C-21 BCSL Lab Manual Experiments Pages 1 UNIT

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Create and save a document using MS-Word

Aim/Objective: Creating and saving a document using MS-Word
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-Office
as application software
Theory/Procedure: Ms- Word is a Part of MS-Office which is application Software enables you to write,
edit and print text you desire

To Create a Document

 Click on start.
 Click on All programs.
 Click on Microsoft office.
 Click on Microsoft office word 2007.
 Now a MS-Word window will be opened like the following

To enter text

 Entering text (Use your keyboard keys to type the text that you want)

To save the document

 Click on office button

 Click on save
 A dialog box opens asking for the file name and location

 Enter the desired file name in beside file name and select the place/location
 Now click on save button (your document will be saved)

To close the document

 Click on x button in the top right corner to close ms-word

Result: I understood how to create and save a document using MS-Word

Format the Text document
Aim/Objective: Formatting the text document
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-Office
as application software
Theory/Procedure: Formatting the text in a document is the process of enhancing text appearance by
using different options like font face, font size, colour, alignments, bullets etc.

Microsoft word provides different types of formatting

1. Character or font formatting
2. Paragraph formatting
3. Document or page formatting
4. Section formatting

If you want to change the characters/font

 Select the text you want to change the style, click on font face in font formatting tool bar.
 Select any style in the drop down menu to apply it on the text
 If you want to change the size of the characters select the text you want to change the size, click
on font size in font formatting tool bar then select the size.
 If you want to represent the words as heading
 Select the text you want to change a heading, click on B in font formatting tool bar.
 If you want to represent the words as definition
 Select the text you want to change and definitions, click on I in font formatting tool bar.
 If you want to underline the words
 Select the text you want to underline click on U in font formatting tool bar.

The above is the font/text formatting tool bar

From the text formatting option, the size of the text may be changed like this.

Result: From this experiment, I learnt how to change the text size(formatting) and some other
options on text
Change the page set-up and Insert Header/Footer
Aim/Objective: Changing the page set-up and Inserting Header/Footer
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-Office
as application software

To change the page set-up: Page set-up may include different options like page size,
orientation, margins etc.

 Click on Page Layout

 Click on orientation
 Select either Portrait or landscape
 The page automatically adjusted
 You can also find here margins or size or any other

You can also familiarize with paragraph formatting tool bar

 To align the Para to left, click on left align.

 To align Para to right, click on right align.
 To align the Para to center, click on center align.
 To align Para to whole line, click on justify.
 To create a list with bullets, click on bullet list.
 To create a list with numbers, click on numerical list.
 To create a list with multi numbers, click on multi-level list.
 To decrease spacing to the left click on decrease indent.
 To increase the spacing to the left click on increase indent.
 To sort selected data into ascending or descending order, click on sort .
To insert Header

 Click on insert ribbon

 Click on Header in Header and footer pane
 Select the type of Header you want to insert
 Now enter the text to be displayed as header
 Now created header will be applied to every page in the document
 If you want to delete header click on remove header

To insert Footer

 Click on insert ribbon

 Click on Footer in Header and Footer pane
 Select the type of footer you want to insert
 Now enter the text to be displayed as footer
 Now created footer will be applied to every page in the document
 If you want to delete footer click on removed footer

Result: From this experiment, I learnt how to Change the page set-up and Insert Header/Footer
Spell checking in the document
Aim/Objective: Checking the spelling of the words in the document
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-Office
as application software
Theory/Procedure: Spell check is a prominent feature of Ms- Word which will check for all spelling
mistakes in the document & also suggests you the appropriate spelling of it. Spelling mistakes are
indicated by red color wavy line.

 After typing the hole document or in b/w when you want to check the spelling mistakes
in your document
 Click on the standard tool bar and click on spelling and grammar or click on Review and
then click on Spelling and Grammar or Click on F7, A dialog box appears suggested
correct words in the second column.
 You can change and correct the word by clicking an appropriate word or you can
change all and correct all the Occurrences’ of the same word by clicking on appropriate
word or
 You can click on Ignore once, the mistake and let spelling be the same or
 You can ignore all Occurrences of the spelling without checking or you can add to
dictionary the word if it is truly a correct spelling because computer known all the
dictionary words
Grammar check :

• Grammar check is a feature of Ms- word which will check for all grammatical mistakes in
the document and also suggests you the appropriate grammar of it or advices to consider it
grammatical mistakes are indicated by green colour wavy lines

• After the whole document or in between when you want to check for grammatical

mistakes in your document

• click on the standard tool bar and click on spelling & grammar ABC or type F7

• A dialog box appears with the mistake in the first column and suggestions in the second


• You can ignore once the mistake and let the grammar be the same or

• You can ignore rule Occurrences to the mistake without checking or

• You can go to next sentence without resolving this or

• You can change the sentence according to the given suggestion or let word explain about

the grammar

Result: From this experiment, I came to know about grammar and spelling check
Print the document
Aim/Objective: Printing the document
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-Office
as application software
Theory/Procedure: Choose a paper size

 Click on page layout tab

 Click on size in page setup
 Various sizes of paper such as letter,A4,legal,A3,B4,B5 and custom size pages etc., with
their dimensions mentioned will be available
 Select a page of your wish
Print preview before printing the document.

