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West Visayas State University

Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines

Detailed Lesson for Art

Grade 7-1st Quarter
Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and Lowlands) Architectures


During and at the end of discussion, the grade 7 students must have:

a. Distinguished the different elements and principles of art used in architectures

from the highlands and lowlands of Luzon;

b. Created an artwork by using the different designs from the distinct art objects of
the highlands and lowlands of Luzon; and

c. Reflected the architectures from the highlands and lowlands of Luzon by

determining the proper use of elements and principles of arts and how it reflects its


 The learner know the salient features of the arts of Luzon (highlands and
lowlands) by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes
among culturally diverse communities in the country


 The learner derives elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s

artwork. (A7PR-If-2)
 The learner shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific areas
of the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise, and
availability of resources. (A7PR-If-3)


Topic: Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and Lowlands) Architectures.

 Music and Art 7, Lourdes R. Siobal, “Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and
Lowlands)” in Music and Artrs Learner’s Material-Grade 7, (Department of
Education ,2017),146,147,152,153
Materials: Music and Art 7, TV monitor, laptop, speaker, MAPEH Activity notebook, Art Materials
and cell phone.
Value Focus: Understanding and Appreciation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine


Everybody stands up. Can I request Cristy, Cristy: Okay Ma’am. Classmates are you
to lead our prayer? ready to pray.
Students: Yes, we are.

All: “In the name of the father…AMEN.”

2. Greetings
Good morning, Grade 7! Good morning, Sir! Good morning,

Before you take your seats kindly pick up Christine: Noted, Sir!
the trashes you see inside the classroom
and put it in the trash bin.

How are you today? Feeling great? Jenhel: Feeling great and alive, Sir!

3. Checking of Attendance. (Christine raised her hand) Christine: I am

Who is the class secretary? the class secretary, Sir!

Okay great, kindly check your classmates Christine: Nobody’s absent today, Sir.
who are absent today.

Very good! Let’s give ourselves a round of All students clapped their hands.
applause for a perfect attendance.

3. Classroom Management

Let us recall first our classroom rules and

regulation. Do you still remember the LPG? -Yes, Teacher.

LPG stands for?

Listen attentively, Participate actively and Give

B. Motivation

At this point we are going to watch a video:

So what particular region is being presented in Rosmar: It’s Luzon, teacher.

the screen?

Very good, Rosmar.

So, what do you think the video portrays Khea: It’s the arts and crafts of Luzon.

Very good, Khea you are correct.

So the video tells about the Arts and Crafts of

Luzon and how we Filipino’s are rich in culture,
arts and tradition.
C. Recall

Let’s recall what you’ve learned from your

Grade 6 Art, let’s do a picture analysis. We
are going to analyse what Element of Art
are present in the picture.

(Main Building of the University of Santo


In elements of art what kind of shape is/are Janice: Rectangular shape.

present in the picture?

Very good, Janice.

What complementary colors are present in Cristy: The complementary color present in
the picture? the picture are orange and blue.

Very good, Cristy.

How about the space, can you see space in Albert: I can see space in the picture, teacher.
the picture? Where are the foreground, The foreground is the floor and the tree,
middle ground, and background? which are nearest to me, the middle ground is
the building itself, and the background is the
Very good, Albert.

Let’s clap our hand guys 3 times for those who

participate in our discussion. (Everybody clapped their hands)
D. Lesson Proper

Class are you now ready for our 1 st activity? Yes, teacher.

Our 1st activity is entitled “What Stone I


Direction: There are jumbled letters inside

each box. Re-arrange the letters to form a
word that will name the picture opposite to
it. This will unlock the pictures to be able to
reach your destination. Write your answer
on a separate sheet.

Nessie: Bricks
Congratulations everyone! It seems that you Dave: Coral Stone
got all the correct answer about the
different kinds of stone used in making a Jane: Quarried Stone
historical house or building.
Vincent: Milestone

However class, are you familiar with the

materials illustrated in the screen? What made
you identify them easily?

That’s good, Nessie.

Where can you find those materials?

Nessie: I am familiar with the materials that

Good, Bea. illustrated in the screen. I identify them easily
through the picture given and the words to
What structures can be made with those arrange.

Very good, Marielle.

Bea: Some materials like bricks and coral
Those materials can be seen in our locality, stone can be found from old churches.
which is why they were commonly used by
our ancestors to build houses and churches
due to their availability and abundant
supply. I believe that we are now ready to Marielle: The materials can be made such as
start our lesson for today. houses and churches.


Our lesson for today is all about the

Creation of Arts and Crafts of Luzon
(Highlands and Lowlands) Architectures

(Present the video presentation)

The content of the video:

There are different kinds of materials which

can be used in building a house but there
are also things to consider especially the
location where we will build it.

