Leap Music LC 5-6

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Learning Area MUSIC Grade Level 7

W5-6 Quarter FIRST QUARTER Date

I. LESSON TITLE Characteristics of Different Art Forms

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • Clearly distinguishes the commonalities and differences among the
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) different art forms.
• Analyzes elements and processes of artistic expression in the different art
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Description of arts
• The Different Forms of Art and its characters

IV. LEARNING PHASES d Learning Activities
A. Introduction 60 In this lesson, students are expected to: a) Define arts b) Identify the characteristics
minutes of different art forms, and c) Distinguish the commonalities and differences among
the different art forms.

It is evident that through art we can communicate to the world our feelings and our
creativity that only exists within our mind. Art has many forms; from visual arts to
performing arts. Whatever form of art we see, its similar characteristic is that it is
pleasing to the senses. It expresses the feelings and emotions of the artist, and it can
be interpreted in different ways by different people.

Learning Task 1: Pre-test

Title: Known, Want and Learned
Instruction: Allow the students to fill in each column about their knowledge with the
various art forms.

Known Want Learned

Visual art can be defined as a form of art that uses any medium to represent the
artist’s idea, emotion, and imagination. Visual art, like paintings, sculptures and
architecture have evolved with time
and different periods saw the
emergence of different art

Paintings are classified according to

the style in which they are made as
well as the genre and main object of
the painting. Still life, landscapes,
seascapes, abstract and pop art are
the different types of painting genres
that are popular among artists.
Moreover, the kind of medium used
for the painting like oil colors, pastels,
watercolors, charcoal, and the
surface that it is painted on, whether
it is canvas or paper has a bearing on how the painting would look.

Sculptures are also among the different art forms that falls under visual art. It can be
defined as a three-dimensional art form that uses materials like clay, stone, or wood
for its execution. Sculptures are essentially made in two ways. Either they are formed
bit by bit into a particular shape and structure as it is in the case of a clay sculpture,
or it is chiseled and carved from a block of wood or a piece of stone. There are many
clay sculpture ideas that an amateur can take inspiration from while attempting to
make a sculpture.

Applied Art is a part of visual art, and it can be defined as art that has practical
application as well as functionality.

Architecture is a form of applied art and Johann Wolfgang Van rightly said that
“Architecture is frozen music”. Architecture can be classified as commercial or
applied art. Designing and building any construction might seem to be a marvel of
science, but good architectural design is a form of art.

Fashion design is the art of designing apparel that are aesthetically pleasing as well
as functional. Fashion design involves working with different types of fabrics and
patterns which are then designed into garments.

Jewelry design is also a different form of art, and it involves the design of intricate
pieces of jewelry from metals, wood, or plastic. Metals that are primarily used for
designing jewelry are gold, silver, platinum, copper, etc. Jewelry design also
incorporates precious and semi-precious stones
for its execution. Performing Arts
Of all the different forms of art, Performing Arts is
much appreciated and enjoyed by people –
dance, music, opera, films, theater, drama,
magic shows, and stand-up comedies. Artists
that perform these arts are known by the type of
art that they have perfected. Singers, actors,
comics, magicians, dancers, and musicians are
all people who do these performing arts. Moving
the body in a particular sequence to music is
called Dancing and there are many forms of
dance. A particular dance form can be from a
particular region or country that has the steps
and movement to a particular type of music
prevalent there.

Dance is a kind of nonverbal communication

and movement of the body is aesthetically
pleasing and harmonious. Both classical as well
as modern dance are different forms of
performing art.

— Ballet Dancing
— Ballroom Dancing
— Salsa Dancing
— Tango Dancing
— Line Dancing
— Tap Dancing
— Belly Dancing
— Latin Dancing
— Flamenco Dancing
— Hip Hop Dance
The act of producing sound with the voice in a rhythmic manner is pleasing to the
ear which is known as singing. Singing is often accompanied by musical instruments.
There are different singing styles ranging from operatic, classical, modern, country,
pop, etc. There are many famous singers in the world who have incredible talent and
voice quality. Learning to sing takes a lot of dedication and effort and only the truly
talented can attain great heights of fame.

