Ar - Sem1 E2 - MCML

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Preparatoria No. 4

Mi Conexión al Mundo en otra Lengua

Profa. Dania Margarita Martínez Sánchez

Etapa 2

Jacqueline Estrada Sánchez


Grupo: 3 H

Presente Perfecto

We use present perfect to talk about actions that began in the past and continue in
the present. We use the auxiliary have or has and the past participle form of the
verb in the sentence structure.

Grammar structure
Affirmative Noun + aux have/has + verb (past participle) Complete form
I + have I have finished
He / She / It + has + finished She has finished
You/We/They + have You have finished
Negative Noun + aux have/has +not + verb (past Complete form
I + have I have not
He / She / It + has + not +finished He has not
You/We/They + have We have not
Interrogative Aux have/has + noun + verb (past participle) +? Complete form
Have +I Have I finished?
Has + he / she / it Has she finished?
Have +you/we/they +finished ? Have they

EVER, NEVER For a non-specific time before the present. The adverbs
ever and never are always before the main past participle
form of the verb.

We use ever only to make questions. We use never to talk

about things we have not done at any time in your life.
FOR, SINC We use for to talk about a period of time.

We use since to talk about a specific point in time.

JUST We use just to talk about actions that have happened a
short time ago.
It is always used after the auxiliary have/has.
ALREDY, YET We use already to talk about a non-specific time in the
past, when we use it to make questions. It is always after
the auxiliary have/has.
When we use already to make a question, it is always at
the end of it. We use yet to talk about things they we
haven’t done in the past until the present day. It is usually
at the end of the sentences and questions.

Order the following sentences correctly.

A. The governments to protect have laws animals African created

The African governments have created laws to protect animals.

B. Provided Greenpeace incentives has conservation incentives

economic conservation to encourage
Greenpeace has provided economic incentives to encourage conservation.

C. What Duct government decided has the to do?

What has the Dutch government decided to do?

D. Decomp have endangered elephants species an

Elephants have become an endangered species.

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