Software Project Management

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QUANTUM: SERIES For B.Tech Students of Third Year of All Engineering Colleges Affiliated to \ Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow (Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technicel University) | Software Project Management | By Kanika Dhama | Quantum — Page — QUANTUM PAGE PVT. LTD. Ghaziabad m New Delhi Engineers 7.0 Engineers 7.0M public channel 1.2K (OE-Sem.6) Project Evaluation and Project Planning [PART-1 Importance of Software Project. ~~ Methodologies. ery | Project Evaluation Lent | and Project Planning Que 14, | Whatis project ? Explain the characteristies of project. Gaswer | Project: 1. A project is defined as a sequence of tasks that must be completed to attain a certain outcome. | 1 temporary venture to produce a new and unique deliverable. | juld be a tangible product, a service or achievement of a 12K to 18K ¢ of project management in which software projects | mented, monitored and controlled Characteristios of project: Following are the characteristics of project Non-routine tasks are involved. Planning is required ivan are to be met as pre-determined time span. 18K to 13K con EASE to 125K Spec! ‘ied out in several phases. are available for use on the project are constrained. will be needed during the course of the project. 1-1K (OE-Sem-6) ‘Software Project Management 1-8 K (OF-Sem-6) 8. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. 4. Project management is accomplished through the use ofthe processes uchas initiating, planning, executing, controling, and closing 5. The processes within project management are iterative in nature QaSHA] Write short note on software project management. Y 1 Software project management is an art and discipline of planning and rare projects spline of project management in which software projects ‘are planned, implemented, monitored and controlled. 3. Itis procedure of managing, allocating and timing resources to, develop computer software that full requirements 4 Following are the advantages of software project management: a. Tehelpe in planing of softwave development. b. Implementation of software development is made eaty ¢ Monitoring and controlling are aspects of software project management. 4. Itoverall manages to save time and cost for software development. GaETAT | What are the objectives of SPM? ‘Answer Basic objectives of SPM are as fllows 1. Define the project. 2 Reduce it to a set of manageable tasks. 3. Obtain appropriate and necessary resources 4 Build a veam to perform 5. Plan the work and alloc 6 1 8 8 ‘Monitor and control the wor Report progress to senior management and/or the project sponsor. Close down the project when completed. Review it to ensure the lessons ae learnt and widely understood. “FEE HETT Discus the structure ofa Software Projet Management Plan (SPMP) in detail 1-4K (OE-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project Planni: cture of software project plan is as follows: 1. Overview a. Project purpose, obje b, Project deliverables «Assumptions, dependencies, and constraints ctives, and success criteria 4. References e. Definitions and acronyms {Evolution of the plan 2 Project organization a. External interfaces >. Internal structure ¢. Rolesand responsibilities 3, Managerial process plans a Start-up plans i. Estimation plan iv. Resource acquisition plan ¥. Project commitments ». Work plan © Control plan i Data control plan ii, Requirements control plan sject close-out plan ‘Technical process plans 8. Process model Reco Software Project Management \/imanagement proj 1.5K (OE-Sem-6) fe. Documentation plan {Process improvement plan Queié. | Explain the importance of software project 6 Sofware pr’ Lo 2 ws team to focus on the work that matters, free from the ‘management. ‘Answer | important as 1 every part oft mess run more smoothly. ‘atin ue ast gancttont orogens ewiree sodoliver reruts cha actualy impact the buines’s bottom 4 Trnbabiesccplayecs toe ow their work contributes tothe company’s ae complexity of collaboration, increase transparency, and Se eee ce ec rcroeat Queia. | Explain projec for library management system. nning steps for developing a software Answer Project planning steps for library management system Step (): Select project 2. For this, we have to check how many institutes are software. Step 1: Identify project scope and objectives: tand objectives of the project can be defined as to keep track of .sued to the students. n the Kbrary. the students. have received / returned the books in project infrastructure : 1. In this phase we emphasize on the technologies which are using for developing software. 1-6 K (OF-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project Planning Step 3: Analyze project characteristics : 1. Inthis phase, we have worked on the features provided in the software which makes it more presentable. 2, Forthis software, we have included following characteristics = login with their unique user id / password to access the Fs ly check the availability of books. Step 4: Identify project products and activities: 1. Inthis phase, we have focused on the activities performed in the software ‘and the products available in the software. 2. In our project we have the following: 4, Login portal Si. Database of number of books issued to the students / faculty. fil, Record of students a For their dues. b. For books issued to them. iv. User can check the availability of books according to, 2. Demand of students. > Currentsyllabus. Step 5: Estimate effort for each activity: 1. Inthis step, we have eatimated time needed for each module. 2, Tnour project wo have three modules which are as follows i. Frontend i Backend ML Database Step 6: Identify risk: 4. In this phase, we have to check for all the possible risks related to our project. 2, Inourproject, risks areas follows : i. Requirements are not ii Some features may ni fiateroretiy) foasible. iii, Perhaps we have taken less physical storage space for our database. foatures of our software are not tampered proof, e technology for each module. 2, We have assigned qualified team members for each module. Software Project Management 1-7K (OE-Sem-6) ‘Step 8: Review plan: 1. In thisphase, wehave developed all the possible test cases to check the ‘working of software. 2. Also, we have executed all test cases for finding exception and errorin the program, Step 9 and 10: Execute plas 1. Fsome exception or err module and modify GHETRT] What are the activities involved in project management ? pupp eee QEEHI Explain ditterent methodologies used in software project management. Ser Different methodologies used in software project management are 1b. Inthis method, teams develop the softwar: sminicineres mente of the new function: 2 DevOps deployment methodology : b 1-8K (OE-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project Planning ne 3. Waterfall development method: rigid linear model that consists of ments, design, implementation, 4, Rapid application development: a. Ropid Application Development (RAD) is a condensed development process that produces a high-quality system with low investment costs. b, This allows developer: « fast-paced and cons! ©. Theability to quickly adj ickly adjust to shifting requirementsin ‘changing market. allows low investment cost. i, PART-2 Categorization of Software Projects, ves, Management pone ae ise usd) Mcdhum Answer Type BR oreo vison eed ct sstewss rake he largest single sofware b, The examples of bas 5s spplication area are payrol, inventor management, marketing, purchase etc. nares - 6 Se Software Project Management 1-9 (OF-Sem-6) a Personal computer softwar Embedded software : a. Embedded software resides in read only memory and is used to control products and systems for the consumer and markets. 1 Exotnples of embedded software are washing machine, microwave oven, air conditioner, ete = 5 Engineering and scientific software: software have been categorized by maples of sue! (CAD), Computer 4 xr Aaded Design lation ete a. Personal computer software for small business application is used by single user b For example, word processor, spresdsheet, multimedia, Cntertainment, database management, small business financial ‘application ete Real time software : ftware makes use of non-numerical lex problem that eannot be sol ion (image or voice), artificial neural ame playing etc. sntify the planning objectives ? a 4 the stakeholders are identified, it is critical to identify what to gain from the project. of the system th ‘not want any overruns to the schedule, w! seine ss approves the budget might expect a low budget project By identifying each of the stakeholders “win” condition, the project's objectives are clear from the start. A manager wo 1.10K (OF-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project Planning | In the negotiation with the customer, these objectives should be reinforced and documented. 6 Steps to identify the objectives are as follows + a. Identify and allocate resources. ‘Understand how people will benefit from the project jectives for the project. ‘asonable expectations on the parts of all the b. Prioritize! stakeholders. 4. Transform these objectives into project activities. e, Mentify and manage the risks. {Keep senior management and the customer aware ofthe status of ‘the project at all times. 7] what are the phases of project management ? eal Following are the phases involved in project management: 1 Step 1: Project initiation and conception : Initiation begins after Sie Jing o request from a client or discovering 2 business need. ‘ne whether or not accomplishing this project is ble for the business 2, Stop 2:Planning and ideation : When project viability is decided, the tent step is to put together a project management plan that will guide us through the execution process. 3. Stop $+ Project launch and execution : Once plan isin place, ite time fe pee itinto action, amend plan based on changing circumstances. 4. Step 4 : Project monitoring : Throughout the execution proce SteP th monitor, measure, and report project management metri ‘5. Step 6: Closure and presentation : Time to tie up all of the loose tends by developing final project reports and presenting deliverables to the stakeholders. GueLIG: | Explain software management principles. ‘Answer Following are the software management principles : 1. Architecture first approach + 4. this approach main im isto build a strong architecture for our software, bb. Allthe ambiguities and flaws are being identified during this phase. Software Project Management 1-11 K (OE-Sem-6) Software Project Management = FUROR 2 ° ‘Also, we can take all the decisions regarding the design of the software which will enhance the productivity of our software. Iterative life eycle process = 8. _Initerative life cycle process we repeat the process again and again to eliminate the risk factors. 1b Aniterative life cycle has four steps requirement: gathering, design, implementation, and testing. Iterative life cycle process is important to eliminate risk at an early stage by repeating the above-mentioned steps again and again. Component based approach : a In component-based approach we reuse the previously defined functions for the software development. b, We reuse the part of code in the form of components. Component based UI development optimizes the requirements and design process, ‘Change management system ‘Change management is the process responsible for managing all changes, b, The main aim of change management is to improve the quality of software by performing necese ¢ _Allchanges implemented are tested an Round trip engineering : ‘4 Inround trip engineering, code generation and reverse engineering ‘take place at the same time in a dynamic environment, Both components are integrated so that develope: fon both of them, Characteristic of round trip engineering is aut artifacts. Model-based evolution : ‘a A model-based approach supports the evolution of graphics and textual notions. san easily work pdate of 1. Objective quality control : 10 improve the quality of our quality metrics, quality checklist, quality baseline, and quality improvement measures 1-12 K (OB-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project et ee ‘emast plan an incremental realize in which we have an aj, oe era case, architecture, and details. i a. Bstablish a configurable process : a Batablish configurable process tha is economically sale We must use a configurable process which can deal wit aay applications. 