date August 2019

School Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales Time 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Subject Earth Science Quarter 1st Semester

Hydroelectric Energy

1. Hydroelectric power plant is a ______________ source of energy.

A. Non-renewable B. Non conventional C. Conventional D. Molecular

2. Which of the following is not a requirement for site selection of hydroelectric power plant?
A. Geological structure B. Raw materials C. Source of water D. Sedimentation

3. Which of the following statement greatly affects the amount of electricity produced by
hydroelectric power plant?
I. How far the waterfall II. Amount of water falling to turbines
III. How far from the sea IV. Amount of rainfall
A. I & II B.III only C.I & III D.I & IV

Assignment :
Each group will prepare at least 1 research proposal for Science Investigatory project in line with
B. Additional activities for our topic renewable sources of energy. This will be Physical Science SIP idea in preparations of
application or up-coming science month this coming September. Each group will be given at least 5-6 minutes
remediation presentation.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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