Let’s see the wonder of the architectures of

highlands and lowlands of Luzon.
Calle Crisologo also called The Heritage
Village in Vigan, Ilocos Sur is narrow and
cobble-stoned street touches from Spanish
colonial architecture.

Alongside of its streets are the old Spanish-

type houses which have huge, high-pitched
roofs, large and rectangular living rooms
that are made of adobe, bricks, lime,
terracotta, hardwood floors, and capiz
window panels. They used mortared bricks
and stones for the first floor walls, while the
second floors were made largely of timber.

They believed that this kind of structure

proved to weather earthquakes and storms
better and can be seen in the preserved
houses of Vigan.

Ivatans’ Houses in Batanes Group of

Islands have unique architectural forms.
Walls are made of limestones with reed and
cogon roofs. Their houses are commonly
divided into two parts, the house proper and
the storage area or the kitchen. The main
house is made of lime and stones; it is the
larger area. The kitchen or storage area is
usually made of wood and thatch. The
ceiling is significantly lowered around 1.60-
2.00 meters high only and has smaller
openings for door and window to preserve
the temperature warm on its interiors.

The structure, design and materials are

chosen because they are strong enough to
withstand the numerous typhoons and
earthquakes that hit the group of Islands
because of its geographic location.

Another amazing architecture in Luzon is the

San Matias Parish Church or commonly
known as Tumauini Church in
municipality of Tumauini, Isabela. It is
an ultra- baroque church architecture and
well- known for its extensive use of red
bricks. It also ornamented with carvings of
flowers, leaves, scallops, saints, religious
symbols and other fanciful motifs.

The façade is flanked by two pseudo-

Corinthian columns and niches, one located
above the entrance and the two remaining
larger niches on each side of the columns.
The cylindrical belfry of the church looks like
a huge wedding cake because of its design
motifs like laces, hearts and beads.

Subic Spanish Gate in Olongapo City,

Zambales has high walls made from
locally-quarried stone connected to the
south gate that faced the waterfront. This
also served as the West Gate of the arsenal
and faced the Spanish-era settlement of
Olongapo. It was used as prison facility,
entrance and exit gate to the naval station
during the Spanish and American

The San Andres Apostol Parish in

Masinloc, Zambales is known for the use
of coral stones instead of adobe. The front
of the church is divided into the triangular
pediment: two horizontal sections and three
vertical ones. Church façade is mostly a
semi gothic style with Neo-classic
structures. The saints’ are placed on the
first level, windows with rectangular shapes
on the second, and decorative carved niche
of the patron saint and geometric carving
and medallions on the pediment.

The architrave was decorated with triglyphs

between the pediment and the second level
which gives a classical appearance to the
church. The front of the church is divided
into the triangular pediment: two horizontal
sections and three vertical ones. Its belfry is
composed of circular columns topped by a
lantern and a cross.

The elements of art have played a crucial

role in creating distinctive architectural
designs that reflect the history and culture
of the people of Luzon, the largest island in
the Philippines. The elements of art, such as
form, line, space, color, and texture, are
essential building blocks in the architectural
process. Here's how they have contributed
to the creation of distinct architectural
designs in Luzon:

1. Form: The overall form or shape of a

building is influenced by the
architectural style prevalent in a
particular region. In Luzon, various
architectural styles have emerged
over the centuries, each with its
unique form and character. For
example, the traditional Ifugao huts
with their pyramid-like thatched roofs
differ significantly from the Spanish
colonial-inspired Baroque churches
found in some areas of Luzon.

2. Line: Lines in architectural design can

create visual direction and emphasis.
Different styles of architecture use
lines in varying ways. In Luzon, you
may find curved lines in the ornate
wood carvings of the Ifugao and
Cordilleran peoples, while straight
and vertical lines dominate the
facades of Spanish colonial churches
like the San Agustin Church in

3. Space: The manipulation of space in

architectural design can create a
sense of openness or enclosure,
which affects the overall ambiance of
a structure. The concept of "Bahay
Kubo" (nipa hut) in Luzon, an open
and airy dwelling with bamboo and
thatch construction, reflects the
Filipino value of communal living and
connection with nature.

4. Color: Colors in architecture can

evoke emotions and cultural
symbolism. In some parts of Luzon,
vibrant and lively colors are used to
represent local festivities and the
Filipino people's joyful nature. In
contrast, earthy tones and natural
materials are more prevalent in
traditional designs, connecting
buildings with their natural

5. Texture: The use of different

textures in architectural elements can
add depth and visual interest to a
structure. Traditional Philippine
architecture often incorporates
natural textures, like bamboo, wood,
and stone, which provide a sense of
authenticity and cultural identity.