10, Demonstration Based approach : 4 Inthis approach, we mainly focus on demonstration. bb thelpsin the increase of productivity and quality fours by representing a clear description about problem domain approaches used and the solution. SBA, | Write short note on management control. 1, Management control is described as a function that is aimed at ahienag id to the difference and tak the difference, Process through which the management of an organise *s other members to implement the strategies laid down bythe ‘tool, process, pol jue a5. | &, Qe8 116, Explain ditterent features of management contzel Answer Following are the features 2. Behavioral considerat; ‘The management, its organi einett Aims to have a direct impact on the emplayee#™ 1 adopts necossa oad workings so that tageateBies to influence their mindstt professional Goals are feat believing that their personal aad b, Software Project Management 1-13 K (OE-Sem-6) 2. Financial and non-financial performance : These measures are developed as part of management control 60 that the management can make comparisons between actual performance and planned performance. & Management control activities : a The management carries out its functions by influencing the individuals or groups to change their behavior so that it becomes easy to achieve set goals. PART-3 Project Portfolio Management, Gast-benefit Evoluation Technology, Risk Evoluation, Strategic Program Management, Stepwise Project Planning. 3 SSS pain prayest porsiatiom encgemeatin deta) 1. Project portfolio management (PPM) process defines how an organiz: approac ect prioritization, resource allocation, budge: scheduling, and ather major project components. eae caesar eee eacogaeee help an enterprise achieve its objectives, and it takes into account suc factors as external market conditions, customer demands, competitive management has bécome a key component in look to enhance their ability to manage multiple and effective way, ty exeoutives need to make informed decisions Que 117, | What are the objectives of PPM % oe Project Evaluation and Project Planning 1-14 K (OF-Sem-6) 1. It creates adescriptive document, which contains vital information such as name of project, estimated timeframe, cost and business objectives. 2 The project needs to be evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that the project is meeting its target and stays. = 3. Selection of the team players, who will work towards achieving the project's objectives Que 1.18. | What are the benefits of PPM? Following are the benefits of PPM : 1. Greater adaptability towards change. 2 Constant review and close monitoring brings about a higher return, 3. Management's perspectives with regards to project portfolio management is seen as an ‘initiative towards higher return’. Therefore, this will not be considered to be a detrimental factor to work. 4, Identification of dependencies is easier to identify. This will some inefficieney from occurring, 5. Advantage over other competitors. 6. Helps to concentrate on the strategies, which will help to achieve the targets rather than focusing on the project itself, 7. The responsibilities of IT is focused on part of the business rather than scattered across several iminate Que 119. | What is cost-benefit analysis ? ‘Anawer 1. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a technique used to compare the total costs of aprogramme/project with its benefits, using a common metric, 2 This enables the eateulation ofthe net cost or benefit associated with the programe. 3. Itis used most often at the start ofa programme or project when different options or courses of action are being appraised and compared, as an ‘option for choosing the best approach ‘4 Ikan also be used, to evaluate the overall impact of a programme in quantifiable and: dterms 5. CBA adds up the total costs of a programme or activity and compares it against its total benefits, 115K (OF-Sem-6) Software Project Management GTi technique assumes that a monetary value can be placed on a the Te a Lhnefis of a programme, including tangible and intengi»is coat io other people and organisations in addition to those immediately impacted. 4. Advantage ofcost-benefit analysis explicitly and systematically consider tho various factors which should influence strategic choice. _.) GEETRT] Write short note on cost-benefit evaluation techniques. YY ree) / — Following are the cost-benefit evaluation techniques eee ee =e Be eres eo Me wc pm ePaes ae! thatit ignores the overall ynores any income (Or hhas broken even. (Profit ~ Cost) ‘Cost ROL= 4. Net present value: a. The calculation of Net Present Value (NPV) is a project evaluation technique that takes into account the profitability of a project and the timing of the cash flows that are produced. GESTS] What are the steps used in cost-benefit analysis? 4-16K (OE-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project Planning “Answer Folloing are the steps used in cost" specify the set of options sa range of genuine, viable, alternative poliey oPtions © be analysed. ide whose costs and benefits count: Forraost regulatory proposals, measuring the national cos and benefitsis soe epniatesrathor than measuring any international MPSS crop 3: Identify the impacts and select measurement indicators: the fall range of impacts of each of the options. ele important to dentiy the incremental corte and Henaaia Or each option, relative to the base case. sie: Prodict dheimpacts over the life of the proposed regulation? acts ghoula be quantified for each time period over the life of the regulation benefit analysis coral period needs to be long enough to capture all the pote costs and benefits. Step 5: Monetise impacts: “Assigning a net Rupee value of the gains and losses of a regulator: for all people affected is one useful way to measure the effects of a proposed change, e Step 6 Discount fature costs and benefits to obtain present values: ‘The need to discount future cash flows can be viewed from two main perspectives, both of which focus on the opportunity cost of the cash flows Smplied by the regulation. ‘Que 13. Write a short note on risk management process. OR, Write short note on risk analysis and risk control. Risk management is a very tedious task. It involves basically two steps : i leu cogeserent:Te lathe precar ofexamining a project and ident ce err tin Dak ersaseeiane coeatee stags eoevicaa a. Riskidentification: See eee oer cant ee a list of risk items called risk statement. si. Risk identification is carried out as a team process using ttm .com a 6) Software Project Management L-ATK (OES! Bi The end product of this step of the process isa list of risks that could occur and affect the product, the process or the business. isk Identification Risk Bent Risk Analysis Risk Prioritization Risk Management isk Management Planning i Risk, a Risk Monitoring Risk Resolution Fig 122-1, =a iv, Within the identification phase, several activities occur. The 2. Ifprojocts have been conducted before, the resi ofthese inputs may be stored ina database that the project managers to detect and find appropriate risk items. output of the identification phase is the risk that contains identified risks that may project. fore, together wigethe statements, risk produced, ee of the context is to deseril nts, conditions, constraints, circumstances, contributing factors and. 118K (OE-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project Planning. LBKOESems) ee 2 b ‘by answering the question what, when, where, how ‘andwhy of each risk identified. Risk analysis : ‘The purpose of the risk analysis is to assess the loss probability ‘and magnitude of each risk item. ‘The input is the risk statement and context developed in the identification phase i. ‘The output of this phase is a risk list containing relative ranking of the risks and a further analysis ofthe description, probability, consequence and context. iv. ‘The main activities in this phase are: 1. Group similar risks : Detect dupli srisk items by grouping the identified risks into categories. 2 Determine risk drivers : The risk drivers are parameters that affect the identified risk. 3. Determine source of risks : The sources of risks are the root causes of the risks 4, Estimate risk exposure : The risk exposure is measure of the probability and the consequence of a risk item. 5. Evaluate against criteria : Each riskitem is evaluated tucing the predefined criteria, which are important for the helps the project focus on its most severe the risk expasure Si Exposure is the product of the probability of incurring a loss ‘due to the risk and the potential magnitude of that loss. Risk control : Risk control is the process of managing risks to achieve the desired outcomes, Risk control process involves the following activities : b Risk planning: i. Risk management planning produces a plan for dealing with sproaches, owners, tigation is plan that would reduce or eliminate the highest risks ii The mitigation plan includes a description of the actions that ano taken tomitigate th red rated risk and assigns a primary Software Project Management 1-19K (OE-Sem-8) Risk resolution : i. Risk resolution is the execution of the plans for dealing with ‘each risk. Inthe riskeis at the watch list, a plan of how to resolve the risk. already had taken place, The project manager has to respond to the trigger and execute the action plan. Risk monitoring: i. Risk monitoring js the continually reassessing of risks as the project proceeds and conditions change. Que TBE | What are the factors which affects the riskidentification procedure of any software project ? Answer ‘The categories of factors that will need to be considered include the following, 1. Application factors : 8. Thenatureofthe application, whether it isa simple data processing. large distributed system ie elements is likely to be a critical factor. b. The expected size of the application is also important because the larger the system, the greater is the lkolibood of errors and communication and management problems. 2 Staff factors: ‘a. ‘The experience and skills of the staff involved are clearly major iced programmer is less likely to make errors le experience. b. Such factors as thele rates are also imports staff or key personns project to fail 3, Project factors : a. {isimportant that the project and its objectives are well defined aad that they are ebsoltitely clear to all members of the project team and all key stakeholders. Similarly, an agreed and formal qu: ff satisfaction and the staff turs-over 1¢ success of any project, Demotivated ig unexpectedly have eaused many a >. thods for project leerease the risk of 1-20 K (OE-Sem-8) Project nvaiuawon cua rrojectPi aaa ea 5 6. 8 9. FlardwarelSoftware factors : ; a oct that requires new hardware for developments) Apri sigher risk than one where the software can be ‘a Pee ae (and fainiliar) hardware. ed saee a system is developed on type of hardware o fim bs eect mito be used on another there mightbe additional asdbig) Changeover factors ¢ ‘a. Incremental or gradual changeover minimizes the risks inmhei butis not always practical Parallel runningean provide a safety net but might be impose too costly, Supplier factors: a. The extent to wl cannot be dire Environment factors project's success Health and safety factors : While not general software projects, the possible effects of project ac and safety of the participants and the environment should be consiet 19 external organizations tat fluences the projet’ surest ha project rel i 2, 3 4 6. . | Write short note on strategic program management # Woo 40 Aonedor i. 2 Strategic program management moans centralized way to coor program's strategic goals and objectives. Program management. has close céntact to enterprise portfoi at strategic managemay In order to continuow ne improve and male strategie objectives itt important to setup enterprise program management of A program mana; hose ebisto el ger is a strategic project-management profestt! Star aagtle evernes and coordinate the various projects oes oF strategic initiatives across aa on ome recicabna five essential tasks of strategie management. The!’ developing a strategic visi a eit ategic vision and mi iting objectives tactics to act ee ties to achieve those objectives, implementing and execute ™ luating and measuring performance. tactics, and eval | What are the components which drive the praiestt™ ultimate goal ? N Software Project Management “Answer 1. Strategic analysis = a This forms the basis for which projects an organisation chooses undertake. = a ce b. Each project needs to link to the organisation's mission and be key to meeting long-term objectives, 2. Strategic choics 1.21 K (OE-Sem-6) a ‘projects is a complex task, something that project @ There's also a need to identify and take advantage of external opportunities, while avoiding external threats. |. Strategic implementation : a Here, strategic project management sets out the long-, medium- and short-term goals for projects and programmes. ion examines all kinds of benefits, including b, Strategic imple of collaborative tools in projects. le and resources are assigned. > of projects, not justat a base level, but from the top, 26. | How to develop strategic project management ? 