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Portfolio item Response

Title of item Practicum proposal

Owner/ Creator Lien Nguyen
Site found Self
Description of item content This document outlines my practicum goals,
intended experiences, and research
objectives. It provides a comprehensive
overview of the research I wish to conduct,
detailing the specific areas of interest and
how this research aligns with my future
career aspirations.
How this item informs your goals significance By defining goals, it helps me stay focused.
in your Practicum/Internship experience. The proposal also explains my plan on
collecting data pieces that show the impact
my practicum will have on my overall goals
Acquisition Challenge Level (considering time, I would rate the acquisition of this item as a 3
effort, money, etc. on scale of easy = 1 to on the challenge level scale. It required some
difficult time and effort to develop the proposal, but
= 5) it was readily accessible.

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