A form of performing art is Theater and Films. Both

theater and films use stories that capture the
imagination of people. It is also a good form of
entertainment. Opera, carnivals, circus, magic
shows, and concerts are also different art forms
that are performing in nature. Theater as a form
of art has evolved from medieval times to
become one of the best modes of
entertainment. Theater artists perform in front of
an audience and there are various forms of
theater that are performed across different
regions of the world. In films, a story is revealed
that is enacted by actors and has elements of
dance and music to give people a complete
entertainment package.

One of the most difficult art forms to define is Music. It

is also one of the most admired art forms. Any
harmonious sound either vocal or produced from a
musical instrument can be defined as music. But music
is so much more than that. Music has the power to
change our mood, lift our spirits and emotionally move

There are different types of music from rock music,

country music, jazz, and soul.

— Blues Music
— Classical Music
— Country Music
— Gospel Music
— Indie Music
— Indie Rock
— Rock Music
— Rock and Roll
— Rap Music
— Soul Music

Another is Literature, it is the art-form of

language, and words are its tools. As a painter
uses paint, as a musician uses musical
instruments, as a sculptor uses stone-and-chisel,
so a writer uses words. Words have a definite
As an art, literature might be described as the
organization of words to give pleasure. Yet
through words literature elevates and transforms
experience beyond “mere” pleasure. Literature
also functions more broadly in society as a
means of both criticizing and affirming cultural values

Lastly, we have Drama. It is a performing art,

which has also been practiced since times
immemorial. Drama could spring from a child’s
play. The child enacts, and mimics which was
the beginning of drama. A prose or verse
composition, especially one telling a serious
story, that is intended for representation by
actors impersonating the characters and
performing the dialogue and action. Also, a
serious narrative work or program for television,
radio, or the cinema. Dramatic quality, which is
found in all forms of art, prevails inherently
in drama. According to V. G. Belinskii,
the drama is an important quality of the human
spirit, evoked by situations in which something
that is dearly cherished or greatly desired and
demands fulfillment is threatened.

(PDF) Module in MAPEH GRADE 7 Quarter: First Music: Music of Cordillera
Competencies | john asley Lunnay - Academia.edu
The Different Forms of Art That are Surprisingly Versatile - Art Hearty
Photos are credited to Japheth Coronacion Dayo – Professional Graphic Artist
B. Development 60 minutes Learning Task 2
Title: Differences vs. Similarities
Instruction: Describe the commonalities and differences of the following art forms:



Learning Task 3
Title: Web Map
Instruction: Research on historical background about the various art forms of the
Philippines and its geographical representation. Write important details about the
topic and show its connection to each idea.


Dance Drama

Literature Visual Arts

C. Engagement 30 minutes Learning Task 4
Title: My Insights
Instruction: Answer the following. Make at least 2-3 paragraphs in each question.
Write your answer in a yellow paper.

In present, how will you be able to practice and promote the performing arts in
the Philippines given the fact that we are still struggling with the limitations
implemented by our National Government due to the Covid 19?

If you will get a chance to perform a various form of art. What will it be and how
do you think you can perform it? List down your strategies and techniques that you
will use.
D. Assimilation 10 minutes Learning Task 5
Title: True or False
Instruction: Read each questions carefully. Tick True if the statement is correct and
False if it is wrong. Click the link below to access the quiz online.


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V. ASSESSMENT 10 minutes Learning Task 6

Title: It’s your time to shine!
Instruction: Pick one (1) art form in the table below and do the directed activity in its

Visual Arts Direction: Do the following steps below.