1. Simplify decision-maling: a. With a clear strategy before you, the decision-making process becomes easier as you always have the right base to guide your conclusions, 2. Improve priority management : & Advance your strategy and your projects every day by developing a & Allocating the r company’s priorities. wudget is a clear sign: verall business strategy must play a vital role in al yns when it comes to every Proj 1-22 K (OE-Sem-6) Project Evaluation and Project Planning 4. Contribute to the project strategy = a. Most of the high-performing companies call on their project management offices to contribute to strategic planning. », Even ifyou're starting as a project manager and have limited input on the strategy today, you need to educate yourself and prepare, when the time comes. 5. Focus on organizational ambitions : a. People want to be recognized and admired for their work, and that is the same im any branch, including project management, 6 Revisit strategic progress : a. Some businesses consider creating the strategy as nothing more ‘than an annual thought exercise-they focus much energy and invest countless hours into developing the strategic documents. Que Answer 1. Project planning is an aspect of project management, which comprises ‘of various processes. 2, The aim of these processes is to ensure that various project tasks are well coordinated and they meet the various project objectives including. timely completion of the project. 3, ‘The project plan reflects the current status of all project activities and is used to mgnitor and control the project. 4. Project planning is an ongoing effort throughout the project life eycle. 5. The project planning tasks ensure that various elements of the project are coordinated and therefore guide the project execution, 6. Project planning helps in ing communteation. ‘ng/measuring the project progress. ¢. Provides overall documentation of assumptions/planning decisions. ‘The project planning phases can be broadly classified as follows = a, Development of the project plan. Write short note on software project planning. b. Execution of the project plan. © Change control and corrective actions. 8, Project planning spans across the various aspects of the project. Generally project planning is considered to be a process of estimating, scheduling and assigning the projects resources in order to deliver an end product of suitable quality. 9. However, it ia much more as it can assume a very strategic rol ine the success of the project. phich ‘Software Project Management 1-23 K (OE-Sem-6) 1-24 (OF-Sem-6) QEETEET] What are the different types of project planning? Answer | Following are the types of profect planning : 1. Project scope definition and scope planning: ‘a. In this step, we document the project work that would help us ‘achieve the project goal. business requirements, technical requirem¢ project objectives and everything that di Fequirements 2 Quality plannit indards are determined for the project. laptured in the previous steps such ements, deliverables, etc., various factors of the final product are determined, c. The processes required to deliver the product as promised and as per the standards are defined 3. Project activity definition and activity sequencing: a. In this step, we define all the specific activities that must be performed to deliver the product by producing the various product deliverables, ¥y sequencing identifies the interdependence of a. Once the scope, activities and at defined and documented, th ‘effort required to comple! b The effort can be calculate: available such as function points, lines of code, complexity of code, benchmarks, etc 5. Risk factors identification : ‘a. Itis important to identify and document the risk factors associated based on the assumptions, constraints, user activities, interdependence b. Theschedule mayinfluence the: analysis Project Evaluation and Project Planing @ Popular tools can be used for creating and reporting the schedules 1s Gantt charts 1 imation and budget on the informat ‘ed in all the previous steps, itis ‘possible to estimate the ved in executing and implementing the project. b. Acost benefit analysis can be for the project. & process and necessary to optimize Phe prajeet life eyele thus making 4 There are various types ‘of resources : equipment, personnel, facilities, money, ete. 9. Risk management planning : a. Risk management is a process of identifying, analyzing and cesponding to arrisk, b, Based on the risk factors, identified risk resolution plan is created. The plan analyses each of the risk factors and their impact on the project. The possible responses for each of them can be planned, development and execution : a Project plan development uses the inputs gat ot identification, activity sequencing, quality manage iz y sequencing, quality manage A detailed work breakdown structure comprisin it identified ir uasa. pructure comprising of all the activities ‘hs tanks ape scheduled based on the inputs captured in the steps ‘The project plan documents all the assumy 5 timelines and drives the project. iptions, activities, schedule, 11. Performance reporti a, The progress of each of the tasks/ectiv pa ents tivities deseribed in the project ith the schedule and timelines E Software Project Management 1-25 K (OE-Sem-6) Various techniques are used to measure and report the project performance such as EVM (Earned Value Management). Awide variety of tools can be used to report the performance of the project such as PERT charts, Gantt charts, Logical bar charts, Histograms, Piecharts, ete. 12, Planning change management : a a Analysis of project performance can necessitate that certain aspects project be changed ‘equests for changes need to be analyzed carefully and its +t should be studied cts the project plan may be modified to for change. tionship and business. \ductivity and profitability) and report to Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation 2.1K (OE-Sem-6) ‘Software Project Management 23K OF-Semg) “The project initiation phase involves the following six kay stepswhig, are shown in Fig. 2.1.2. 2.2K (OE-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Eifort Estimation mine Zaisil a sae oe — eee ne t t + Appoint a Perform phase| ieieuee 5 eats Staty Sere fom “Fig. 22.8 the project team, weare 1g phase 1s documents to help guide y ing the following ten key ‘ing the project and appointit ster the detai Jf see Fer pe tenet aR crews soos eee ¢. The planning phase involves compl saps showmnin Fig.213, Greate Lol Greate Create Creates [gl Creates >| L| o preest plan] "| resource plan || financial plan | "| quality plan [™| risk lan Perform Greate Creatas Contract the g Bhat cahpens” | Preeurement fed cept eview plan tion plan ala Fig-24.3. 8 Project execution : ‘This is the phase in which the deliverables are physically built asd ees Presented to the customer for acceptance b e se: i Thee ® Provesses include managing time, cost, quality, change, 35 < suppliers, customers and communication. & Once all the deliverables have be a Once ‘erables have been produced and the customer ted the final solution, the project is ready for closure. 1. Project initiati a. Project initiation is the first phase in the project life eyele which, involves starting up the project, b. Initiate a project by defining its purpose and scope, the justification for initiating it and the solution to be implemented. 2.4K (OF-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation Software Project Management 25K (OF-Sem-6) ‘b. The Waterfall Model : tis a sequential design process in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards, Phasesin waterfall model includes : i, Requirements Specifiestion fi, Software Design iii, Implementation iv, Testing e Dataflow Model : [t is diagrammatic representation of the flow ‘and exchange of information within a system. @ Evolutionary Development Model : Following activities are considered in this model: i, Specification 4. Development, Perform risk | anagenest | ii, Validation ssanagement Jes of the people involved in the software are included in this model. Ques. | Discuss SDLC model in brief. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) + a 1. Itisa diagrammatic representation which also provides description of dalvrabes the aria pases ifs eyele of software product. Bie catictas aa 2 Software saasre a basic sissy is life cycle eA conta, rlesing re seiratsent ansiyele and specication, sign, coding, testing ‘close Nl stake maintenance. GucTE | weplain software process model in detail 3. There are many softvaresiodel WH seagate eae Queda | Explain software p software product. ae . er: 4, All models undergo these basic stages while their mapping of the stages eere sare process rode] i an abstraction ofthe aotual process, which ray be different as per model requirement, oftware poset me dfiond ars simpliied representation of Ween cnsoes acy coe afemedel ca ae epee a. Development speed 2. Each model represents a process from a specific perspet re process models on which different type of software "mented are ms b. Product quality 1e sequential series of tasks and decisions Administrative overhead make up # business process: Risk exposure ment coors 2-6 K (OE-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation Software Project Manage! vy Answer | eee ‘The different phases of waterfall model are Sefimtion Software development life eycle model Sytem and software designing| Fig. 284 Phases of software development life cycle models : Requirement defi ‘System and component (software) design Coding Implementation and unit testing Integration and system testing 3. Operation and maintenance GQuead. | Write short note on waterfall model. =e 1. Waterfall model is also known as classical, traditional, conventional or linear segment model 2, Tefocus on sequential phase development in which no phase can overlap qmother phase and so the developer must complete each phase hefore starting next phase 3. Each phase ofthis model has awell defined starting and ending criteria wns to be documented by which the standard outputs (deliverables) to be produced by each phase can formulate. 4. This model does not allow to go back to the previous stage from one srnge one way street with no turning back” like waterfall that’s why it is called waterfall model. Ques. | Exp! different phases of waterfall model. 3. Feasibility study = » "This phase is used to check whether the new proposed system ae nemically, technically and operationally feasible or not, mationis gathered about what output tobe produce, iach pat eng a ee ration strategies are formulated. 2 Requirement analysis and specification : b, as the system for ‘This phase give specification abo the requirement of user/eustomer ‘This phase analyze end 3j and document them properly. In requirement analysis, the data are gathered from users using different methods such as interviews, questionnaires, on site observation and through written document of the organization, Finally, the requirements are organized systematically in the form of document called software requirement specification (SRS) document. 