 Click on Office button

 Click on the arrows besides print option
 Click on the Print preview
 Now the whole document will be visualized into pages which are ready to get printed
 Click on print to directly print the document
 Click on options to select printing options such as display options, formatting marks and
printing options
 Click on margins to set the margins to the top, bottom, inside and outside with respect
to the paper as per your need
 Click on orientation to select the page orientation either portrait or landscape
 Click on size to select the paper sizes A4, A3, B4, B5, letter, legal or custom size on which
the document is to be printed
Printing the document

 Click on office button

 Click on print
 The dialog Box will be opened
 In the printer category you can find
Printer Name: Name of the printer from which the print out is to be taken.
Status: Status of the printer whether it is Idle, Printing, stopped or paused
Type: Type of the printer with its full name.
Where: To which part the printer is connected to.
Properties button: Enables you to select the paper and the paper source.
Find printer: To find the printer you want amongst the connected printers.
 In the page range category you can find.
All radio button: To print all pages in the document.
Current page radio button: To print the only the page where current is in.
Selection radio button: To print only the content which is selected by the user
Pages ratio button: To print the designed pages randomly. i.e., type in the page numbers
separating them with comma , if you want to specify a range of pages type them as start
page-end page.
Ex:2,5,6,7,8,12,15 or 2,5,8,12,15

 In the copies category you can find.

Number of Copies: How many number of print outs you want for the document. By default it is
to increase click on up arrows, to decrease click on down arrow or click on it and type in the
number of copies.
Collate: Select this checkbox to print multiple copies of the document like sets rather than
printing every single paper in the document several types.
Print what: will enable to print the document or had outs or headers as per your interest.
 In the zoom category you can find.
Pages per sheet: How many pages in the document are to be printed in a single paper as per
the user convenience. Several pages can be printed on a single paper.
Scale to paper size: whether to scale the document to fit to the paper size or not to scale or
scale to a defined percentage.
 After selecting the desired options click on OK to get the hard copy from the printer

Result: From this experiment, I learnt how to print a document, page setting and different views of a

Create main document and data file for mail merging

Aim/Objective: Creating a main document and data file for mail merging
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-
Office as application software
Theory/Procedure: Mail merge is one of the most prominent features of MS- Word which allows you to
send the same letter to various addresses at the same time without retyping or Copying the letter. This is
very useful when you have to send personalized invitations, notices etc, to multiple persons.

Mail merge will merge two files into one file i.e., one is the document file which Contains the letter you
desire to send and the other is a database file which Contains the name and addresses of the recipients.

Create Mailing Letters

Mail Merge is a 6 steps procedure through which you will be directed by word.

 Click on Mailing tab

 Click start Mail Merge
 Click step by step mail merge wizard
Step 1: Select Document Type

 In the Mail Merge task Pane, click Letters. This will allow you to send letters to a group of people
and personalize the results of the letter that each person receives
 Click Next: starting document.
Step 2: Select the starting document

Click one of the following options:

 Use the current document : Use the currently open document as your main document
 Start from a Template: Select one of the ready-to-use mail merge templates.
Start from existing Document: Open an existing document to use as your mail merge main
 In the mail merge task Pane, click next: Select recipients.
Step 3: Select Recipients

When you open or create a data source by using the Mail Marge Wizard, you are telling word to use a
Specific Set of variable information for your merge. Use one of the following methods to attach the main
document to the data Source.

Method 1: Use an existing list.

To use an existing data source, follow these steps.

 In Mail merge task Fane, click use an existing list

 In the Use an existing list section, click Browse.
 In the Select data Source dialog box, select the files that Contains the variable information that
you want to use, and then click open
 Word displays the mail Merge Recipients dialog box: You Can Sort and edit your data if you
want to.
 Click ok to return to the main document.
 Save the main document.
When you save the main document at this point, you are also saving the data Source a and

attaching the data source to the main document.

• Type the name that you want to give to your main document and then click save

Method 2: Select from outlook contacts

Method 3: Create data base of names and address

 Click on Type a new list

 Click on Create a new recipient list
 Add address do you wish send a letter
 Click on ok
 Give the file name and click on save
 Click on Next: Write your letter
Step 4: Write your letter

In this step, you set up your main document.