Step 1: Capture your subject using a camera either an
object, scene or person that enlighten your mood
despite of the hard times you’re experiencing due to
Covid 19.
Step 2: Print it in a wallet size and paste it at the lower
right corner of an Oslo Paper.
Step 3: Paint/Draw the printed image to the Oslo Paper
where you pasted it using any available coloring
Step 4: Make sure to have a space where you can write
your name and section.
Step 5: Submit to your teacher.
Dance Direction: Do the following steps below.
Step 1: Make a 3–4-minute dance choreography that
will encourage everyone to do it as a dance routine
even inside the house to promote wellness.
Step 2: Select an accompaniment of any music you like.
Step 3: Video record yourself while performing.
Step 4: Upload to your social media account.
Step 5: Send the link to your teacher.
Music Direction: Do the following steps below.
Step 1: Compose a 3-4 stanza of poem about your
realization after you’ve experienced the lockdown.
Step 2: Select an accompaniment of any music you like.
Step 3: Video record yourself while singing your
Step 4: Upload to your social media account.
Step 5: Send the link to your teacher.
Theater/t Direction: Do the following steps below.
Film/Drama Step 1: Form a group with 5 members
Step 2: Select a 3-minute scene from your favorite
Filipino movie make sure it has a moral story for the
Step 3: Prepare the props, be creative and resourceful
on what you will use.
Step 4: Video record it and showcase your technical
skills by editing the video.
Step 5: Send it to your teacher.
Literature Direction: Do the following steps below.
Step 1: Write a story that inspires you.
Step 2: Use your story to create a flip book with at least
10 pages.
Step 3: Use any available materials to create the flip
book and do your own designs.
Step 5: Submit it to your teacher.
Architecture Direction: Do the following steps below.
Step 1: Prepare your bond paper, pencil, ruler, and
coloring materials
Step 2: Draw your dream house.
Step 3: Submit it to your teacher.

GOOD (83- BETTER (88-
87) 93)

Student(s) do Student(s) Student(s) Student(s)

not occasionally always always
Ability to
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate or
or employ or employ or employ employ needed
e needed
needed skills needed skills needed skills skills and
Student(s) Student(s) Student(s) Student(s) was
Ability to
was unable was able to was able to able to
to showcase showcase showcase showcase
location/mat location/mat location/mat location/materia
erial needed erial needed erial needed l needed to the
to the project to the project to the project project at all
needed to
at all times. sometimes. most of the times
the project
Student(s) do Student(s) do Student(s) Student(s)
Ability to
not follow not follow always follow always follow
and procedures procedures procedures and
demonstrate and and demonstrate
targeted occasionally demonstrate targeted process
process skills demonstrate targeted skills and it also
e the
targeted process skills shows
process skills consideration in
small details
Time Student(s) do Student(s) Student(s) Student(s)
managem not finish on finished the finished the finished the
ent & time with activity on activity on activity on time
submission incomplete time and time and and with
of the data or with with complete data
activity and able to do
finished with incomplete complete the revision
invalid data data data suggested
Student(s) do Student(s) Student(s) Student(s) are on
not know the have not have well- tasks and have
tasks and well-defined defined responsibilities at
have no responsibilitie responsibilitie all times. Group
e and
defined s most of the s most of the conflicts are
responsibilitie time. Group time. Group cooperatively
s. Group conflicts are conflicts are managed at all
conflicts must cooperativel cooperativel times.
be settled by y managed y managed
the teacher most of the most of the
time. time.
Messy output Messy output Clean output Clean output
and haven’t but have and have and have shown
shown an shown some shown some so much effort
effort effort effort
Student(s) Student(s) Student(s) Student(s) do not
Ability to
always requires requires less need to be
requires supervision supervision supervised by
supervision sometimes by teacher the teacher
nt work
by teacher by teacher
___________________________________________________________ TOTAL SCORE

VI. REFLECTION 10 minutes For the end of this lesson, write your reflection to your answer sheet regarding your
thoughts and realization for the topic. Make at least 3-4 sentences.

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