3, System and software designing phase : b In design phase, overall structure or architecture is developed which is transformation of requirement specified in SRS. End produet of coding phase is module testing, in which each module is tested individually whether they are working properly or 0h is is also called unit testing. a a ‘The output of this phase is programmed module. Integration and system testing : According to ple develop the syste: Tn this phase, system rathe steps the par individually tested module are integrated (@ \dule are not joined together to form the eps and during thes jested and then the next Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation 2.8K (OE-Sem-6) | Spmem and soferare design |] Taplementation and maintenance Fig. 25.1. 6, Implementation/Installation and maintenance : ‘@ _ Inthis phase, system is installed at the user end and itis checked. If there is any upgradation required in hardware or software clement at user end that is made available. 1. Easy to understand | defined input and output, Software Project Management 2-9K (OE-Sem-6) 6. Customer gets opportunity very late to review the project so less user involvement during development process. Que27__ | What is prototyping model ? When it is used ? Answer Prototype model : 1. There are certain drawbacks in waterfall model. 2 This model is developed to overcome to main drawbacks of waterfall 0 predict how the new system will be. in predicting the entire requirements at very beginning , because even end user doesn't know all requirements Evolutionary Delivered Prototyping system Outline requirements Executable prototype + system specification Fig 27a. 4. Inprototype model, firstly a working prototype is developed instead of developing actual software requirements which basically 'y while it passes through all stages of development jesting but is done formally. design, coding model is used by developer and given to user for review which ‘the user to better understand his need and requirement and then feedback from user is collected and given to developer that helps to remove uncertainties in the requirements of the software, we modeling is of two types: 8, _Evolutionary/Exploratory prototyping b.‘Throw-away prototyping BEBGEBR opin vievooon moat o 1. Fig. 2.8.1 shows a diagrammatic representation of V-process model, Effort Estimation 210K (OF-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Feasibility |, Corrections study OES ¥ System testing System design Program testing Program design _ Fig. 284: 2 Thisis an elaboration of the waterfall model and stresses the necessity for validation activities that match the activities that create the products of che project. 3. ‘The V-process model can be seen as expanding the activity testing in the ‘waterfall model. 4, Bach stephas amatching validation process whichon Finding the defects causes a loop back to the corresponding development stage and a reworking of the following steps. 5. This feedback should only occur where a discrepancy has been found enwoen what was specified by a particular activity and what was actually Paplemented in the next lower activity on the descent of the V loop. Ques | Write short note on spiral model. L al Oe The activities of this model are organized like a spiral that has many oo see area ce eae ee ae ea ak oa eseaes different stages (phases) and angular dimension show the progress in suman ae Core eet eee eee cee ee A ee ce pince 4. Thegpiral model can said to be made up of waterfall model in which eact stage is preceded by risk analysis. each it ee ee ae ae sant cece ee coe through which the product will be developed is not fixed, it depends on ees aan Project Management 7. “The bwo basic step of this model are pe entity the sub-problem which is having highest ris, ® Jhnd solution for that particular problem (risk), » cn phase ofthis model is spit into four quadrant (seen) agg, ae fe do identification of obj | * Peete Fe oo eng the ab)scaee = constraints. fe Fig. 2.9.1. Inthe second quadrant, we evaluate these alternativesondabs | of objective and constraints, The main focusin this sept Ea evolution of alternative on the basis of risk as risk crus hances of unmet objectives, Inthe je In the third quadrant, project development and validationi#®=™7 a Inthe i wen fourth quadrant, the projects reviewed and dessins + to continue with a further loop of spiral or ast If decided to eo desided to continue, the project plan is drawn upfor thenestist jiseuss incremental life cycle model in brief. ae] 2 ‘he ine emental life eyele mod Tespects, but it differs pee similar to the waterfalli8 08 ts tote sin that it produces some tangible res 212K (OE-Sem.6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation Software Project Management 2-13 K (OE-Sem-6) 1 processes of system requirements and feasibility, software ments and general design are done in sequence, once for the project, partitioning into increments then occurs, where a number of different development efforts, beginning with detailed design are identified. ‘These increments can be planned as sequential or parallel efforts, depending upon the project characteristics and project constraints. For the same reason as the waterfall model, incremental life eycle model is suitable for large projects with requirements that are known, stable and understood ‘When requirements are known and understood but may not be stable, the incremental model is a logical choice because later releases can incorporate changes in that surface during the earlier development ‘The evolutionary life eycle model applies in sequential aspects of the waterfall model, and partitioning of the project borrowed from the fucremental model, but adds the evolution or the discovery of requirements. volutionary life cycle model is preferable life cycle model when ly known, but a subset of the requirements is, . .. . 4, ‘The mejor weakness the outset of the project. 5, Because the requirements are not fully known, trocp, inaccurate estimating and less than opt Gus Eis: | Explain iterative enhancement model in brief. 1. Tho clas requirements are specified, no further change will require in any phase of life eyele of product. 2, Iterative model is developed to overcome this drawback of waterfall ‘model. al waterfall model work on the concept that once the 3. Itic combination of benefits of waterfall and prototype model. 4, In this model, software is developed in increment; each increment adds some functional capability to the system until full system is developed. 5. It provide better testing result as testing after each inerement is easy as compare to entire model testing of waterfall model 6. Prototyping used in this model help in identifying the system requirements, 7. In this model, a partial product is developed on few easily understandable requirements of overall requirements, and then a project control list is Geveloped which contain the entire task which have to be performed in final implementation. 8 This helps in finding out how far the produet is from final product. 9. Inthis model, developer themselves provide specification, so they have good control over system development. Define outline Kasign requirement ‘Design system architecture System ‘System incomplete Fig 2:12:10 Teerative enhancentent medal, 243, | Discuss Rapid Application Development (RAD) model. Answer 3. Rapid application development (RAD) is an incremental software development process model that emphasizes an extremely short development cycle. 214K (OE-Sem-6) Project Life Cyele and Effort Estimation SUR ORSen6) ae ee near sequential 2 The RAD model is a “high-speed” adaptation of the linear sequentit! model in which rapid development is achieved by using component: based construction 3. Ifrequirements are well understood and project scope is constrained, the RAD process enables a development team to create a “fully functional system” within very short time periods, 4. Used primarily for information systems applications, the RAD approach encompasses the following phases a. Business modeling : The information flow among business functions is modeled in a way that answers the following questions i. What information drives the business process ? i What information is generated? ii, Who generates it? iv. Where does the information go ? Who processes it? b. Data modeling : i The information flow defined as part of the business modeling phase is refined into a set of data objects that are needed to support the business. fi, The characteristics (called attributes) of each object identified and the relationships between these objects are defined. ©. Process modeling: 1. The data objects defined in the data modeling phase are transformed to achieve the information flow necessary to implement a business function i Processing descriptions are created for adding, modifying, deleting, or retrieving a data object. eration : the use of fourth generation techn: software using conventional third generation programming languages. i The RAD works to reuse existing program components (when possible) or create reusable components (when neeess, d Application iii, Inall cases, automated tools are used to facilitate construction of the software, fe Testing and turnover : i Since the RAD process emphasizes reus components have already been tested testing time, many of the program his reduces overall 215K (0) Software Project Management E-Semg) rice ind eco Fig. 2.18.1 PART-2 \sthod refers to a software development approach Bead development, Sevelonmene ar 2 Agil a a eal tasks into smaller iterations that do not diredly erm planning. 3. The project scope an F the development peng cetaitements are laid down at the beginning 4. Plans regan nen umber of iterations, the duration and the scope isclearly defined in advance 216K (OE-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation red as a short time “frame" in the Agile process. lasts from one to four weeks. 6 The division of the entire project into smaller parts helps to minimize the project risk and to reduce the overall project delivery time requirements, ration involves 2 team working software ent life cyele including planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, and testing before a working product is demonstrated to the client, ‘Que 2:5, | What are the phases of Agile model? Following are the phases in the Agile model 1. Requirements gathering : ® In this phase, we define the requirements, explain business opportunities and plan the time and effort needed to build the project this information, we ean evaluate technical and economic 2 Design the requirements : a When we have identified the project, work with stakeholders to define requirement b, Weean use the user flow diagram or the high- to show the work of new features and show how ‘existing system. el UML diagram spply to the & Construetion / iteration : 4 When the team defines the requirements, the work begins, ce and locks for the bug. this phase, the team issues a product for the user's team receives feedback about the product and ‘oodback Software Project Managemont 2.17 K (OE-Sem-6) 1. SCRUM: a. It is an agile development process focused primarily on ways to manage tasks in team-based development conditions. b, There are three roles init, and their responsit i, Scrum Master : The scrum can set up the master team, arrange the meeting and remove obstacles for the process. ii, Product owner : The product owner makes the product backlog, prioritizes the delay and is responsible for the istribution of functionality on each repetition. iii. Scrum Team : The team manages its work and organizes the work to complete the sprint or eyele. % eXtreme Programming (XP) : This type of methodology is used when customers are constantly changing demands or requirements, or when. they are not sure about the system's performance. 8. Crystal : There are three concepts of this method : a. Chartering : Multi activities are involved in this phase such as making a development team, performing feasibility analysis, developing plans, ete. Bb. Cyclic delivery : Cyclic delivery involves the following task: i, Team updates the release plan. i, Integrated product delivers to the users. Wrap up : According to the user environment, this phase performs deployment, post-deplayment, 4 Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM) : DSDM is a rapid application development strategy for software development and gives an agile project distribution structure, ‘The essential features of DSDM are that users must be actively connected, and teams have been given the right to make decisions, ©. The techniques used in DSDM are: 1 Time Boxing ii, MoSCoW Rules i Prototyping ‘QueBAT|] What are the advantages and disadvantages of Agile method ? GB arms Frequent delivery Pace-to-Face communication with clients Efficient design and fulfills the business requirement. Changes are acceptable. It reduces total development time. Disadvantages of Agile Model: 1. Due to the shortage of formal documents, it creates confusion and crucial decisions taken throughout various phases ean be misinterpreted st any time by different team members. 