 Type or add any text and graphics that you want to include in your letter
 Add the field Codes where you want the variable information. or to appear in the Mail Merge
task pane, you have four options:
Address Block: Use this option to insert a formatted address.

Greeting Line: Use this option to insert a formatted salutation

Electronic Postage: Use this option to insert electronic postage

Note: This option requires that you have a postage software Program installed on your


 More Items: Use this option to insert individual merge fields. when you click more items, the
insert merge field dialog box appears
Make sure that Your Cursor is where you want to insert. The information from your data source

before you click more items

 When you finish editing the main document, click Save or save as on the file menu.
Name the file and then click save. To proceed to the next step , click next :preview your letters

Step 5: Preview your Letters.

This step allows you to Preview your merged data, one letter at a time. You can also make changes to
your recipient list or Personalize individual letters.

To proceed to the next step, click Next: Complete the merge.

Step 6: Complete the merge.

This step merges the variable information with the form letter. You can output the merge result by using
either of the following options.

Print: Select this option to send the merged document directly to the Printer. You will not be able to view
the document on Your Screen.

Edit Individual Letters: select this option to merged document on your Screen.

Here Completes Mail Merge of MS – Word

Result: From this experiment, I learnt how to create letters to multiple people using mail merge
Print the document with mail merging
Aim/Objective: Printing the document with mail merging
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-Office
as application software
Theory/Procedure: We should create a mail-merging document first. Latter we can print it.

To create a mail merge document, follow the following steps

Step 1: Select Document Type

Step 2: Select the starting document

Step 3: Select Recipients

Step 4: Write your letter

Step 5: Preview your Letters.

Step 6: Complete the merge

Click print to print the letters in step- 6 of mail Merge wizard

A dialog box will appear.

Decide if you want to print All of the letters, the current document ( record ), or only a select
group, then click OK.

The print dialog box will appear.

Adjust the print settings if needed, then click OK. The letters will be printed

Result: From this experiment, I learnt how to print a document with mail merging
Create a table in the document
Aim/Objective: Creating a table in the document
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-
Office as application software
Theory/Procedure: Table is the most prominent way to represent Sorted data. Ms- Word allows you to
draw tables and alter its size appearance, in whatever way you want. A table consists of rows and
Columns. Combination of a row and column is called as a cell. Data can be entered into cells. It is
important to have a Hard Cory of a document in Combination with a soft Copy. To create a hard Cory we
use Print feature of MS-Word when the user is provided with a Printer.

To Create a Table
 Put your Cursor in the area where you want to draw a table
 Click in Insert in the Menu bar
 Click on Table option
 Drag the mouse along the desired number of rows and Columns
 Release the mouse

 Now an empty table will be created in your document as per your specifications
Create a Table Using Insert Table

 Put your Cursor in the area where you want to draw a table.
 Click in Insert in the Menu Bar
 Click on Insert Table.
 Enter the number of rows and Column in the dialog opened.
 You can also set width of the Columns as per the text or Can Specify it in inches.
 click on ok button
 Now an empty table will be created in your document as for Your Specifications.

Create a Table Using 'Draw table'

The Peculiarity of Draw Table is that this option will enable you to create lines in any angle.
 Put your Cursor in the area where you want to draw a table
 Click in Insert in the Menu Bar.
 Click on Draw Table.
 Now Your Cursor appears as a Pencil.
 Draw your table with the Pencil as you just draw it on a Paper.
 If you want to delete any lines, click on Draw Borders click on Eraser and Point that eraser on the
line and check on it to delete that line.

Now start typing in your table the cursor will be back from pencil

Result: From this experiment, I learnt how to create a Table

Add row, column to a table
Aim/Objective: Adding row, column to a table
Equipment required: A desktop computer with Windows as an Operating System and MS-Office
as application software

Adding Rows to a Table

 Position the Cursor and select the cell where you want to add rows.
 Right click the mouse.
 Click on Insert in the pop-up menu.
 Click on Insert Rows above or Insert Rows Below as per your need.

 Now the rows will be added as per your requirement.

Adding Columns in a Table

 Position the Cursor and select the Cell where you want to add
 Right click the mouse.
 Click on Insert in the POP-UP menu...
 Click on Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right as per your need.
 Now the Columns will be added as per your requirement.
Delete Cells in a Table

 Select the Cells which you want to delete by dragging on them.

 Right click the mouse.
 Click on Delete Cells in the Pop-up menu.
 Now the Selected cells will be deleted...

Result: From this experiment, I learnt how to add rows and columns to a table

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