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Network Components


Objective #7: Describe the Purpose and Functions of Network Components

Types of Networks

Local Area Network (LAN)

- Offers high speed communication (order of 10mb/s) between computers situated within
a limited area, typically a building or small site.

- In general a low error rate can be achieved, all computers are connected to a single
transmission medium and access to the medium is controlled in a distributed manner
with all the computers working to agreed rules.

- Each computer or device on the network is called a node. Often, nodes are connected
to the network via cables

- Usually owned and managed by a single organization.

2. Wide Area Network (WAN)

- Most WANs connect computers within a single country, but others (for example SITA
which serves the international airline organizations) cover many countries using a
communications channel that combines many types of media such as telephone lines,
cables and airwaves.

- The Internet is the world’s largest WAN.

- Span greater distances than LANs. Typically span entire countries

- Owned by multiple organizations

Network Components

- WANs can use

public or private
network transports;
LANs primarily use
private network

3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

- Covers an area of the size of a typical city, but uses LAN technology.

- They offer a simple, fast way to link different organizations for the exchange of

3. Virtual Private

Network (VPN)

- A Virtual Private Network is a way to mimic a private network over a public network, such as

the internet. In other words, connectivity is deployed using the public internet with the same

security and performance as a private network. It is called virtual, because it depends on the use

of virtual connections- that is, temporary connections that have no real physical presence, but

consist of packets routed over various machines on the internet on an ad hoc basis. This network

uses encrypted connection, which helps to ensure that sensitive data is safely transmitted. It
Network Components

prevents unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to conduct

work remotely. VPN technology is widely used in corporate environments.

Network Components

Transmission Media
Cabled/Wired Media

1. Twisted- Pair Cable: Consists of two independently insulated wires twisted around each
other. It is the least expensive type of cable. It is the kind that is used in many telephone

2. Coaxial Cable: Consists of an insulated center wire grounded by a shield of braided

wire. It is the primary type of cabling used by the cable television industry. It is more
expensive than twisted pair.

3. Fibre-Optic Cable: Contains hundreds of clear fiberglass or plastic fibers (threads). It is

made from thin, flexible glass tubing and the bandwidth is greater, so it carry more data.
It is lighter than metal wires and is less susceptible to interference. It is also fragile and
Network Components

Wireless Media
1. Microwave System: Transmits data via high-frequency radio signals through the


1. Satellite System: Receive transmitted signals, amplify them and then transmit the signals

to the appropriate locations.

2. Infra-red Technology: Transmits data as infra-red lights waves from one device to

another, providing wireless links between PCs and peripherals.

What is the Internet?

- The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking

worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. These interconnected computers

Network Components

work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as

the IP or the internet protocol.

- The Internet is a network of computers spanning the globe. It is also called the World

Wide Web.

Internet, Intranet and Extranet

Internet is global communication accessed through the Web.

Intranet is a computer network system in which a specific organization share information within

that organization (internally).

Extranet is a computer network that allows outside users to access the Intranet of organization

(shared information). This network system is basically used for business to business (B2B)


Configuration- Network configuration is the process of setting a network's controls, flow and
operation to support the network communication of an organization and/or network owner. In
networks, configuration often refers to the network topology.
Network Components


Network Topology refers to the way in which the connections are made among all the computers
of a network. Network topology specifically refers to the physical layout of the network,
specially the location of the computers and how the cable is run between them.

Types of Network Topology

1. Bus Topology
2. Star Topology
3. Ring Topology
4. Mesh Topology
5. Tree Topology

Bus Topology
In the bus topology, single cable connects all network nodes without affecting connectivity
devices. When one computer sends a signal using the cable, all the computers on the network
receive the information, but only one (Addressee) accepts it. In other words, devices share
responsibility for getting data from one point to another.

Advantages of Bus Topology

1. The bus is simple, reliable in very small network, and easy to use.

2. The bus requires the least amount of cable to connect the computers together and is
therefore less expensive than other cabling arrangements.

3. Failure of one node does not affect the rest of network.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology

Network Components

1. Heavy network traffic can slow a bus considerably.

2. A break in the cable or lack of proper termination can bring the network down.

3. It is difficult to troubleshoot a bus.

Star Topology

In the Star topology, any single cable connects only two devices. Each device has a dedicated
point to point link only to central controller, usually called a hub/server. Requires more cabling
than ring or bus networks.

Advantages of Star Topology

1. It is easy to modify and add new computers to a star network.

2. During the process of adding/deleting a node (computer), network can function normally.

3. Single computer failure do not necessarily bring down the whole star network.

Disadvantage of Star Topology

1. If the central hub fails, the whole network fails to operate.

Network Components

2. It cost more to cable a star network.

3. Require dedicated server

Ring Topology

In a ring topology, each computer is connected directly to the next computer in line, forming a
circle of cable. It uses token to pass the information from one computer to another. Every
computer is connected to the next computer in the ring, and each retransmit what it receives from
the previous computer. The message flow around the ring in one direction. There is no
termination because there is no end to the ring.

Advantages of Ring Topology

1. All the computers have equal access to the network.
2. Even with many users, network performance is even.
3. Allows error checking, and acknowledgement
Disadvantages of Ring Topology
1. Failure of one computer can affect the whole network.
2. It is difficult to troubleshoot the ring network.
3. Adding or removing computers disturbs the network.
Network Components

Hotspots- A hotspot is a physical location where persons are able to access the Internet, often

using Wi-Fi, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a router connected to an Internet

service provider. These are used to provide access services (Internet/ Intranet) in the public area,

using cable or wireless.

Protocols- Refers to the rules and regulations that guides the use of computers that shares data.

Network Security- This refers to the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator

to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification or denial of a computer


Firewall-This is a network security system that is found on computers, that protects

and prevents unauthorized access to or from a private network.

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