2 Due to the lack of proper documentation, once the project completes land the developers allotted to another project, maintenance of the Gnished project can become a difficulty. ok epe ‘QueaAS.| What do you understand by Software Configuration Management (SCM) ? Explain its goal. Answer 4. Software Configuration Management (SCM) is one of the foundations of software engineering, It je used to track and manage the emerging Product und its versions, 2 This is to assure quality of the product during development and ‘operations! maintenance of the product. 3. SCM ensures that all people involved in the software process know ‘what is being designed, developed, built, tested, and delivered. 4, Software Configuration Management (SCM) con be defined asa process ofdefining and implementing a standard configuration, which results {nto the primary benefits such as easier setup and meintenance, less fimse, better integration with enterprise management, and more 1. Software configuration management ‘are planned, 2. Selected software workproducts are dentifed, controlled, and available 2. Changes to identified software work products are contralled, 4. Affected groups and individuale aro informed ofthe status and content software baselines, Multi-user support : |. Remote system administration = oeter Ppnstandard should Sloe n¢cusay elmer Bien administration tools. or privileges for remote b. A remote administration called and aifigured on the client side is the cornerstone of the remetsly administered network. c ‘These remote tools ean be used to check the version of vins protection, check machine configuration, or offer remote helped functionality. Reduced user down-time : 2 Agreat advantage of using a standard configuration isthat system, becomes completely interchangeable resulting in reduced user dowa-time. b. Tfagiven system experiences an unrecoverable error, an identical new system can be dropped into place. Reliable data backups : 8. Using a standard directory for user data allows backup systemsto selectively backup a small portion of a machine, greatly reducing the network traffic and memory usage for backup systems. Also, should a catastrophic faih the data direct a ‘ophic failure occur, the data directory couldbt ‘stored to a new machine with little time and effort Easy workstation setup : », Any sort of standardized confi f seeiger of tandardized configuration streamlines the proceed ivalagie? #8 system and ensures that vital componeats a 5, Ifmultiple machines mmoct ofthe senranae are being setup according toa standards, d configuration can be automated. & The system cont the same works Remote software guration is desigmed to allow multiple useest0 us on without interfering each otiers ome ote sttwars installation Uestmelar fare packages are natal naa ee ‘correctly fo software installed in the manner will funetion single user, it wil snong a collection ofan Mil ead te non-uniform ontiati® aktuwalla 2-20K (OE-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Hstimation components and dures through the PART-3 Basics of Software EatimiationsEffere andl Cove Estimation Tachniques, COSMIC Full Function Points, COCOMO Ti ¢ Pararmetr Poucauigat Que 220, | What do you mean by software project estimation ? ea 1. While computing the cost of project, one of the major componentsis the coat of effare applied by skilled software professionals in terms of person. months. identification of resources to be used during the project. also helps management in taking decision for current Software Project Management . 221K OE-Sem-6) Soreare Eoiec An ee {_ Fotimation helps in quantifying the impact of risks and guides the project manager to take suitable decision. Following are the software project estimation techniques + 1. Algorithmic cost modeling = a. This approach is based on historical cost information. b, _Inthis, amodel is developed which relates the project cost to some software metric which is usually the size in this case. & The most common size metric is the number of Lines of Code (LOC) of the final product but that is not easy to predict in the beginning. & Code size based estimation is also uncertain because number of factors contributes for computing the final number of LOC, for ‘example, hardware used, software choice, type of DBMS used ete. Jhis approach, experience and judgment of one or more experts warticular application domain is used for the project b. Bach ofthe expert estimates the project cost and final cost estimation is decided by consensus. ¢. The problem with this technique is the limited expertise of the experts and hence should be used when other options are not completed the projects of the similar nature. 1ue, comparisons are made with the past projects and ‘According to Parkinson's law, work expands to fill the available the Parkinson's approach to cost estimation assumes Pricing to win approach = a. Inthe pricing to win approach, cost of the project is proportional to the budget of the customer. 222K (OE-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation BRBK(OESem-6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Bstinst'S0 jd effort does not only depend upon the italso on the customer's capability to spend. ¢ This approach, therefore often results into poor quality produet, schedule overrun and over budgeting. ‘Top-down est ject is decomposed into number of ‘each phase is done using different components. imation. eatimate. up estimation techniques are appropriate at detailed stages, of project planning, ae B22, | what aro the different cost estimation techniques ? previot Experience with the development of similar types assumptions c. _Ituses the size of the software to estimate the eff sofware Project Management __ 2 #3 (OBS) ~~ meee asec a ta hi oh hg une methemati! Sante AS een “5 Ateneo ane of technique thet is used to meanny chnique, Brstly the task is divided or broken downintoit vmponent operations or elements for analyzing, Second, the standard time is available from some other our then these sources are applied to each element or componentat work. 4. Third, ifthere is no such time available, then the workis estimated based on the experience of the work. fe. In this technique, results are derived by making certain base ‘assumptions about the pi Hoalstead’s sofware sci jased on analytical estimation moiel What are the advantages and disadvantages of Heuristic method, practically staff learns by doing everything, The stall behave like a researcher and he endeavours to find answers!® 2. Heurists believe staffs! i" Ea he pa et ee 2 tenet estas becomes an active discoverer of truth when f taeations by the seniors. Tho more active and attentive an individell : os fully and firmly does he grasp knowle work faotsidered as discoverers, staff takes delight and they r= o, Merk with mach sincerity and pleasure Dhow an mathod turns out inquisitive and enquiring stefh isadvantage : en 1 This method insufficie 4 deal one; but fails for want of good equipment ie® 2-24 K (OE-Sem-6) Project Life Cycle and Effort Estimation Heuristic method is an expensive system. Amount of work done under this system is very small. 24. | Write short note on COSMIC function points. COSMIC function points are a unit of measure of software functional size. ‘The size is a consistent measurement (or estimate) which is very useful for planning and managing software and related activities. ‘The process of measuring software size is called Functional Size Measurement (FSM) COSMIC functional size measurement is applicable to business, real-time and infrastructure software at any level of decomposition (from a whole software system down to a single re-usable component or user story) It is independent of the technology or processes used to develop the system, Itis an ISO standard. ‘The unit of size is the COSMIC Function Point or CFP. Que 225, | Give various estimation models. Describe any one of the estimation model using suitable examples. ‘Answer Various estimation models are: COCOMO model: ustructive COstestimation MOdel) can be: Maree categories based on the ‘Semidetached, and embedded ent project to be of organic derstood complexity : organi We can consider a develop: ‘am, the sizeof the deve ‘am members are experienced in developing si evelopment project ean be considered to be of idetached the development team consists of a perienced and inexperienced staff. Team members m ‘ed experience on related systems but may be unfamiliar wi Aepects of the system being developed. c Embedded :A development project is considered to be of embedded type, ifthe software being developed is strongly coupled to complex hardware, or if stringent regulations on the operational procedures Software Project Management 2-25 K (OE-Sem-6) “According to Boehm, software cost estimation should be done through three stages : Basic COCOMO, Intermediate COCOMO, and Detailed/ Complete GOCOMO. a. Basic COCOMO model : i. The basic COCOMO model gives an approximate software development efforts and cost as function of program size expressed ated lines of code. ai ¢ COCOMO estimation model is given by the following expressions: « Effort (E) = a*(KLOC)® Development Time (T,,,) = e%E)# Where E is effort applied in person-month, T,,, is development time in months. ii, ‘The coefficients a, b, ¢, d are constant and can be calculated by given table Project eee 2 Organic 24 1.05 0.38 Semidetached 3.0 iz 2.5, 0.35 Embedded 38 1.20 25 0.82 iv. When effort and development time are known, the average staff size to complete the project may calculated as: Average staff size (SS) = E/T,,, persons v. When project size is known, the productivity level may be calculated Productivity (P) = KLOC/E b. Intermediate COCOMO : tiate COCOMO model recognizes this fact and refines || estimate obtained through the basic COCOMO ns by using a set of Sfteen cost drivers (multipliers) based tes of software development. tial estimates are sealed downwards by multiplication with a cost driver having a value less than one. 4h, In general, the cost drivers can be grouped into four eategories : 1. Product attributes: The characteristics of the product that .d include the inherent corfplexity of the product 2-26K (OE-Sem-6) Project Lite Uycie ana sarore moumanve, 2 Computer attributes : The characteristies of the comp: ‘that are considered include e time constraints (Tt ‘main storage constraints (STOR) (VIRT) end computer turnaround time (TUR! application exper ‘virtual maching experience (LEXP) 4. Project attribute: The characteristics ofthe project that are considered includes modern programming practices (MODP), Mer sraphrsars aol) (POOL) ead soured develoement SShedule (SCED) ie, Tue intermediate COCOMO equations are: ‘Effort (£) = a*(KLOC)*EAF Bevstopmmant Bane (r= enC0P ¥. The EAF (ifort Adjustinent Factor is multpiationof efferent typea festive Bin ea elise applied inpereorsnenthy yn dvelpent comer si: ‘The coefinients a,b, c,d are constant and can be calenlstea by given te eee a ee cee 105 | 26 | 038 Semideiached za [26] 08s Bmbedded i20 [a6 [088 iaksiickiscnsstere eCORO mons]: i A major shortcoming of both the basic and the intermediate COCOMO models is that they consider a software product as a single homogeneous entity. ii However, most large systems are made up of several smaller subsystems. These subsystems may have widely different characteristi Si For example, some subsystems may be considered as organic type, some semidetached, and some embedded, iv. Not only that the inherent development complexity of the reliability requirements may be high, for 301 team might have no previous experience of i and 60 on, rete GOGOMO mode! considers these differences all char: Ss of the subsystems and estimates the effort and Gevelopment time 2s the sum of the estimates for the individual | subsystems, vi, The cost of each subsyst# reduces the margin of a! a cocomo-t i COCOMO-II is the re developed at University of of Dr. Barry Boehm. The model is tur also provides qua and techniques for evalu improvements on software ii, COCOMO-II provides three detailed cost estimation models. ‘These fan be used 19 estimate project costs at different phases of the software iv. As the project progresses, these models can be applied at different stages of the samme project. : 2. Application composition : Here, the external features of the system that the users will experience are designed Prototyping will typically be employed to do this with small applications that can be built using high-productivity application- building tools; development can stop at this point, b. Early design : Here, the fundamental software structures sd, With larger, more demanding systems, where, for example, there will be large volumes of transactions and performance is important, careful attention will need to be paid to the architecture to be adopted. © Post architecture : Horo, the software structures undergo rruction, modification and tuning to create a system ‘hat will perform as required toth ‘software technology costs and schedules. Discuss the role of cost estimation in a software project. Briefly explain estimation for all category of projects. — ‘Answer Incost estimation, the number the number of esti and are having following attributes L 2. imation techniques have been developed in common Project scope must be established in advance. Software metries tries are used as a basis from which estimates are made. 3-2K (OF Sem-6) Activity Planning and Risk Management PART-1 Objectives of Activity Planning, Project Schedules, Activities ‘Sequencing and Scheduling. Answers, jum Answer Type Questions 1. Project planning is an aspect of project management that ensures various project tasks are well coordinated and they meet the various project, objectives including timely completion of the project. 