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No of students

Day Topic Desciption

Section A Section B
Web Brief discussion on what they have learnt and its
1 Basic real life applicattion 15 14
html and
2 css Form components and its attributes 17 16
3 javascript javascript basics and implementation on web 16 12
4 javascript calculator implentation on web 18 11
5 javascript calculator implemetation with UI 5 9
6 php API method GET and POST 12 10
7 php phpmyadmin intro table creation 18 6
8 php calculator data insertion on database 17 12
Registration of new user with database
9 CRUD implentation and validation 15 14
10 CRUD Login user if registered in database 15 12
11 CRUD Password encryption and decryption 13 11
12 CRUD Read operations 12 10
13 CRUD Delete and update operations 15 9
14 Revision Revision question answer 12 10

Start Sep 12
Date 2023

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