By combining these elements in unique

ways, architects in Luzon have created
architectural designs that tell the stories of
the region's history, culture, and values.
These buildings serve as tangible
representations of the Philippines' diverse
heritage and are an integral part of the
cultural identity of the people of Luzon.

IV. Generalization

What are the historical places mentioned in Janice: The architectures of Luzon, which are
the discussion or video? Calle Crisologo, Ivatans Houses, Tumauini
Church, Subic Spanish Gate, and San Andres
Apostol Church.

Thank you, Janice you’re right.

Can you give me the materials they used? Francis: The materials they used are: bricks,
adobe, quarried stone, limestone, coral stone
Yes, you’re correct Francis.
Christine: The elements of art, such as line,
How did the elements of art create shape, color, texture, and form, play a crucial
distinctive architectural designs that role in creating distinctive architectural designs
describe the history and culture of people? that reflect the history and culture of people.
Through the skillful use of these elements,
architects can convey the values, beliefs, and
aesthetic preferences of a particular culture.
The choice of lines and shapes can symbolize
cultural motifs, while colors and textures can
evoke local traditions and materials, ultimately
resulting in architectural designs that are
deeply rooted in the heritage and identity of a

A very well said Christine…

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and

understanding in our class.
No, teacher.
Is there any question regarding on our
lesson for today?
V. Application


In this activity you will use your creativity,

imagination, and appreciation by creating/
constructing your own miniature. You may use
different kinds of materials to make your
miniature more durable through incorporating
the designs, and forms of the highland and
lowland object in your creation. The one below
is an example of paper house. You may follow
the steps given however you can still craft
your own architectural forms (miniature
cardboard house, mini vintage wooden house,
churches, landmarks and other architectural

Okay, let’s start.

 Pencil
 Printed materials
 Pen or marker
 Paper
 Glue
 Scissors
 Cutter
 Coloring materials
 Other materials for decorations

Note: You may use this picture as your

reference or printed material
VI. Evaluation

A. Complete the following statements by

supplying the right word/s from the
box below. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

Calle Crisologo 1. Old Spanish-type houses

in ____________________ have huge, high-
pitched roofs, large and rectangular living
rooms that are made of adobe, bricks, lime,
terracotta, hardwood floors, and capiz
window panels.
San Andres Apostolic Parish Church 2.
____________________ is known for the
use of coral stones instead of adobe.
Ivatans’ Houses 3. ____________________
walls are made of lime stones with reed and
cogon roofs.
Spanish Gate 4. ____________________
has high walls made from locally-quarried
Tumauini Church 5. ____________________
is made from red bricks ornamented with
carvings of flowers, leaves, scallops, saints,
religious symbols and other fanciful motifs.

B. Read the following statements in column

A and match it with column B. Write the
letter of the best answer.

F 6. In Batanes Group of Islands, these
materials are chosen because they are
strong enough to withstand the numerous
typhoons and earthquakes that hit the group
of Islands because of its geographic

H 7. San Andres Apostol Parish belfry is

composed of _______________ topped by a
lantern and a cross.

A 8. It was used as prison facility, entrance

and exit gate to the naval station during the
Spanish and American occupations.

G 9. Calle Crisologo in Vigan, Ilocos Sur is

narrow and _______________ street
touches from the Spanish colonial

C 10. The cylindrical belfry of Tumauini

Church looks like a _______________
because of its design motifs like laces,
hearts and beads.

D 11. This principle of arts can be observed

in the street of Calle Crisologo

B 12. This Material is used in the windows of

the houses in Vigan

E 13. This is a kind of balance observed in

the Spanish Gate.

J 14. This is a common form of the belfry of

Tumauini Church and San Andres Apostrolic

I 15. One factor in choosing the right

materials of the architecture is

A. Spanish Gate

B. Capiz

C. Huge wedding cake

D. Pattern

E. Symmetrical

F. Limestones, reed and cogon

G. Cobbled-stoned

H. Circular columns

I. Geographic location/surroundings

J. Cylindrical/ cylinder

K. Square
VII. Assignment

This time, try enriching your learning

through this another fun-filled assignment.
This for sure is just an easy task for you!

Directions: Using the diagram below,

accomplish the given activity by writing the
5 importance of the elements or principles
of the featured architectures in Luzon. Write
its importance in the given parts of the
diagram. Then, respond to the following
questions below. Do this activity on your
activity notebook.

1. How did you come up with the

importance of the elements in all the
featured architectures in Luzon?

2. Why do you think these elements/

principles are important? Explain.

3. How these elements contribute to the

physical appearance of the featured
architectures? Why do you say so?

Prepared by:

Ator, Jairo D.

Antiquiera, Cristy S.

Tenegra, Krisha

Robles, Hialeah S.

Guevarra, Janice Bianca V.

Demavivas, John Francis

Submitted to:

Prof. Shiela Ann Montero

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