2. The project plan reflects the current status ofall project activities and is used to monitor and control the project. 3. Project planning is an ongoing effort throughout the project life eye, 4. Project planning helpsin : a. Facilitating communication. 1b. Monitoring/measuring the project progress. ¢ Provides overall documentation of assumptions/planning decisions, 5, The project planning phases can be broadly classified as follows & Development of the project plan. b, Execution of the project plan. © Change control and corrective actions. Que32 | Write down the outline of stepwise planning activities. “Answer ‘The stepwise planning is discussed as follows : ‘tiveness in meeting them f stakeholder analysis. | 3-9K (OF-Sems) Software Project Management ions with all parties. ¢, Establish methods of communicati 2, Identify project infrastructure + ; ip between project and strategic planning mn standards and procedures ive or product driven. ‘equirements concerning implementation, life cycle approach. Review overall resource estim: 4, Identify project products and activities : a. Identify and describe project products (including quality criteria). b, Document generic product flows a peaseppere ‘Recognize product instances. Produce ideal activity network. ©. Modify idea to talte into account need for stages and checkpoints. 5. Estimate effort for each activity : 8. Carry out bottom-up estimates. b, Revise plan to create controllable activities 6 Identify activity risks = a. Identify and quantify activity-based risks. b, Plan risk reduction and contingency measures where appropriate. © Adjust plans and estimates to take account of risks. 7, Allocate resources ; 8. Identify and allocate resources ». _ Revise plans and estimates to account for resource constraints & | Review/publish plan: 8. Review quality aspects of project plan, b, Document plans and obtain agreements, 9. Execute plan/lower levels of planning : 8. Tae may require there iteration of the planning process ata lower |How do we identify the planning objectives ? 3-4K (OE-Sem-6) Activity Planning and Risk Management ee Menge e stakeholders are identified, it is critical to identify wi each stakeholder expects to gain from the Sa © project, 2 For instance, for an end user it might be that they are expecting ave user friendly and robust software with a number f eatece cation amaintainerit isthe quality of the documentation and she eae ofthe system that are important. 3, A manager would not want any overruns to the schedule, w person who approves the budget might expect a low budget pre 4. By identifying each of the stakeholders “win” condition, the project’s objectives are clear from the start, 5. In the negotiation with the customer, these objectives should be reinforced and documented. 6. Steps to identify the objectives are as follows entify and allocate resources. \derstand how people will benefit from the project. tives for the project. sonable expectations on the parts of all the xe objectives into project activities nanage the risks. 1e involved. Keep senior management and the customer che project atall times. Qaeda, | Whatare the different types of project planning involved ina project ? cal requirement that defines the final produc ut Fioua factors Software Project Management 3-5 K (OE-Sem-6) 1b ‘The processes required to deliver the product as promised and as per the standards are defined. & Project activity definition and activity sequencing : a. In this step, we define all the specific activities that must be performed to deliver the product by producing the various product deliverables. b, The project activity sequencing identifies the interdependence of all the activities defined. 4. Time, effort and resource estimation : a. The effort can be caleulated using function points, lines of code, complexity of code, benchmarks, ete. b. This stop clearly estimates and documents the time, effort and resource required for each activity 5. Risk factors identification : 1. _Itis important to identify and document the risk factors associated with the project based on the assumptions, constraints, user expectations, specific circumstances, ete. 6 Schedule development: 4. The time schedule for the project can be arrived on the basis of the activities, interdependence and effort required for each of them, b. The schedule may influence the cost estimates, the cost benefit analysis and 50 on, ‘© Popular tools can be used for creating and reporting the schedules such a3 Gantt charts 7. Cost estimation and budgeting : ‘8. Based on the information collected in all the previous steps, it ix possible to eatimate the cost involved in executing and implementing the project, b. Based on the cost estimates, budget allocation is dane for the project. Organizational and resource planning : a, Based on the activities identified, schedule and budget allocation ‘resouree types and resources are identified. b. The goals of resource planning is to ensure that the project is run efficiently, © Resource planning an iterative process and necessary to optimize the ust 'ees throughout the project life cyele thus making ‘more efficient. a. Risk management is a process of identifying, analyzing and responding to a risk. aktuwalla 3.6K (OE-Sem-6) Activity Planning and Risk Management 1b Basedon the risk factors, identified risk resolution plan is created. 10. Project plan development and executios 2 Project plan development uses the inputs gathered from all the other planning processes such as scope definition " densification, activity sequencing, quality management planning, b. Adetailed work breakdown structure comprising ofa identified is used © Theproject plan documents all the assumptions, ac timelines and drives the project. Ll. Performance reporting : ‘a. Theprogress of each of the tasks/activities describediin the project planis monitored. b. The progress is compared with the schedule end timelines documented in the project plan. © Various techniques are used to measure and report the project, performance such as EVM (Earned Value Management) 12. Planning change management : the activities schedule, 8. Analysis of project performance cannecessitate that certain aspects of the project be changed. 1b. The Requests for Changes need to be analyzed carefully and its impact on the project should be studied, © Considering all these aspects the project plan may be mot sccommodate this request for change. wd to Que3S, | What do you mean by project schedule ? Write down steps in building the project schedule. ‘project to achieve the achediule by accelerating some efforts or modi approaches to meet required deadlines. 1 the project schedule ie a complex activity. there are five key processes for developing a project schedule, ‘They are as follows Software Project Management 3-7K (OB-Sems) Define activities: ‘The goal ofthe activ required to accomp! i. Iathis step, design the sequence of activities with dependencies required to complete the project ‘need to analyze each of the tasks to understand which dependency on additional tasks. i ‘Thenext step is to identify the resources and their availability to our project. i Inthisstep,one ssign resources to each ofthe tasks Estimate activity durations : i. With resources assigned, the next step is to estimate each task’s duration. ‘The activiey’s duration is the aumber of working periods required to complete the tae nee ‘iL Selecting the correct duration type impacts the resource availability and the furecasted task end date Develop schedule: ‘The last step is to analyze the project schedule and examiné thesequences, durations,resources and inevitable scheduling ‘The goal of this step is to validate the project sche which correctly models the planned work. te — iii In this step one ILnot only validate the dur timates are accurate, It validate the resourceallocations are sarees a" ga objectives of scheduling? 3-8K (OE-Sem-6) Activity Planning and Risk Management i ond Risk Management ‘Answer Software Project Management 3-9K (OE-Sem-6) 3, It helps management to eval Itprovides visibility and enables management to control “one-of-a-kind” programs late alternatives by answering such questions as how time delays will influence project completion, where. slack exiets between elements, and what elements are crucial to meet the completion date. 4. Itprovides a basis for obtaining facts for decision-making, E 6 Critical path : ‘The basic objectives of scheduling are as follows: & The series of activities which determines the earliest completion of 1 the basis for all planning and predicting and help management pa pteies, ide how to u rees to achieve time and cost goals, b. Theesitical path is usually defined as those activities with float less 2 ‘than or equal to a specified value (usually zero), Critical Path Method (CPM) : a, Anetwork analysis technique used to predict project dur: ‘analyzing which path has the least amount of scheduling fle a b, Early dates are calculated using a forward pass; late dates are calculated using a backwards pass. 1 by. fe Gero iion 5. lizes a so-called time network analysis as the basic method to a. An activity of zero duration used to show a logical relationship in manpower, material, and capital requirements, aswellasto Sioaciee ts oem ETEAA provide a means for checking progress. b, Dummy activities are used when logical relationships cannot be Ee 6. les the basic structure for reporting information. completely or correctly described with regular activity arrows. ae i ienseteaer ied e. Dummies are shown graphically as a dashed line headed by an 8 if” exercises. sabi o = ipant gale eridesl pale 9. aes Ow 2Thainumber ct work periods required to complete an poomee re skanalysi, 10, Sney Ent dat Od ac otd th cao pone GB Gaea | Discuss the various terms used im scheduling, I date in which the uncompleted portions of an activity or project can = | Conipist ard celery caieeetad o swer | 11, Early start date (ES) :In the critical path method, the earliest possible a ere eiaccaeetna nea tc pe tassel ete eee pre ca Terminology used in scheduling ae disconted a follows: | eg rich in eon a ae St Aetivity:Anelement ofwork performed during thecourseofapeviect, |, Marbeenchangeastheprajctprogeteen | =. 2 Baseline : The original plan plus or minus approved changes. t ‘other project element. It should not be confased with duration. cd 3. Arrow Diagram Method (ADM) : 13. Event-on-node : A network diagramming technique in which events a Arnetwork diagramming technique in which activities are sre forenente lobes or en sonated Uy arrows to how the | 14. Float: The amount of time that an activity may be delayed from its i early start without delaying the project finish date. | aeicrocward passtrnaiccian seer {is Eon unconaploted persicae fi cee ae 16. activity can be delayed without Singer 4 11. Gant chart +A grathledlaplay of eahadslarslasad intormation Selng oe . 