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Try to find 16 popular songs in the puzzle. List down the titles of the song you are familiar with.
Tell whether it is a TAGALOG, ILOCANO, KAPAMPANGAN and BICOLANO. Write the title on the
table below the puzzle.

1. Are you familiar with given songs in this activity? Student response: Yes, ma’am!
2. How did they become familiar to you? Student response: Heard from friends ma’am.
3. Have you tried singing those songs before? How was it? Student response: Yes ma’am, it
was fun.
4. Do you like listening to those type of song? Why or why not? Student response: Some,
because its catchy beats.
Instruction: Perform a folk song that is different from your native tongue. Refer to the rubrics
for performance guide. Record your performances using your cellphone or other media devices
and submit it your facilitator through messenger, e-mail or other media platforms.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Musical 3 musical 2 elements of the Only 1 element of The song was
elements elements of the song were the song was sung in its
folk song were performed based performed based original form
performed based on the moods and on the moods
on the moods theme of the song and theme of the
and theme of the song
Creativity The song was The song was sung The song was The song was
sung with a live either canned sung with canned plainly sung in
accompaniment accompaniment or accompaniment acapella with no
with simple acapella and with with no embellishments
embellishments simple embellishments (choreography,
(choreography, embellishments (choreography, props,
props, costumes) (choreography, props, costumes) costumes)
props, costumes)
Mastery The song was The lyrics was The lyrics was The lyrics was
flawlessly memorized but memorized but memorized
performed there are evident there is no (either sung
(memorized lyrics mistakes in the choreography without
and steps) execution of the mistakes but
choreography with a copy or
without a copy
but mistakes
were evident in


 Learn the Lyrics: Understand the song's meaning by learning the lyrics and their
 Explore the Culture: Research the song's cultural background and historical significance.
 Emote with Authenticity: Connect emotionally with the song, conveying its emotions
through your performance.
 Respect Phrasing and Diction: Pay attention to the unique rhythms and pronunciation
of the language.
 Avoid Stereotypes: Approach the song with sensitivity, avoiding cultural
 Practice Regularly: Rehearse consistently to deliver a polished and confident

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