Dynamic Programming

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classmate Lecture $ 69 Dynome Pp a dp _kaam €k boar kar Bute Cae pase falco - Fibonace’ series 2 fer) 20, 4, 4, 2, 398/803, 2h, FEE Dynomic programming problem can _Selved in -fuo ways? + Nemoizaton ©) Fep claw Pipa © Tabstaon (eatin poppin) Amara : oa (loop) ___ Space optimization. nt frbanoee number 3 fir) = Pema + fines) Bae ne S F(2) Re amis paint We use our F(e) = 0 Lo NIZZ post Memory pecause ED ea) 3 £Cu) Ine solved FC2) v\S Previously 24) VEC2)) C Fea), ro : 2fo) 140 vN Fu Fw Y 0 Divide ANd Conquer ly DP ke proviem Ko pohle divide korte Joo OF uake baad usko ex Ge Kar Ke Jodte Joo. Overla pping Subproblen 5 Je problem Ka part solve kar chuxe hai Usko _dubara Solve noni Karo, Memory me Store S Karun Kar ako direct use kar lo. Before Dp * Aver bP erm 2234 a Fon N= 10 fr 4 =10 a= Ga) S iN t L See the diPference Of bor How +2 Store Re Value whith We calwloted previowly9 Maxe an affay OF size (as) FC> b&b ort) gaitially out Sik ony fcc me) FO) =a st value in each _step classmate aaa oO VS ist ea + 2 eai=3 a a Pet = cy ae TNE TSN =! 3144 OUO@®s TIERS 1 SENOOR Io § oo g = Tetum > a Ways = & ae Nef Vata fefarn 6 —— i n==5 _ Cedurn 1 5 — ars fetum 0 3 i es ete’ 6) era eg) YV Ee me a) Io = ee YES = © WY OES ESS pe 1 XO Pen) = _@ ent) + FCn+2) Qh => ferum 2 >A = fetum 0 classmate Bottom up Approach 8 eas nein be i = mae = 2414) =4 aro % 2{e Ve ' o AC sir G)o a K i se a Ac 3 Arfeady) Calculated, & oO code 2 long long _CountWays Lint _n) ( 9 op Vector < long long) dp (n+); dpind = 1) dpins = 0; Apins 2} = 0, foe Cint i= n-1; i>=0,; ED Spe ES RL sate Xaplits]) fe \o0000g00F; 3 feturn apie; 5 int find Cint rndex , Vector = 9) | Peturn 0} fetarn max (nums Lindex) + find Cindex +2, nums, n), Sind Cindex +1, nums, 9); int rob (vector = 9) Ceturn 07 cerurn find Cindex , amount Coins Lindex], Coins, 0) + eee *+\) amount, Coins , %)/ ink change (int amount, Vector £ coins) ¢ im \= Coins. sized) fetum fmdC Or Amount, Cons, 9+ | mee OS classnate ~ Dynamic _progomming _Appsoach * i Ta Gia dlassn Approseh) ~. We use Qp pp hee® cal ~ access 9 wate Cine LNG Sa ~ )_ index i 2) Armourt eS va S aaa Se ~ Fer storing the caleulate “value tle _ Woe : — ab Array here 8 eo becouse fir index = tthe Value Oh “— amwn Nes lw a> te 5 - == RA So,We we ad _— firroy! [= index 2 0 ® 2 4 J nm.) ~~ Matix (SxO fequired. Qndex 3 > O-Q “) M+!) Amougt $ Amount + | BD Dp Size % (nay) % Camount 41) We understand With an Examples eins. ¢ Up DSi Amount = S |code 2 Cop down Approach ) classmate ik Comount_ == 0) feturn 1; ub Cindex < 0) (eturn 0; uf Cap LindexJ LamountJ j= -1) feturn — dpLindex] amount) » ig (Coins Lindex] > amount ) 1 Fefurn ApLindexILameum] = find Cindex I, Amount, Coins, dP); else { fekarn dp Linder] amount) = find (index , amounts Coins Linderd, Coins, Ip) + find (index -1, amount, Gins, dp); j int change ( int amount, vector £ Coins) f int 0 = Coins.srze0)) Vechr Cvector< int)) dp (n+), vector cint> Camount +1, =e feturn find (n-1, amount, Qins, dlp); amoun Ne as an re] Las Ys] Soe ‘ 7 i oe cas = ~ = a. Cn SRS On iis a2 aa da Add Ad: C a o i " ae Siuciem cite i exist 4 cae ae fd Ph a . a Sie ca : Ie 1E £4 | Ser a a DSSS = se c 2 +e is Xin | Xe a ee oa i vey a a att 7 a Finol_ answer = 4 a coded w ie ime _chanye Cink amount, Veelord ints L Goins ) { i wt N= Goins. size; ~ ue Vector < int) dp Camount + 4, 0); a APpLed = 4; a ye fer Lint i= Veni tana) . fer Lint 3 = GinsLi=1]) 3 \ fedtura dp Lamounsy; Count _Woys to Nh Stair (Order does mot matter) => Mere are _N_ Staitss => person Can Clim (1, 2,45, {201,14 (1, 2) are Considered Qs same. aa Becowe ohrequen AZ 2 ase same in On. int index, int a, int Steper) f a >n return, ad Lindex -\, 9, saep)> else (etut Bad (index, o~ step Cinder ~0, step) + od (index -1, 9, step) > int cwdstair Cint a) ( int srepL2d = (11245 Pefurn od C210, step); nT PEE 80 fh _ problem 4 2 values chanjee 4 index & © So, 2D Dp __ required here cas Down roach (lode) o.| _ int ind _Cint index, iat n,_ int Spl, vector vector < iotss£eP) { if (9 == 0) fefurn 41; Cindex == 0) fetum 0; dp Lindex][n]J J= -1 fefum dplindexICr1; sep Lindex -1] ) 1) feturn dppLindexd En] = fod (soder 1, 0, step, dp): else fetarn dp CinderxI[a]= find ( index , A step Lindex ~ 1], np) + fiod(inder-1, 0, step, dp) 4 [a int _ntStair Cit 0) £ int stepC2J= [11 2}; Vector

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