18, Hammock: An aggregate or summary activity. 7 19. unintended break in a network path. Hangers are usually ing activities or missing logical relationships. 810K (OF-Sem.6) Activity Planning and Risk Management 20. Lag: A modification of logical velationship which directs a delay in the 2. 8 B BRE Seema B $B B ® successor task. Late finish date (LF) :In the critical path method, the latest possible date that an activity may be completed without delaying a specified Late start date (SF) : In the critical path method, date that an activity may begin without delaying a specitie Lead : A modification of s logical elationship which allows an acceleration of the successor task Level of effort (LOE) : Support type activity (for example, vendor or customer liaison) that does not readily lend itself to measurement of discrete accomplishment. £A dependency between two project activities or da milestone, + A summary level schedule which identifies the ties and milestones, ‘significant event in the project, usually completion of a rable, : Milestone schedule: A summary level schedule which identifies the ‘jor milestones, Path convergence: In mathematical analysis the tendency of parallel paths of approximately equal duration to delay the completion af ee milestone where they meet. Precedence Diagram technique in which ac! linked by precedence activities are £0 be per! Program Evaluat 1d Review Technique (PERT) ; oriented network analysis technique used when there is ahigh degree of uncertainty duration estimates, Project network diagram : Any se relationships of project acti thod (PDYD A network diagrams Are represented by nodes. Acton ships to show the sequence nivnieg ore of the logical e needed to complete an activity f } Software Project Management au K (Ob Seng, date (SS) : The point ia time work was Scheel tan 8. Pe a sate of dates delimited by the early start and late start dateg ‘Time-Scaled network diagram : Any project networkdiagranday in such a way that the positioning and length of the activity eprewy; its duration. Essentially, itis a bar chart that includes netwark loge PART-2 | nwork Planning Models, formulating Network Ep peste eats Gael Bechivord Pass Techniques. Que 88. | What do you mean by activity networks? F 2 5 is ‘The activity network is a graphical method for showing the oi which the tasks need to be completed and the dependencies blr them, The technique can be broken down into three stages 9. Planning: It identifies tasks and estimate duration aftiats ». Scheduling: Establish time table of start and finish ies & Analysis : Establish the float and evaluate and revisest ata Gib) developed this technique for evaluating the performance development projects, ‘his fs represented graphically, as shown in Fig. 88.1 2/103 3 / 3-12K (OE-Sem-6) Activity Planning and Risk Management icicmirie ET ete eg ea 10. oe a eT oe Te oma atau fe remem lines, which represent the task themselves. cs lina Bach task is additionally labeled by its time duration, ‘Thus the task between events 1 and 2s planned to take 3 time units, ‘The primary benefit is the identification of the critical path. In critical path, total tite foraetivites on this pathi 8! activites on ths pathie greater than any other path through the network (delay in any task on the erica pal leads to a delay in the project). - ee iculty in developing a plan is usually a function of the ries or tasks, their sequence, their timing, and the LL. There are two types of activity networks diagram. They are: a. Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) b, Critical Path Method (CPM) Que3.9. | Write a short note on PERT. swer ‘An 1 ‘A Project (or program) Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) chart isa project management tool used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within a project. PERT can be both a cost and a time management systems, PERT is organized by events and activities or tasks. PERT charts depict task, duration, and dependency information starts with an initiation node from which the first task, or the same time, they are all started from the wut from the starting point. 1, which states its name or other n, the + of people essigned toit, andin some ffthe personnel assigned. fo is terminated by task, or the beginni er node, which any slack time, Software Project Management 3-13 K (OE-Sem-6) Determine the Lime duration for each task. Draw the PERT network, number each node, Iabel each task with its task identification letter, connect each node from start to finish, and put ‘each task's duration on the network. Determine the need for any dummy tasks. Determine the completion time for each tasicnode. .st completion time for each task node and verify the correctness. Determine th PERT networ! ‘Que 50. | What are the benefits and limitation of PERT? “Answer Benefits of PERT: 5 9. ‘The PERT network is continuously useful to project managers prior to and during project. ‘The PERT network is straightforward in its concept and is supported by software, ‘The PERT network's graphical representation of the project's tasks help to show the task interrelationships. ‘The use of the PERT network is applicable in a wide variety of projects. PERTis a scheduling tool that also shows graphically which tasks must be completed hefore other tasks begins. By displaying the various task paths, PERT enables the calculation of a critical path. PERT conirols time and costs during the project and also facilitates it balance between completing a project on time and completing it within the budget. It exposes all possible paral allocating resources. Itallows scheduling and simulation of alternative schedules, in the activities and thus helps in ‘Limitations of PERT: In order of the PERT network to be usefal, projects tasks have to be clearly defined as well as their relationships to each other. Mie PERT network doos not deal very well with task overlap. PERT The PERT following casks begin shar their preceding tasks end. ‘The PERT network is only as good as the time estimates that entered by the project manager help in deciding which activities are necessary or how 314K (OF-Sem-6) “Activity Planaing and Risk Management Que Write a short note on CPM. Ze anus BE sana cence easiieFERT cate 9 See DBENCPNL CFM acts asthe bars both fr Beetle = frome N ‘allows to monitor the achiever 2 During management ofa proj of project goals. Ik also helps to see where remedial action needs to be taken to get a project back on course 4, InaCPM chart, the eritical path is longest duration as determined on « project: jeal paths the path of rk diagram. 6. The critical path is “critical” because tasks that follow a critical task cannot be started until all of the previous tasks on the critical path are completed 7. Thus, ifa task on th delayed critical tas 8. The critical tasks will have starting and finishing times, that is, fixed relative to the start ofthe project. 9, Tasks not on the eritieal pat towhen they ean start and 10. ‘This Nesibility is called “float”, or sometimes "slack", Float isthe difference between the time available for performing a task and time required to complete a task. Renefite of CPM: tical path is delayed, ‘be pushed out in time vsually have some flex 1. It identifies the task that must be completed on time for the whole oject to be completed on time. 2, Italsoidentifies which tasks can be delayed for a while ifresouree needs to be reallocated to catch up on missed tasks. 8, CPMholps to minimize eost. Limitations of CPM: 1. ‘Therelation of tasks to time is not as immediately obvious as wi 2, These are more difficult to understand. QaeSAw | Differentiate between PERT and CPM. Gante Software Project Management 3-15 K (OB Seng a ——_—_—___—_ + ane| 1 |PERT uses event oriented | CPM uses activity oriate) network. | network. F | Estimate of time for activities | Durations of activity m eed ee | accuracy 3. [vis used most! It is used extensively i and developm , | construction projects. particularly projects of non- repetitive nature. | Probabilistic model concept is | Deterministic conceptis used aed. basically a tool for | CPM can control both timeanl cost when planning. 6. |PERT planning. 6. |im PERT, it is assumed that | In CPM, the cost is not diet cost varies directly with time. | proportional totime Thus ast ‘the controlling factor. eee Write short note on forward pass techniques: Answer A forward pass in project management is a technique used Wm through a preject network diagram ‘The forward pass helps you understand th oe ‘you understand the project duration adalat the early start and early finish values (meaning, the earliest éav= Project task can begin and wrap up) for devermining projet dust ‘al path or Free Float of the project. essential and citi : 3-16K (OE-Sem-6) Activity Planning and Risk Management Queda, | What is backward pass techniques ? a backward pass also ten as it implies lateness. z oe the aves of project management refers to the sh dates and late start dates forthe portions a ave not been completed. ae 7 ‘This is detersained by starting atthe project's ache working backwards through the schedule network end date and ‘The end date may be set by the assigning party, or it maybe determine through use of a forward pass. ee Te ‘This technique is used in the field of sports PART-3 Critical Path (CPM) Method, Risk Identification, Assessment, Risk Planning, Risk Management Techniques, PERT Techniques. Monte Carlo Simulation, Resource Allocation, Creation of Critical Paths, Cost Schedules. | Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions jue 3.15. | Write short note on CPM. | ‘Answer Refer Q. 3.11, Page 3-14K, Unit-s. j Quesaz, procedure o| QueSi6 | Write short note on risk management Process: ‘Answ KU -¢ the factors which affects the ¥is}¢ identification software project ? Software Project Management 3-17 (OE-Sem-6) Answer Factoyg- which affects the risk identification procedure of software project yf) Application factors : a. The nature of the application, whether itis a simple data processing i ‘aystem or a large distributed system ely to be acritical factor. b. ‘The expected size of the application is also important because the larger the system, the greater is the likelihood of errors and ‘cominunication and management problems. 2 Staff factors: ‘a. The experience and skills of the staff involved are clearly major factors, An experienced programmer is, one would hope, less likely to make errors than one with little experience. 1. Such factors as the level of staff satisfaction and the staff turn-over ‘rates are also important to the suecess of any project. Demotivated staff or key personnel leaving unexpectedly have caused many & projectto fail 3, Project factors: ‘a, Itis important that the project and its objectives are well defined ‘and that they are absolutely clear to all members of the project team and all key stakeholders. b, Similarly, an agreed and formal quality plan must be in place and ‘adhered to by all participants, The possibility that quality plan is inadequate or not adhered to will jeopardize the project. 4. Project method: a. Using well-specified and structured methods for project management and system development will decrease the risk of delivering aaystem thatis unsatisfactory or late. b. Using such methods for the first time, though, may cause problems lays itis only with experience that the benefits accrue. that requires new hardware for development is likely to igher risic than one where the software can be developed isting (and familiar) hardware. bb Where a aystem is developed on type of hardware or software blatform to be used on another there might be additional (and high) risks at installation, & Changeover factors : ‘a. Incremental or gradual changeover minimizes the risks involved bbutis not always practical 318K (OF-Sem-6) ‘Activity Planning and Risk Management {but might be impossible or b Parallel running can provide a safety net 7. Supplier factors: a. Theextent to which a project relies on external organizations that cannot be directly controlled often influences the project's success. nt can affect a & Environment factors : Changes in the environ: project's success. 