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Name: Krisha Tenegra BPEd 3-B

Module 7 Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Use of Technology

Tools and Resources

Activity A. My Digital Tattoo

Your interaction with others online shows your identity. Your online social identity is your
“digital tattoo”. A digital tattoo refers to the record of your actions and communications online
and its permanence, like a physical tattoo. Looking back at how you engage in activities online,
what kind of digital citizen were you? Reflect on this and draw your tattoo inside the box.
Explain your illustration.

The tattoo consists of a small circle with two arrows pointing in opposite directions, one on each
side of the circle. Inside the circle, there are two letters: "DC" (for Digital Citizen). The arrows
represent the two sides of my digital presence - the things I put out into the world (e.g. posts,
comments, messages) and the things I take in (e.g. news, information, opinions). The circle
symbolizes the interconnectedness of these two sides and the permanent record they create.

This design is simple and can be easily adapted to fit different styles and preferences. It serves as a
reminder of the importance of being mindful of our online actions and communications, and the
lasting impact they can have on our digital identity.
Activity B. Internet Etiquette

Directions: Discuss your own internet guideline with your peer. Put together your individual
work and create a peer internet etiquette.


1. Be respectful:
Treat others online as you would like to be treated in person. Avoid using language
that is derogatory or offensive, and do not attack or belittle others.

2. Be mindful of others' privacy:

Do not share personal information about others without their consent. Respect
others' privacy, and do not share personal information about yourself that could be
used to harm you.

3. Be aware of your tone:

When communicating online, it can be easy to misinterpret tone. Be aware of how
you sound, and avoid using all caps or excessive exclamation marks, which can come
across as aggressive.

4. Be mindful of your audience:

Think about who your message is intended for and what effect it may have on them.
Avoid making assumptions about people based on their race, gender, religion, or
other personal characteristics.

5. Be aware of cyberbullying:
Do not engage in cyberbullying, which is the use of the internet to harass or bully
others. If you witness cyberbullying, report it to the appropriate authorities.

6. Be responsible:
Do not use the internet to spread false information or to engage in illegal activities.
Use the internet in a responsible and legal manner.

7. Be aware of scams:
Be cautious of emails or messages that ask for personal information, such as
passwords or bank account details. If something seems too good to be true, it
probably is.

8. Be aware of your digital footprint:

Remember that everything you post online is permanent and can be seen by anyone.
Think carefully before posting anything online, and do not post anything that you
would not want to be associated with in the future.

9. Be mindful of copyright laws:

Do not use copyrighted material without permission. If you want to use someone
else's work, make sure you have their permission or that you are using it in a way that
falls under fair use laws.
10. Be tolerant:
Finally, be tolerant of others' opinions and beliefs, even if you do not agree with
them. The internet is a diverse and complex place, and we can all learn from each
other if we approach each other with an open mind and respect.


1. Respect others privacy:

A good digital citizen should not give personal information online because it is
dangerous. It is important to put your safety all the time, being careful with
passwords, whereabouts,conversations and personal informations.

2. Be accurate and factual:

It is important to include credible sources especially when sharing it in front of the
class or peers to avoid being the victim of false information.

3. Be as polite as you are in person:

It is important to be polite when communicating to other people. To shows respect
and at the same time to have a better relationship to one another.

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