Unit 2 (Group 6)

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1 Definition of key terms /concepts

Our study has 3 key terms, which are vocabulary, flashcards, and memorization.
We chose these three key terms because they are keys to the field that we research
and study on the topic of "the positive effects of using flashcards in learning
vocabulary of English-majored freshmen at Faculty of Foreign Language in
Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City." On top of that, each of these key terms
plays an important role in our research when mining data about them.
2.1.1 Vocabulary
Vocabulary plays an important foundation in learning a language. Some people
always cultivate and improve their vocabulary, and others do not. They are
alarmed by the massive amounts of vocabulary, and they look to simply learn the
vocabulary they think are necessary for the process of learning a language. Experts
have researched this area and put forward a lot of different concepts below:
Firstly, according to education.vic.gov.au , Vocabulary refers to the understanding
of words, including their structure (morphology), use (grammar), meanings
(semantics), and connections to other words (word/semantic interactions.
Secondly, according to oxfordlearnersdictionaries . Vocabulary is all the words
that an individual knows or apply .
Thirdly, according to readingrockets, Vocabulary is known terms and their word
Then , according to Jim Scrivener, vocabulary normally refers to single words and
sporadically to highly closely connected pairs of two or three words (Learning

2.1.2 Flashcards
Vocabulary is very important in language learning, but understanding and
remembering it is very difficult for learners. And here, we want you to know about
a great tool for remembering vocabulary, which is flashcards. Flashcards are a
useful tool and suitable for all learners and here are some concepts from
researchers and experts.
Firstly, according to twinkl.com.vn, Flashcards are a study or memorisation tool,
with information on one or both sides.
Secondly, according to ‘LearningTeaching’ book, Flashcards is defined as English
learning teaching jargon for picture (or diagrams, words, etc) that you can show to
students, typically something you can hold up when standing in front of the whole
Finally, according to teachmint.com, Flashcards are small note cards used to test
and improve memory by performing practical knowledge recovery. Besides that,
Flashcards are usually double-sided, with clues on one side and clue information
on the other side. Flashcards can include phrases, vocabulary, theories, or
techniques. Flashcards have many benefits, they can be used in a class, and they
are used to identify, practice, or modify a vocabulary or grammatical structure. Use
it as a tester of knowledge, supplement, or outline for a related class.
Following the research on the positive effects of using flashcards in learning
vocabulary of E-majored freshmen at IUH, Flashcards is defined as English
learning teaching jargon for pictures (or diagrams, words, etc) that you can show to
students, typically something you can hold up when standing in front of the whole
class, that’s the clearest definition.
With support from the flashcards tool, memorization is an important activity in
vocabulary learning. Memorization helps you to improve your vocabulary, collect
many new words, and gain new knowledge in learning the language. There are
some definitions of the term memorization as follows:
Firstly, according to the Merriam-webster dictionary, memorization is defined as
the act or process in which people memorize something, a transfer information of
something into long-term memory.
Cambridge dictionary’s definition of memorization is that memorization is the act
or process of people learning something in order that they will remember it
Black Harvard, a psychology teacher, also supposed that memorization is
considered as a fundamental skill which helps build students’ understanding of
something, before their creations and innovations. The act of remember
background knowledge is essential as a foundation for students to develop and
discover further information.
To summarize, memorization can be considered the process of remembering
something that is done to store in memory so that we can later recall information,
words, images, hearing or tactics when learning english.

2.2 Previous research

2.2.1 Improving students’ vocabulary mastery using flashcards
According to a group of researchers from Sebelas Maret University including
Yosephus, Joko, and Hefy, they conducted a study entitled "Improving Students'
Vocabulary Mastering Using Flashcards" in 2012. The researchers had defined the
aim of this research to improve students' vocabulary mastery and students'
motivation using flashcards. To undertake this study, they chose the fourth-grade
students of SD Negeri II Watugung in the academic year 2011 and 2012, who had
problems in mastering vocabulary from their previous learning. To find out if the
method using the flash card is effective, they used a popular method in the study -
classroom action research. In this study, the researchers adopted both quantitative
and qualitative methods. In particular, qualitative methods aim to understand the
process of teaching and learning vocabulary, and quantitative methods aim to
determine the degree of effectiveness achieved from the use of flashcards to
improve students' vocabulary mastery. The researchers interviewed, observed, and
gathered information from documents for qualitative data collection, pre-test and
post-tests providing quantitative data.

After having analyzed the research results from qualitative and quantitative data,
the researchers gained several findings which answered the problem statement in
the introduction. First of all, there is a significant improvement in the level of
fourth-grade students’ vocabulary mastery. The students’ mean scores in
vocabulary gradually rose from a pre-test to two post-tests. This indicates the
students were able to understand the meaning of words and use references
correctly. Next, there is a dramatic improvement in students’ participation in the
learning process. In the first cycle, students tend to pay attention to the lesson
attentively and take part in learning activities in an active way. However, students
still spelled and pronounced the words incorrectly, moreover, they were not
interested in doing the group tasks. In contrast, the students were more responsible
for doing group tasks when using flashcards in the second cycle, they also
improved their spelling and pronunciation. After the second cycle, two interviewed
students responded that they enjoyed learning English using flashcards. In
conclusion, from the students’ mean scores, the level of students’ vocabulary
mastery rose when using flashcards as the main media learning and teaching
English. Moreover, the researchers concluded that students’ motivation in learning
English improved when using flashcards.
2.2.2 Using flashcards to improve students’ vocabulary
According to Aisyah and Gina Sonia's research on using flash cards to improve
student’s vocabulary in 2020 . The research to improve and increase the
advancement in learning English of the seventh-grade students of junior high
school in Katapang. In this study, the author chose the second semester because
students already know about English vocabulary. In addition, students have also
begun to read and combine words into sentences. This study used Action Research
in the classroom. As stated by Gregory, Kemmis and McTaggart (in Richard,
2000:12), as cited by Argawati, & Syahrizal, (2016) action research is used to refer
to teacher-initiated classroom investigation which seek to increase the teacher’s
understanding of classroom teaching and learning, and to bring about change in
classroom practices.According to Kemmis and Taggary , 1988 basic component to
design Class Action Research, there are four steps, namely : planning, acting,
observing and reflecting in one cycle. And this research consist of pre-test, cycle 1
and cycle 2. And the results seen from the students pre- test and post-test in the
cycle 1 , it’s score of pre-test were 57.50 and the mean score of cycle 1 were 79.50.
It mean pre-test the student could be categorized as poor and their vocabulary was
very low. After the survey, based on observations and tests in the second cycle, the
students scored 87.50. Thereby, the researcher was able to determine that the
student's vocabulary proficiency has increased. Most students can answer the
question correctly. The student's vocabulary score increased. Based on the analysis,
it can be seen that students can improve their scores through using flashcards to
improve learning English vocabulary.

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