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H&M Group

Peter Ford – Green Investment Specialist

General Information
• H&M Group commits to reach net-zero greenhouse emissions across the value
chain by FY2040 from a FY2019 base year. Near-Term Targets H&M Group
commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 and 3 GHG emissions 56% by FY2030
from a FY2019 base year.

• H&M Group also commits to increase annual sourcing of renewable electricity

from 90.6% in FY2019 to 100% by FY2030.

General Information
• Scope 1 and 2 are tiny numbers –
met via PPAs and RECs in retail
markets and for own offices.
• Scope 3 is the main chunk of

• 2025 zero onsite coal

• 2030 100% renewable electricity
• 2030 56% cut in CO2e (2019 baseline)

General Information
• Coal phase out – replaced with:
• biomass (agricultural waste only)
• Electrification (T1 steam initially)
• Solar thermal (where feasible)
• Grid connectivity and strengthening:
• Support factories to join national grid (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan)
• Push for PPA frameworks in countries to decarbonize ‘purchased electricity’
• Push for investment in onsite renewables
• Technology:
• How to heat less water, at lower temperatures
• Energy efficiency

General Information
How to pay for this
• H&M Group has $270million annual decarbonization budget
• Green Investment
• Carbon Capture
• Innovative materials

• Green Fashion Initiative (GFI)

• 20 Approved/Funded projects within 2022
• 270,000 CO2e tons avoided
• ~$35million spent – low interest loans and direct grants

General Information

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