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Roadmap for continuous learning in supply chain

Learning doesn’t stop when you’ve obtained a qualification. In fact, that’s just the beginning. In order to keep up with
the rapid pace of change, learning should be a continuous process. Personal and professional development should be
possible and accessible for everyone, everywhere. For learning to be optimally effective and beneficial, it should be in-
terwoven with work. This roadmap by Supply Chain Media and Involvation highlights some common obstacles and their
solutions on the path to continuous learning in supply chain.

No variety in  Gain an overview of skills and competencies
 Discuss personal learning preferences
supply chain  Identify strengths and weaknesses;
training focus on the strengths


 Formulate the personal and organizational

Personal expectations are FUTURE motivations and ambitions
not expressed  Regularly communicate goals and
constraints (e.g. time, budget)
 Prepare and execute a development
plan (and adapt it whenever necessary)
‘No clear  Evaluate the results and take corrective action
development  Seek a mentor/coach as a sparring partner
plan’ and to keep you alert

Knowledge and TRANSFER  Translate team goals into learning needs
 Analyse the knowledge/skills gaps within the team
skills are not shared  Fill those gaps by sharing more internally or
within a team bringing in from outside
 Share your knowledge with other teams
and also learn from other teams
 Embed a learning mindset, e.g. by discussing
‘No team training’ it briefly at every meeting

The lack of a  Integrate learning with working by
introducing shorter but more frequent sessions
learning culture  Facilitate learning: time, money, content, tools
 Stimulate and emphasize remote learning:
available for anyone, anytime, anywhere
‘Training  Safeguard know-how: invest in knowledge management
S U P P LY C H A I N M O V E M E N T, N o . 4 0 , Q 1 2 0 2 1

Internal  Stay curious: what are competitors doing better?
focus rather than  What can you learn from your customers & suppliers?
 Share your strengths and weaknesses with your best
learning from/with partners (customers & suppliers), learn from each other
customers & suppliers  Reflect regularly: Are you still relevant in the
26 supply chain or are you falling behind?
‘Patchy knowledge

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