9. Health and safety factors : While not generally 3 major issue for software projects, the possible effects of project activities on the health and safety of the participants and the environment should be considered. QUEsAE] Write short note on PERT. Refer Q. 3.9, Page 312K, Unit3, {@eeFA9.] Explain in brief Monte Carlo simulation. 1. ‘Monte Caro simulation computerized mathematica technique that allows people to account fr risk in quantitative analysis and Gecisson making ‘The techniques wey professioa in such widely disparate elds nance, project management, enerty, manuiactwing wage research and development, insurance, ol and gas, transportation a the environment. = Monte Carlo simulation furnishes the deci posable outcomes andthe probabiies they tet, maker with a range of occur for any choice of 4. Monte Carlo simulation performs risk analysis by possible results by substituting a range of val tribuution—for any factor that has inherent uncertainty It then calculates results over and over, each of random values from the pro} 6 Depending upon the number of un for them, 2 Monte Cai thousands of recalculations before itis compl 7. Monte Carlo simulation produces ling models of ‘a probability time using adifferent set Dees specified “olve thousands oF tens of Possible outeome values, QIEBZO] What ts resource allocation in project manage ae management ? } I Sofware Project Management Tower | 1. Resource allocation is various activities acr all about identifying and scheduling res “oss your project(s) to achieve your proj anagement refer to anything you ruding tools, equipment, facilities, or 2, Resources in project complete the project, Resource allocation often falls to project managers, but som wee also employ a resource or traffic manager for people planning staff allocation. 4. Project managers are concerned with allocating and maneging reson for the projects they are accountable for 5. Incontrast, resource managers take a more holistic view andl resource allocation on a company level 6. Resource allocation will help you identify and mitigate any risks si potential resource conflicts or gaps in availability, and manage Customers’ or stakebolders’ expectations. Que S21. | Write steps used to create critical paths. Following are the steps used to create critical path! 1. Step 1: Specify Each Activity: 8. Using the work breakdown structure, you need to identi activity (or task) involved in the project. b, This activity specification list should only include hightte® activities © When detailed activities are used, the critical path analvs# become too complex to manage and maintain, Step 2: Pstablish Dependencies (Activity Sequence)? &. Some activities will depend on the completion of othe! b, Listing the immediate predecessors of each activity will ai ldentity the correct order i is chart (CPA); a ont es and their dependentiey network diay Your activities base, Step 4: Estimate Activit 8 visual represontation of the n dependencies i 'y Completion Time: od rome bast experience or the knowledge of an exPetiehis a member, we must. —— mo now estimate the time required 3-20 K (OE-Sem-6) Activity Planning and Risk Management 5, Step 5: Identify the Critical Path: & Step 6: Update the Critical Path Diagram to Show Progress + =e ‘project progresses, we will learn the actual activity completion mes. 6 ae network diagram can then be updated to include this information. Que 5.22, | Write short note on cost schedule. ‘Answer 1. Acost schedule isa table showing the total ests of production at different aco ee eutput and from which marginal costs and average costs can be calculated and cost curves drawn. While preparing such a schedule we can assume that He cost-determining Wile prePh anmethod(s) of production, the prices of reduce factors, ete., are al] constant svesoming the cost-determining foctors constant 6 Co schedule of @ firm shows “the alternative sreat etproduction at which various alternative outputs can be produced.” sa cort and schedule estimation process helps ip determining number re cont ces to complete all project activities: jlves approximation and developer of costing oe jerform or work, deliver. OF v2 project. GOO Project Management and Control 4.2K (OE-Sem-6) 2. 3 Project Management and Control jject management framework consists ofthe processes, tasks, and tools used to tale a project from start to finish, Itencompasses all the key components required for planning, managing, ‘and governing projects. ‘The project management framework can be broken into three parts ‘&. Project life cycle : This is the eycle a project goes through from beginning to end. It consists of five phases i. Initiation : Inthis phase, we define what the project actually fs, objectives in a project charter and identify any potential risks. ii, Planning : In this phase, we list all the project tasks in a detailed roadmap. Estimate how long each one will take, create deadlines, and add assignees. iii, Execution : Put the plan into action. Teams eummence work on project tasks and align their schedules to achieve key deliverables iv. Monitoring and controlling : Project manayers ove: progress by tracking team performance, c readjusting p b. Project control eyele : The control eye monitoring and controlling the project s the process of ¢ Tools and templates : Project plans, project management reports, and risk logs are common tools and templates for managing projects, WA BEREET] noplain benctite of project management framework. 43K OFSemg) Software Project Management Following are the benefits o 1, Consistency * _ ‘With a project manag! f project management frameworks : vent framework, processes are consiste across the organization. ' i a. This aliows for greater precision in planning projects and sei deadlines. setting 2 Clarity: i proj tasks and the t A fener my ayo Ee 3 Simplification: " an tt am oe 2 iene oe een . Aproject management framework can help managers assess how — much time and money is spent on each project. a b. This enables them to successfully allocate and optimize resources for fature projects. 5. Communication : a By meeting regularly with teams as o framework, project managers can effectively communicate with colleagues and boost information flow. ‘ Que Write a short note on : Collection of Data. Answer” Th any project long activities are break down into more controllable tasks of one or two weeks’ duration, 2 However, it activities, 1 is necessary to gat! rmation about partially complete 8 this information, forecasts how much work is left to It to make such forecasts accurately. cries of products, partial completion of actiiiel® In some cases milestones, intermediate products can be used as in-activi] 4-4K (OE-Sem-6) 4.5K (OE-Sem-6) Project Management and Central Software Project Management 7. For example, the first successful considered 3 ing data of partially completed activities follwing two methods systems along with weekly ed to individual jobs, arried out and the charges However, it does not tell what has been produced or wh tasks are on schedule. produced or whether 4. Henceitis necessary to adapt existing ey existing accounting data collection systems fo meet the needs of project control.» 5. For example, weekly timesheets are adapted by breaking jobs down to activity level. 2 m ns Red/Amber/Greon (RAG) reporting: 1 One of the drawbacks of partial completion reporting i askin for estimated completion dates. , 2 This is overcome by asking the toam mombers' estimates of the likelihood of meeting the planned target date 8, One way to achieve this is using traffic-light method. y the key (first level) elements for assessment in a of work, ii, Break these key elements into constituent elements (second level); ii, Assess each of the second-level elements on the scale green for ‘on target’, amber for ‘not on target but, and red for ‘not on target and recoverable jeulty" 5 Jevel assessments to arrive at first- .y Grst-and second-level assessments to produce an is of presenting apicture of the project on on : Visualizing Progress. Soplain sfalpopaes jesone even ugh eran ea eee minh be mel Following are various methods of presenting a picture of the project and its future A. Gantt chart : 1. Gantt chart is named after Henry Gantt (1861-1919), 2, Its simplest and oldest techniques for tracking the project progress. 3, Itindieates scheduled activity dates and durations. 4. Reported progress is recorded on the chart (by shading activity bars). B, Slip chart: 1. Aclip chart is a version of the Gantt chart where a line is drawn, ‘from top to bottom. 2. Tothe leftof thé line are all the completed activities and to the right those activities (or parts of activities) that have not been completed. 3, It provides more striking visual indication of those activities that ‘are not progressing to schedule. 4. ‘The more the slip line bends, greater variation from the plan, 5, ‘The more jagged the line, the more it means that that there are some activities that are lagging to various degrees and some that fre ahead of themselves. 6, A very jagged line means that ere is scope for re-planning to ‘move resourees from those activities that are ahead to those that are behind. method records the way that targets have changed ite a short note on : Cost Monitoring, aa] eal 1. Cost Monitoring is eritieal for project success. 2, The information on cost monitoring is essential so that we can make management decisions. aktuwalla 3. Cost Monitoring is necessary to ensure that we meet financial targets. 4 Cost Monitoring an avid budget and project overon 5. Approject could be late because the staff originally commi been deployed 6, Inthis case the project will be behind time but under budget. 7, A project could be on time but only because additional resources have been added and soit is over budget. 5 Hence we need to monitor both achievements and costs. (4.6. | What is cost management in project management ? “Answer Cost management is the process ofestimating, allocating, and controlling project cost. 2 The cost management process allows a business to predict expenses to reduce the chances of budget overrun. 8. Projected cons are calculated during the planning phase of project and must be approved before work begins. a 4. As the project plan is executed, expenses are documented and tracked, so things stay within the cost management plan. . 5. Once the project is completed, predicted costs and actual . and actual costs are compared, providing benchmarks for future cost management and project budgets, oe a What are the benefits and challenges of cost management ? Benefits of cost management are : 1. Prevents overruns : By allotting cost project managers ensure they dos 2 Avoids ri planning stage don specific areas, 500d budget will have aria allonen compromised if unforeseen costs ace i: Cost reports can help with, e accurate budgets in Challenges of cost management are : 1 Lack of resources: Ifa projec secure the required labor, successful ® Waccunede & udget is too small, als, te., to co: itcan be dificult to mplete the project AO B gubdoted Sections ware Project Management __ ——— ion: sting can occur when al ‘mation : Poor forecast ; Iaceurate oor does al nderstand the scope oftia sail | a ws need access to intuitive yp | a mology : Project managers nee a 8. Outdated foctiy and tls manage costs accurately. Gicis, | Explain different cost management tool used in projest_ anagement. Tnswer | Following are the cost management tools used in project management: Budgeting : a. Foreffective cost project management, we need an accurate budget > This requires a budgeting tool to track costs using custom hourly rates and tailored financial fields. 2, Time tracking software : a, ‘This is particularly useful when trying to estimate resource cst b, Whenteam members log how g a task timer, project managers can use this data to determine how long a certain task takes, 888 | allocate resources accordingly. 4 3. Reporting and analytics tools : | a. Forreal-time insights into their cost management process, Be! managers should generate weekly reports with detailed chartsaad graphs. | Analytics dashboards can,also be created for a project portiole overview, fise49. | What do you understand by earned value analysis ai nafanent ? Explain with example. Why many individuals adapt the methods under earned value b 1 ‘lysis (EVA) used to determine the performance HY Procurement contracts to the smaller projects currentiviam BVA uses at three basic paramet

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