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Programmed Instructlo Development of Progranmmed Instruct ton

-Content structure. 3. As statements.
-Strategy of instruction, and (qualifications are usually exceptions
4. Without qualification
-Terminal behaviours. to the general rule and must be treated separately. Most
This needs mastery of content and programme as
skill of programmed of them will eventually be handled in the
strategy. In order that the desired terminal discrimination items).
behaviours are pro
duced, an appropriate programme paradigm has to be conversational clements about
seleçted and A good set of rules will hâve a
employed. Suitable stimuli, form and will have a sing, song
sequence of presentation are them; one replying to the to the other, and structure of the pro
Decessary steps in the process of writing a frame.
quality. The following chart indicate the
'A frame or item is a segment of
handles at one time.' A frame varies in material which the learner
size form a few words or a
sentence or two (linear), to a para or
(branching). A frame requires at least onetwo full page or more
response which may be As Assessed by
Overt or correct response and provides for E
before the learner proceeds to next frame.knowledge A frame
of results
M Post Test
consists of three parts : structure
(a)-Stimulus : the information is presented,
A Concept 3-Broken down into elements
(b)-Response : the learner constructs or selects a GR
(c)-Feedback or Reinforcement : the knowledge of response,
result (che
cking his own response with the given correct
A frame produces a learning situation involve theresponses).
PRO Concept 2-Broken down into elements
elements :
(i) A stimulus or stimuli (s) wbich serves to elicit or
cue for the desired response. Concept 1-Broken down into elements
(ii) A stimulus context (S°) to which the
desired response is to be 1earned. occurrence of a
(iii) A response (R) which the student
adds to 'or' lead to the terminal supplies ofandthewhich Entering Behtviour
behaviour pro
As Verified by
(iv) Extra material which makes the frame
more readable,
understand able or interesting. Pre Pre Test
Before the programmer can actually start
gramme, he must decide what information writing the pr0 Paradigm of a Programme
it should
broad concepts or topics will already have been contain. The
the statement of objectives. It is now decided prior to Characteristics of a Good Frame :
characteristics :
item of information should be listed, inimportant that every single
the Smallest possible form
A good frame has the following
words which have the specitic
1. A good frame employs clear
so that nothing is omitted when writing
Rules should be written: the instructional sequence. meaning.
needs of the learners.
I. In simple sentences witbout punct 2. A good frame satisfies the
is meaningful.
uation. 3. The response of good frame
2 Without
conjuction 'such as and but although (the use of a is the integral part of
4. The correct response of good frame
conjunction indicates that there are two rules present). terminal bebaviour.
for frames
Matrix, :establishment
to practicing
frames promptsstructure 244
The impart one. of
demonstrationTeaching. Stages
eveloping There these
All These (d) (c) frames (b) (a) There 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5.
of these Testing 1S new of
agram carlier a Practice 60 Teaching conjunctions. Aframe. Theframe. The Correct
tuationandpreceeding A Thecasilyresponse A A
programme. are frames tothe in Introductory frames
Programme A good
facts three trames. ofteaching 20 to
knowledge. Practice are good good good g0od
chain 70are
terms appropriate
stimulus structure
the percent isand four understandable
: frame to produce Stage
percentheavily Stage frame
fra frame frame frame is
learning. Ruleg very behaviours. of
introduce priming and under
be : Stage Frames sta me
content. behaviour : is of of
may takencommon
The frames.
These : Testing ges produces increases
a and
the frames.
prompted Thus, written for good stimulating
and These The in good the
function content the 10 : the
It into Egrule gradual frames The unit : a adequate frame to reach
bas approaches new toStages
The frames specifiedpurpose
These these 1a
in frame the
blank. the the
beensequence as by introductory
percent ofa simple probability learner. language
is of
approach. withdrawing frames are frames : learning. is as
stimulus frames prompts such tlhe
hown both of programme: related well
designed produce sentences learner.
in for by
is are teaching frames.
formal present that and Programned
with for so in unprompted
are terminal linking framcs to usedare in of challenging,
designed learning half-prompted to the the learoing. itwords
ascertain and whithout has
thç next writing framesobjectives. tframe he e The are
thIntroductory, response
helpframe of thematic content previous only which
purpose full
frame situa is puo0 but
that the good
of 15the for to of of one are the

short entering
detailedempirical 40 are out. Step language
Can the fying cussedAfter besubjcct-matter.
first validatcd prcscntingthe
Responsc- 1 Development
carefully content
be 8. 7. 6. 5, 4.
3. preparcd
1. The
2. draft on The Frame-|
more &-Revising,
The the with The
individual Over Copying
scquence presented
Over Too Irrclevent
may first the and logical
diagnostic students behaviour
try sample
first ambignity frames.
can multiple-choice on of
selected of
experts emphasis manyloaded draft basis itis
out draft draft involvecards. scquence Pogramned
students of Groupcorrectly. be try
responsesframes subjcctcdof Stimulus2
to of of Editingevaluated and The todiscrimination out is promptsframes
through Response-2 FramC-2
the are subjectsfrom improved preparcd
the students
rformance contorm the Try purposerevision seek on or Each of
program programme difticulty the following
should the Out and their frame or or is frame the to
programme Instructlon
ted who by senteace over
lecture. asked responses,
modification. This
to Preparation:
target of can and
beme. the take the
ot poor
sequence. considering is Response-Frame-3
test the moditicd prompting for.
frames. written ty
tested eventual is experts. be
completion, pes
responses scquence
The frames
the trames for done
altercontrasttarget revised of
by errors about onmodification The is
on programme Final improving try frames. a logical is iS
completingpopulation a uses. aftersubject-mattcr The
structure The of
outindividual may single onpercieved
caretully to on Draft to it
: facts.
sequence develop Stimulus-4
the be
Erom empirical
to t5he at improve and may card.
try try used. may It byed
prepared basis this with be
modi out. T test.
out for stage dis he 1s the for
the the
pro ofthe of try

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